Archive of feed items published on the 26th of March 2014
Reaction to No Makeup Selfies Reveals How Most of Us Really Feel About Cosmetics (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Why Chocolate Really is the Secret to Happiness (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Scientists solve riddle of celestial archaeology from Physorg
Once Endangered, Bald Eagle Populations Soar from Live Science
The Mystery of Kaspar Hauser from Live Science
Lawsuit Could Save Thousands of Sea Turtles (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Tooth Sensitivity: Causes, Remedies & Treatment from Live Science
Italian Culture: Facts, Customs & Traditions from Live Science
Testers say federal health care website runs slow from AP Health
Your Blood Pressure May Be Up Because You're At The Doctor
Comet-probing robot to wake from hibernation from Physorg
A scholar who thinks globally and acts locally from MIT Research
Drake Equation: Estimating the Odds of Finding E.T. from
Developing World Boasts Leading Women Conservationists (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Candy Crush maker King in $500 mln Wall Street debut from Physorg
Living materials could grow products from BBC News: Science & Nature
Titia de Lange to receive Canada Gairdner International Award from The Rockefeller University
Ebola virus is scary, but ‘there are far worse diseases out there’ from CBC: Health
NASA measures snowpack in California, Colorado from AP Science
Snag delays arrival of crew at space station from Physorg
Great Alaska Earthquake shook Alaska 50 years ago from Physorg
A scholar who thinks globally and acts locally from Physorg
Undersea volcanoes, huge seas complicate MH370 search from Physorg
Titan Project explores the smallest building blocks of matter from Physorg
Andreessen skewers Buffett for doubting bitcoin from Physorg
Radio wristbands set to reduce risk of groups losing people from Physorg
Sentinel-1 controllers ready for hectic first days from Physorg
Chip-on-glass LCD drivers for high-resolution, vertical alignment displays from Physorg
Visual introductions to model organisms help researchers prepare for the lab from Physorg
How to look into the solar interior from Physorg
Japan robot suit firm lists on stock market from Physorg
New crew launches to space station to continue scientific research from Physorg
Sentinel-1 fuelled and ready from European Space Agency
VIDEO: Footage from inside a flying insect from BBC News: Science & Nature
Nanoparticle sensors detect drug damage in the liver from Chemistry World
Scientists Solve Riddle Of Whit Dwarf Celestial Archaeology
Goats Are Far More Clever Than Previously Thought
English students benefit more in two-language instructional programs than immersion from Physorg
Flood of dead pigs in China reservoir: report from Physorg
MtGox says co-operating with Tokyo police from Physorg
First images available from NASA-JAXA global rain and snowfall satellite from Physorg
Space station crew delayed in orbit from BBC News: Science & Nature
Danish zoo kills four healthy lions from BBC News: Science & Nature
Pony contraceptive scheme at risk from BBC News: Science & Nature
Honda smart home offers vision for zero carbon living from Physorg
Trading archives chart how Britain's taste for tea grew from Physorg
Automatic tracking of biological particles in cell microscopy images from Physorg
Yellowstone supervolcano unlikely to erupt for 1 to 2 million years from Physorg
Deal allows Tesla to sell cars in Ohio from Physorg
The altruistic side of aggressive greed: Study explains new twist in group cooperation from Physorg
New gadgets hope to hush Mumbai's incessant honking from Physorg
Racist language cuts across media, politicians and public from Physorg
Chaos-theory pioneer nabs Abel Prize from News @ Nature
See the Milky Way Galaxy Like Never Before in Stunning 360-Degree View (Video) from
Scientists film inside a flying insect from BBC News: Science & Nature
View on Migration: Help for traumatised children from SciDev
Pollution Killed 7 Million People Worldwide in 2012, Report Finds from NY Times Science
In Ocean of Mud, a Plea: Leave Me and Find My Wife from NY Times Science
