Archive of feed items published on the 25th of January 2010
Study confirms prostate cancer is treated differently at county vs. private hospitals from Physorg
Psychodynamic psychotherapy brings lasting benefits, new study finds from Physorg
Mixed-handed children more likely to have mental health, language and scholastic problems from Physorg
Value of sexual reproduction versus asexual reproduction from Science Daily
Cells critical to childhood leukemia discovered from Science Daily
Cave reveals Southwest's abrupt climate swings during Ice Age from Science Daily
Tree Shrew Offers Small-Animal Model of Hepatitis C Virus Infection from Science Daily
Driven to distraction: New study shows driving hinders talking from Science Daily
Potential new class of drugs to combat hepatitis C identified from Science Daily
Global warming: 'Cooling' forests can heat too from Science Daily
Cycling to better health, one leg at a time from Science Daily
Zebrafish swim into drug development from Science Daily
Trauma patients safe from mortality risks associated with so-called 'weekend effect' from Science Daily
How organisms can tolerate mutations, yet adapt to environmental change from Science Daily
PrEP treatment prevented HIV transmission in humanized mice from Science Daily
Managing Pacific Northwest dams for a changing climate from Science Daily
How anticancer immune responses are suppressed from Science Daily
Chaperonins prompt proper protein folding -- but how? from Science Daily
Bat echolocation: 3-D imaging differentiates how various bats generate biosonar signals from Science Daily
Living the high life is risky business for toads under threat from fungus from Science Daily
New Rule Allows Use of Partial DNA Matches from NY Times Science
Reproductive coercion often is accompanied by physical or sexual violence, study finds from Science Blog
Study confirms prostate cancer is treated differently at county vs. private hospitals from Science Blog
'Poop' dermatitis linked to fashionable toilet seats, harsh chemicals from Science Blog
Mixed-handed children more likely to have mental health, language and scholastic problems from Science Blog
Fast food menus with calorie information lead to lower calorie selections for young children from Science Blog
Death By Fraud
Hospice care info from LA Times - Health
For the record from LA Times - Health
Concordia calling from European Space Agency
Prions 'may keep nerves healthy' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Is there anybody out there? Quite possibly, says leading astronomer from BBC News: Science & Nature
Science and vision from BBC News: Science & Nature
Taiwan lets chip firms invest in China: report from Physorg
Cape Wind's fate unclear, even in Obama's hands from Physorg
ESA - Euronews Space MagazineXMM Newton: Unveiling the universe from European Space Agency
'Poop' dermatitis linked to fashionable toilet seats, harsh chemicals from Physorg
Fast food menus with calorie information lead to lower calorie selections for young children from Physorg
Rare dinosaur skeleton turned over to researchers from Physorg
China rejects claims of Internet hacking attacks from Physorg
Boron cluster forms unique ring system from Chemistry World
Reproductive coercion often is accompanied by physical or sexual violence, study finds from Physorg
Levitating magnet brings space physics to fusion from MIT Research
Movie made by chimps shown on TV from BBC News: Science & Nature
CT scanner checks on well-being of aging U.S. nuclear weapons from Physorg
Black holes need high upkeep from Science Alert
More melamine-tainted milk products found in China from AP Health
One in five U.S. teenagers has high cholesterol from Physorg
WISE spots its first near-Earth asteroid from UPI
World's least known bird rediscovered
Living the high life is risky business for toads under threat from fungus
'Poop' dermatitis linked to fashionable toilet seats, harsh chemicals
Gastric ulcer bacteria turn immune defence inwards
Study confirms prostate cancer is treated differently at county verse private hospitals
Swedes accept protective hunting - but only of certain species
China denies involvement in Google hackings from CBC: Technology & Science
NASA selects its 2010 Student Ambassadors from UPI
Drug fights ischemia reperfusion injury from UPI
More melamine-tainted milk products found in China from Physorg
Smacks in the Face Explain Unique Looks of Two Moons from
