Star-Friedman Challenge awards 7 cutting-edge science projects
In this moment of great global uncertainty, the Star-Friedman Challenge for Promising Scientific Research is helping Harvard researchers rise to the challenge. Funds from the Challenge are enabling their continued creative scientific pursuits, and their efforts to question our current understanding of the world. The Challenge recognizes high-risk, high-impact research in the life, physical, and social sciences and targets ambitious projects that might not receive traditional grants. This year, a record seven research projects were awarded seed funding. The winners include Harvard researchers William Allen, Danielle Braun, Nicholas Carson, George Church, Francesca Dominici, Michelle Holmes, Jerry Mitrovica, Rachel Nethery, Natesh Pillai, Todd Reid, Benton Taylor, David Williams, Suyang Xu, Antonella Zanobetti, and Xiaowei Zhuang. “Each awarded individual or team proposed such unique, creative, diverse, and important ideas,” said Catherine Dulac, Higgins Professor of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Lee and Ezpeleta Professor of Arts and Sciences, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator, and chairman...