Nitroglycerin, a Staple of Emergency Rooms, Is in Short Supply from NY Times Science
U.S. to Extend Sign-Up Period For Insurance from NY Times Science
Dot Earth Blog: A Bigger Nod to Uncertainty in the Next Climate Panel Report on Global Warming Impacts from NY Times Science
Don't let personal data escape your smartphone from Physorg
What's so hard about counting craters? (w/ video) from Physorg
Network news climate change stories rarely report both impact, action from Physorg
Students virtually dissect hologram-like 3-D cadaver from Physorg
Why bacteria are beautiful, and why we need them from Physorg
Nissan recalls nearly 990K vehicles for air bags from Physorg
Scientists develop silicon cells capable of absorbing infrared radiation from the sun from Physorg
Astronaut Ready to Take 3D Printing Into the Final Frontier (Video) from
Indie Rock Band Broken Bells Donating Ticket Sales to Asteroid-Hunting Telescope Project from
Tests Rule Out Ebola in Canadian Patient from NY Times Health
Trying to Close a Knowledge Gap, Word by Word from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Lemon and Garlic Chicken With Cherry Tomatoes from NY Times Health
Well: Exercising for Healthier Eyes from NY Times Health
Contributing Op-Ed Writer: Butter Is Back from NY Times Health
Op-Ed Contributor: Why I’m Jealous of My Dog’s Insurance from NY Times Health
Can baby boomers hand over their keys and stay connected? from Physorg
A wet Moon from Physorg
Scientists solve riddle of celestial archaeology from Science Blog
The altruistic side of aggressive greed from Science Blog
Federal science and engineering obligations to universities, colleges fell 11% in FY 2011 from Science Blog
Research, Public Can Help Bats Survive White-Nose Syndrome from Science Blog
Salamanders shrink as home heats up from BBC News: Science & Nature
Batrachotoxin from Chemistry World
Nordic development fund eyes new climate project from SciDev
Satellite captures possible debris field in missing plane search from CBC: Technology & Science
Anti-GMO campaigner won over by GMO science from CBC: Technology & Science
Internet champions help bring high-speed access to First Nations from CBC: Technology & Science
'Candy Crush Saga' maker King Digital raises $499.5M in IPO from CBC: Technology & Science
Why the bizarre ocean dandelion is like an ant colony on steroids from Physorg
Mixing silicon with other materials improves the diversity of nanoscale electronic devices from Physorg
On track to climate prediction from Physorg
New magnetic materials for extracting energy from tides from Physorg
Robotic arm probes chemistry of 3-D objects by mass spectrometry from Science Blog
Mars-mimicking chamber explores habitability of other planets from Science Blog
Study yields ‘Genghis Khan’ of brown bears, and brown and polar bear evolution from Science Blog
X-rays film inside live flying insects — in 3D from Science Blog
Study: Salamanders shrinking due to climate change from Science Blog
How the West Gets Drier from Science Blog
Booster makes immune system far more effective in fighting pneumonia, meningitis from Science Blog
Brain differences in college-aged occasional drug users from Science Blog
Scans suggest how the mind solves ethical dilemmas from
Why Calvin's Dad Rocks At Explaining Science To Children
BICEP2, CMB B-modes And Spinorial Space-time
Bitcoin to be taxed in U.S. as property, not currency from CBC: Technology & Science
Technique to make human embryonic stem cells more closely resemble true epiblast cells from Physorg
Generator uses the human body as an electrode to power portable electronics from Physorg
How your computer could reveal what's driving record rain and heat in Australia and NZ from Physorg
Using electron beams to encode data in nanocrystals from Physorg
Confirming debris is of MH370 will start a new phase of the search from Physorg
Silicon-based probe microstructure could underpin safer neural implants from Physorg
Russian wins Norway's $1 million Abel math prize from Physorg
Capturing the world in three dimensions from Physorg
Improved design of lasers on optoelectronic chips will advance optical communications from Physorg
The advantages of entering the workforce in a recession from Physorg
