Archive of feed items published on the 2nd of April 2013
Sea lion pups washing up on SoCal beaches at alarming rate from LA Times - Science
Moving Towards Fossil-Energy-Independent Nitrogen Fertilizer
On Killing
Crop thrives on urine-compost mix from SciDev
Students have engineering on the brain from MIT Research
AUDIO: Are electric cars improving? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Houston gets iPhone app with up-to-date smog data from Physorg
Desert nomads marvel at water purifying device from Physorg
More job cuts... from Chemistry World
'Petaflop' supercomputer shuts down from BBC News: Science & Nature
The wonders of ancient hagfish slime from BBC News: Science & Nature
U.S. predators use video games to lure Canadian kids from CBC: Technology & Science
Black hole wakes up and has a light snack from European Space Agency
DARPA's two-armed robot handles tools at less cost from Physorg
Male bowel cancer 'on the increase' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Liverpool Bay sediment discovery could save millions from Physorg
Swords to plowshares: Engineering plants for more biofuel sugars from Physorg
Camping ban proves counterproductive and cruel from Physorg
High speed cancer profiling from Physorg
Putting a human face on a product: When brand humanization goes wrong from Physorg
Obama unveils White House brain-mapping project from MSNBC: Science
Reaction pathways for Maillard degradation of vitamin C from Physorg
Phase transition may explain how brain neurons encode information from Physorg
NASA sends unmanned aircraft to study volcanic plume from Physorg
Snap-proof space tether from Physorg
150 years of Mexican, Mexican American history now online from Physorg
Student work fuels effort to make smartphones smarter from Physorg
Save the milkweed, save the monarch from Physorg
Researchers root out the limits of social mobilization from Physorg
Creating magnetic superatoms from Physorg
Hansen retires to push climate fight from BBC News: Science & Nature
Shakespeare's past as food hoarder from BBC News: Science & Nature
Physics makes a big impact in brain-injury research from Physorg
Evolutionary oomph: Researchers describe way to create synthetic polymers using genetic coding in DNA from Physorg
Heatwaves: Longer, hotter and more common from Physorg
Monkey study reveals why middle managers suffer the most stress from Physorg
Plastic film is future of 3-D on-the-go from Physorg
LHC to enter 'new realm of physics' from BBC News: Science & Nature
VIDEO: Repairing the Large Hadron Collider from BBC News: Science & Nature
Bloodhound diary: Coming together for 2014 from BBC News: Science & Nature
In the UK, a DIY approach to mental health help from AP Health
Simulations indicate Milky Way may have up to 2000 black holes in its halo from Physorg
Phosphorus: Essential to life—Are we running out? from Physorg
Greenhouse gases from farmland underestimated from Physorg
Miniature aircraft could help scientific data take off from Physorg
Diversification in ancient tadpole shrimps challenges the term 'living fossil' from Physorg
Official: Obama to announce brain mapping project from AP Science
Official: Obama to announce brain mapping project from AP Health
Psychiatry Tries to Aid Traumatized Chimps in Captivity from Scientific American
Skylab: The First U.S. Space Station (Photos) from
Official: Obama to announce brain mapping project
Quarks' spins dictate their location in the proton from Physorg
Reinventing the power line cable from Physorg
A longer life for lithium-sulfur batteries from Physorg
New instrument will quickly detect botulinum, ricin, other biothreat agents from Physorg
Google and privacy: Six EU countries take action from Physorg
Spintronics: Researching ways to improve computer speed, efficiency from Physorg
Computational study of ionic liquids illuminates detailed CO2 interactions from Physorg
The Higgs Lottery
Obama to Unveil Initiative to Map the Human Brain from NY Times Health
City Room: Pattycake, the Bronx Zoo’s Hirsute Star, Was Always Ready for a Closeup from NY Times Science
Ancient Tadpole Shrimp Not a Living Fossil, Study Says from Live Science
Experts want gaming addiction on disorder manual from CBC: Technology & Science
Dead squid whodunit verdict is death by natural causes from CBC: Technology & Science
NASA Mega-Rocket Could Lead to Skylab 2 Deep Space Station from
Bioglass helping to mend bones from Physorg
Researchers create system to enable more accurate analysis of severe automobile accidents from Physorg
New clues in the search to rediscover the mysterious Maya Blue formula from Physorg
Birders flock to N.S. beach to see South American bird from CBC: Technology & Science
Publicis targets 50% revenue from digital from Physorg
Funding boost for PhDs from Chemistry World
Cooling molecules may be a stepping stone to quantum computing from Science Blog
3D stem cell culture helps better understand Alzheimer’s from Science Blog
Eww: Dental bib clips can harbor oral and skin bacteria from Science Blog
Study finds 65-75% of asthmatic adults have an allergy from Science Blog
Can bioglass help mend broken bones? from Science Blog
Slippery when wet? Not for geckos from Science Blog
