Archive of articles published on the 14th of September 2009
Water quality in orbit
Fake video dramatically alters eyewitness accounts
Evolution still scientifically stable
Dual simulation improves crash performance
'Alert status' area in brain discoved by Hebrew University scientists
Researchers using parallel processing computing could save thousands by using an Xbox
UCSF researchers program cells to be remote-controlled by light
Figurines of Aphrodite from the era of the Roman Empire discovered in Hippos
ESO unveils an amazing, interactive, 360-degree panoramic view of the entire night sky
Communication problems in dementia care cause physical strain
Study shows how disruption of spectrin-actin network causes lens cells in the eye to lose shape
Understanding the implications of prenatal testing for Down syndrome
Seal of quality for hygienic equipment
Prolonged stress sparks ER to release calcium stores and induce cell death in aging-related diseases
Diabetes drug kills cancer stem cells in combination treatment in mice
Diabetes drug kills cancer stem cells in combination treatment in mice
Popular stomach acid reducer triples risk of developing pneumonia
Cutting sodium consumption: A major public health priority
Secrets in a seed: Clues into the evolution of the first flowers
Molecules on a string, and why size isn't the only thing that matters for data storage
Fred fades with a satellite exclamation point
Trust your gut? Study explores religion, morality and trust in authority
Forest ecologist sees climate consequences
Typhoon Choi-Wan triggers tropical storm warnings for US commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands
Once-daily pill effective as multiple dosings for oral yeast infection in HIV/AIDS patients
1 in 20 patients experience critical event during urgent air-medical transport
Tropical Storm Koppu poised for China landfall
Asthma: Epidemiology, etiology and risk factors
Figuring out the heads or tails decision in regeneration
Evidence points to conscious 'metacognition' in some nonhuman animals
Athletes with smaller ACLs may be more susceptible to injury
Daily bathroom showers may deliver face full of pathogens, says CU-Boulder study
Iraq troops' PTSD rate as high as 35 percent, says Management Insights study
Sierra Nevada birds move in response to warmer, wetter climate
When you've doubled your genes, what's 1 chromosome more or less?
Barcoding endangered sea turtles
Widespread occurrence of intersex bass found in US Rivers
Blood test helps guide treatment and can impact quality of life for breast cancer patients
Conflict between plant and animal hormones in the insect gut?
Nanoparticle treatment for burns curbs infection, reduces inflammation
New insights into cardiac aging
Steroid injections may help restore vision in some patients with blocked eye veins
Web-based screening and intervention may reduce drinking in university students
Implantable defibrillators may not benefit women with heart failure
Combat exposure may increase likelihood of newly reported high blood pressure
Less than 10 percent of Americans have low risk for heart disease
During CPR, more chest compressions mean more saved lives
New treatment found to reduce vision loss from central retinal vein occlusion
Laser treatment for BRVO is safer than corticosteroid injections and equally effective
Guideline: Kids with small head size at risk of neurologic problems, screening needed
New research by University of Miami law professor analyzes the corporate attorney-client privilege
Study shows common pain cream could protect heart during attack
Study examines stroke risk among patients undergoing cardiac surgery
Texas A&M researcher shows possible link between 1918 El Niño and flu pandemic
Neurons found to be similar to Electoral College
On-the-job pesticide exposure associated with Parkinson's disease
New report: Light brown apple moth classification for eradication and quarantine was justified
JNCI news brief: Polyclonality of BRAF mutations in acquired melanocytic nevi
Blood vessels contribute to their own growth and oxygen delivery to tissues and tumors
JCI online early table of contents: Sept. 14, 2009
Scientists identify gene for short-circuiting excess mucus in lung disease, common colds
Lung cancer suppresses miR-200 to invade and spread
September/October 2009 Annals of Family Medicine tip sheet
Embargoed news from Annals of Internal Medicine
For carnivorous plants, slow but steady wins the race
New function for the protein Bcl-xL: It prevents bone breakdown
Study identifies which children do not need CT scans after head trauma
Difficulties with daily activities associated with progression to dementia
New 'adjuvant' could hold future of vaccine development
Cancer risk raised after northern Italian industrial accident
Figures of speech -- understanding idioms requires both sides of the brain
Antioxidant ingredient proven to relieve stress
Tuberculosis patients can reduce transmissability by inhaling interferon through a nebulizer