Counting calories in the fossil record from Physorg
West Virginia Chemical Spill Into Elk River Contaminating Air and Water Quality, According to Study from Newswise - Scinews
ASU Scientist Roy Curtiss Receives Lifetime Achievement Award From the American Society for Microbiology from Newswise - Scinews
Iowa State Engineer Builds Instrument to Study Effects of Genes, Environment on Plant Traits from Newswise - Scinews
'Small' Nuclear War Could Trigger Catastrophic Cooling from Live Science
Fundamental research is the key to eliminating TB from News @ Nature
Human evolution: The Neanderthal in the family from News @ Nature
Candy Crush Saga maker's stock falls in debut on NYSE from CBC: Technology & Science
The promise and peril of nanotechnology from Physorg
Health concerns swirl around electronic cigarettes from Physorg
Real-life CSI: What can investigators really tell from gunshot residue? from Physorg
Turkish court orders halt to Twitter ban from Physorg
Epson introduces new differential output crystal oscillator from Physorg
New battery technology employs multifunctional materials from Physorg
MIT researchers develop Mylar – a platform for building secure web applications from Physorg
New storms on Jupiter look like Mickey Mouse from Physorg
Geologists study Yilgarn's western crust from Physorg
Minecraft creator cancels VR deal: 'Facebook creeps me out' from CBC: Technology & Science
Danish zoo defends lion killing after giraffe cull from Physorg
Researchers suggest Vikings used crystals with sun compass to steer at night from Physorg
Digital ventures boost ailing news media, study shows from Physorg
Large anseriform fossils found from the late Eocene of Xinjiang, China from Physorg
Murdoch companies name son Lachlan co-chairman from Physorg
Kif15: The acrobatic motor protein that could pave the way for new cancer therapies from Physorg
An answer to the perennial question: Is it safe to pee in the pool? from Physorg
Study shows invasive species in waterways on rise due to climate change from Physorg
Beer marinade could reduce levels of potentially harmful substances in grilled meats from Physorg
Dr. Salim Yusuf, Canadian cardiovascular expert, wins Gairdner Award from CBC: Health
Google retakes crown as U.S. desktop traffic king from CBSNews - Science
On Venus, Rainbow-Like 'Glory' Seen for 1st Time (Photos) from
'Male' kangaroo has baby in Siberia from BBC News: Science & Nature
Soyuz space station arrival delayed by glitch from CBC: Technology & Science
Study shows urban birds with darker feathers may be better at removing metal toxins from Physorg
Brazil's Congress approves internet legislation from Physorg
West Virginia chemical spill into Elk River contaminating air and water quality from Physorg
Scientists track 3-D nanoscale changes in rechargeable battery material during operation from Physorg
UK man wins 16-year legal battle over laptop from Physorg
B.C. prescription heroin trial participants ask to keep using from CBC: Health
Is the Creepy Staten Island Clown a Publicity Stunt? from Live Science
Immunology: A tolerant approach from News @ Nature
Soyuz astronauts face glitch, delaying space station arrival from CBC: Technology & Science
Natural history must reclaim its place from Physorg
Creating Real-Time, Continent-Wide Forecasts Of Bird Migrations from PopSci
HTC unveils new smartphone with 2 camera lenses from CBSNews - Science
Hubble Telescope sees galaxy spill its "guts" in space from CBSNews - Science
HTC updates One phone, emphasizes metal design from CBSNews - Science
Space History Photo: Technical Rendition of STS-71 Docked to Mir from
VIDEO: 'A deep misunderstanding of genetics' from BBC News: Science & Nature
David Bader Chosen to Lead Georgia Tech's School of Computational Science and Engineering from Newswise - Scinews
Michigan Senator Honored with Soil Stewardship Award from Newswise - Scinews
Scientists Track 3D Nanoscale Changes in Rechargeable Battery Material During Operation from Newswise - Scinews
Electrical Engineer Earns NSF CAREER Award to Improve Renewable Energy Conversion Process from Newswise - Scinews
NRAO March Tip Sheet from Newswise - Scinews
Growing more coffee from European Space Agency
