Archive of feed items published on the 20th of July 2010
Bridging the gender gap: Combined technologies offer promise for detecting colon cancer in women from Science Daily
Soldiers with brain injuries at higher risk of epilepsy decades later, study finds from Science Daily
Increased waistline and high triglyceride levels indicate risk of coronary heart disease, study finds from Science Daily
Advance made toward communication, computing at 'terahertz' speeds from Science Daily
Unearthing King Tet: Key protein influences stem cell fate from Science Daily
Tuning cocaine addiction from Science Daily
Stem cells made by reprogramming hold onto their past from Science Daily
Breast cancer cells regulate multiple genes in response to estrogen-like compounds from Science Daily
Earliest Steps to Find Breast Cancer Are Prone to Error from NY Times Science
African Studies Give Women Hope in H.I.V. Fight from NY Times Science
Stephen H. Schneider, Climatologist, Is Dead at 65 from NY Times Science
Platypus rescued from sewage pipes from BBC News: Science & Nature
Obituary: Stephen H. Schneider dies at 65; Stanford expert on climate change from LA Times - Science
China seeks to limit damage from oil spill from LA Times - Science
A plane that lands like a bird from MIT Research
Nobody’s home from MIT Research
Australian laser system to track space junk from Physorg
Hundreds of dead penguins wash up on Brazil shores from Physorg
Scientist on rare slender loris find from BBC News: Science & Nature
Why Inuit fear Alaskan oil drilling from BBC News: Science & Nature
Scientists receive first CryoSat-2 data from European Space Agency
Apple rivals hit back at Jobs' antenna claims from Physorg
Designing porous patterns from Chemistry World
Colourimetric sensor detects pesticide toxins from Chemistry World
Volcanic ash team return to ocean from BBC News: Science & Nature
Mammal-munching dinosaur discovered from BBC News: Science & Nature
Celestial mapper from BBC News: Science & Nature
Fishy business: US states sue over carp invasion from BBC News: Science & Nature
Self-sustaining robot has an artificial gut (w/ Video) from Physorg
Digital movie locker 'UltraViolet' nears launch from Physorg
Official: Google's China changes in line with law from Physorg
Why music is good for you from News @ Nature
Amphibians wiped out before they are discovered from News @ Nature
Foreign accents make speakers seem less truthful to listeners
Cells' grouping tactic points to new cancer treatments
Test could predict which children with T-cell ALL are best candidates for clinical trials
Microbial world's use of metals mostly unmapped
Cool roofs can offset carbon dioxide emissions and mitigate global warming
'Runaway' development implicated in loss of function of the ageing brain
Seasonal influenza immunisation rates among health-care workers
Increased waistline and high triglyceride levels indicate risk of coronary heart disease
Caltech researchers discover that gut bacteria affect multiple sclerosis
Toxic spill from China copper mine spreads from Physorg
Sharp to join e-reader business war from Physorg
Out of the Gait: Cornell's Robot Ranger Sets Untethered 'Walking' Record at 14.3 Miles from Newswise - Scinews
Music 'Tones the Brain,' Improves Learning from Live Science
EU boosts hi-tech research budget from BBC News: Science & Nature
Notebooks 'able to hold off iPads in Asia-Pacific' from Physorg
Netflix chooses Canada for its international debut from Physorg
Image-processing algorithm reduces CT radiation dose by as much as 95 percent from Physorg
Soldiers with brain injuries at higher risk of epilepsy decades later
Reprogrammed cells 'remember,' retain characteristics of their cells of origin
New publications examine treatment outcomes for infantile haemangiomas
K-State researchers find gene-silencing nanoparticles may put end to pesky summer pest
Impaired activity of the protein MTOR a strain on the heart
New test to predict success of IVF treatment developed at Stanford
Frog killer caught in the act
Tuning cocaine addiction
New study finds arthroscopic hip surgery may fully restore function in athletes
Physicians perform poorly when patients need special care
Scientists devise strategy in bid to beat viruses
Warned on future, nations look at clean energy from Physorg
BP oil spill cap still closed from CBC: Technology & Science
Subway screech caused by heat: TTC from CBC: Technology & Science
Ontario to drop eco fee from CBC: Technology & Science
Russia to build a new spaceport from BBC News: Science & Nature
Breast cancer cells regulate multiple genes in response to oestrogen-like compounds
Advance made toward communication, computing at 'terahertz' speeds
Bridging the gender gap
MSU sea lamprey research sheds light on how stress hormones evolved
'The friend of my enemy is my enemy'
Computer program predicts MRSA's next move
Polymer synthesis could aid future electronics
Drilling down to the nanometre depths of leaves for biofuels
Transparency through open notes
New study challenges stereotypes of adolescent sex offenders
Can blocking a frown keep bad feelings at bay?