Faint 'Red Arcs' Spotted Over Europe from Live Science
Obama unveils White House brain-mapping project from MSNBC: Science
Deep-Space Engines from PopSci
LA unveils city app to report potholes, pay bills from Physorg
Nuclear Power Prevents More Deaths Than It Causes from C&EN
Teens Who Get Off to a Poor Start Don’t Easily Grow Out of It from Science Blog
Products that look like people can help, hurt a brand from Science Blog
Nanowires can lift liquids as effectively as tubes from Science Blog
Hunting Massive Stars with Herschel from Science Blog
Largest-ever genetic study of cancer pays off from Science Blog
UCLA creates energy map of La La Land from Science Blog
Teens who live close to a park are more physically active from Science Blog
New Instrument Will Quickly Detect Botulinum, Ricin, Other Biothreat Agents from Newswise - Scinews
Scientists Test New Formulation of Novel, Low-Toxicity Anticancer Agent from Newswise - Scinews
American Association for Cancer Research Appoints Salk Scientists to Inaugural Class of Fellows from Newswise - Scinews
For Third Year Running, Whitehead Institute Takes Top Place for Postdocs from Newswise - Scinews
Cancer Drugs an Unexpected Ally in the Battle Against Malaria from Newswise - Scinews
New Promise for an HIV Vaccine as Researchers Overcome Crucial Obstacle from Newswise - Scinews
Diversification in ancient tadpole shrimps challenges the term 'living fossil' from Science Daily
Loss of tumor suppressor SPOP releases cancer potential of SRC-3 from Science Daily
Obama to propose $100M brain mapping project
Black Hole Snacks On A Super-Jupiter | Animation from
Android gains US share at Apple expense, survey finds from Physorg
Diet study: More fish, less death from Science Blog
What monkeys and middle managers have in common from Science Blog
NASA's SORCE satellite marks a decade in the sun from Science Daily
Hubble sees J 900 masquerading as a double star from Science Daily
Crawler-transporter receives new roller bearing assemblies from Science Daily
NASA sends unmanned aircraft to study volcanic plume from Science Daily
3-D stem cell culture technique developed to better understand Alzheimer's disease from Science Daily
Dental bib clips can harbor oral and skin bacteria even after disinfection, study finds from Science Daily
Symbiotic bacteria program daily rhythms in squid using light and chemicals from Science Daily
Coronary heart disease increases with body mass index, as well as with age: study from Science Daily
Melting Glaciers Are Increasing Extent Of Sea Ice In Antarctica, Says Counterintuitive Study from PopSci
New Coding For Robonaut-2 Called For In NASA Contest | Video from
Space History Photo: Hyper-X Wind Tunnel Tests from
Black hole wakes up and has a light snack from Physorg
New insights on how spiral galaxies get their arms from Physorg
Obama Announces Huge Brain-Mapping Project from Live Science
Think You’re Anonymous? Cellphone Data Gives You Away from Live Science
Research Could Improve Heat Dissipation in 3-D Systems from Newswise - Scinews
Submissions Now Being Accepted for New Behavioral Sciences Section in JoVE from Newswise - Scinews
Global Temperature Report: March 2013 from Newswise - Scinews
Bird flu cases in China rise after rare virus kills 2 from CBC: Health
Chest pain care after ER visit offers benefits from CBC: Health
Obama proposes brain mapping project from BBC News: Science & Nature
Apple apologizes to Chinese customers from UPI
White House pitches brain mapping project from MSNBC: Science
Evolutionary consequences of infidelity: Can extra-pair relationships give rise to sexual dimorphism? from Science Daily
New information services quickly from Science Daily
Embedding photovoltaic modules more quickly from Science Daily
Finding instead of searching from Science Daily
Surveying roads at 100 km/h from Science Daily
Promising stem cell therapy for leukemia patients from Science Daily
A longer life for lithium-sulfur batteries from Science Daily
Regaining proper hearing at last from Science Daily
New clues in the search to rediscover the mysterious Maya Blue formula from Science Daily
Scientists provide a more accurate age for the El Sidrón cave Neanderthals from Science Daily
Monkey study reveals why middle managers suffer the most stress from Science Daily
Sampling of embryonic DNA after IVF without biopsy from Science Daily
Greater recognition of face blindness needed, experts say from Science Daily
Finnish children sent to Sweden to avoid war suffered more than those who stayed from Science Daily
The hunt for the creative individual from Science Daily
Dirt, Uncovered from PopSci
Obama proposes $100M for brain mapping project
NM governor to sign space travel liability bill
This is What Human Cells Look Like in Space (Photo) from
Milky Way Shines Over Grand Canyon Watchtower in Spectacular Photo from
Intelsat plans IPO in New York from Physorg
Remaining unnoticed for 100 years, a Kyrgyz onion species strikes with its beauty from Physorg
Fast track to mouse modeling from Physorg
Streaming music gains in US market from Physorg
Scientists provide more accurate age for the El Sidron cave Neanderthals from Physorg
What's Still Powering Supernova Remnant 1987A?