Video: Protect your Password! from CBSNews - Science
Putting A Lid On The Spread Of Infection
Researcher: Money makes people happy, especially if they're paid by the hour from Physorg
At Hulu, 'free' may soon turn into 'fee' from Physorg
Operation can help kids with epilepsy from Physorg
Acoustic levitation could be used on Mars from Physorg
Economic growth 'cannot continue' from BBC News: Science & Nature
China has 'open mind' on climate from BBC News: Science & Nature
P.E.I. doctor sees increase in methadone babies from CBC: Health
Q&A: Bill Gates: Lessons Learned from CBSNews - Science
10 mind-bending dinosaur discoveries from MSNBC: Science
Sponsored By: from MSNBC: Science
Study of Shark Virgin Birth Shows Offspring Can Survive Long Term from Newswise - Scinews
Remember me? from BBC News: Science & Nature
U.S. Scientists Call for the Creation of an International Asteroid Defense Agency from PopSci
Zebrafish: A new drug development platform from UPI
Making Your Passwords Harder on Hackers from CBSNews - Science
Genetic testing no real help in predicting type 2 diabetes from Physorg
Concordia calling from Physorg
Unhealthy habits erase heart disease progress from CBC: Health
Nuclear fission algorithm is created from UPI
Slovenia becomes sixth ESA European Cooperating State from European Space Agency
Eat your greens: they can prevent the ill-effects of toxins in foods from Physorg
American Bird Conservancy hails ruling from UPI
Ultrasound plus proteomic blood analyses may help physicians diagnose early-stage ovarian cancer from Science Daily
Hypertension: Beta-blockers effective in combination therapies from Science Daily
Easy-build wireless networks from Science Daily
Ask the non-experts about autism detection in infants from Science Daily
Digital mammography delivers significantly less radiation than conventional mammography from Science Daily
Tobacco plant thwarts caterpillar onslaught by opening flowers in the morning from Science Daily
Herpes medication does not reduce risk of HIV transmission, study finds from Science Daily
Engineers find significant environmental impacts with algae-based biofuel from Science Daily
Potential way to reverse cancer cell metabolism and tumor growth from Science Daily
Using supercomputers to explore nuclear energy from Science Daily
New treatment shown to reduce recurrence of debilitating diarrhea from Science Daily
New finding on key element of Earth's lower mantle from Science Daily
Older brains make good use of 'useless' information from Science Daily
Stroke's 'death signal' can be blocked; discovery may aid drug development from Science Daily
Obesity ups cancer risk, and here's how from Science Daily
COPD, even when mild, limits heart function from Science Daily
Popular handheld devices show promise in the field of emergency radiology from Science Daily
Breeding Has Made Dogs’ Heads Incredibly Diverse from Live Science
Cell-enriched fat grafts improve long term graft retention in preclinical study from Science Blog
Study of shark virgin birth shows offspring can survive long term from Science Blog
Smooth and integrated movement patterns can help individuals with back pain from Science Blog
World's least known bird rediscovered from Science Blog
Doctors develop life-saving, low-cost ventilators for emergency, rural and military use from Science Blog
Discovery of epigenetic memory during breast cancer from Science Blog
Inuit preschoolers often go hungry: McGill study from CBC: Health
Study finds new Parkinson's disease facts from UPI
Could Black-Market Botox Makers Supply Terrorists with Botulinum Toxin? from PopSci
Study of shark virgin birth shows offspring can survive long term from Science Daily
Religious images? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Psychodynamic psychotherapy brings lasting benefits, new study finds
Mixed-handed children more likely to have mental health, language and scholastic problems
Madagascar government's logging policy threatens the island's natural heritage
Reproductive coercion often is accompanied by physical or sexual violence
Odds of finding E.T. never better: astronomer from CBC: Technology & Science
China finds more melamine in milk products from CBC: Health
Russians backing off on TNK-BP from UPI
Iran looks beyond oil for revenue from UPI
Iraqi oil deals headed to court from UPI
EPA looks into Chevron's Alaska work from UPI
Buying Your First (Energy-Efficient) Home from Scientific American