Rhinos on the Run from NY Times Science
Astronomers Hunt for Ticking Time Bombs from
Sun's Rumored Hidden Companion May Not Exist After All from
New Playboy Site That's SFW (as in, No Articles) from CBSNews - Science
Energy explorers flock to Egypt from UPI
Demonstration project to store CO2 underground in China from Physorg
Could dark baryons explain dark matter? from Physorg
Stem cells made by reprogramming hold onto their past
Investigators identify gene associated with kidney disease in African-American population
iGEM team helps prevent rogue use of synthetic biology
UT researchers: English ivy may give sunblock a makeover
Team designs artificial cells that communicate and cooperate like biological cells, ants
DNA barcoding reveals 5 undiscovered frog species among 30 wiped out by fungal epidemic in Panama
Yemen battles food insecurity from UPI
Siemens blows into Russian wind market from UPI
2,000 oil spills in Nigeria from UPI
Britain falling behind in green energy from UPI
Koreans reserve Australian LNG from UPI
Beach umbrellas do not block out all solar radiation from Physorg
Biophysicist explores the science behind the mind-body practice of tai chi from Physorg
'Condor' brings genome assembly down to Earth from Physorg
Computers intersect with sociology to sift through 'all our ideas' from Physorg
Finding frugal aliens: 'Benford beacons' concept could refocus search for intelligent extraterrestrial life from Physorg
Multimedia edition of Ken Follett epic unveiled from CBC: Technology & Science
Megrahi release legal, U.S. says from UPI
Sea Level Rise Threatens Some Areas More than Others from Live Science
Free Eye Care for Seniors from NY Times Health
A plane that lands like a bird (w/ Video) from Physorg
NASA's Nebula Cloud Computing Technology To Play Key Role In New Open Source Initiative from Physorg
Italy to China in driverless vehicles from Physorg
Engineers Find New 'Lake,' Prompting Emergency Floodwater Release from Falcon Dam from Physorg
Shaken and Stirred: MicroGen and Cornell Agree to Create 'Self-Charging' Batteries from Ambient Vibration from Newswise - Scinews
News from the 2010 Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting & Food Expo from Newswise - Scinews
Gut flora affects weight gain from Science Alert
Holidays help boost happiness from Science Alert
Digital movie standard tackles format hurdles from CBC: Technology & Science
New Playboy website targets workday readers from CBC: Technology & Science
Oxford-trained doctor shut out of B.C. from CBC: Health
Needle-free flu vaccine pondered by P.E.I. from CBC: Health
Playboy launches new work-safe website from Physorg
Research shows children's school performance tied to family 'type' from Physorg
Less than 10 percent of injecting drug users covered by existing HIV prevention interventions from Physorg
Inadequate provision of treatments driving drug-related HIV epidemics from Physorg
Health of people with HIV who use drugs cannot improve without acknowledging their human rights from Physorg
Alcohol: The forgotten drug in HIV/AIDS from Physorg
Improved antiretroviral treatment access requires decriminalization from Physorg
CSI at the service of cellulose synthesis from Physorg
HIV-infected drug users at greater risk of viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, bacterial infections and mental illness from Physorg
Drug users must be decriminalized along with scale-up of combination treatment and changes to drug control from Physorg
Intensive behavioral interventions needed to reduce amphetamine use, which is linked to HIV risk from Physorg
The World's Smallest Cup of Water: Team Shows Location of Water Relative to Prototypical Protein from Physorg
12 myths about HIV/AIDS and people who use drugs from Physorg
Are all meditation techniques the same? from Physorg
HIV in women who use drugs: Double neglect, double risk from Physorg
Gut flora study gives insight into obesity from Physorg
Nurses replace GP consults from Science Alert
Brain training reverses age-related cognitive decline from Science Blog
Image-processing algorithm reduces CT radiation dose by as much as 95 percent from Science Blog
