The Flat Earth movement: People who ignore science
Monday, October 15, 2018 - 01:21
in Astronomy & Space
Flat-Earthers will tell you that not only is the Earth shaped like a Frisbee, but also that Man has never gone to the Moon, that footage of floating astronauts is faked, and the sun is tiny, hovering above our disk-shaped planet. It's a sign of a lack of faith in science, by people who only choose to believe what they can see for themselves. Correspondent Brook Silva-Braga talks with YouTube host Patricia Steere (who thinks NASA is part of a conspiracy); Thomas Nichols, author of "The Death of Expertise" (who talks about a reverse-snobbery expressed against the well-educated); and Flat Earther "Mad Mike" Hughes (who ascended 1,800 feet in a self-built rocket to see if the Earth actually curves.