Bill Gates says innovation can leverage change from Physorg
Study of shark virgin birth shows offspring can survive long term from Physorg
Discovery of epigenetic memory during breast cancer from Physorg
World's least known bird rediscovered from Physorg
A pregnant woman does not look like an olive from Physorg
Do We Have Free Will? FSU Philosopher Awarded $4.4M Grant to Find Out from Newswise - Scinews
Software to Test Cybersecurity Systems for Flaws from Newswise - Scinews
Mayo Clinic and IBM Advance Early Detection of Brain Aneurysms from Newswise - Scinews
The NHS and the cost-benefit dilemma from Science Blog
Mayo Clinic and IBM advance early detection of brain aneurysms from Science Blog
Natural pest control saves coffee berry from Science Blog
Researchers correct the record about behavior of important human protein tied to cancer from Science Blog
A pregnant woman does not look like an olive from Science Blog
Gecko's lessons transfer well from Science Blog
Court Ruling Favors Monsanto from C&EN
Printing On The Nanoscale from C&EN
Ebola's Clever Cloak from C&EN
Facebook's virtual farm game attracting millions from Physorg
Studies shed new light on early transmembrane signaling from Physorg
Mozilla leader worries about Internet limits from Physorg
AOL buys online video company StudioNow for $36.5M from Physorg
Monarch butterflies reveal a novel way in which animals sense the Earth's magnetic field from Physorg
Researchers correct the record about behavior of important human protein tied to cancer from Physorg
Smooth and integrated movement patterns can help individuals with back pain from Physorg
The NHS and the cost-benefit dilemma from Physorg
USDA awarding $310 million for broadband projects from Physorg
Gastric ulcer bacteria turn immune defense inwards from Physorg
Law of probabilities backs hopes for E.T., conference hears from Physorg
Most adults misunderstand standard warnings on prescriptions from Science Daily
Discovery of epigenetic memory during breast cancer from Science Daily
Studies shed new light on early transmembrane signaling from Science Daily
Weird Rock Offers Glimpse Deep Inside Mars from
Groovy Hills Rising from Titan Surface from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Court stops NYC suit vs. online cigarette vendor from Physorg
Sweet success for sustainable biofuel research from Physorg
Natural pest control saves coffee berry from Physorg
The Science Behind the Haiti Earthquake from Newswise - Scinews
Plant Evolution Led to Permanent Changes to the Way Rivers Looked and Behaved from Newswise - Scinews
Prominent Mathematician Accepts Appointment at UChicago from Newswise - Scinews
Fast Food Nutrition Labels Encourage Healthier Choices?
Himalayan snow melting in winter too, say scientists from SciDev
Tsunami alerts must be tailored to people, says report from SciDev
Genes linked to breast cancer drug resistance from Harvard Science
Exxon Mobil lauds Alaska's gas potential from UPI
New federal uranium storage facility opens from UPI
Astronomer: Life possible on other planets from UPI
Breeding made dogs' heads incredibly diverse from MSNBC: Science
Echolocating bats and whales share molecular mechanism from Physorg
How arthritis thrives from Physorg
Doctors develop life-saving, low-cost ventilators for emergency, rural and military use from Physorg
Kibbutz transformation continues in Israel from Physorg
A remedy for Mississippi's health blues from LA Times - Health
How arthritis thrives from Science Blog
Maximum height of extreme waves up dramatically in Pacific Northwest from Science Blog
Men feel less guilt from Science Blog
Tracking MRSA Through Hospitals And Across Continents
NASA to fly high school experiments from UPI
Okla. city embracing greener gas from UPI
Sexual vs. asexual reproduction studied from UPI
Study: Insect controls coffee berry borer from UPI
Exxon Mobil, Shell sign Iraqi oil deal from UPI
GlucoPro insulin syringes recalled from UPI
Virgin shark gives birth to offspring from UPI
Pakistan offers pledges on IPI pipeline from UPI
Citizens want to watch Alaska's pipelines from UPI
India moves on Iran's South Pars gas field from UPI
NASA Sky-Mapping Spacecraft Spots First New Asteroid from
Top emerging nations pledge climate aid for poor states from SciDev
Mayo Clinic and IBM advance early detection of brain aneurysms from Physorg
Surprising discovery: X-rays drive formation of new crystals from Physorg