NIH’s Anthony S. Fauci to discuss early HIV infection and a novel target for HIV vaccine development from Science Blog
Are all meditation techniques the same? from Science Blog
Beach umbrellas do not block out all solar radiation from Science Blog
Eni in Baku to discuss gas projects from UPI
China threatens U.S. energy security from UPI
Linking Temperature Rise To Effects from C&EN
Beach umbrellas do not block out all solar radiation, study shows from Science Daily
Natural substance NT-020 aids aging brains in rats, study finds from Science Daily
Image-processing algorithm reduces CT radiation dose by as much as 95 percent from Science Daily
Brain training reverses age-related cognitive decline from Physorg
Rowan University Tackles Challenges of Reducing Carbon Footprint of Drug Manufacturing from Newswise - Scinews
Depressed People Really Do See a Gray World from Live Science
China race to contain oil spill from UPI
A Worried View of the Amazon From Within its Forest from NY Times Science
Researchers team on sickle cell clinical trial from Physorg
Nobody's home: MIT economist measures how much foreclosures lower housing prices from Physorg
$88M for HIV vaccine lab to go to research instead from CBC: Health
Italy To China In Driverless Vehicles from CBSNews - Science
Digital Movie Locker 'UltraViolet' Nears Launch from CBSNews - Science
Why Do We Cry? Eight Half-Baked Ideas
Fourth property of electrons? Electric dipole moment would explain creation of universe from Science Daily
Probiotics use in mothers limits eczema in their babies from Science Daily
Antibiotics for the prevention of malaria from Science Daily
By 'putting a ring on it,' microparticles can be captured from Science Daily
New methodology improves winter climate forecasting from Science Daily
Where the wild veggies are: Cultivated cucumber and melon originated in Asia and Australia from Science Daily
Nanotechnology: Scientists construct molecular 'knots' from Science Daily
FDA Accepts Historical Controls for Epilepsy Monotherapy Studies from Science Daily
Dangers of Untreated Erectile Dysfunction from Science Daily
Why Does Everything Look Gray When You Feel Blue? from Science Daily
Engineers work on rocket demonstrator for Mars missions from Science Daily
CSI at the service of cellulose synthesis: Plant researchers identify protein involved in formation of cellulose from Science Daily
Cash boost for EU research from Chemistry World
SlipChip performs PCR from Chemistry World
The 'Super Skimmer' That Wasn't from NY Times Science
HIV's sugar coating offers new vaccine approach from Physorg
Liverpool scientists construct molecular 'knots' from Physorg
Disease genes that followed the Silk Road identified from Physorg
Why does everything look gray when you feel blue? from Physorg
E-book sales outpacing hardcovers: Amazon from CBC: Technology & Science
Liverpool scientists construct molecular ‘knots’ from Science Blog
Disease genes that followed the Silk Road identified from Science Blog
FDA accepts historical controls for epilepsy monotherapy studies from Science Blog
New methodology improves winter climate forecasting from Science Blog
By ‘putting a ring on it,’ microparticles can be captured from Science Blog
Remembering so as not to forget from Physorg
Researchers Discover Missing Link in Cell Mitosis: The Role of Protein in Controlling Cell Division is Unveiled from Newswise - Scinews
X Conference: All About the Chromosomes from Newswise - Scinews
Cutting Fat and Calories Can Lower Cancer Risk in Dogs and People from Newswise - Scinews
Can deciphering your doctor's notes improve care? from AP Health
Cassini Sees Moon Building Giant Snowballs in Saturn Ring from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Europe Proposes to End Coal Mining Subsidies by 2014 from NY Times Science
Bridges That Build Themselves
Obama to Fed Workers: Cut Travel to Help Climate from CBSNews - Science
Global HIV/AIDS survey by IAPAC reveals critical gap in patient-physician conversations from Science Blog
Replacing hydrogen in fluorescent dyes improves detection ability, stability and shelf life from Science Blog
