Archive of feed items published on the 27th of November 2012
Essay: Biblical Literalists’ Clash With Science from NY Times Science
Studying Cities to Find Global Warming’s Benefits from NY Times Science
Letters: Safeguarding Subways (1 Letter) from NY Times Science
U.S. Healthcare: Newly insured patients may have trouble finding primary care physicians from Science Daily
Study links improved consumer welfare to increased prescription drug advertising efforts from Science Daily
Cognitive behaviour therapy improves quality of life in children with asthma and anxiety from Science Daily
Old habits die hard: Helping cancer patients stop smoking from Science Daily
Dramatic rise in autism prevalence parallels research explosion from Science Daily
Using computational biology for the annotation of proteins from Science Daily
Polar perils: Activity in the Arctic is on the increase, but how safe is it to operate there? from Science Daily
Mmolecular mechanisms leading to basal cell carcinoma initiation uncovered from Science Daily
New biomaterials promote neuroregeneration after a brain injury from Science Daily
EPA strengthens water quality guidelines for beaches from LA Times - Science
Automated phone and mail notices increase medication adherence from Science Daily
Preventive screening for sudden cardiac death in young athletes debated from Science Daily
Life’s a pitch: Researchers study sights and sounds of sales pitching from Science Daily
Evolutionary mode routinely varies amongst morphological traits within fossil species lineages from Science Daily
Sensor detects bombs on sea floor from Science Daily
Water resources management and policy in a changing world: Where do we go from here? from Science Daily
Funneling the sun's energy from Science Daily
Impaired blood vessel function found in cystic fibrosis patients from Science Daily
Dendroecology, an ally of the conservation for biodiversity from Science Daily
Deciphering bacterial doomsday decisions from Science Daily
Grapefruit–medication interactions increasing from Science Daily
Polar lake's clue to alien life from BBC News: Science & Nature
Robot uprising risk to be studied from BBC News: Science & Nature
Understanding space suit design from BBC News: Science & Nature
Repeated Prior Ct And Nuclear Imaging Leads To Increased Breast Cancer Estimates
Joseph E. Murray, Transplant Doctor and Nobel Winner, Dies at 93 from NY Times Science
Panel Lukewarm on Hepatitis C Screening for Baby Boomers from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Quinoa Salad With Avocado and Kalamata Olives — Recipes for Health from NY Times Health
'Atom-smasher' recreated in city from BBC News: Science & Nature
DNA sleuth hunts wine roots in Anatolia from Physorg
GM hopes new Spark will jolt electric sales from Physorg
Ericsson sues Samsung in US for patent infringement from Physorg
Australian wildlife taught to shun cane toads from Physorg
Ancient poo clue to environment from BBC News: Science & Nature
'Useless' breast cancer test touted across country from CBC: Health
ESA Bulletin 152 (Nov 2012) from European Space Agency
HP investor sues company for handling of 2 deals from Physorg
Japan support for whaling outweighs opposition, poll finds from Physorg
Proving quantum computers feasible from MIT Research
Lead-proton collisions yield surprising results from MIT Research
3 Questions: World energy outlook from MIT Research
Roche and the Tamiflu data from Chemistry World
NEC plans DNA analyzer for nearly-instant results from Physorg
Japanese firm develops health monitor for dogs from Physorg
Novel sensors to detect molecules for medicine and agrifood from Physorg
Natural anesthetic in honeybee bites from Physorg
Size matters when reducing NiO nanoparticles from Physorg
Second Saturn 'Pac-Man' spotted from BBC News: Science & Nature
Researchers find microbes accelerate soil carbon loss from Physorg
How devout are we? Study shows evangelicals surge as Catholics wane from Physorg
New technology to revolutionise controlled ripening of fruit from Physorg
Cold cricket case could defrost mysteries of changing climate from Physorg
Breakthrough could help optimize capture of sugars for biofuels from Physorg