Maximum height of extreme waves up dramatically in Pacific Northwest from Physorg
Men feel less guilt from Physorg
Liberty Global to sell stake to Japan's KDDI from Physorg
Female athletes injured more than male athletes from Physorg
Computers do better than humans at measuring some radiology images from Physorg
Science Looks Out For Coffee Lovers
Rogers backtracks on unpaid cellphone bill plan from CBC: Technology & Science
Sable Island may become national park from CBC: Technology & Science
Calgary's 911 centre to track cellphone callers from CBC: Technology & Science
Green power to help ancient rice terraces from UPI
Calgary's 911 centre to track cellphone callers from CBC: Health
Smooth and integrated movement patterns can help individuals with back pain from Science Daily
Fast food menus with calorie information lead to lower calorie selections for young children from Science Daily
Mixed-handed children more likely to have mental health, language and scholastic problems, study finds from Science Daily
Control of herpes symptoms does not reduce HIV transmission, international study found from Physorg
70 percent of Inuit preschoolers live in food insecure homes from Physorg
New Networking Formula Could Predict Research Success from Newswise - Scinews
Ambidextrous Children May Have More Problems in School from Live Science
Project seeks genetic basis of childhood cancer from Reuters:Science
FDA OK's first percutaneous heart valve from UPI
Parasite spreads between animals, zookeepers from MSNBC: Science
Study predicts HIV drug resistance will surge from Physorg
Canada's food safety system fails international comparisons from Physorg
The First of Many Asteroid Finds for WISE from Physorg
Smart Windows: Energy Efficiency with a View from Physorg
Surprising discovery: X-rays drive formation of new crystals from Science Blog
Control of herpes symptoms does not reduce HIV transmission, international study found from Science Blog
Green Energy "Oasis" to Bloom in the Desert? from National Geographic
Pictures: "Energy Oases" to Green the World's Deserts? from National Geographic
Strongest Hurricanes May Triple in Frequency, Study Says from National Geographic
Stimulus Brings Broadband to Rural Areas from CBSNews - Science
Bubble Wrap, at 50, a Pop Culture Mainstay from CBSNews - Science
Mozilla Leader Internet Limits from CBSNews - Science
Columbia River climate change studied from UPI
The MRSA bacteria mutates quickly as it spreads from
Doctors warn of snoring as signal of obstructive sleep apnea from Physorg
Software development gets a better production line from Physorg
Improving Semiconductor Technology from Physorg
A Sexy IPO but Will it Pop? from CBSNews - Science
Not So Corny: Facebook Farmers from CBSNews - Science
Men feel less guilt, study suggests from Science Daily
Gecko's lessons transfer well: Dry printing of nanotube patterns to any surface could revolutionize microelectronics from Science Daily
Surprising discovery: X-rays drive formation of new crystals; crystals resemble some biological structures from Science Daily
Female athletes injured more than male athletes from Science Daily
Computers do better than humans at measuring some radiology images from Science Daily
Maximum height of extreme waves up dramatically in Pacific Northwest from Science Daily
European Research Council President Steps Down from C&EN
Men Feel 'Too Little' Guilt, New Study Finds
Judge slashes 'monstrous' fine in music piracy case from Physorg
No evidence of a post-Olympics boom or bust for host city real estate prices: study from Physorg
Genetic 'atlas' of cells will pinpoint causes of disease from Physorg
MIT Experiment Envisions a New Way to Harness Fusion Power (With a 1,000-Pound Magnet) from PopSci
Court Nixes NY Cigarette Suit from CBSNews - Science
Superconducting hydrogen? from Physorg
New therapeutic approach identified for kidney disease associated with lupus from Physorg
Collection Provides Supply for Taxonomical Rescues from Physorg
Researchers of microraptor shed light on ancient origin of bird flight from Physorg
Two-pronged immune response offers hope for effective Salmonella vaccine from Physorg
Everybody laughs, everybody cries: Researchers identify universal emotions from Physorg
Insulin research points way to better diabetes treatments from Physorg
Scientists achieve first rewire of genetic switches from Physorg
Ups and downs of thyroid disease from Physorg