Replacing hydrogen in fluorescent dyes improves detection ability, stability and shelf life from Science Blog
Replacing hydrogen in fluorescent dyes improves detection ability, stability and shelf life from Science Blog
Cultural reactions to anger expression can affect negotiation outcomes from Science Blog
Experts warn rapid losses of Africa’s native livestock threaten continent’s food supply from Science Blog
Experts warn rapid losses of Africa’s native livestock threaten continent’s food supply from Science Blog
Experts warn rapid losses of Africa’s native livestock threaten continent’s food supply from Science Blog
Writing checks that bounce: World continues to backtrack on HIV treatment from Science Blog
Writing checks that bounce: World continues to backtrack on HIV treatment from Science Blog
Oxford-trained doctor shut out of B.C. from CBC: Health
Taming time travel from
Brain training reverses age-related cognitive decline from Science Daily
Air travel no 'significant threat' to cardiovascular health, says new guidance from Science Daily
Fluorescent Dye Hydrogen Swap Improves Detection, Shelf Life from Newswise - Scinews
Quantum Time Machine Lets You Travel to the Past Without Fear of Grandfather Paradox from PopSci
Beach Umbrellas Fail to Block 34 Percent of UV Rays from Live Science
Tour de France riders need 'mutant' bodies from MSNBC: Science
Not-so-weird science from BBC News: Science & Nature
Ottawa pumps more cash into carbon sequestration from CBC: Technology & Science
Ontario eco fees officially scrapped from CBC: Technology & Science
Ocean energy industry wants political support from UPI
A Russian Warning on Retreating Ice from NY Times Science
Governments Get Together to Talk Clean from NY Times Science
Saturn's Moon Triggers Giant Snowballs in Planet's Ring from
Guided Care improves physician satisfaction with patient/family communications from Science Blog
Guided Care improves physician satisfaction with patient/family communications from Science Blog
Guided Care improves physician satisfaction with patient/family communications from Science Blog
Consumers love underdogs from Science Blog
Consumers love underdogs from Science Blog
Consumers love underdogs from Science Blog
No pain, no gain? Concrete thinking increases consumer confidence from Science Blog
No pain, no gain? Concrete thinking increases consumer confidence from Science Blog
No pain, no gain? Concrete thinking increases consumer confidence from Science Blog
Next generation surgical robots: Where’s the doctor? from Science Blog
Edmonton boy 'more beautiful' after face surgery: mom from CBC: Health
Japan in a Cell Phone League of its Own from Live Science
Walking Robot Breaks Distance Record from Live Science
New Patch Poised to Replace Needles For Painless Flu Shot from Live Science
Wireless device 'sends power through a sub's hull' from BBC News: Science & Nature
To Researchers, Space Samples Are Well Worth The Cost of Fetching from
No pain, no gain? Concrete thinking increases consumer confidence from Science Daily
Consumers love underdogs from Science Daily
Afraid of a broken heart? Feeling insecure in relationships may predispose people to later cardiovascular problems, says research from Science Daily
Getting angry can help negotiations in some cultures, hurt it in others from Science Daily
Replacing hydrogen in fluorescent dyes improves detection ability, stability and shelf life from Science Daily
Test can predict success of IVF: U.S. report from Reuters:Science
Child laptop scheme held back by training shortage in Peru from SciDev
Sea-bed structure affects tsunami size, study finds from SciDev
Texas Tech Center for Pulsed Power Aiding in Fight against IEDs from Newswise - Scinews
Amazon drought raises research doubts from News @ Nature
Animal rights 'terror' law challenged from News @ Nature
Collider gets yet more exotic 'to-do' list from News @ Nature
Why music is good for you from News @ Nature
Scam ties up phones while thieves pilfer accounts from CBC: Technology & Science
Inuit bones from ancestral site to be repatriated from CBC: Technology & Science
Why Don't Science Writers Write About Science Education?