'Living Fossil'? Scientists Argue Its Usefulness
Diagnosed With Asthma? You Will Likely Have An Allergy Also
This is What Human Cells Look Like in Space (Photo) from Live Science
Groovy! Dancing Sea Lion Keeps a Beat from Live Science
New promise for an HIV vaccine as researchers overcome crucial obstacle from Science Daily
Cancer drugs an unexpected ally in the battle against malaria from Science Daily
Shakespeare: Hoarder, Playwright, Fake? A Physicist Turns To Statistics For Answers from PopSci
Whoa! What a Rocket Launch Looks Like from Space (Photo) from
FIFA pick GoalControl for Confederations Cup from Physorg
Putting larval cobia to the acid test from Physorg
Reviewing the work of one of the greatest beetle collectors: Napoleon's General Dejean from Physorg
Novartis Loses India Patent Fight from C&EN
From lab to leader from Chemistry World
Balance App: Alzheimer's Care Goes Digital
China Deaths Spark Concern About Novel Avian Flu Strain from Science NOW
Rediscovering the Mysterious Maya Blue Formula from Science Blog
Oldest Living American Dies at 113 from Live Science
Fighting Listeria and Other Food-Borne Illnesses with Nanobiotechnology from Newswise - Scinews
Salk Applauds Obama's Ambitious BRAIN Initiative to Research Human Mind from Newswise - Scinews
Have asthma? You likely have an allergy as well from Science Daily
Cells culled from adults may grow human bone from Science Daily
Plastic film is the future of 3-D on-the-go from Science Daily
As Facebook matures, is it losing its edge? from Physorg
Ozone masks plant's volatiles, plant eating insects confused from Physorg
Fighting listeria and other food-borne illnesses with nanobiotechnology from Physorg
Michael Dell to be 'aggressive' if buyout succeeds from Physorg
Switching to a power stroke enables a tiny but important marine crustacean to survive from Physorg
The New Old Age Blog: That Falling Feeling from NY Times Health
Eye drops reduce signs of macular degeneration in mice from
In the News from The Rockefeller University
In the News from The Rockefeller University
NASA Flies Dragon Eye Unmanned Aircraft Into Volcanic Plume from Science Blog
Beautiful Badlands | Wallpaper from Live Science
Images: Black Bears Are Back in Nevada from Live Science
Video: Watch: Seal learns to keep a disco beat from CBSNews - Science
Apple rumors: iPhone 5S coming in June, designed by Steve Jobs from CBSNews - Science
Obamacare credits could trigger surprise tax bills from AP Health
Geckos keep firm grip in wet natural habitat from Science Daily
Eating fish associated with lower risk of dying among older adults: Risk of dying from heart disease significantly lowered from Science Daily
Obama Launching Massive Initiative To Map The Human Brain from PopSci
Insurers see way to dodge federal healthcare law next year from LA Times - Health
High-skilled visa requests likely to exceed supply from Physorg
Feds announce winners of robocall contest from Physorg
NM governor to sign space travel liability bill from Physorg
Survey shows many Republicans feel America should take steps to address climate change from Physorg
Indian court's Novartis ruling keeps door to cheap drugs open from SciDev
Developing-world sessions purged from WCSJ2013 programme from SciDev
Research paper: NRA ‘armed schools’ argument flawed from Science Blog
NASA Climate Scientist James Hansen Quits to Fight Global Warming from Live Science
European regulators to take action against Google from CBSNews - Science
Astronaut Chris Hadfield shows how to brush your teeth in space from CBSNews - Science
Google's privacy policy challenged in Europe from CBC: Technology & Science
Distant Black Hole Wakes Up To Grab A Light Snack from PopSci
Scientists find government justification of new environmental policy unfounded from Physorg
Stop 'bad guys with guns' by implementing good policies from Physorg
Mekong region facing six degree-warming, climate extremes from SciDev
New class of 'mini supernovae' discovered from Physics World
Simulations offer insights on how spiral galaxies get their arms from Science Blog
Republican voters: Take steps to address climate change! from Science Blog
Climate Change Surprise! from Science Blog
Canada faces science muzzling probe from BBC News: Science & Nature
Mink Young Jeopardized by Industrial Chemicals from Scientific American
How antibodies neutralize mosquito-borne virus from Science Daily