I will not go, says climate chief from BBC News: Science & Nature
Spaceman from BBC News: Science & Nature
No evidence of a post-Olympics boom or bust for host city real estate prices: UBC study from Science Blog
Maximum Ocean Wave Heights Increasing In Pacific Northwest
Highest Parachute Jump Planned from CBSNews - Science
FDA issues warning about phony Alli from UPI
In bats and whales, convergence in echolocation ability runs deep from Science Daily
Rapamycin may be potential treatment for kidney disease from Science Daily
No $1 Billion Boost for NASA Budget, Sources Say from
FORUM: Where Are Russia's Female Cosmonauts? from
Scientists find quicker way to study cancer drivers from Reuters:Science
Observatory: Slime Mold Proves to Be a Brainy Blob from NY Times Science
Q & A: Dietary Dilemma from NY Times Science
Really?: The Claim: Coughing Can Blunt the Pain of a Doctor’s Needle. from NY Times Science
Feathered Dinosaurs Leapt from Trees, Not the Ground from Live Science
Sobs and Growls Come Across In Any Language from Live Science
Research points to potential treatment for kidney disease from Physorg
Cassini spots mystery pattern on Titan from UPI
Fluctuating Blood Glucose Levels May Affect Decision Making from Newswise - Scinews
Advanced engine-control system reduces biodiesel fuel consumption and emissions from Physorg
Apple tablet could write a new chapter for e-books from Physorg
Google negotiating ways to keep presence in China from Physorg
Conditions imposed on Live Nation, Ticketmaster from Physorg
Bigger corn plants bully smaller neighbors in no-till fields from Physorg
Technique for preserving pre-transplant livers improves outcomes and organ pool from Physorg
Stem-cell line given the nod from News @ Nature
Biodiversity talks get under way from News @ Nature
Healthy prions protect nerves from News @ Nature
Research at UCSB points to potential treatment for kidney disease from Science Blog
Bigger corn plants bully smaller neighbors in no-till fields from Science Blog
Technique for preserving pre-transplant livers improves outcomes and organ pool from Science Blog
In Labor, a Snack or a Sip? from NY Times Health
Patient Safety: Conversation to Curriculum from NY Times Health
Books: Abusing Not Only Children, but Also Science from NY Times Health
Really?: The Claim: Coughing Can Blunt the Pain of a Doctor’s Needle. from NY Times Health
Q & A: Dietary Dilemma from NY Times Health
Dolphin and bat sonar share DNA design from CBC: Technology & Science
Scientists Create "Frankenstorm" Model from CBSNews - Science
Study maps birds' auditory brain pathway from UPI
Report: EDF to keep British grid from UPI
Video Game Expands the Concept of Dark Energy for Mass Effect from Scientific American
New compound could be alternative strategy for preventing HIV infection from Physorg
HP launches digital music venture in Europe from Physorg
Expectant mom's flu exposure stunts baby's brain development from Physorg
Engineering a new way to study hepatitis C from Physorg
Elementary school women teachers transfer their fear of doing math to girls from Physorg
Bad water could make power from Science Alert
Old accents preserved online from Science Alert
Prion protein is not all bad from
Teacher anxieties may subtract from girls’ math scores from
Play, Then Eat: Shift May Bring Gains at School from NY Times Health
Cases: An Ill Father, a Life-or-Death Decision from NY Times Health
Vital Signs: Exercise: In Women, Training for a Sharper Mind from NY Times Health
Vital Statistics: A Mixed Report on American Health from NY Times Health
Personal Health: After Smoking and Fats, Focus Turns to Salt from NY Times Health
A Deadly Quake in a Seismic Hot Zone from NY Times Science
Essay: Physicists’ Dreams and Worries in Era of the Big Collider from NY Times Science
In Labor, a Snack or a Sip? from NY Times Science
Patient Safety: Conversation to Curriculum from NY Times Science
Global Update: Parasites: ‘Tropical’ Diseases Are Common in Arctic Dwellers, a Survey Finds from NY Times Science
Vital Signs: Behavior: Too Much Sitting Shortens Lives, Study Suggests from NY Times Science
Vital Statistics: A Mixed Report on American Health from NY Times Science
Vital Signs: Exercise: In Women, Training for a Sharper Mind from NY Times Science
Observatory: Building Better Hydrogels With Mix of Clay and Water from NY Times Science
Books: Abusing Not Only Children, but Also Science from NY Times Science