For a Celiac Sufferer, a New Mystery Illness from NY Times Health
Duke Suspends Researcher, Halts Cancer Studies from NY Times Health
Latin America ‘leading the way in water sustainable projects’ from SciDev
Widely used chemicals linked to ADHD in children from Science Daily
In-store displays: How do consumers perceive pricing? from Science Daily
A study of house prices: Do the benefits of disclosure outweigh the risks? from Science Daily
New hypothesis for human evolution and human nature from Science Daily
Scientists discover new genetic marker of ovarian cancer risk from Physorg
UK government warned over 'catastrophic' cuts from News @ Nature
Amazon drought raises research doubts from News @ Nature
Easing the Pain of Cancer from NY Times Health
More Federal Scrutiny for Johnson & Johnson from NY Times Health
Healthy families, religious involvement buffer youth against risk factors related to drug abuse from Science Blog
BUSPH researchers link widely used chemicals to ADHD in children from Science Blog
Can deciphering your doctor's notes improve care? from Physorg
FDA panel: Study did not show benefit with Avastin from Physorg
Radio Waves: Alternative Power Source from Physorg
Avastin risks outweighed benefits in 1 study: FDA from CBC: Health
Stone Age Carving: Ancient Dildo? from Live Science
Michelangelo Artfully Hid a Brain Stem in God's Throat from Live Science
Success at last for anti-HIV gel from News @ Nature
UK government warned over 'catastrophic' cuts from News @ Nature
China surpasses US as world's top energy consumer from Physorg
Faster tracking of lung tumors may help treatment from Physorg
Microsoft's Kinect to cost $150, on sale in November from Physorg
Elephant tooth fossil found in Brazil: report from Physorg
LightSquared wireless broadband network set to launch next year from Physorg
U.S. aid for Pakistani energy and water from UPI
What Is Your Doctor Saying About You? from NY Times Health
European Bureaucrats Raid Research, Ag Funds to Pay for Fusion Reactor from Science NOW
Hundreds of Dead Penguins Wash Ashore in Brazil from CBSNews - Science
Fashion Feedback at the Click of a Mouse from CBSNews - Science
China uses oil-eating bacteria to clean up spill from Physorg
Asthma and eczema sufferers have a lower risk of developing a cancer from Physorg
New research will unravel Arizona's prehistoric puzzle of the Hohokam ceramic industry from Physorg
New hypothesis for human evolution and human nature from Physorg
Russia announces $800 million spaceport from UPI
House Joins Senate in Rebuffing Obama on Crewed Space Flight from Science NOW
Taking music seriously from Science Blog
NOAA ship Fairweather maps aid shipping through Bering Straits from Science Blog
EU clears Sybase takeover by Germany's SAP from Physorg
No pain, no gain? Concrete thinking increases consumer confidence from Physorg
Where the wild veggies are: Cultivated cucumber and melon originated in Asia and Australia from Physorg
Astrophysicists discover a quasar that acts as a cosmic lens (w/ Video) from Physorg
Experts warn rapid losses of Africa's native livestock threaten continent's food supply from Physorg
Rapid growth in adolescence leads to fewer offspring, biologists find from Physorg
Researchers link widely used chemicals to ADHD in children from Physorg
Taking music seriously: How music training primes nervous system and boosts learning from Physorg
Dairy farmers can fight growing disease threat with chlorine and stainless steel from Physorg
The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society Commences Roadmapping Process on Stationary Electrical Energy Storage from Newswise - Scinews
AMP Presents at FDA Meeting on Regulating Diagnostics from Newswise - Scinews
30 Amphibian Species Wiped Out in Panama Forest from National Geographic
Presented By: from National Geographic
Google beefs up image search from CBC: Technology & Science
Studies show promise in curbing AIDS in Africa from LA Times - Health
Veterans can have seizures decades after a head injury, study finds from LA Times - Health
Poverty and HIV are strongly linked, CDC survey finds from LA Times - Health
NOAA ship Fairweather maps aid shipping through Bering Straits from Physorg
Practice makes perfect? Consumers overestimate their ability to learn prior to purchase from Physorg
Scientists receive first CryoSat-2 data from Physorg