International Energy Agency chief economist discusses the future of fossil fuels, curbing greenhouse-gas emissions from Physorg
Unexpected data from the Large Hadron Collider suggest the collisions may be producing a new type of matter from Physorg
Researchers show that relatively simple physical systems could yield powerful quantum computers from Physorg
Full disclosure? from Chemistry World
Counterintuitive thinking from Chemistry World
End of the road for h-index rankings from Chemistry World
Ultra low-power consumption 16K bit FRAM: Extending battery lifetime, minimizing PCB space for portable equipments from Physorg
Low-power industrial ethernet communication chips with integrated real-time OS offload engine from Physorg
Housing recovery: Why certain states are getting out of the crisis faster from Physorg
220-300C low-melting glass for hermetic sealing: Gold-tin solder level temperatures achieved from Physorg
Experiments validate quantitative model predictions for cell activation dynamics from Physorg
Cobalt discovery replaces precious metals as industrial catalyst from Physorg
'Retired' scientists unmask bush graffiti artist from Physorg
PAMBuoy acoustic monitoring system helps protect salmon rising at new Forth Road Bridge crossing from Physorg
Living with the world's first face transplant from BBC News: Science & Nature
Military & NASA Look to Partner With Commercial Satellite Industry from
While you were sleeping: Monitor alerts parents if baby stops breathing from Physorg
Ancient Iraq revealed: Harvard illuminates 'richest archaeological landscape in the Middle East' from Physorg
New imaging techniques track lithium-ion reactions in real-time, potential for more powerful, longer-lasting batteries from Physorg
Underwater robots smart enough to explore treacherous deep-ocean terrain from Physorg
Seeing the world through the eyes of an Orangutan from Physorg
Autism 'linked' to heavy traffic from BBC News: Science & Nature
Is Israel's missile defence a game-changer? from BBC News: Science & Nature
N. Korean launch site activity indicated from UPI
OPINION: Invisibility tech is advancing, but not seeing is believing from Science Alert
Marine reserves need to adapt from Science Alert
Myna bird pushes out natives from Science Alert
Pentalenolactone A methyl ester from Chemistry World
Entomologist discovers 14 new beetles in Tahiti from Science Blog
How Does a Volcanic Crater Grow? Grab Some TNT and Find Out from Science Blog
Corporate wrongdoers should stick to the facts in post-crisis message from Science Blog
Radiologic and physical findings identify elder abuse from Science Blog
Protein injection points to muscular dystrophy treatment from Science Blog
Heavily indebted med students choosing primary care face greater financial challenges from Science Blog
Melting permafrost 'may speed global warming' from Physorg
Indian inventor wins cash to develop Braille phone from Physorg
China puts European satellite into orbit from Physorg
Bursting through the silicon barrier: Developing carbon-based nanoelectronics with graphene from Physorg
Fostering Curiosity: Mars Express relays rocky images from Physorg
Sieve holds nanoparticles and acts as solar absorber from Physorg
In Hawaii, a coral reef infection has biologists alarmed from LA Times - Science
New device resets body clock from Science Alert
Arafat exhumed in poisoning probe from Chemistry World
Falling seniors cost health care system $1B from CBC: Health
Climate Change Threatens to Create a Second Dust Bowl from Scientific American
Research shows lemmings were wiped out by Ice Age's climate change from Physorg
A new study shows men who feel 'love' for their beer brand will purchase significantly more than a regular consumer from Physorg
US scientists find lessons from Japan nuke crisis from Physorg
Europe's snakeskin fashions could threaten pythons from Physorg
Attitudes towards security threats uncovered from Physorg
'Bigfoot' Is Part Human, DNA Study Claims from Live Science
HUMIRA Approved In Europe For Severe Active Pediatric Crohn's Disease
Executives Think Amazon Beats Apple In Three Of Four Important Attributes
