Archive of articles published on the 26th of January 2009
Researchers identify risk factors for contralateral breast cancer
Unmet medical needs are most common among vulnerable children
Study examines risk factors for cancer in unaffected breast of breast cancer patients
Shoulder injuries in US high school athletes occur more often in boys
Unmasked and vulnerable
Frequent sex and masturbation in 20s and 30s linked to higher prostate cancer risk
Caution: Lose more than weight with imported diet pills
Consumers desire more genetic testing, but not designer babies
Scientists uncover new genetic variations linked to psoriasis
Climate change enhances grassland productivity
Trust your gut: Too much thinking leads to bad choices
Research identifies risk factors that affected World Trade Center evacuation
We're not buying it: Product add-ons influence consumer judgment
Rational or experiential? New study highlights differences in thinking styles
Mysteries of categorization: How consumers think about new products
Telemedicine can dramatically improve child sexual assault examinations in rural areas
'Birth control' for centrioles
Patients starting Parkinson's drug rasagiline earlier do better
Scientists identify bacteria that increase plant growth
New catalyst paves the path for ethanol-powered fuel cells
Security blankets: Materialism and death anxiety lead to brand loyalty
Shaken self-confidence? Certain products and activities can fix it
New survey results show huge burden of diabetes
Astronauts on International Space Station lose alarming amounts of hipbone strength
Common medication associated with cognitive decline in elderly
'Happiness gap' in the US narrows
Researchers identify 4 genetic hotspots associated with psoriasis
Hypertension and cholesterol medications present in water released into the St. Lawrence River
What's a little mold? Why consumers have different freshness standards at home
Cell phones dangerous for child pedestrians, UAB study finds
How does a dog walk? Surprisingly, many of us don't really know
Statins may treat blood vessel disorder that can lead to fatal strokes
New findings on old kidneys could enhance transplants, Stanford study shows
Remember that time? New study demystifies consumer memory
Gene therapy demonstrates benefit in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Was it the chicken salad or the swim?
New study: Short coverage lapses limit children's access to health care services
Substance use common among patients with TB, associated with treatment difficulties
Study compares exercise regimens for obese older adults
CSHL scientists find a new class of small RNAs and define its function
Cutting salt isn't the only way to reduce blood pressure
Helium rains inside jovian planets
The genes in your congeniality: Researchers identify genetic influence in social networks
New asthma research opposes current drug treatment, says UH prof
Comet impact theory disproved
Major immune system branch has hidden ability to learn
'Great speciators' explained: It's intrinsic
UT Southwestern researchers identify compound that frees trapped cholesterol
JCI table of contents: Jan. 26, 2009
Aspirin counteracts new mechanisms of acetaminophen-induced liver damage
Aspirin can prevent liver damage that afflicts millions, Yale study finds
Early childhood stress has lingering effects on health
Omega-6 fatty acids: Make them a part of heart-healthy eating
Statewide study confirms 'paperless' hospitals are better for patients
Study examines loop diuretic use and fractures in postmenopausal women
Gene may lead to early onset of brain tumor
Natural selection is not the only process that drives evolution
Move over, sponges