Stop 'bad guys with guns' by implementing good policies from Science Daily
Survey shows many Republicans feel America should take steps to address climate change from Science Daily
Stillbirth or pre-term birth outcomes linked to elevated risk of blood clots after pregnancy from Science Daily
New insights on how spiral galaxies get their arms from Science Daily
Switching to a power stroke enables a tiny but important marine crustacean to survive from Science Daily
Cholesterol buildup links atherosclerosis and macular degeneration from Science Daily
Health Care 2025: Personalization, Without A Primary Care Physician
How science got a voice in the Philippine congress from SciDev
Unmanned Planes Fly Through Poisonous Volcanic Fumes from Live Science
Who Will Pay for Obama's Ambitious Brain Project? from Live Science
"Game of Thrones" breaks BitTorrent piracy record from CBSNews - Science
The Kavli Foundation Applauds President Obama's All-Hands-on-Deck Call to Unlock Mysteries of Human Brain from Newswise - Scinews
S&T's Solar Village to House Microgrid Project from Newswise - Scinews
Team Speeds Seismic Simulation Code Using GPUs from Newswise - Scinews
April 2013 Story Tips from Newswise - Scinews
White House unveils brain research plan from UPI
Preemies do better when parents involved in hospital care from CBC: Health
Mental illness linked to heavy cannabis use from Science Daily
3-D scaffolds a new tool to fight cancer from Science Daily
Putting larval cobia to the acid test: Potential resistance to increasingly acidic oceans by certain species of fish from Science Daily
Fast track to mouse modeling from Science Daily
New light shed on common sexually transmitted infection from Science Daily
This Weird Crafty Fish Can Make Itself Invisible--And We Don't Know How from PopSci
Northeast drilling boom threatens forest wildlife
Glowing Jets | Space Wallpaper from
Northeast drilling boom threatens forest wildlife from Physorg
Sensitive sites: UC Research examines preservation of Southwest archaeology in time of tight budgets from Physorg
Mineral analysis of lunar crater deposit prompts a second look at the impact cratering process from Physorg
Tiny grazers play key role in marine ecosystem health from Physorg
Crick’s medal goes under the hammer from News @ Nature
James Hansen retires from NASA from News @ Nature
Massive Digital Archive Contains Video Of Nearly Every Moment Of Beyoncé's Life Since 2005 from PopSci
Evolution of Spiral Galaxy Arms Simulated Using Supercomputer | Video from
Northeast drilling boom threatens forest wildlife from AP Science
Inside a Gross Anatomy Lab: The Human Body as Textbook from Live Science
Near-Earth Objects and Recent Asteroid Events Top the Agenda for Planetary Defense Conference from Newswise - Scinews
Puzzle of How Spiral Galaxies Set Their Arms Comes Into Focus from Newswise - Scinews
Scientists link climate change to increased ice in the Antarctic from CBSNews - Science
Whoa! What a rocket launch looks like from space from CBSNews - Science
Oil and gas emissions rules must top Alberta's, report says from CBC: Technology & Science
Detective work uncovers under-reported overfishing from News @ Nature
Surprising findings in mitochondrial biology change long-standing ideas on the protein MTERF1 from Science Daily
Massive Digital Archive Contains Nearly Every Moment Of Beyoncé's Life Since 2005 from PopSci
China fertiliser leaves tons of harmful waste, report finds from Physorg
Berkeley Lab researchers release guide to financing energy upgrade for K-12 school districts from Physorg
Airline Charges Passengers by the Pound from Live Science
Charlie Rose talks media feuds and dream guests in Reddit AMA from CBSNews - Science
NASA climate scientist James Hansen quits to fight climate change from CBSNews - Science
Ancient tadpole shrimp not really a living fossil from MSNBC: Science
Suicide actually homicide, parents allege from UPI
Negative emotions in response to daily stress take a toll on long-term mental health from Science Daily
Few effective, evidence-based interventions to prevent posttraumatic stress disorder, review finds from Science Daily
BRAIN initiative launched to unlock mysteries of human mind from Science Daily
Epileptic seizures can propagate using functional brain networks from Science Daily