Research prunes 60 per cent off energy use from Physorg
First-of-its-kind map details the height of the globe's forests from Physorg
Genders of alcohol-dependent parents and children influence psychopathology in the children from Physorg
Children of older women appear vulnerable to the effects of prenatal alcohol exposure from Physorg
Men and women respond equally to naltrexone as treatment for alcohol dependence from Physorg
Antibiotics for the prevention of malaria from Physorg
Drinking trends increase for whites, blacks and Hispanics from Physorg
Healthy families, religious involvement buffer youth against risk factors related to drug abuse from Physorg
New methodology improves winter climate forecasting from Physorg
Next generation surgical robots: Where's the doctor? from Physorg
U.S. robot sets 14-mile 'walking' record from UPI
Model of proposed 1,000 mph car unveiled from UPI
Dead Sea Scrolls made locally, tests show from MSNBC: Science
Underwater sponges and worms may hold key to cure for malaria from Science Daily
Uncovering behavior of long-dead insects from Science Daily
‘The friend of my enemy is my enemy’: Virtual universe study proves 80-year-old theory on how humans interact from Science Daily
Rapid growth in adolescence leads to fewer offspring, biologists find from Science Daily
In-store displays: How do consumers perceive pricing? from Physorg
Feeling insecure in relationships may predispose people to later health problems, says research from Physorg
Probiotics use in mothers limits eczema in their babies from Physorg
Key pathway in end-stage prostate cancer tumor progression blocked from Physorg
Cassini Sees Moon Building Giant Snowballs in Saturn Ring from Physorg
Children have a negative impact on physical activity among individuals with heart disease from Physorg
Bone cells' branches sense stimulation, when to make new bone from Physorg
FDA accepts historical controls for epilepsy monotherapy studies from Physorg
Congress taking up school lunch bill from UPI
U.S. school to join telescope project from UPI
Anti-HIV Gel Also Effective Against Herpesvirus from Science NOW
ScienceShot: A Moon-Maker Among Saturn's Rings from Science NOW
Panel Urges F.D.A. to Revoke Approval of Drug for Breast Cancer Treatment from NY Times Health
$88M for HIV vaccine lab to go to research instead from CBC: Technology & Science
Cultural reactions to anger expression can affect negotiation outcomes from Physorg
A baby, Skype and water research partnership with Israel from Physorg
By 'putting a ring on it,' microparticles can be captured from Physorg
Video Camera Will Show Mars Rover's Touchdown from Physorg
Researchers seeking the fourth property of electrons from Physorg
New method developed for synchronizing clocks from Physorg
Natural substance NT-020 aids aging brains in rats, study finds from Physorg
Replacing hydrogen in fluorescent dyes improves detection ability, stability and shelf life from Physorg
Ottawa's HIV/AIDS funding disappoints some from CBC: Health
New Method Developed for Synchronizing Clocks from Newswise - Scinews
Philadelphia Mayor Nutter Proclaims Today, July 20, 2010"Medical Physics Day" to Honor City's Medical History and to Recognize the 52nd Meeting of the AAPM from Newswise - Scinews
On the Upswing: First Half of 2010 Showing Increase in New Food and Drink Products from Newswise - Scinews
Food Science and Technology: The Key to Meeting New USDA Food Guidelines for a Growing Population from Newswise - Scinews
A mutation that frustrates DNA repair likely contributes to Fanconi anemia from The Rockefeller University
Beijing: Google Agrees to Obey Censorship Law from CBSNews - Science
Rapid growth in adolescence leads to fewer offspring, UC Riverside biologists find from Science Blog
AMP presents at FDA meeting on regulating diagnostics from Science Blog
First-of-its-kind map details the height of the globe’s forests from Science Blog
Apple fiscal 3Q net income jumps 78 percent from Physorg
Depression overlooked in patients with hepatitis C; compromising HCV therapy from Physorg
High doses of ursodeoxycholic acid ineffective for NASH patients from Physorg
Yahoo 2Q earnings climb 51 pct, revenue up 2 pct from Physorg
Expedition to Mid-Cayman Rise identifies unusual variety of deep sea vents from Physorg
Research shows it is not about more sunlight and higher temperatures from Physorg