Nintendo says more than 400,000 Wii Us sold in U.S. from CBSNews - Science
Daily dose of toxics to be tracked from News @ Nature
Researchers Use Shock Tube for Insight Into Physics Early in Blasts from Newswise - Scinews
Researchers genetically alter wheat to make it nearly free of gluten from Physorg
NF1Genetic Disorder Linked To Increased Breast Cancer Risk
Sen named Chevalier from Harvard Science
How devout are we? Study shows evangelicals surge as Catholics wane from Science Blog
Do missing Jupiters mean massive comet belts? from European Space Agency
Scientists identify key event for sex determination from Physorg
Research reveals new understanding of X chromosome inactivation from Physorg
Solar minimum; solar maximum from Physorg
Myna 'guity of evicting Aussie birds' from Physorg
Nine radar images of asteroid 2007 PA8 from Physorg
One year after launch, Curiosity rover busy on Mars from Physorg
Tracking down smallest biomarkers from Physorg
The Smells That Make Shoppers Spend More from Live Science
Saturn's Second 'Pac-Man' Moon Revealed in NASA Photos from
Photo Album of Human History Launched into Space from
Study Shows Saltwater Algae May Become Viable For Biofuels
Mechanism-Based Continuum: A New Look At The Wetting Model
New Hope For IGF-1 Cancer Treatments
NF1 Genetic Disorder Linked To Increased Breast Cancer Risk
VP for strategy, programs named from Harvard Science
The New Old Age Blog: New Efforts to Close Hospitals' Revolving Doors from NY Times Health
ICTs ‘helping to protect’ biodiversity in Latin America from SciDev
'Useless' breast cancer test touted across country from CBC: Technology & Science
Thin, long snake crawls out of one of Earth’s biodiversity hotspots from Science Blog
Gray Matter: Finding Water Where It's Least Expected from PopSci
Flu Outbreaks Predicted with Weather Forecast Techniques from Newswise - Scinews
On Twitter: A Research Funding Lottery for Bold, Collaborative Ideas from Newswise - Scinews
Australia urged to 'bank' its water from Physorg
Facebook nixes rumors on copyright shift from Physorg
Marine reserves 'must adapt to climate change' from Physorg
Three new arthropod species have been found in the Maestrazgo Caves in Teruel from Physorg
Climate change threatens French truffle, scientists say from Physorg
Car Pollution Linked to Autism from Live Science
Acne in Women Can Signal Hormone Problems from Live Science
Space History Photo: Control Room - 10ft x 10ft Wind Tunnel from
Brief exercise immediately enhances memory: Results apply to older adults both with and without cognitive deficits from Science Daily
Vast emissions of carbon dioxide and methane from warming permafrost, not accounted for in climate predictions from Science Daily
Three new arthropod species have been found in the Maestrazgo Caves in Teruel from Science Daily
Tracking down smallest biomarkers from Science Daily
Chemical 'switches' for neurodegenerative diseases discovered from Science Daily
Gimme shelter and light therapy at Swedish bus stops from Reuters:Science
SpaceX founder wants to build a colony on Mars from CBSNews - Science
Space budget blow to climate science from News @ Nature
The Same Laws That Govern Your Brain's Development May Also Control The Growth Of The Universe from PopSci
Galapagos tortoises are a migrating species from Physorg
Apple to start selling new iMacs on Friday from Physorg
India's Suzlon 'agrees $2 bn debt restructuring' from Physorg
Paralysis by analysis should not delay decisions on climate change from Physorg
Near-Space Balloon Soars in Flight Test | Video from
A rather thin and long new snake crawls out of one of Earth's biodiversity hotspots from Science Daily
New understanding of X chromosome inactivation from Science Daily
New test to help heavy drinkers reduce alcohol intake from Science Daily
New behavioral strategies may help patients learn to better control chronic diseases from Science Daily
New mechanism for cancer progression discovered from Science Daily
Early intervention prevents behavioral problems, experts say from Science Daily
Protein injection points to muscular dystrophy treatment from Science Daily