Access to mental health care lacking for children, teens across the U.S. from Science Daily
Cartilage damaged from exercise may aid in early osteoarthritis detection from Science Daily
Mars rover's search for signs of life may come up dry from News @ Nature
Novel deadly bird flu virus kills two in China from News @ Nature
Research examines ancient Puebloans and the myth of maize from Science Daily
Total buzz kill: Metals in flowers may play role in bumblebee decline from Science Daily
Craters on the moon: Pre-existing mineralogy may survive lunar impacts from Science Daily
Hey Coders! NASA Wants You to Help Robot Astronaut See from
A case for yawn-free citizenship from Harvard Science
In search of sacred spaces from Harvard Science
Low Melatonin May Boost Diabetes Risk from Live Science
'Party Pathway' Leads Some College Students Astray from Live Science
Why Has It Been So Cold This Spring? from Live Science
Watered down chemotherapy given in Ontario from CBC: Health
Arkansas to probe Exxon Mobile spill from BBC News: Science & Nature
Blinded by the Light: Wrecked Up by Our Juice, Another Citizen of the Night [Slide Show] from Scientific American
Over Time, Nuclear Power Would Kill Fewer People Than Petroleum from PopSci
Sensitive sites: Research examines preservation of Southwest archaeology in time of tight budgets from Science Daily
Tiny grazers play key role in marine ecosystem health from Science Daily
College athletes twice as likely to have depression than retired collegiate athletes from Science Daily
Landmark study describes prostate cancer metastasis switch from Science Daily
Ozone masks plants volatiles, plant eating insects confused from Science Daily
Cell reprogramming to cure leukemia and lymphoma? from Science Daily
Dione: Saturn's Turned-Around Moon from
Apollo 11 Moonwalkers' Toy Plane, Toothbrush Up for Auction from
Warner Bros launches streaming for 'rare' movies, TV from Physorg
Total buzz kill: Metals in flowers may play role in bumblebee decline from Physorg
Study examines ancient Puebloans and the myth of maize from Physorg
Research on Maya village uncovers 'invisible' crops, unexpected agriculture from Physorg
Arkansas opens probe into ExxonMobil spill from Physorg
Problem Child? Early Puberty May Not Be the Cause from Science NOW
Metals in flowers may play role in bumblebee decline from Science Blog
Negative Emotions in Response to Daily Stress Hurt Long-Term Mental Health from Science Blog
Destination Moon: Russia to Launch New Wave of Lunar Robots from Live Science
March 2013 Falls Well Short of Last Year's Records from Live Science
20% of Pregnant Teens Already Have a Child from Live Science
ADHD Medications: 5 Vital Questions and Answers from Live Science
Weight-Loss Drug May Improve Autism-Style Symptoms from Live Science
Hey Coders! NASA Wants You to Help Robot Astronaut See from Live Science
Will Allergies Be Worse in 2013? from Live Science
Experts Needed: 1) White House BRAIN Research Initiative 2) North Korea Nuclear Threat 3) Immigration and Gun Control Legislation from Newswise - Scinews
Novel bird flu kills two in China from News @ Nature
EU to investigate Google privacy practices from UPI
Sea lion strandings prompt Calif. alert from UPI
Unmanned planes used to track poisonous volcanic gas from MSNBC: Science
NASA Is Using Tech From The Columbia Crash Investigation To See How Trees Fail from PopSci
White blood cell enzyme contributes to inflammation and obesity from Science Daily
Heart failure doesn't discriminate from Science Daily
Rising temperature difference between hemispheres could dramatically shift rainfall patterns in tropics from Science Daily
Investigational vaccine not effective in reducing post-operative staph infections from Science Daily
Decreased melatonin secretion associated with higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes from Science Daily
Mortality rates have increased at hospitals in rural communities for certain conditions from Science Daily
Medication duloxetine helps reduce pain from chemotherapy from Science Daily
Solar village to house microgrid project from Science Daily
Reviewing the work of one of the greatest beetle collectors: Napoleon's General Dejean from Science Daily
Remaining unnoticed for 100 years, a Kyrgyz onion species strikes with its beauty from Science Daily
Second source of potentially disruptive Icelandic volcanoes found from Science Daily