Copenhagen Zoo Kills 4 Lions After Controversial Giraffe Death from National Geographic
Baby gorilla born by C-section goes on outing with mom from CBSNews - Science
"Minecraft" to Oculus: "Facebook is creepy" from CBSNews - Science
Why Good Bosses Are Often Unhappy Bosses from Live Science
Flight 370: Floating Field of Debris Possibly Linked to Missing Plane from Live Science
Oculus Rift: 5 Virtual Reality Uses Beyond Gaming from Live Science
Soyuz Crew Must Take the 'Long Way' to Space Station | Video from
AUDIO: Titchmarsh 'angry' at nature policy from BBC News: Science & Nature
Skewed gender ratios turn bird world into a soap opera from
Blood sugar test not enough to predict heart disease from CBC: Health
Interactive Swarm from European Space Agency
"Smart basketball" aims to step up everyone's game from CBSNews - Science
UN chief in Greenland climate change visit from AP Science
Soyuz Capsule with 3-Man Crew Taking Long Road to Space Station After Delay from
Florida overcomes GOP barriers to enroll uninsured from AP Health
AstraZeneca boosts open innovation efforts from Chemistry World
$1.2bn J&J deceptive marketing fine overturned from Chemistry World
Seven days: 21–27 March 2014 from News @ Nature
Sister city inspires Pompeii rescue from News @ Nature
Don't shop for travel at work, study says from Physorg
NASA catches Gillian as a super-cyclone before quickly dissipating from Physorg
Dark energy hides behind phantom fields from Physorg
Researchers engineer resistance to ionic liquids in biofuel microbes from Physorg
Classes after concussions: Study looks at when it's safe from CBC: Health
"Fire Tornado" in Viral Video Explained from National Geographic
The Psychology Of Why You Want To Know The Plot Of Star Wars VII
Weekend Science: Is It Safe To Pee In The Pool?
Outside Television, Here Is What Gunshot Residue Can Really Tell CSI
How To Make Grilled Meats Better And Healthier - Marinade In Beer
Scientists Solve Riddle Of White Dwarf Celestial Archaeology
Ancient sea creatures filtered food like modern whales from Physorg
First ring system around asteroid: Chariklo found to have two rings from Physorg
A new object at the edge of our Solar System discovered from Physorg
Quantum cryptography: Keeping your secrets secret from Physorg
Finding MH 370: A Needle in a Garbage Patch? from Live Science
Icy planetoid found lurking at edge of solar system from
ScienceShot: Jumbo Shrimp of the Ancient Seas from Science NOW
ScienceShot: Small World Spotted Far Beyond Pluto from Science NOW
Saturn-Like Rings Spotted Around Asteroid from Science NOW
Physicists link neutron stars to earthbound alloys from Physics World
Icy rings found around tiny space rock from
Ancient oceans’ top predator was gentle filter feeder from
Rings discovered around asteroid, surprising astronomers from CBC: Technology & Science
Significant Progress Toward Creating "Benchtop Human" Reported from Newswise - Scinews
UT Southwestern Cancer Biologists Link Tumor Suppressor Gene to Stem Cells from Newswise - Scinews
Russian officials dump iPads over spy fears from Physorg
Dish, DirecTV shares rise on reported merger talk from Physorg
Far Out! Icy World Widens Our Solar System's Frontier from MSNBC: Science
Chernobyl Trees Barely Decomposed, Study Finds from MSNBC: Science
First-Ever Asteroid With Rings Knocks Astronomers for a Loop from MSNBC: Science
Stress and infertility linked in study from CBC: Health
In Images: A Filter-Feeding Cambrian Creature from Live Science
Quantum Leap: New Tech Could Make Perfectly Secure Communications from Live Science
Gigantic Cambrian Shrimplike Creature Unearthed in Greenland from Live Science
Hospital Stays Result in Over 720,000 Infections Yearly from Live Science
FDA Partners With Vets to Help Animals from Live Science
Washington State's Fatal Landslide Seen from Space (Photos) from Live Science
A Cambrian Filter Feeder from Live Science
Asteroid Found with Rings! First-of-Its-Kind Discovery Stuns Astronomers (Video, Images) from
Asteroid Chariklo Has Rings: Images of a Space Rock Oddity (Gallery) from
Dwarf Planets in the Extreme Outer Solar System (Infographic) from
Watch Artist's Impression Of The Ringed Asteroid, Chariklo | Video from
New Dwarf Planet Found at Solar System's Edge, Hints at Possible Faraway 'Planet X' from
