Science Daily

Monday th 27th of September 2010

Quantum physics: Flavors of entanglement - 09:14

Gigantic mirror for X-radiation in outer space - 08:28

Interaction with neighbors: Neuronal field simulates brain activity - 08:28

Genetically modified crops: European report on concrete measures to avoid mixing of GM and conventional maize - 08:28

Savvy consumers put a high price on food safety - 00:35

Cancer-associated long non-coding RNA regulates pre-mRNA splicing - 00:35

Elderly might not benefit from TB vaccines in development - 00:35

How molecules escape from cell's nucleus: Key advance in using microscopy to reveal secrets of living cells - 00:35

More predators doesn't equal more danger for urban bird nest, study finds - 00:35

Studies identify complications in women undergoing mastectomy and immediate breast reconstruction - 00:35

Malaria's newest pathway into human cells identified - 00:35

Lead-free piezoelectric materials of the future - 00:35

Cellular structural molecule can be toxic: Makes pneumonia worse - 00:35

How safe is your swipe? Thinking like hackers, programmers find security loopholes in 'secure' microchips - 00:35

Millions with voice problems don't know treatment available, study finds - 00:35

Light workout: Scientists use optogenetics to effectively stimulate muscle movement in mice - 00:35

Physicians beware: Cholesterol counts in kidney disease patients - 00:35

Early reproduction retains fertility in cheetah females - 00:35

Could brain abnormalities cause antisocial behavior and drug abuse in boys? - 00:35

Physics breakthrough: Fast-moving neutral atom isolated and captured - 00:35

Sunday th 26th of September 2010

New look at racial disparities in head and neck cancer - 23:28

Inhibiting cell signaling pathway may improve bone marrow transplant success rate - 23:28

Quantum information systems: Researchers convert signals to telecom wavelengths, increase memory times - 23:28

Pinpointing where volcanic eruptions could strike - 23:28

Surgery can lead to long-term reduction in stroke risk - 10:21

Saturday th 25th of September 2010

Increasing taxes on alcoholic beverages reduces disease, injury, crime and death rates, study finds - 18:14

Sensor and insulin pump results in better blood-sugar control in all age groups with diabetes, study finds - 18:14

Key molecule for keeping other oral microorganisms in check uncovered - 18:14

Six3 gene essential for retinal development, scientists show - 18:14

Robots could improve everyday life at home or work - 18:14

Protein found to control the early migration of neurons - 18:14

Tool to improve Wikipedia accuracy developed - 18:14

Tight blood pressure control for patients with diabetes and coronary artery disease not associated with improved cardiovascular outcomes, study finds - 18:14

Magnetic anomalies: New type of solar wind interaction with airless bodies in our solar system - 18:14

In cyber bullying, depression hits victims hardest - 11:28

Start of school can worsen bedwetting in children - 11:28

Grad student aboard expedition exploring Mediterranean seafloor - 11:28

Psychologist shows why we 'choke' and how to avoid it - 11:28

Nearly One In Three Adolescents Participated In A Violent Behavior Over The Past Year - 10:21

Genetically engineered salmon safe to eat, but a threat to wild stocks - 10:21

Men look for good bodies in short-term mates, pretty faces in long-term mates - 10:21

Friday th 24th of September 2010

Sensor important to understanding root, seedling development - 21:14

Preserving nerve cells in motor neuron disease - 21:14

New 'light switch' chloride binder developed - 21:14

Postoperative high blood sugar appears to be associated with surgical site infection - 21:14

How do you make the perfect sled dog? - 21:14

Taking a new look at old digs: Trampling animals may alter Stone Age sites - 21:14

Use of sunless tanning products -- common in teens -- may encourage sun safety in women - 21:14

Making bees less busy: Social environment changes internal clocks - 21:14

Newly created material resembles cilia - 21:14