Paralysis by analysis should not delay decisions on climate change, experts urge from Science Daily
Prehistoric Human Feces Biomarkers Help Track Ancient Climate Change
Case Studies In Engineering Failure Analysis - New Open Access Journal
A Generator Powered By Motion from C&EN
Dark matter mystery may soon be solved from CBSNews - Science
Researchers Explore Social Media as Preventative Method for Infectious Diseases from Newswise - Scinews
Researchers study 'middle ground' of sea-level change from Physorg
Visit Machu Picchu with Huge 'Zoomable' Image from Live Science
Leading Pediatricians' Group Recommends Parents Reduce Pesticides at Home from Live Science
Robot's Balloon Ride Shows Space Tourism on the Horizon from Live Science
'Bouncy House' Injuries on the Rise from Live Science
Can science solve Arafat mystery? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse of 2012 Explained (Gallery) from
Lunar Eclipse Webcasts: Watch Online from
Do missing Jupiters mean massive comet belts? from Science Daily
Heavily indebted med students choosing primary care face greater financial challenges from Science Daily
Orsini's viper: Alternates between reproducing and growing, year-by-year from Science Daily
Galapagos tortoises are a migrating species from Science Daily
Enzyme explains angina in diabetics from Science Daily
New device hides from infrared cameras from Harvard Science
Mosaic Evolution Versus Punctuated Equilibrium: Morphological Traits Within Fossil Species Lineages
Growth of ethanol fuel stalls in Brazil from News @ Nature
Do missing Jupiters mean massive comet belts? from Physorg
Graphene switches: Team makes it to first base from Physorg
From Mediterranean coasts to Tatra Mountains and beyond: Plant chromosome number variation from Physorg
A rather thin and long new snake crawls out of one of Earth's biodiversity hotspots from Physorg
Tracking pollution from outer space from Physorg
Major Earthquakes Can Trigger Faraway 'Slow' Quakes from Live Science
How a Medium's Brain Changes in a Trance from Live Science
Lunar Eclipse Darkens Full Moon Wednesday: Watch Online from
Lunar Eclipse Beauty: How to Photograph the Moon (Gallery) from
Sweeping changes suggested for Pa. child-abuse law from AP Science
'Middle ground' of sea-level change: 'Intra-seasonal' variability impacts forecasting and ecosystems from Science Daily
Graphene/nanotube hybrid makes single-surface material for energy storage, electronics from Science Daily
Religion In America: Evangelicals Surge As Catholics Wane
Yasir Arafat’s Body Is Exhumed for Poison Tests from NY Times Science
Hit by Drought, Mississippi River May Face More Challenges from NY Times Science
Green Blog: Grappling With the Permafrost Problem from NY Times Science
Flu forecasts use weather prediction model from CBC: Technology & Science
Tajikistan blocks access to Facebook amid criticism from CBSNews - Science
Students Learn Better With Star Trek-Style Touchscreen Desks from PopSci
CDC: HIV spread high in young gay males from AP Health
GBR star Ainslie retires from Olympic sailing from AP Health
Safer spinach? Scientist's technique dramatically reduces E. coli numbers from Physorg
Illuminating the no-man's land of waters' surface from Physorg
An energy conscious workforce: New research looks at how to encourage staff to go green from Physorg
James' bond: A graphene / nanotube hybrid from Physorg
Practice Makes the Pefect Liar from Live Science
Bigfoot part human, DNA report claims from MSNBC: Science
FDA halts operations of organic peanut butter processor Sunland from LA Times - Health
Higher alcohol prices urged to cut abuse from CBC: Health
Pygmarrhopalites Maestrazgoensis And More New Arthropod Species Found In Spanish Caves
Ancient life found in buried Antarctic lake from CBSNews - Science
Apple to start selling new iMacs on Friday from CBSNews - Science
Google hits back against German copyright law from Physorg
GM cars to use Apple voice assistant Siri from Physorg
Developing 'second skin' military fabric to repel chemical and biological agents from Physorg
The installed price of solar photovoltaic systems in the US continues to decline at a rapid pace from Physorg