Ringed Asteroid Revealed Between Saturn and Uranus | Video from
Newfound pink world lurks at solar system fringes from AP Science
Icy body found orbiting far from Sun from BBC News: Science & Nature
Small icy asteroid has ring system from BBC News: Science & Nature
Scientists publish 'navigation maps' for human genome from Reuters:Science
Natural History Got Hijacked - It's Time To Take It Back
When It Comes To Genetically Modified Biofuels, Resistance Is Not Futile
Asteroid Chariklo Has A Ring System Like Saturn
Dwarf planet stretches Solar System's edge from News @ Nature
Prehistoric 'weird shrimps' traded claws for nets from News @ Nature
Biological testing tool, ScanDrop, tests in fraction of time and cost of industry standard from Physorg
The Search for Seeds of Black Holes from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Dwarf Planet Discovery Hints at Hidden World Orbiting Solar System from National Geographic
First Asteroid With Rings Discovered from National Geographic
Preoperative PET cuts unnecessary lung surgeries in half from Science Daily
Tumor suppressor gene linked to stem cells, cancer biologists report from Science Daily
First ring system around asteroid: Chariklo found to have two rings from Science Daily
Significant progress toward creating 'benchtop human' reported from Science Daily
Scientists track 3-D nanoscale changes in rechargeable battery material during operation from Science Daily
Parental addictions associated with adult children's arthritis from Science Daily
Cereal flake size influences calorie intake from Science Daily
Dark energy hides behind phantom fields from Science Daily
Exercise training improves health outcomes of women with heart disease more than of men from Science Daily
Secret to cutting sugary drink use by teens found by new study from Science Daily
Mosquito season unpredictable; year-round heartworm prevention is best from Science Daily
Two spine surgeons are three times safer than one from Science Daily
Last drinks: Brain's mechanism knows when to stop from Science Daily
Beer marinade could reduce levels of potentially harmful substances in grilled meats from Science Daily
An answer to the perennial question: Is it safe to pee in the pool? from Science Daily
Real-life CSI: What can investigators really tell from gunshot residue? from Science Daily
Less invasive technique possible in vulvar cancer treatment from Science Daily
Diabetes: Good self-management helps to reduce mortality from Science Daily
Using PET scanning to evaluate therapies of Menkes disease from Science Daily
Sugary drinks weigh heavily on teenage obesity from Science Daily
Invasive species in waterways on rise due to climate change from Science Daily
Protocol for stroke patients guided by landmark study from Science Daily
Life expectancy gains allude overweight teens from Science Daily
Counting calories in the fossil record: How the biology of our modern ocean evolved from Science Daily
Advantages of entering workforce in a recession from Science Daily
Goats are far more clever than previously thought, and have an excellent memory from Science Daily
New septic shock biomarker test could boost better interventions from Science Daily
Planning and building products, production plants simultaneously from Science Daily
Scientists visualize new treatments for retinal blindness from Science Daily
Altruistic side of aggressive greed from Science Daily
Genetics can explain why infections can trigger onset of different types of rheumatoid arthritis from Science Daily
Contaminated white dwarfs: Scientists solve riddle of celestial archaeology from Science Daily
West Virginia chemical spill into Elk River contaminating air and water quality from Science Daily
Landslide in Washington State: USGS is working with partners to provide up-to-date information from Science Daily
Male Eurasian jays know that their female partners' desires can differ from their own from Science Daily
Penicillin prescriptions risk under-dosing children, say experts from Science Daily
Doctors raise blood pressure in patients from Science Daily
Knowing true age of your heart key to curbing lifetime heart disease risk from Science Daily
