Sunday th 15th of March 2020

Chemours opens research facility in Delaware - 05:30

Corbion plans more lactic acid - 05:30

OMV to raise stake in Borealis - 05:30

$8.3 billion allocated for US coronavirus response - 05:30

Chemists work around coronavirus restrictions - 05:30

New PET probes light up bacteria in deep-seated infections - 05:30

US regulators take steps to boost hemp, CBD markets - 05:30

AI specialist Atomwise signs with Bridge Biotherapeutics - 05:10

Culture Biosciences raises $15 million for bioreactor service - 05:10

Gates, Wellcome, and Mastercard give $125 million for coronavirus treatments - 05:10

Protein degradation start-up Kymera raises $102 million in series C financing - 05:10

Syngenta backs sterile pollen start-up - 05:10

Saturday th 14th of March 2020

ACS launches graduate student organizations - 15:31

Bryan Brooks named editor in chief of Environmental Science and Technology Letters - 15:31

Genentech Foundation provides $3 million grant to ACS Bridge Project - 15:31

Shaping leaders at the ACS Leadership Institute - 15:31

Friday th 13th of March 2020

How we know disinfectants should kill the COVID-19 coronavirus - 17:10

How COVID-19 is changing my graduate school experience - 15:10

EPA overhauls pesticide biological evaluations - 14:50

Chemistry in Pictures: Be still, my giant rotovap - 11:10

India set to boost science budgets - 10:50

Method detects new PFAS in the atmosphere - 08:30

Thursday th 12th of March 2020

New PET probes light up bacteria in deep-seated infections - 17:30

Finding comets' hidden nitrogen - 14:50

Can old drugs take down a new coronavirus? - 13:50

Coronavirus hits Europe - 13:30

Chemistry in Pictures: Big swirl - 11:30

Wednesday th 11th of March 2020

Merck and Princeton scientists create method to map cell-surface microenvironments - 19:20

Celgard sues Chinese firm over battery technology - 17:40

One-pot process converts CO2 captured from the air into methanol - 14:41

Star-shaped particles ferry medicine through the skin's barrier - 14:41

Firmenich to buy French pine chemical firm - 11:21

How international students can share their culture in the lab - 09:21

Tuesday th 10th of March 2020

Chemistry in Pictures: Baby Yodamine B - 15:01

Podcast: How the coronavirus is disrupting the drug supply - 13:20

Monday th 9th of March 2020

Chemists work around coronavirus restrictions - 17:00

Coronavirus forces cancellations of scientific meetings - 17:00

C&EN's Chemistry in Pictures goes meta - 16:00

ACS cancels spring national meeting in Philadelphia - 14:40

Sunday th 8th of March 2020

Naomi Halas on being a scientist: ‘We need to be attracted to the big, hard problems' - 01:40

Samantha Du builds biotechs, and everyone in China follows - 01:40

Frances Arnold on founding a company: ‘Building the right teams is critical' - 01:40

Paula Hammond on women in science: Life will always be busy; start a company anyway - 01:40

C&EN's 2020 Trailblazers: Celebrating badass women entrepreneurs in chemistry - 01:40

Yamuna Krishnan's goal: Find drugs for neurodegenerative diseases - 01:40

Olga Malinkiewicz wants to make good on the promise of perovskites - 01:40

Mariana Matus means to combat the opioid epidemic with chemical data - 01:40

After launching 7 companies in 12 years, Carolyn Bertozzi says she's not slowing down - 01:40

Amy Prieto is building safer, more powerful batteries - 01:40

Erika Milczek is replacing banned chemicals in consumer products - 01:40