An inside look at carnivorous plants: Researchers track the importance of microscopic inhabitants from Physorg
A new understanding of metallic glass from MIT Research
Biological transistor built for living computers from
Virtual Human Body Changes How Medical Students Learn from Live Science
Consumers Overestimate Benefits of Organic Foods from Live Science
It's Been a Blast! Alaska Volcano Observatory Marks 25th from Live Science
Murder of South African Women by Partners 5 Times Global Rate from Live Science
New world strategy aims to eradicate polio by 2018 from AP Health
Doctors slam cuts to medical student summer program from CBC: Health
Winnipeg to get community paramedics to reduce ER waits from CBC: Health
Secrets of 'Maya Blue' pigment probed from UPI
Republicans favor action on climate change from UPI
These Are Immune Cells Grown In Space from PopSci
Old drug offers new hope against rare, deadly childhood disease from Science Daily
Interactive textbook offers new resource for chemists from Science Daily
Seismic hazards: Seismic simulation code speeds up from Science Daily
Statistical technique identifies all possible causes of severity in a traffic accident from Science Daily
Can synthetic biology save wildlife? from Physorg
Pedestrians at serious risk when drivers are 'permitted' to turn left, study says from Physorg
NRC panel advises US DOD on green buildings from Physorg
UC San Diego team achieves petaflop-level earthquake simulations on GPU-powered supercomputers from Physorg
Project will improve heat dissipation in 3-D microelectronic systems from Physorg
Economist warns of 'radical' climate change, millions at risk from Physorg
Verizon denies talk of bid with AT&T for Vodafone from Physorg
Study helps to explain how C. elegans worm turns from Physorg
Dan Porter, head of OMGPop, leaving Zynga from Physorg
Top NASA climate change expert retiring from Physorg
Rising temperature difference between hemispheres could dramatically shift rainfall patterns in tropics from Physorg
Chinese Researcher in Wisconsin Accused of Economic Espionage from Science NOW
Marcia McNutt Bringing Her 'Intellectual Energy' to Science from Science NOW
Pedestrians at serious risk when drivers are ‘permitted’ to turn left from Science Blog
Can Synthetic Biology Save Wildlife? from Newswise - Scinews
Feeling Hungry May Protect the Brain Against Alzheimer's Disease from Newswise - Scinews
Interactive Textbook Offers New Resource for Chemists from Newswise - Scinews
Head of OMGPop leaving Zynga from CBSNews - Science
Maya Blue Paint Recipe Discovered from Live Science
Gallery: The BioDigital Human from Live Science
Earn Gift Cards for Taking Your Meds with Mango Health App from Live Science
Hot Stuff? 10 Unusual Sexual Fixations from Live Science
Climate scientist James Hansen quits NASA to fight global warming from MSNBC: Science
NASA climate scientist quits to fight global warming from MSNBC: Science
Biothreat detector being developed from UPI
US stock regulator clears disclosures on social media from Physorg
Goldman takes Apple stock off 'preferred' list from Physorg
Report: Apple to release updated phone this summer from Physorg
Cells culled from adults may grow human bone from Biology News Net
Symbiotic bacteria program daily rhythms in squid using light and chemicals from Biology News Net
Obama unveils brain science program from
Canadian Official to Investigate Allegations That Government Scientists Are Being Muzzled from Science NOW
Flushed Drugs May Threaten River Slime from Science NOW
Summer iPhone debut in Apple's plans? from CBSNews - Science
What's Crazy? Sexual Fetishes Spur Psychiatric Manual Controversy from Live Science
The History of Sex in the DSM from Live Science
Okla. board pushes for charges against dentist from AP Health
China preps civilian use of GPS system from UPI
NM governor signs space travel liability bill
Understanding the turbulence of gases in planet-forming protoplanetary disks from Physorg
Canada to probe alleged 'muzzling' of scientists from Physorg
Telerobotic system designed to treat bladder cancer better from Physorg
SCIENCE: Ruminating With Mary Roach from NY Times Health
The Roving Runner: Jogging the High Line from NY Times Health
Age of Neanderthal remains re-analyzed from UPI
Japan eyes rare earths cache on sea bottom from UPI
Canada to probe 'muzzling' of scientists from UPI