Study yields 'Genghis Khan' of brown bears, and brown and polar bear evolution from Science Daily
Pessimism of early global policy architects stunted developing nations' economies from Science Daily
Epilepsy sufferers will one day live without seizures, says expert from Science Daily
Million suns shed light on fossilized plant from Science Daily
Strictly limiting hours surgical residents can work has not improved patient safety from Science Daily
X-rays film inside live flying insects -- in 3-D from Science Daily
Clean cooking fuel and improved kitchen ventilation linked to less lung disease from Science Daily
Brain differences in college-aged occasional drug users from Science Daily
Model predicts blood glucose levels 30 minutes later from Science Daily
Nanotube coating helps shrink mass spectrometers from Science Daily
Substantial decrease in use of cardiac imaging procedure found by study from Science Daily
Blood glucose measure appears to provide little benefit in predicting risk of CVD from Science Daily
Treatment helps reduce risk of esophagus disorder progressing to cancer from Science Daily
Geographic disparities in access to liver transplantation related to risk of death from Science Daily
Indian women with more resources than their husbands face heightened risk of violence from Science Daily
Salamanders shrinking as their mountain havens heat up from Science Daily
Cellular patterns of contraction in human hearts identified for first time from Science Daily
Photos: Washington State Landslide's Path of Destruction from Live Science
Dwarf World 2012 VP113 at Solar System's Edge: Photos and images from
Seizing power from below from Harvard Science
Cousin of Earth's first apex predator became 'gentle giant' from Reuters:Science
Help Make WCS's Karukinka Natural Park One of the World's Most "Breathtaking" Places from Newswise - Scinews
Air search for new missing plane debris comes up empty from CBC: Technology & Science
Federal science and engineering obligations to universities and colleges dropped by 11 percent from Physorg
New study shows major increase in West Antarctic glacial loss from Physorg
Phloem production in Huanglongbing-affected citrus trees from Physorg
Ancient Super-Shrimp Towered Over Other Filter Feeders from MSNBC: Science
How Ceramics Could Prevent Nuclear Disaster from PopSci
Chernobyl trees barely decomposed, study finds from CBSNews - Science
Coal plant closure in China led to improvements in children's health from Science Daily
Biological testing tool, ScanDrop, tests in fraction of time and cost of industry standard from Science Daily
Comprehensive 'roadmap' of blood cells revealed by researchers from Science Daily
Don't shop for travel at work from Science Daily
Resistance is not futile: Researchers engineer resistance to ionic liquids in biofuel microbes from Science Daily
Gut metabolism changes -- not stomach size -- linked to success of vertical sleeve gastrectomy from Science Daily
Ancient sea creatures filtered food like modern whales from Science Daily
Gout isn't always easy to prove: CT scans help catch cases traditional test misses from Science Daily
New clue to autism found inside brain cells from Science Daily
Untrained volunteers may do harm as well as good during disasters from Science Daily
3-D MRI scans may offer better way to predict survival after targeted chemo for liver tumors from Science Daily
Should whole-genome sequencing become part of newborn screening? from Science Daily
Strong evidence for a new class of antidepressant drugs revealed by research from Science Daily
ARCHER supercomputer targets research solutions on epic scale from Science Daily
Precision drugs sought for anxiety disorders from Science Daily
Pathogens Turn Tables On Human Immune System from C&EN
Asteroids can have rings, too from News @ Nature
Misleading mouse studies waste medical resources from News @ Nature
UK faces physics ‘catastrophe’ without funding increase from News @ Nature
Buoyant Airborne Turbine to harness winds in Alaska from Physorg
New Capsicum annuum pepper contains high concentrations of beneficial capsinoids from Physorg
You’ve know you’ve worked too long in a lab when… from Science Blog