Cases: An Ill Father, a Life-or-Death Decision from NY Times Science
NASA's WISE Eye Spies Near-Earth Asteroid from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Breakthrough Could Change Sampling Technology Forever from Newswise - Scinews
Nationwide clinical trial of nutritional drink for Alzheimer's from Physorg
Sweet future: Fluctuating blood glucose levels may affect decision making from Physorg
Drugs may shut down several Epstein-Barr virus-induced diseases from Physorg
Studying zinc increases understanding of obesity, breast cancer from Physorg
For Dekker, it's always flu season from Physorg
America's Cup to be shown live on Internet from Physorg
New groups change ecology from Science Alert
Stone circle preserves memory from Science Alert
Jupiter's largest moon melted like ice cream: astronomers from CBC: Technology & Science
AAN guideline evaluates treatments for kids with cerebral palsy from Physorg
Gene family found to play key role in early stages of development from Physorg
Facebook or MySpace, youths' use reflect face-to-face interactions from Physorg
Developing better batteries for energy alternatives from Physorg
Weight training improves cognitive function in seniors from Physorg
Groovy Hills Rising from Titan Surface from Physorg
Scripps research team finds stress hormone key to alcohol dependence from Physorg
Engineers Plot the Future for an Explorer Mired in Martian Sand from NY Times Science
A New Way to Look for Diseases’ Genetic Roots from NY Times Science
Personal Health: After Smoking and Fats, Focus Turns to Salt from NY Times Science
Play, Then Eat: Shift May Bring Gains at School from NY Times Science
Flight tests show ancient birds could glide from AP Science
Advanced engine-control system reduces biodiesel fuel consumption and emissions from Science Blog
New compound could be alternative strategy for preventing HIV infection from Science Blog
Rush University Medical Center leads nationwide clinical trial of nutritional drink for Alzheimer's from Science Blog
Scripps research team finds stress hormone key to alcohol dependence from Science Blog
Facebook or MySpace, youths' use reflect face-to-face interactions from Science Blog
Gene family found to play key role in early stages of development from Science Blog
Ticketmaster merger with Live Nation approved from CBC: Technology & Science
Microraptor Flight Test Reveals Origins Of Bird Flight
FOR KIDS: Making the most of a meal from
Monarch butterflies reveal a novel way in which animals sense the Earth's magnetic field from Biology News Net
In bats and whales, convergence in echolocation ability runs deep from Biology News Net
World's least known bird rediscovered from Biology News Net
Scientists achieve first rewire of genetic switches from Biology News Net
Control of herpes symptoms does not reduce HIV transmission, international study found from Biology News Net
Researchers of microraptor shed light on ancient origin of bird flight from Biology News Net
Vaccine approach extends life of metastatic prostate cancer patients from Physorg
Apple rockets to most profitable quarter ever from Physorg
Device simulates deep-sea floor conditions in lab from Physorg
Blood pressure control abnormal in newborns of smoking mothers from Physorg
Girls may learn math anxiety from female teachers from AP Science
Being cold boosts healthy hormone from CBC: Health
Engineered Tobacco Plants Grow Synthetic Solar Cells from PopSci
Newly Discovered Predator Keeps Coffee Berry Borer In Check
Findings: Corporate Backing for Research? Get Over It from NY Times Science
Feathered dinos leapt from trees, not ground from MSNBC: Science
Girls’ math fears may start with female teachers from MSNBC: Science
New, Fast Computing Simulation Tool Nets Best Paper Award from Newswise - Scinews
Device Simulates Deep-Sea Floor Conditions in Lab from Newswise - Scinews
Engineer Works to Develop Better Batteries for Energy Alternatives from Newswise - Scinews
Monitoring Peat from Earth, Space from Newswise - Scinews
Low-carb diet effective at lowering blood pressure from Physorg
Twitter to hold 'Chirp,' first conference for developers from Physorg
Study: New vaccine delivery system may be more effective from Physorg
Monitoring peatland from Earth and space from Physorg
Texas Instruments' 4Q profit, revenue soar from Physorg
Monitoring peatland from Earth and space from Science Blog
