Science Daily

Wednesday th 17th of August 2011

Cells derived from pluripotent stem cells are developmentally immature - 11:31

Hospitalizations due to skin and soft-tissue infections among children have doubled - 11:31

Gator in your tank: Alligator fat as a new source of biodiesel fuel - 11:31

Researchers find new hope for treatment of chronic leukemia - 11:31

Quantum optical link sets new time records - 10:30

Virus uses 'Swiss Army knife' protein to cause infection - 10:30

Researchers improving GPS accuracy in the 3rd dimension - 10:30

Popular herbal supplements may adversely affect chemotherapy treatment - 10:30

Ensuring reliable wireless alarm beacons for first responders - 10:30

Kinder, gentler cell capture method could aid medical research - 10:30

Effects of prenatal stress passed across generations in mice - 10:30

Cellular laser microsurgery illuminates research in vertebrate biology - 10:30

Research team achieves first 2-color STED microscopy of living cells - 10:30

Near-infrared imaging system shows promise as future pancreatic cancer diagnostic tool - 10:30

Reliability issues for carbon nanotubes in future electronics uncovered - 10:30

How microbes travel around Earth: Models show bacteria sized microbes carried between Mexico and Australia - 09:30

New risk score spots patients at high risk of serious blood clots - 09:30

New tool allows first responders to visualize post-event disaster environments - 09:30

Researchers find way to align gold nanorods on a large scale - 09:30

Gene combination increases risk of lung cancer, particularly in light smokers, study finds - 09:30

A faster, cheaper way to diagnose tuberculosis - 08:31

Fast asleep to wide awake: Hibernating bears, predation and pregnancy - 08:31

Friendship, timing key differences between US, Eastern European love - 08:31

Seeing eye to eye is key to copying, say scientists - 01:40

Reducing drug funding to U.S. Medicare patients will lead many to stop taking their medications, researchers say - 01:40

New research reveals brain's protection mechanism during stroke - 01:40

Holograms reveal brain's inner workings: Microscopy technique used to observe activity of neurons like never before - 01:40

Nature reaches for the high-hanging fruit: Tools of paleontology shed new light on diversity of natural plant chemicals - 01:40

Scientists show how gene variant linked to ADHD could operate; Study offers potential new target for treatment of ADHD - 01:40

Switch in cell's 'power plant' declines with age, rejuvenated by drug - 01:40

Tuesday th 16th of August 2011

Defect in A20 gene expression can contribute to onset of rheumatoid arthritis - 17:30

New process that can save at-risk cancer patients is effective, less costly; Process may eliminate need for full genome sequencing - 16:30

Want to keep your exercise resolutions? New research offers pointers - 16:30

A tool to measure stress hormone in birds: Feathers - 16:30

'Methyl magnet' genes can cause family cancer risk - 16:30

Genomewide mapping reveals developmental and environmental impacts - 16:30

Improved method for capturing proteins holds promise for biomedical research - 16:30

Research on famous Siamese twins demonstrates how the paradox of American identity played out in the bodies of Chang and Eng - 16:30

A new look below the surface of nanomaterials - 16:30

Malignant stem cells may explain why some breast cancers develop and recur - 16:30

Thyroid cancer treatment varies by hospital, study finds - 16:30

New drug aids gout patients not helped by standard treatments - 16:30

Risk of bladder cancer from smoking greater than previously reported, new analysis indicates - 16:30

Use of radioactive iodine for treatment of thyroid cancer on the rise - 16:30

Medication for severe, chronic gout associated with improvement in symptoms - 16:30

Persistent, microscopic blood in urine associated with increased risk of kidney disease - 16:30

Cigarette smoking implicated in half of bladder cancers in women; Bladder cancer risk from smoking is higher than previously estimated, study confirms - 16:30

Tiny gold particles boost organic solar cell efficiency: Plasmonic technique helps enhance power conversion by up to 20 percent - 16:30

Speaking and understanding speech share the same parts of the brain - 16:30

New treatment approach for Alzheimer's disease: Researchers plan to use specialized cells of the immune system - 15:30