Library’s steps toward restarting access to physical collections
Harvard’s libraries have provided access to extensive digital collections and services for decades, but the remarkable tangible collections they’ve built over centuries have been behind closed doors since March. Now, as Harvard plans for the phased resumption of research activities on campus, safely reestablishing core library services is a University priority — along with reopening laboratories and museums. The Gazette spoke with Martha Whitehead, vice president for the Harvard Library and University Librarian, about the library’s steps towards reopening. Q&A Martha Whitehead HLC: Could you tell us how COVID-19 has affected the library’s support for research at Harvard? WHITEHEAD: Harvard Library provides a great deal of online support for research, so in many ways we were well prepared when we transitioned to remote work. Although our physical doors have been closed, our staff have remained available for remote research consultations, live chats, and even media help. We’ve also been expanding our collections with new online...