Science Daily

Monday th 8th of August 2011

You can count on this: Math ability is inborn, new research suggests - 15:31

Like superman's X-Ray vision, new microscope reveals nanoscale details - 15:31

Scientist develops virus that targets HIV: Using a virus to kill a virus - 15:31

Most Canadians can be uniquely identified from their date of birth and postal code; New research unveils privacy risks - 14:31

Cancer biomarker -- detectable by blood test -- could improve prostate cancer detection - 14:31

Billion-year-old piece of North America traced back to Antarctica - 14:31

New insights into how tumor cells are fed; Shows promise for development of anti-tumor drugs - 13:30

Genetic analysis of amniotic fluid shows promise for monitoring fetal development - 13:30

Early morning smokers have increased risk of lung and head and neck cancers, study finds - 13:30

Guam researcher studies Mount Pinatubo ecosystem recovery: Primary succession on the slopes - 13:30

Heavy metal -- in and around the lakes: Pollution due to toxic heavy metals at the Jail Talav and Kalwa Lakes of Thane City - 13:30

Schoolchildren can also learn complex subject matters on their own, researchers find - 13:30

'Paranoia' about rivals alters insect mating behavior - 13:30

Light unlocks fragrance in laboratory - 13:30

Walking around is the simplest way to shorten hospital stay, study finds - 13:30

Many top U.S. scientists wish they had more children, study finds; 25 percent of scientists consider leaving the profession for family life - 13:30

Technology reveals citrus greening-infected trees - 13:30

Researchers use neutrons to spy on the elusive hydronium ion: Unprecedented proof of ion's role in enzymatic process - 13:30

Tohoku tsunami created icebergs in Antarctica - 13:30

Improved radical surgery techniques provide positive outcomes for bladder cancer patients - 12:30

Researchers unravel the magic of flocks of starlings - 12:30

Live from the scene -- biochemistry in action: New microscope follows single molecules by the millisecond - 12:30

Flowing structures in soft crystals - 12:30

An octave spanning chip-based optical ruler: Scientists develop octave-spanning frequency comb with a microresonator - 12:30

Social networks, native seeds crucial in restoring crop diversity - 12:30

Advance in prevention of diabetes mellitus following kidney transplantation - 12:30

Common irregular heartbeat raises risk of dementia, study finds - 12:30

Is hunting wolves key to their conservation? - 12:30

North Sea wind farm has positive net impact on fauna, researchers say - 12:30

Engineered human T cells can eradicate deadly human ovarian cancer in immune-deficient mice - 12:30

Tracking crime in real time - 12:30

Increase in tornado, hurricane damage brings call for more stringent building standards - 12:30

Key molecule that keeps immune cell development on track described - 11:30

Sunday th 7th of August 2011

Cell-based alternative to animal testing - 22:30

Teenagers: Being 'scrawny' is not an option - 15:30

Bullying may contribute to lower test scores - 14:30

Mutations not inherited from parents cause more than half the cases of schizophrenia - 14:30

New conducting properties discovered in bacteria-produced wires - 14:30

The nanoscale secret to stronger alloys - 14:30

New resource to unlock the role of microRNAs - 14:30

Finding about cell division and metabolism may provide insight into neurodegenerative disorders - 14:30

Brain's map of space falls flat when it comes to altitude - 14:30

Frequent mutations of chromatin remodeling genes discovered in transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder - 14:30

How yeast chromosomes avoid the bad breaks - 14:30

Saturday th 6th of August 2011

Dealing with the cyberworld's dark side - 21:30

Social networking's good and bad impacts on kids - 21:30

Even science Nobel Laureates find acceptance isn't a given, study finds - 21:30

Friday th 5th of August 2011

Reforming genetics instruction for middle schoolers - 21:30

U.S. government urged to rule on consumption of genetically engineered salmon - 21:30

Right to remain silent not understood by many suspects; Confusion about Constitutional rights can lead to self-incrimination, psychologist reports - 19:31