What causes hybrid vigor? from Physorg
Using a learning collaborative model to combat maternal HIV transmission in Eastern Rwanda from Physorg
Model for roll-out of comprehensive adult male circumcision services in South Africa from Physorg
Gulf Oil Spill Could Affect Maine Bird Populations from Physorg
Genetic mismatch keeps yeast species distinct from Physorg
HIV testing for children must be improved from Physorg
Research results confirm need for protection against ticks that carry Lyme disease from Physorg
'Glass' boxes proposed for aircraft from UPI
BP Sells $7 Billion in Assets to Apache from NY Times Science
Audits Planned for Asbestos Inspections from NY Times Science
Zooming In on Future Water Shortages from Science NOW
Zombie Satellite Forces More Evasive Maneuvers for Other Craft from
Why some plants flower in spring, autumn and some in summer from Science Daily
Prolonged mobile phone use may be linked to tinnitus from Science Daily
How music training primes nervous system and boosts learning from Science Daily
Asthma and eczema sufferers have a lower risk of developing a cancer, study finds from Science Daily
Next generation surgical robots: Where's the doctor? from Science Daily
Obesity in early adulthood associated with increased risk of psoriatic arthritis from Science Daily
New method developed for synchronizing clocks from Science Daily
Children's school performance tied to family 'type' from Science Daily
Depression overlooked in patients with hepatitis C; compromising HCV therapy from Science Daily
Temperature constancy appears key to tropical biodiversity from Science Daily
High doses of ursodeoxycholic acid ineffective for NASH patients, study suggests from Science Daily
Key pathway in end-stage prostate cancer tumor progression blocked from Science Daily
Consumers love underdogs from Physorg
NASA infrared image of Tropical Storm Chanthu shows convection missing on west side from Physorg
Robot Ranger sets new 'walking' record at 14.3 miles from Physorg
Wrist Fractures May Cause Serious Disabilities from Physorg
Back to the future for flu fighters from Physorg
Expedition to Mid-Cayman Rise Identifies Unusual Variety of Deep Sea Vents from Newswise - Scinews
New Cell Network Doesn't Depend on Towers from Live Science
Navy Shoots Down Robotic Aircraft with Laser Beams from Live Science
Duke Suspends Clinical Trials After Scandal Over Padded Resumé from Science NOW
Temperature constancy appears key to tropical biodiversity from Science Blog
Notre Dame research shows children’s school performance tied to family ‘type’ from Science Blog
Research results confirm need for protection against ticks that carry Lyme disease from Science Blog
Expedition to Mid-Cayman Rise identifies unusual variety of deep sea vents from Science Blog
Depression overlooked in patients with hepatitis C; compromising HCV therapy from Science Blog
Regrowing body parts moves closer to reality from CBC: Health
Wooden "Stonehenge" Emerges From Prehistoric Ohio from National Geographic
Divers find 200-year old champagne in Baltic wreck from Physorg
Posted images could put some at risk from UPI
Orbiter Puts Itself Into Standby Safe Mode from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
SpaceShipTwo's First Trip to Space Could Occur This Fall from
Apple earnings soar 78% from CBC: Technology & Science
Online shoppers more likely to buy from white sellers than black from Physorg
Unlocking the secrets of cellular energy holds promise for obesity, diabetes and cancer from Physorg
Future HIV vaccines -- if we build it, will they come? from Physorg
For Domestic Violence Victims, a Little Financial Literacy Goes a Long Way from Physorg
Profits are so last quarter: Wall St. eyes revenue from Physorg
'Cool' roofs could combat climate change from UPI
Satellite giving scientists 'ice' insights from UPI
China is 'number one energy user' from BBC News: Science & Nature
EPA takes new look at gas drilling, water issues from AP Science
Hundreds of dead penguins dot Brazil's beaches from AP Science
Ethan Allen blinds recalled amid safety review from CBC: Health
Dats Deli meat recall prompted by Listeria from CBC: Health
Pictures: Walls of Fat Clog London Sewers from National Geographic
NY man's Facebook ownership claim lands in court from Physorg
NASA Tests Launch Abort System At Supersonic Speeds from Physorg
Active play is important for children's physical activity from Physorg
