Archive of articles published on the 20th of July 2009
Pregnancy complications are a stress test for future maternal health and pregnancies
New findings on the birth of the solar system
Research sheds light on cause of Down syndrome and other genetic disorders
Chasing tiny vehicles
Promising new treatment for Alzheimer's suggested based on Hebrew University research
Pacific tsunami threat greater than expected
'Invisibility cloak' could protect against earthquakes
Car horns warn against natural disasters
Slotted buses keep passengers cool
Our brain looks at eyes first to identify a face
Young men living at home with parents are more violent
The right messenger for a healthy immune response
Geoengineering: The promise and its limits
RI Hospital first in country to enroll patient in new study for recurrent chest wall breast cancer
HIPS fireproof coatings can really take the heat
Overfishing and evolution
New strategy in tumor treatment
Rice defies its reputation as a thirsty crop
Science adopts a new definition of seawater
Professional lobbyists: Pragmatic operatives or just another partisan resource?
NYU physicists find way to explore microscopic systems through holographic video
Reveal the enemy
Iowa State University researchers develop process for 'surgical' genetic changes
Children's IQ can be affected by mother's exposure to urban air pollutants
Breast cancer drug shows promise against serious infections
Cuts to rewards plans unlikely to hurt credit card use, Rotman study shows
New drug candidate prolongs the lives of pancreatic cancer patients
Can pen and paper help make electronic medical records better?
C. difficile spores spread superbug
Wolf reintroduction proposed in Scottish Highland test case
Risk factors of cardiovascular disease rising in poor, young
Risk factors for cardiovascular disease increasing in younger Canadians
Studies shed light on preserving fertility among cancer patients
Discovery of genetic toggle switch inches closer to possible diabetes cure
Earlier initiation of antiretroviral therapy is cost-effective, effective for treating HIV in South Africa
Earlier HIV antiviral treatment can be cost effective in areas of limited resources
US energy use drops in 2008
Penn-Wistar team gains insight into HIV vaccine failure
New research provides insight into ice sheet behavior
Gene linked to increasingly common type of blood cancer
H1N1 influenza pandemic modeling for public health action
Gene variations can be barometer of behavior, choices
UCLA researchers discover new molecular pathway for targeting cancer, disease
Future of West water supply threatened by climate change, says CU-Boulder study
Social support buffers adolescent depression after terrorist attacks: Ben-Gurion University
Babies understand dogs
Scientists discovers 'firework' display in Helix Nebula
No race disparities in risk of AIDS and death in HIV patients in Kaiser Permanente system
Starve a fever, feed a cold, don't be stressed
Researchers look to imprinted genes for clues to fetal growth restriction in cloned swine
Laser microsurgery for tongue cancer is as effective as invasive open surgery according to new study
Nature? Nurture? University of Iowa scientists say neither
Caltech-led team shows how evolution can allow for large developmental leaps
Prehistoric cold case shows hints of interspecies homicide
Protein structures revealed at record pace
How children draw conclusions from the products they see
What a coincidence! Personal connections improve sales
Sea lamprey jettison one-fifth of their genome
Researchers identify genes linked to chemoresistance
Most women would choose surgical profession again
Induced pluripotent stem cells repair heart, Mayo Clinic study shows
Immunotherapy linked to lower risk of Alzheimer's disease
Clotting in veins close to skin may be associated with more dangerous deep-vein blood clots
Study offers insights into failed HIV-1 vaccine trial
Trash or treasure? Families and their beloved possessions
California's Channel Islands hold evidence of Clovis-age comets
New breast cancer-promoting gene identified
When context matters: Consumers link unfamiliar products to surrounding items
Taste sensation: Ads work better if all senses are involved
UCI scientists discover ozone-boosting chemical reaction
Neural stem cells offer potential treatment for Alzheimer's disease
Yale discovery may open door to drug that cuts appetite and boosts energy
Extreme glucose levels in diabetic patients with heart failure linked to increase risk of deaths
Muscular protein bond -- strongest yet found in nature
New life histories emerge for invasive wasps, magnify ecological harm
Adenotonsillectomy may offer long-term benefits for children with breathing problems during sleep
UCLA scientists present first genetic evidence for why placebos work
Students embed stem cells in sutures to enhance healing
Babies with mild facial paralysis from forceps typically do not need treatment
Evaluating more lymph nodes may not improve identification of late-stage colorectal cancer
Maintaining integrity of scientific data
Transplanted neurons develop disease-like pathology in Huntington's patients
Tension in axons is essential for synaptic signaling, researchers report
Heart disease: Research off the beating patch
Common cold virus efficiently delivers corrected gene to cystic fibrosis cells
Practice makes perfect -- motor memory possible for neuroprosthetic control
Could science use the common cold to cure cystic fibrosis?
Brain develops motor memory for prosthetics, study finds
The unwelcome gift: Marketing and cross-cultural differences
Genetic variation associated with survival advantage in African-Americans with HIV
Brain's center for perceiving 3-D motion is identified
New report: Individual health insurance market failing consumers