50 Sultry Facts About Sex from Live Science
Porn Stars Report Higher Self-Esteem and Spirituality Than Other Women from Live Science
Teen pregnancy rate hike not trend, health officer says from CBC: Health
Safer Organic Spinach: Embracing Science Can Reduce E. Coli Numbers
New Japan train to hit 500 km/h from CBC: Technology & Science
Early childhood education pays for itself, TD says from CBC: Technology & Science
LHC's Latest Particle Collisions Find What May Be A New Form Of Matter from PopSci
Brazil says Amazon deforestation at record low from Physorg
Amazon says Kindle sales doubled in key period from Physorg
West coast log exports up slightly in third quarter of 2012 from Physorg
Scientists make virtual portrait of Fahrenheit from Physorg
Seeing the world through the eyes of an orangutan from Science Daily
Transplant pioneer dies at 93 from Harvard Science
'Culture change needed' to avert growing disaster risk from SciDev
NASA ponders new missions for spare spy telescopes from Reuters:Science
ScienceShot: 'Coughing' Scallops Caught on Tape from Science NOW
French Jewish body takes Twitter to court from Physorg
Human transformation of land threatens future sustainability? from Physorg
Increasing drought stress challenges vulnerable hydraulic system of plants from Physorg
New computerized approach could revolutionize design and manufacturing from Physorg
Stunning Cloud Swirls Spotted by Satellite from Live Science
How rare black dahlias get their color from MSNBC: Science
How Hot is Mercury? from
Mercury's Atmosphere from
What is Mercury Made Of? from
How Was Mercury Formed? from
Vitamin D linked to lower rates of tooth decay from Science Daily
Sonar vision system for congenitally blind from Science Daily
What keeps a cell's energy source going? from Science Daily
Extent of coronavirus infections unclear from CBC: Health
The Hard Road Back: Prosthetic Arms a Complex Test for Amputees from NY Times Science
A Beautifully Organized Look At The Nobel Prizes [Infographic] from PopSci
How Big is Mercury? from
How Far is Mercury From the Sun? from
Installed price of solar photovoltaic systems in US continues to decline at rapid pace from Science Daily
Solar Photovoltaic Installation Costs Dropped In 2011 And The Beginning Of 2012
Long-lost moon rocks found in Minnesota from CBSNews - Science
Microneedle patch could boost immunization programs from Science Blog
US state declares war on acid waters from News @ Nature
Japan's Floating Maglev Train Glides toward Debut from Live Science
Do Holiday Parties Make Workers 'Sick'? from Live Science
Ancient marsupials hung out in treetops from MSNBC: Science
Balloon Test Shows Space Tourism on the Horizon from
Amazon says Kindle sales double during holiday weekend from CBSNews - Science
Seeing the world through the eyes of an Orangutan from Science Blog
Do missing Jupiters mean massive comet belts? from Science Blog
Tracking Pollution from Outer Space from Science Blog
Deep In The Earth's Core, Clues About Its Mysterious Birth from PopSci
How to buy an ethical diamond from Physorg
Atom Smasher Creates New Kind of Matter from Live Science
Celebrating Ten Years of Integral Science from Live Science
Major quakes can trigger faraway events from MSNBC: Science
Atom Smasher Creates New Kind of Matter from
The Black Hole Inside NGC 300 X-1 (Artist’s Impression) from
Brazil deforestation hits record low from AP Science
Nine radar images of asteroid 2007 PA8 from Science Daily
One year after launch, Curiosity rover busy on Mars from Science Daily
Gene linked to respiratory distress in babies from Science Daily
Safer spinach? Scientist's technique dramatically reduces E. coli numbers from Science Daily
Man's best friend: Common canine virus may lead to new vaccines for deadly human diseases from Science Daily
1st kidney transplant surgeon dies from CBC: Health
Dogs May Be Even More Awesome: Canine Virus May Lead To Better Vaccines
Chevrolet to feature Apple's Siri in Spark, Sonic from CBSNews - Science
Facebook provokes ire on privacy, again from Physorg
Barbs fly between HP and former exec on probe from Physorg
Chernobyl shelter construction reaches key landmark from Physorg