Forget GPS: Medieval Compass Guided Vikings After Sunset from MSNBC: Science
Photos: An Ancient Mummy's Thigh Tattoo from Live Science
How To Make Grilled Meats Better And Healthier - A Beer Marinade
Food Science Student Team from Rutgers Wins IFT Student Association Heart-Healthy Product Development Competition from Newswise - Scinews
Engineered Bacteria Produce Biofuel Alternative for High-Energy Rocket Fuel from Newswise - Scinews
What Is a Functional Food? from Newswise - Scinews
CASIS-sponsored research heads to space station aboard SpaceX-3 from Physorg
Change the Course to restore one billion gallons of water to Colorado River Delta from Physorg
Engineered bacteria produce biofuel alternative for high-energy rocket fuel from Physorg
Nitrogen source determined significant for inflorescence development in Phalaenopsis from Physorg
Prestorage conditioning, diphenylamine improve condition of 'honeycrisp' apple from Physorg
Engineered bacteria produce biofuel alternative for high-energy rocket fuel from Science Daily
Nitrogen source determined significant for inflorescence development in Phalaenopsis from Science Daily
Major increase in West Antarctic glacial loss from Science Daily
Solar system has a new most-distant member from Science Daily
Keeping secrets in a world of spies and mistrust from Science Daily
Celebrities may be going bankrupt to avoid tax bills, warns British tax expert from Science Daily
Anaerobic treatment of wastewater: A step towards sustainable energy from Science Daily
Sober smartphone app aids boozers' recovery: Study from AP Health
Smartphone App May Help People Recover from Alcoholism from Live Science
Belgium to Destroy Its Illegal Ivory Next Month from Live Science
With Taxol, chromosomes divide and get conquered from
Settlement credits sent to e-book buyers from Physorg
Review: Windows Phone innovations show promise from Physorg
Little-known scores rank consumers' value based on data from Web, apps, loyalty cards from Physorg
XS-1 Space Plane Could Make Orbit Much Cheaper from MSNBC: Science
Soyuz crew on track to reach space station Thursday from CBSNews - Science
Smartphone, smart basketball? from CBSNews - Science
Giant Balloon Trips to Near-Space: Q&A with World View CEO Jane Poynter from
Dwarf Planets in the Extreme Outer Solar System (Infographic) from
New pink dwarf planet discovered beyond Pluto and Sedna from CBC: Technology & Science
BlackBerry sued software chief to stop him leaving for Apple from CBC: Technology & Science
How low can you go? This whale is the champion of deep diving from Reuters:Science
Crows solve Aesop's fable puzzles, offer clues to cognition from Reuters:Science
Peter Littlewood Takes Helm at Argonne National Laboratory from Science NOW
ScienceShot: Beaked Whales Smash Deep-Dive Record from Science NOW
RadioShack's online presence isn't clicking with customers from Physorg
Crows complete basic 'Aesop's fable' task (w/ video) from Physorg
Bamboo-loving giant pandas also have a sweet tooth from Physorg
New database features 710,000 natural history records from Canadian Museum of Nature from Physorg
Targeting enforcement where needed most in Africa's heart of biodiversity from Physorg
Scientists identify core skin bacterial community in humpback whales from Physorg
Happiness challenge may lead to sadness, psychologists warn from CBC: Health
New Research Finds Cell Damage in Autistic Brain (Infographic) from Live Science
New Dwarf Planet Found at Solar System's Edge, Hints at Possible Faraway 'Planet X' from Live Science
Bamboo-Munching Pandas Also Have a Sweet Tooth from Live Science
Mummy's Christian Thigh Tattoo Revealed from Live Science
Bat Soup Blamed as Deadly Ebola Virus Spreads from Live Science
Autism may be tied to flawed prenatal brain growth from AP Health
Washington State's Fatal Landslide Seen from Space (Photos) from
Beaked whale is deep-dive champion from BBC News: Science & Nature
Athena Project: Homo Minutus - A 'Laboratory Human' - Is A Little Closer
Cosmic Collision Creates Mini-Saturn 2 Billion Kilometers Away
Keeping Quantum Secrets In An NSA World
6 Glaciers Show Major Increase In West Antarctic Glacial Loss
Dwarf Planet 2012 VP113 Hints At A Huge Unknown Mystery Planet In The Solar System?