New class of brain-protecting drugs emerging from Science Blog
Sodium contents of processed foods decoded from Science Blog
Genel Enerji keen on Taq Taq refinery from UPI
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
Apple Earnings up 50% from CBSNews - Science
Music Biz's File-Sharing Dilemma from CBSNews - Science
Better computing, communication for emergency personnel at disaster sites from Physorg
Going For Exawatts: Building the most powerful laser in the world from Physorg
Defending Planet Earth from Asteroid and Comet Strikes (w/ Video) from Physorg
Computer science researcher hopes to stall malware threat by tracking human use behaviors from Physorg
New class of brain-protecting drugs emerging from Physorg
Geoscientists Drill Deepest Hole in Ocean Crust in Scientific Ocean Drilling History from Physorg
Birdlike Dinosaur Was Adept Glider from Science NOW
Jupiter Moon Whipped Into Shape by a Beating from Science NOW
Hear That? Bats and Whales Share Sonar Protein from Science NOW
Prion Protein Keeps Nerves Happy from Science NOW
Find of huge Mayan head suggests significant city from Reuters:Science
Letters: The Elation of Discovery? (1 Letter) from NY Times Science
Letters: Ct Scans and Iodine (2 Letters) from NY Times Science
Letters: Stroke Risk in Children (1 Letter) from NY Times Science
Letters: Treating a Disorder (1 Letter) from NY Times Science
Cut Out The Carbs To Lower Your Blood Pressure
Kids' calorie toll lower with labelled menus from CBC: Health
Childhood cancer gene search to start from CBC: Health
Lysol steam mops recalled over burn risk from CBC: Health
Homing In on Mammalian Echolocation from Scientific American
Tests Find Ancient Birds Could Glide from CBSNews - Science
NASA's WISE eye spies near-Earth asteroid from Science Daily
Gene therapy study seeks to improve brain function in Alzheimer's disease from Science Daily
Sodium contents of processed foods decoded from Science Daily
Sodium contents of processed foods decoded from Physorg
New material sops up radioactive cesium from
Roll over Beethoven, Bach Tecnology has a new MP3 from CBC: Technology & Science
Is the Mona Lisa a Self-Portrait? from Physorg
An average voice is beautiful, say scientists from Physorg
Better food makes high-latitude animals bigger from Physorg
Harrabin's Notes from BBC News: Science & Nature
Teenagers' Behavior Carries Over Onto Facebook, Myspace
FOR KIDS: Slumber by the numbers from
Wooden toilet seats may irritate kids' skin from CBC: Health
Researchers Determine Winter Moisture Linked to Rapid Glacial Climate Shifts from Physorg
Turning Trash Piles Into a Bird-Watcher’s Paradise from NY Times Science
'Microraptors' shed light on ancient origin of bird flight from Science Daily
Everybody laughs, everybody cries: Researchers identify universal emotions from Science Daily
Feature: Advances in fungal disease research from Science Alert
Lopsided fish show that symmetry is only skin deep from Physorg
Ozone hole healing could cause further climate warming from Physorg
Widely Used Bomb Detectors Deemed Useless from CBSNews - Science
Closed-Loop Control System Reduces Biodiesel Consumption And Emissions
Superconducting hydrogen? from Science Daily
Explaining Math Anxiety in Girls from CBSNews - Science
Girls Inherit Math Phobia From Female Teachers
Huge number of women at risk of malaria during pregnancy from
Human Genetic Adaption Leads to Longer Lives, More Cancer and Heart Disease from Newswise - Scinews
Better Computing, Communication for Disaster Response from Newswise - Scinews
The Ozone Hole Is Mending. Now for the ‘But.’ from NY Times Science
Environmental Change Impacts Oklahoma Rivers from Physorg
Thinking outside the block in disease gene studies from Science Blog
Rare genetic variants create 'synthetic' genome-wide signals of disease risk from Science Daily
Teachers pass math anxiety to female students, study finds from LA Times - Health
Teachers pass math anxiety to female students, study finds from LA Times - Science
Plasmas are cool for dental disinfection from Physics World
Sun's appetite for dark matter may affect Earth's orbit from Physics World
A New Way to Look for Diseases’ Genetic Roots from NY Times Health
Letters: Ct Scans and Iodine (2 Letters) from NY Times Health
Letters: Stroke Risk in Children (1 Letter) from NY Times Health
Letters: Treating a Disorder (1 Letter) from NY Times Health
Psychologists develop tools to predict cognitive impairment from Physorg