East Asia faces unique challenges, opportunities for stem cell innovation from Physorg
Yasir Arafat Poisoned? Testing Could Prove Tricky from Live Science
Saturn's Second 'Pac-Man' Moon Revealed in NASA Photos from Live Science
YouTube Anaconda Vomited Goat, Not Cow from Live Science
Discover tests fingerprint payment system from UPI
Long, thin snake species found in Ecuador from UPI
Illuminating the no-man's land of waters' surface: Strong electric charge observed at the interface between oil and water is not due to impurities from Science Daily
Disruptive music from Harvard Science
Pictures: Falcon Massacre Uncovered in India from National Geographic
Making A Digital River With A Sandbox And Kinect from PopSci
Embracing data 'noise' brings Greenland's complex ice melt into focus from Physorg
Energy savings—easy as dirt, heat, pressure from Physorg
Increasing Drought Stress Predicted to Challenge Vulnerable Hydraulic System of Plants from Newswise - Scinews
Why Wednesday's Full Moon Eclipse Won't Cause Madness from Live Science
Galapagos Tortoises Get Around
Higgs confident CERN particle is one he forecast in 1960s from Reuters:Science
Sweeter, juicier watermelons possible with genome info from CBC: Technology & Science
Energy savings – easy as dirt, heat, pressure from Science Blog
Satellites used to track global smog level from UPI
Study: Ice Age caused lemming extinctions from UPI
Sunspot's Death Throes Unleash Strong Flare | Video from
Possible trigger for multiple sclerosis nerve damage from Science Daily
Reducing sibling rivalry in youth improves later health and well-being from Science Daily
Nicholas Turro Dies At 74 from C&EN
Super-B Factory Killed !
Alaska's Columbia glacier to stop retreat in 2020 from CBC: Technology & Science
Washington State Declares War on Ocean Acidification from Scientific American
5 Of Physics's Greatest Sex Sandals from PopSci
UN climate scientist: Sandy no coincidence from Physorg
US opens holiday sales with 30% Cyber Monday gain from Physorg
Canada orders automakers to halve emissions from Physorg
Apple sacks exec in maps fiasco from Physorg
UN nuclear agency reports being hacked from Physorg
Fast forward to the past: Technologists test 'game-changing' data-processing technology from Physorg
NASA's TRMM satellite confirms 2010 landslides from Physorg
Beaches Back After Grand Canyon Flood from Live Science
How Infidelity Helps Nieces and Nephews from Newswise - Scinews
Atom smasher creates new kind of matter from MSNBC: Science
Gardening could help long space missions from UPI
Solar power system prices still falling from UPI
Life found buried beneath Antarctic ice from UPI
B.C.'s AIDS strategy credited for decline in cases from CBC: Health
N.S. palliative care program a 'rude awakening' from CBC: Health
Common drug increases deaths in atrial fibrillation patients from Science Daily
France's Young Researchers Protest 'Precarious' Contracts from Science NOW
Clues To Climate Of Historical Earth Lie In Ancient Human Feces from PopSci
NY man suing Facebook wants his lawyer to stay from Physorg
How infidelity helps nieces and nephews: Men may share more genes with sisters' kids than with cheating wife's kids from Physorg
NASA sees Tropical Storm Bopha intensifying in Micronesia from Physorg
The hungry caterpillar: Beware your enemy's enemy's enemy from Physorg
Windows 8 sales hit 40 million from Physorg
YouTube anaconda vomited goat, not cow from MSNBC: Science
Study: Seeing not the same as noticing from UPI
Flu outbreaks predicted like the weather? from UPI
Action on climate change urged from UPI
Why Wednesday's Full Moon Eclipse Won't Cause Madness from
Jupiter and Full Moon Dominate Wednesday Night Sky from
Washington State Targets Pollutants that Lead to Ocean Acidification from Science NOW
Green Blog: On Our Radar: Is Canada Retreating From Climate Action? from NY Times Science
Is Metformin an Anti-aging Drug? from Science Blog
Facebook may cause stress, study says from CBSNews - Science
Growth of Ethanol Fuel Stalls in Brazil from Scientific American
People Use Same Brain Regions to Read Alphabetic and Logographic Languages from Scientific American
