Science Daily

Thursday th 4th of August 2011

Predicting spinal disc degeneration - 20:30

Innate cells shown to form immunological 'memory' and protect against viral infection - 20:30

Studies shed light on hand hygiene knowledge and infection risk in hospitals and elementary schools - 14:30

Briny water may be at work in seasonal flows on Mars - 14:30

Breakthrough in photonic chip research paves way for ultrafast information sharing - 14:30

Neuroscientists identify how the brain remembers what happens and when - 14:30

East Africa's climate under the spell of El Niño since the last Ice Age - 14:30

Large variations in Arctic sea ice: Polar ice much less stable than previously thought - 14:30

Engineers solve longstanding problem in photonic chip technology: Findings help pave way for next generation of computer chips - 14:30

Better desalination technology key to solving world's water shortage - 14:30

La Nina's distant effects in East Africa: Droughts and floods are remote-controlled climate effects - 14:30

New paper examines future of seawater desalinization - 14:30

Designing diamond circuits for extreme environments - 14:30

How to eliminate motion sickness on tilting trains - 14:30

Water flowing on Mars, NASA spacecraft data suggest - 14:30

A patient's own skin cells may one day treat multiple diseases - 14:30

Brain grows while body starves if growth is restricted before birth - 13:30

Bypassing stem cells, scientists make neurons directly from human skin - 13:30

Making sperm from stem cells in a dish - 13:30

Hormone reduces risk of heart failure from chemotherapy, study suggests - 13:30

Mutation linked with the absence of fingerprints - 13:30

Human skin cells converted directly into functional neurons - 13:30

Artificial lung device: Feasibility of lung transplants demonstrated - 13:30

Molecular mechanisms offer hope for new pain treatments - 12:30

Researchers find way to help donor adult blood stem cells overcome transplant rejection - 12:30

Surprising condition occurs in lungs after an invasion of mold, study shows - 12:30

Better flood forecasting is possible - 11:30

Researchers develop fully cooked food-aid product - 11:30

Fossils of forest rodents found in highland desert - 11:30

Wearable device that vibrates fingertip could improve one's sense of touch - 11:30

High-risk stroke patients more likely to get follow-up care after motivational talk - 11:30

One box of Girl Scout Cookies worth $15 billion: Lab shows troop how any carbon source can become valuable graphene - 11:30

Locally owned small businesses pack powerful economic punch - 11:30

Polymer's hunt for nicotine - 10:30

Tools to imagine the forest of the future - 10:30

Protection against falling rock - 10:30

Learning to live with fire - 10:30

Theft protection developed for virtual machines - 10:30

Making runways safer - 10:30

New field of hydrothermal vents discovered along the mid-Atlantic ridge - 10:30

Study of abalone yields new insights into sexual reproduction - 10:30

Spotting weaknesses in solid wood - 09:30

Cells die so defensive organs can live - 09:30

The last 3 million years at a snail's pace: A tiny trapdoor opens a new way to date the past - 09:30

Mold exposure during infancy increases asthma risk, study finds - 09:30

Drinking just one measure of spirits increases the risk of acute pancreatitis, study finds; But wine and beer do not appear to have the same effect - 09:30

Have we met before? Scientists show why the brain has the answer - 09:30

U.S. physicians spend nearly four times more on health insurance costs than Canadian counterparts - 08:30

Major initiative established to prevent opioid abuse and overdose - 08:30

Compression stockings may reduce obstructive sleep apnea in some patients - 08:30