They ride by dawn
Most fall mornings, a slightly sleepy collection of men and women rises early to hit the road. They are an eclectic group of Harvard students, staff, faculty, and community members. They range in age from their late teens to 50-something. They can be freshmen or CEOs, but they move fast, and under their own power. They ride by bike. Eun Young Choi is their Pooh-Bah. Choi, a Harvard Ph.D. candidate in neuroscience, was inspired by a leisurely summer cycle around Martha’s Vineyard. When she heard about the Harvard University Cycling Association (HUCA) in 2007, she decided to investigate. Now she is its administrative and spiritual leader and has gone from novice rider to top competitor. “I started out with no athletic background, and now cycling has become a huge part of my life and has changed my attitude and perspective on academia and life challenges in every way,” said Choi, who carries the title...