Greening the Kennedy School
This is one of a series of occasional stories on the measures that Schools at Harvard are taking to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. When Annika Brink, M.P.P. ’11, arrived at the Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) last fall, she saw the need for a coalition of students committed to hands-on environmental action. Brink is now a co-leader of Kennedy School Climate Action (KSCA), a group that she helped to found that works with faculty and staff to institute and promote green initiatives on campus. During the past year, members of KSCA have hosted a number of events, including a bike day to encourage green commuting (complete with tire pumps and free mechanic services from Eastern Mountain Sports) and a zero waste “Quorum Call,” the weekly social event at HKS, featuring an all-local menu and compostable plates, cups, and flatware. Last February, KSCA collaborated with Rob Gogan, supervisor of Facilities Maintenance Operations Recycling...