Science Daily

Monday th 15th of August 2011

Immunogene therapy combined with standard treatment is safe for patients with brain tumors - 21:30

Linking brain-derived neurotrophic factor to alcohol dependence - 21:30

New link revealed between Alzheimer's disease and healthy aging - 21:30

Nut-allergy sufferers face prejudice: Life-threatening nut allergies viewed as 'frivolous' by many - 21:30

Daily TV quota of six hours could shorten life expectancy by five years - 21:30

Pre-pregnancy overweight may program teen asthma symptoms - 21:30

Recurrence risk of autism in younger siblings higher than thought, study finds - 20:30

Fat and healthy? Study finds slim isn't always superior - 20:30

Selective use of drug-eluting stents saving millions of U.S. health care dollars, study finds - 19:31

Study evaluates tactical response guidelines for reducing battlefield deaths - 19:31

Vitamin D levels appear to be associated with risk of skin cancer, although relationship is complex - 19:31

Beta-blocker associated with better outcomes in treatment of infantile vascular tumors - 19:31

Assessment tool appears to effectively evaluate quality of life in patients with sinus inflammation - 19:31

Nerve identification technique during thyroid removal associated with fewer complications - 19:31

Study evaluates pressure device worn on the ear at night as treatment for scar tissue - 19:31

Single, key gene discovery could streamline production of biofuels - 19:31

A hint of Higgs: An update from the Large Hadron Collider - 19:31

What caused a giant arrow-shaped cloud on Saturn's moon Titan? - 19:31

With certain preventive measures, incidence of deep vein thrombosis after general surgery appears low, possibly catheter-related - 19:31

Training approach appears to improve surgical residents' patient communication skills for specific cases - 19:30

Triple therapy regime puts patients with leukemic form of cutaneous lymphoma in remission - 17:30

Caffeine lowers risk of skin cancer: Coffee-based sunscreen might work best - 17:30

Breast cancer tumor suppressor gene silenced by low oxygen - 17:30

How excess alcohol depresses immune function - 17:30

Influence of breast milk vs. formula and genetics on gut microbiota composition could help prevent celiac disease - 17:30

Garlic doesn't just repel vampires - 17:30

Jailhouse phone calls reveal why domestic violence victims recant - 16:30

Rapid evolution within single crop-growing season increases insect pest numbers - 16:30

First quantitative measure of radiation leaked from Fukushima reactor - 16:30

New anti-inflammatory agents silence overactive immune response - 16:30

Enzyme found disrupting nerve cell communication in Alzheimer's disease - 16:30

Molecular delivery truck serves gene therapy cocktail - 16:30

Biologists confirm sunflower domesticated in US, not Mexico - 16:30

Psychologists interrupt the miserable cycle of social insecurity - 16:30

Inhibiting key enzymes kills difficult tumor cells in mice - 16:30

Oldest evidence of nails in modern primates - 16:30

Novel microscopy generates new view of fuel cells - 16:30

Scientists find easier, cheaper way to make a sought-after chemical modification to pharmaceuticals - 16:30

Fruit bats navigate with internal maps: Scientists fit bats with world's smallest GPS devices - 15:31

Can oral care for babies prevent future cavities? - 15:31

Children of depressed mothers have a different brain: MRI scans show their children have an enlarged amygdala - 15:31

Analysis of intelligence reforms resulting from Sept. 11 show there is more to be done - 15:31

Assessing global status of tuna and billfish stocks - 15:30

E. coli, salmonella may lurk in unwashable places in produce - 15:30

Childhood maltreatment linked to long-term depression risk and poor response to treatment - 14:30

MRI techniques can detect early osteoarthritis - 14:30

Inflexibility may give pupils with autism problems in multitasking - 14:30

New role for protein in hearing - 14:30

Childhood eye tumor made up of hybrid cells with jumbled development - 13:30

Researchers identify a signaling pathway as possible target for cancer treatment - 13:30