Wildlife in war from BBC News: Science & Nature
New York Mandates Cleaner Heating Oil from NY Times Science
Finger-Pointing on Oil Shifts to Bush Era from NY Times Science
ScienceShot: Tiny Amphibian, Long Life from Science NOW
Duke Scientist Suspended Over Rhodes Scholar Claims from NY Times Health
NASA infrared image of Tropical Storm Chanthu shows convection missing on west side from Science Blog
Women in their 50s more prone to PTSD than men from Physorg
Research shows eggs from pastured chickens may be more nutritious from Physorg
Ultrasound treatment can keep peanuts fresh longer, researcher says from Physorg
Frog disease killing unknown species from UPI
Scientist: 'Nurturing' drove evolution from UPI
2 Genes Linked to Embryonic Brain Impairment in Down's Syndrome from Scientific American
Video: BP Requests to Kill Well from CBSNews - Science
A study of house prices: Do the benefits of disclosure outweigh the risks? from Physorg
Brain cells 'trained' to tell time from UPI
Announcing The Science 2.0® Smart Baby(TM) Sperm Bank
Long-lived Salamanders Offer Clues to Aging from Live Science
Asteroid impacts subject of Congress bill from UPI
Flowers made the world cooler, wetter from UPI
NASA Goes Deep in Search of Extreme Environments from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
'Human fish' salamander breaks lifespan record from MSNBC: Science
Facebook sued for ownership from CBC: Technology & Science
Panel Urges End to Avastin Use in Breast Cancer from NY Times Health
Michelangelo hid brain stem in God's throat from MSNBC: Science
Petition seeks to have wolves howl across US from AP Science
Depressed see the world in shades of gray from UPI
Boeing enters commercial spacecraft race from UPI
Dead penguins washed up in Brazil from BBC News: Science & Nature
Nanofibres power portable electronics from Physics World
Data presentation and consumer confidence from Physorg
FDA panel says Avastin should not be marketed for breast cancer treatment from LA Times - Science
Engineered stem cells may limit heart attack damage, improve function from Physorg
Cassini sees moon building giant snowballs in Saturn ring from Science Daily
Bone cells' branches sense stimulation, when to make new bone from Science Daily
Children have a negative impact on physical activity among individuals with heart disease, study finds from Science Daily
Drilling down to the nanometer depths of leaves for biofuels from Science Daily
New way to target viruses could make antiviral drugs more effective from Science Daily
Expedition to Mid-Cayman Rise identifies unusual variety of deep sea vents from Science Daily
New genetic marker of ovarian cancer risk discovered from Science Daily
Video camera will show Mars rover's touchdown from Science Daily
Practice makes perfect? Consumers overestimate their ability to learn prior to purchase from Science Daily
First-of-its-kind map details the height of the globe's forests from Science Daily
HPV vaccine gives prolonged protection against genital warts and low-grade pre-cancerous growths from Science Daily
Computer program predicts MRSA bacteria's next move from Science Daily
Rapid losses of Africa's native livestock threaten continent's food supply, experts warn from Science Daily
Cells' grouping tactic points to new cancer treatments from Science Daily
NOAA ship Fairweather maps aid shipping through Bering Straits from Science Daily
Preterm births higher among overweight and obese mothers, study finds from Science Daily
Data presentation and consumer confidence from Science Daily
Healthy families, religious involvement buffer youth against risk factors related to drug abuse from Science Daily
BP testimony: Officials knew of key safety problem on rig from LA Times - Science
University adopts faculty financial conflict of interest policies from Harvard Science
Medical School revises conflict of interest policy from Harvard Science
Some key points from the new University faculty financial conflict of interest policy from Harvard Science
Dead penguins wash up on Brazil beaches from CBC: Technology & Science
Recipes for Health: Grilled Eggplant Purée With Pomegranate Syrup and Almonds from NY Times Health
Phys Ed: Do Certain Types of Sneakers Prevent Injuries? from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Smoky Eggplant and Yogurt Purée from NY Times Health