An inside look at carnivorous plants from Science Daily
How the worm turns: Scientists show how a monoamine neurotransmitter acts to coordinate a compound movement through two different receptors in C. elegans from Science Daily
Speaking a tonal language (such as Cantonese) primes the brain for musical training from Science Daily
ScienceShot: Living on the Commune, Ant Style from Science NOW
China Estimated to Dramatically Underreport Its Overseas Fishing Catch from Scientific American
HIV self-testing: The key to controlling the global epidemic from Science Daily
Telerobotic system designed to treat bladder cancer better from Science Daily
Pedestrians at serious risk when drivers are 'permitted' to turn left from Science Daily
Can synthetic biology save wildlife? From re-creating extinct species to the risk of genetically modified super-species from Science Daily
'Sharps' injuries have major health and cost impact for surgeons from Science Daily
Research could improve heat dissipation in 3-D systems from Science Daily
Bioglass helping to mend bones from Science Daily
Judge: Firm can sue Facebook over 'timeline' from Physorg
"Game of Thrones" breaks Internet piracy record from CBSNews - Science
Black hole seen devouring cosmic 'snack' from UPI
Feeling hungry may protect the brain against Alzheimer's disease from Science Daily
New genetic evidence suggests a continuum among neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders from Science Daily
Gynecomastia has psychological impact on adolescent boys, researchers report from Science Daily
Fighting listeria and other food-borne illnesses with nanobiotechnology from Science Daily
Putting a human face on a product: When brand humanization goes wrong from Science Daily
Vitamin P as a potential approach for the treatment of damaged motor neurons from Science Daily
Scientists test new formulation of novel, low-toxicity anticancer agent from Science Daily
Why Justin Bieber Shouldn't Have a Monkey from National Geographic
Epilepsy runs in families from Science Alert
Portrait of a supernova remnant from Science Alert
Rethinking Alzheimer's diagnosis from Science Alert
Scientist: White House brain project among most ambitious from CBSNews - Science
Video: President Obama announces plan to map the human brain from CBSNews - Science
LHC upgrade could yield dark matter from UPI
Giant pockmarks found on Pacific seafloor from UPI
NASA Unveiling 1st Results from Antimatter-Hunting Space Experiment on Wednesday from
China Announces 4 New Flu Cases from NY Times Health
Scientist at Work Blog: A Beach Vacation, Lizard-Style from NY Times Science
Dot Earth Blog: A NASA Hangout on Rising Seas and Global Warming from NY Times Science
Game of Thrones premiere sets piracy record from CBC: Technology & Science
FEATURE: DNA technology set to speed up species discovery from Science Alert
Questions swarm around synthetic biology's impact on Mother Nature from MSNBC: Science
Unmanned NASA Planes Fly Through Poisonous Volcanic Fumes from
FEATURE: Dancing seal is first non-human mammal to keep a beat from Science Alert
VIDEO: Neighbouring towns worlds apart on 'fracking' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Fatty acid metabolite shows promise against cancer in mice from Science Daily
Organ donation shortfall at large general hospitals in Ontario from Science Daily
Tonsillectomy in adults with severe recurrent sore throats may benefit some people from Science Daily
Study reveals risk factors for blood clots in pregnant and postnatal women from Science Daily
New Jersey prohibits indoor tanning for minors under 17 from Science Daily
March 'was second coldest on record' from BBC News: Science & Nature
NASA Unveiling 1st Results from Antimatter-Hunting Experiment Wednesday from Live Science
Obama outlines private-public project to study the brain from LA Times - Science
Treatment Plant for Waste in Nuclear Cleanup Has Design Flaws, Panel Says from NY Times Science
Pipeline Spills Stir New Criticism of Keystone Proposal from NY Times Science
News Analysis: Emissions Rules Put Alternative-Fuel Vehicles in a Bind from NY Times Science
DCP Midstream Partners Withdraws Plan for Maine Town from NY Times Science
Deadly Tibetan Landslide Draws Attention to Mining from NY Times Science
John J. Gumperz, Linguist of Cultural Interchange, Dies at 91 from NY Times Science