GOES-R satellite program undergoes successful review from Physorg
Fake Tsunami Tests Atlantic Warning Systems from Live Science
Was Superstorm Sandy Costlier than Hurricane Katrina? from Live Science
Lunar Eclipse Webcasts: Watch Online from Live Science
Cellphone Use Is Contagious, Study Finds from Live Science
The Yeti: Asia's Abominable Snowman from Live Science
Disgust May Contribute to Rare Sexual Disorder from Live Science
Kids' Risk of Whooping Cough Rises After Final Shot from Live Science
Minor Lunar Eclipse Occurs Wednesday: Moon Photography Tips from
North Korea May Launch Rocket Soon, Satellite Photo Shows from
Regional Dust Storm Dissipating from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Nine Radar Images of Asteroid 2007 PA8 from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
One Year After Launch, Curiosity Rover Busy on Mars from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
CDC Urges More HIV Testing of Young Americans from Science NOW
How to buy an ethical diamond from Science Blog
The Climate Change Coffee Connection from Science Blog
eMission control – Focus: Roadways from Science Blog
Blunder in the lab from Science Blog
What keeps a cell's energy source going from Biology News Net
'Fountain of youth' technique rejuvenates aging stem cells from Biology News Net
Beaches back after Grand Canyon floods from MSNBC: Science
U.N.: Thawing permafrost is climate threat from UPI
East Asia faces unique challenges, opportunities for stem cell innovation from Science Daily
Does human transformation of land threaten future sustainability? from Science Daily
Increasing drought stress challenges vulnerable hydraulic system of plants, professor finds from Science Daily
Compound found in rosemary protects against macular degeneration in laboratory model from Science Daily
How to buy an ethical diamond from Science Daily
Video: Rolling in the Deep from Science NOW
Vitamin D tied to lower rates of tooth decay from Science Blog
Ladies Prefer Thin Over Macho, Study Suggests from Live Science
Blue Whales Pirouette Before Engulfing Prey from Live Science
Whale Cam Shows Blue Whale Feeding Tactics | Video from Live Science
For Some Feathered Dinosaurs, Bigger Not Always Better from Newswise - Scinews
Growth attacking, killing Hawaiian corals from UPI
Herschel Serves up Solar Systems with Extra Comets from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Cutting real Christmas trees less environmentally harmful than using an artificial one for six years, biologists say from Science Daily
Measles vaccine given with a microneedle patch could boost immunization programs from Science Daily
Blue whales pirouette for food from News @ Nature
Why It Pays to Care for Nieces & Nephews from Live Science
'Fountain of youth' technique rejuvenates aging stem cells from Science Daily
How infidelity helps nieces and nephews: Men may share more genes with sisters' kids than cheating wife's kids from Science Daily
Hawaii's Kilauea Volcano Spills Lava Into the Sea | Video from Live Science
Satellites study landslides from space from UPI
Blue whales' ballet tricks their prey from MSNBC: Science
Microsoft says Windows Phone reboots fixed from UPI
Concerns raised over python trade from BBC News: Science & Nature
Fast forward to the past: NASA technologists test 'game-changing' data-processing technology from Science Daily
NASA's TRMM satellite confirms 2010 landslides from Science Daily
How vegetables make the meal from Science Daily
Embracing data 'noise' brings Greenland's complex ice melt into focus from Science Daily
Ultralight fractal structures could bear heavy loads from Physics World
5 Things You Should Know About Gay Conversion Therapy from Live Science
New thermoelectric material could be an energy saver from Science Daily
Study points to potential new therapies for cancer and other diseases from Science Daily
Four common antipsychotic drugs found to lack safety and effectiveness in older adults from Science Daily
Researchers study cry acoustics to determine risk for autism from Science Daily
Eliminating Medicare consultation payments associated with a net increase in spending, study suggests from Science Daily