Archive of articles published on the 22nd of January 2009
Treatments after prostate surgery reported in the Journal of Urology
New tools can better predict successful kidney transplant outcomes
Trust me, I'm a journalist
Tips from the American Journal of Pathology
Inflammation worsens danger due to atherosclerosis
UT Southwestern researchers find drug-coated stents less risky for heart bypass patients
Personal disaster preparedness
'Smart' fridges stay cool by talking to each other
Fish out of water
A pest that knows no borders
Verdict: Supermassive black holes not guilty of shutting down star formation
Invasions by alien plants have been mapped in European Union
People left out in the cold may act heatedly toward others
US experts call for rethink of trend to bar smokers from employment
Microbes fuel energy debate
'Sunshine vitamin' link to cognitive problems in older people
Community-based Internet forums are great for new mothers, but could marginalize fathers
Satellites confirm half-century of West Antarctic warming
New study provides further evidence that apple juice can delay onset of Alzheimer's disease
WineCrisp -- new apple was more than 20 years in the making
The total package: A skillful, compassionate doctor
Revisiting the anthrax attacks
The continents as a heat blanket
School-based physical activity: Has benefits even if it doesn't help lose weight
Child and adolescent obesity: Family-based programs including behavior therapy can work
The drug treatment of heart failure is influenced by the gender of the patient and of the physician
New study on school infrastructure could influence Obama's economic stimulus plan
Unexpected finding opens up new way to stop autoimmune diseases and transplant rejection
I quit, we quit -- what works better for smokers?
Process can cut the cost of making cellulosic biofuels
The breakdown of barriers in old cells may hold clues to aging process
Survey: Few people believed campaign rumors about Obama, McCain
New stretchable electrodes created to study stresses on cardiac cells
New treatment reduces severity of asthma attacks in preschoolers
Mind out of balance, body out of balance
Mixing genomics and geography yields insights into life and environment
Nano-tetherball biosensor precisely detects glucose
Infants draw on past to interpret present, understand other people's behavior
Secrets Of Stradivarius' unique violin sound revealed, Texas A&M prof says
New treatment option for latent tuberculosis
Decline in health among older adults affected by Hurricane Katrina
Jefferson scientists discover a key protein regulator of inflammation and cell death
Here's venom in your eye: Spitting cobras hit their mark
Nicotine activates more than just the brain's pleasure pathways
Scientists find new way to produce hydrogen
New study links western tree mortality to warming temperatures, water stress
U of T team heats up gold to surprising effect: It gets harder not softer
Tree deaths have doubled across the western US
Quantum teleportation between distant matter qubits
Warmer climate causing huge increase in tree mortality across the West
Tree death rate in Pacific Northwest doubled in 17 years
Hope for restoring injured nerves
Scientists unlock possible aging secret in genetically altered fruit fly
Reproductive life of male mice is increased by living with females
Genetic interactions are the key to understanding complex traits
Researcher decodes the language of memory cells in Science article
Quantum technologies move a step closer with the demonstration of an 'entanglement' filter
Body dysmorphic disorder: Research on effective treatments still lacking
Tiny lasers get a notch up
UNC study: Access to state children's health insurance programs vital to disabled children
Leaky membranes: Another sign of old age
Living with females extends the reproductive life of the male mouse, says Penn veterinary researcher
Implants mimic infection to rally immune system against tumors
How chemotherapy drugs block blood vessel growth, slow cancer spread
February 2009 highlights from Biology of Reproduction
Baffling the body into accepting transplants
Binge drinking leads to a greater risk of preterm birth
'Abusive behavior' towards people with dementia by family carers is common