Thursday th 5th of March 2020

Simple synthesis for shape-shifting molecules - 14:50

Wednesday th 4th of March 2020

Pittcon goes ahead despite coronavirus concerns - 17:30

Researchers grow thin 2-D insulator on large scale - 16:31

Gilead buys immuno-oncology-focused Forty Seven - 15:30

Tuesday th 3rd of March 2020

European chemical firms face slowdown in industry - 18:10

Thermo Fisher to buy molecular diagnostics firm Qiagen for $11.5 billion - 17:30

Chemistry in Pictures: Crystals from outer space - 16:10

C–H activation template opens door to less-accessible carbons - 15:31

تحلية المياه بالطاقة الشمسية وبكفاءة عالية - 08:50

Monday th 2nd of March 2020

Video: Designer surface captures pesky bubbles - 18:10

Beryllium radical cation isolated - 15:30

Coronavirus cancels chemical events - 15:30

Mariana Matus means to combat the opioid epidemic with chemical data - 01:30

Olga Malinkiewicz wants to make good on the promise of perovskites - 01:30

Sarah Richardson on prestige publishing: ‘Luckily, I don't give a crap about that' - 01:30

Paula Hammond on women in science: Life will always be busy; start a company anyway - 01:30

Erika Milczek is replacing banned chemicals in consumer products - 01:30

Amy Prieto is building safer, more powerful batteries - 01:30

Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw on her career: ‘I call myself an accidental entrepreneur' - 01:30

Cristina Sáenz de Pipaón wants to put CO2 to good use - 01:30

Frances Arnold on founding a company: ‘Building the right teams is critical' - 01:30

Naomi Halas on being a scientist: ‘We need to be attracted to the big, hard problems' - 01:30

Amy Ripka on being a CEO: ‘Nobody ever got anywhere by listening to no' - 01:30

Samantha Du builds biotechs, and everyone in China follows - 01:30

Yamuna Krishnan's goal: Find drugs for neurodegenerative diseases - 01:30

BioCellection's Miranda Wang and Jeanny Yao aim to make treasure out of plastic trash - 01:30

CRISPR technology: Where female entrepreneurs thrive - 01:30

After launching 7 companies in 12 years, Carolyn Bertozzi says she's not slowing down - 01:30

Friday th 28th of February 2020

Simple synthesis for shapeshifting molecules - 18:10

Faulty probes are to blame for CDC coronavirus testing woes - 17:50

Biogen bets big on Sangamo's zinc fingers to treat Alzheimer's - 16:50

Genetic signature links bacterial toxin to colon cancer - 16:31

China's new place on the front lines of diagnosing and treating coronavirus disease - 15:31

Thursday th 27th of February 2020

TPC faces consequences for Texas explosion - 17:10

Free-floating electrocatalysts outperform tethered ones - 17:10

Gilead and Moderna lead on coronavirus treatments - 15:30

How to make aziridines from olefins without expensive metals - 14:30

Wonyong Choi to lead ACS ES&T Engineering - 12:30

Wednesday th 26th of February 2020

Chemistry in Pictures: Tinsel town - 19:10

Turning down the heat turns up better perovskites - 17:11

Pauling's rules about crystal structures flunk test - 14:30

AI finds molecules that kill bacteria, but would they make good antibiotics? - 13:51

Tuesday th 25th of February 2020

Molded microfluidic device makes gel “apartments” for single cells - 19:50

Chemical firms see light at end of coronavirus tunnel - 15:50

Sanofi to create new firm from its drug-making facilities - 11:30

Groups sue US military to stop PFAS incineration - 10:10

Monday th 24th of February 2020

Trichloroethylene poses risks to workers and consumers, EPA says - 16:10

Should the chemical industry have to prove it can pay for pollution cleanup? - 15:50

الحصول على غرافين عالي الجودة من القمامة بلمح البصر - 14:30

Hemp growing pains - 01:10