Salamander shrinkage linked to climate change from News @ Nature
Bamboo-Loving Giant Pandas Also Have a Sweet Tooth from Newswise - Scinews
Credit card companies seek new ways to increase payment security from Physorg
Stag beetle males give nasty nips despite massive jaws from Physorg
Canal between ears helps alligators pinpoint sound from Physorg
Save money and energy by replacing, adjusting home appliances from Physorg
Cuvier's beaked whales set new breath-hold diving records from Physorg
Smartphone App Helps Recovering Alcoholics Stay Sober from MSNBC: Science
Elusive Whales Set New Record for Depth and Length of Dives Among Mammals from National Geographic
Asteroid Found with Rings! First-of-Its-Kind Discovery Stuns Astronomers (Video, Images) from Live Science
On Venus, Rainbow-Like 'Glory' Seen for 1st Time (Photos) from Live Science
New Satellite Offers 3-D View of Rain and Snow from
Astronomers find mini-planet in solar system's backyard from Reuters:Science
Your fear is written all over your face, in heat from
Engineered bacteria produce biofuel alternative for high-energy rocket fuel from Biology News Net
Visionary or looney? Zuckerberg on spending spree from Physorg
Facing the Windows XP apocalypse? Here are some options from Physorg
Engineered bacteria produce biofuel alternative for high-energy rocket fuel from Science Blog
Soyuz Spaceship Gets Back on Track After Engine Glitch from MSNBC: Science
Crows Solve Aesop's Fable Puzzles, Offer Clues to Cognition from MSNBC: Science
Brain Changes in Autism Likely Start Before Birth from Live Science
The search for seeds of black holes from Science Daily
Video: What Makes Beetles Such Great Wrestlers? from Science NOW
Organic Farming Overhaul in Europe May Boost Research from Science NOW
Air search chases tantalizing clues in latest hunt for plane debris from CBC: Technology & Science
Embryonic stem cells: Reprogramming in early embryos from Physorg
Curious Clouds | Space Wallpaper from Live Science
Step aside Saturn: Little asteroid has rings too from Reuters:Science
Pinkish world found in far reaches beyond Pluto from CBSNews - Science
Orbits, Orbits, Orbits | Space Wallpaper from
Venus and the Moon Dominate Predawn Sky Thursday: How to See It from
Crews race to beat bad weather in search for plane debris from CBC: Technology & Science
How Low Can You Go? This Whale Is the Champion of Deep Diving from MSNBC: Science
Scientists Unveil New 'Atlas' for Navigating Human Genome from MSNBC: Science
Discovery of new dwarf planet hints at other objects in solar system from LA Times - Science
New Drug Successfully Treats Crizotinib-resistant, ALK-positive Lung Cancer
Disorganized Cortical Patches Suggest Prenatal Origin Of Autism
Canal Between Ears Helps Alligators Pinpoint Sound
Step aside Saturn: Little asteroid has rings too from Reuters:Science
Chemistry of love: Using pheromones to find your match from BBC News: Science & Nature
Top British garden birds revealed from BBC News: Science & Nature
Tweeting astronaut on Space tech from BBC News: Science & Nature
How climate change will acidify the oceans from BBC News: Science & Nature
In a first, scientists find an asteroid with rings from LA Times - Science
Defending Snowden from Harvard Science
For big data, big thinking from Harvard Science
Europe begins Mars site selection from BBC News: Science & Nature
How stag beetles bite so hard from BBC News: Science & Nature
Sex chromosomes have reverted to autosomes multiple times in flies from Physorg
Dying cells in fruit fly alert neighboring cells to protect themselves from Physorg
Female fly genomes also populated with de novo genes derived from ancestral sequences from Physorg
Caffeinated fruit flies help identify potential genes affecting insecticide resistance from Physorg
Cereal flake size influences calorie intake from Science Blog
Canal between ears helps alligators pinpoint sound from Science Blog
Toronto companies' apps used by Turkey protesters under Twitter ban from CBC: Technology & Science
NHS Data On Patient Experience Is Often Ignored
Scientists Study Whether Biofuels Are More or Less Toxic Than Conventional Fuels from Newswise - Scinews