Science Daily

Wednesday th 22nd of September 2010

Cell division typically associated with cancer may also protect the liver from injury - 13:36

Ocean cooling contributed to mid-20th century global warming hiatus - 13:36

Amazing horned dinosaurs unearthed on 'lost continent'; New discoveries include bizarre beast with 15 horns - 13:36

Neuroscientists reveal how the brain learns to recognize objects - 12:28

Talking while walking puts Parkinson's patients at risk for falls - 12:28

Mystery of disappearing Martian carbon dioxide ice solved? - 12:28

Smoking during pregnancy may harm the child’s motor control and coordination - 11:22

Young teens who play sports feel healthier and happier about life - 11:22

The psychology of financial decision making and economic crises - 11:22

An elegant galaxy in an unusual light - 11:22

Cocaine and ecstasy detected in waters of the L'Albufera in Valencia, Spain - 11:21

Children born by IVF perform above average on standardized tests compared to their peers, study suggests - 11:21

Taste genes predict tooth decay - 11:21

New drug could help stop the spread of disease from coughs, researchers believe - 11:21

Seagulls harbor antibiotic resistant bacteria - 11:21

Inflammation causes some postsurgical neuropathies - 11:21

Complex brain landscape controls speech - 11:21

New luggage inspection methods identify liquid explosives - 10:35

New method of chemical analysis is a step towards personalised medicine - 10:35

Breaking waves in the Lagoon Nebula - 10:35

Partners of Breast Cancer Patients Are at Risk of Developing Mood Disorders - 10:35

Researchers crack cuckoo egg mystery - 10:35

Searching in the microbial world for efficient ways to produce biofuel - 10:35

Building language skills more critical for boys than girls - 10:35

Titanium foams replace injured bones - 10:35

Genetic factor in osteoporosis discovered - 09:28

Taribavirin offers a safe, effective alternative for chronic hepatitis C, study finds - 09:28

Terlipressin treatment for gastrointestinal bleeding reduces serum sodium - 09:28

Tuesday th 21st of September 2010

Risk of beetle outbreaks rise, along with temperature, in the warming West - 22:14

New sickle cell screening program for college athletes comes with serious pitfalls, experts say - 22:14

Art of dividing: Researchers decode function and protein content of the centrosome - 22:14

The Achilles' heel of tendons - 22:14

Quantum computing closer than ever: Scientists using lasers to cool and control molecules - 22:14

Doctor's health habits affect patient counseling - 22:14

Vitamin D protects against obesity-induced endometrial cancer, study suggests - 22:14

Learning to live on land: How some early plants overcame an evolutionary hurdle - 22:14

New fluorescence technique opens window to protein complexes in living cells - 22:14

Martian methane lasts less than a year - 22:14

Putting a spin on light and atoms - 22:14

Stress before cancer therapy could help deadly cells survive treatment, lead to disease recurrence - 22:14

Superconception: European brown hares, while pregnant with one litter, can start a new pregnancy - 22:14

Freshman weight gain: Women with heavy roommates gain less - 21:28

Stroke gene discovered - 21:28

New target for Alzheimer's disease identified - 21:28

First explanation of how cells rapidly repair and maintain structure - 21:28

Hormone oxytocin improves social cognition but only in less socially proficient individuals - 19:14

Earth to have closest encounter with Jupiter until 2022 - 19:14

Higher than predicted human exposure to the toxic chemical bisphenol A or BPA, new study indicates - 19:14

Parting the waters: Computer modeling applies physics to Red Sea escape route - 17:21

Neanderthals more advanced than previously thought: They innovated, adapted like modern humans, research shows - 17:21