Archive of feed items published on the 28th of February 2014
High-calorie feeding may slow progression of ALS from Harvard Science
Calling the Oscars from Harvard Science
How Earth was watered from Harvard Science
Film as a force from Harvard Science
Copyright meets Internet from Harvard Science
Dots on the borderline from Harvard Science
Augmentin: Uses & Dosage from Live Science
Sea Sapphire: The Most Beautiful Animal You’ve Never Seen (Op-Ed) from Live Science
The Challenge of the Modern Scientist is to Avoid Career Suicide (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Next-Gen Neural Prosthetics Require a New Materials Approach from Live Science
Badger culls were 'ineffective' from BBC News: Science & Nature
How Old is Earth? from
Mars Meteorite's Strange 'Tunnels' & 'Spheres' Revive Debate Over Martian Life from
How to record and produce audio slideshows from SciDev
Nuclear dump leak raises questions about cleanup from AP Science
An Australian hero's story of survival from BBC News: Science & Nature
Longest aircraft unveiled in UK from BBC News: Science & Nature
Lotus F1 Team looks to tech to win from BBC News: Science & Nature
BPA Implicated In Primate Organ Development
When A Black Hole Shreds A Star, A Bright Flare Tells The Tale
Vietnam says bitcoin transactions are illegal from Physorg
California court: Drivers can read cellphone maps from Physorg
China's president heads cybersecurity body from Physorg
Oscars to stream live online for first time from Physorg
Bayer reports $4.35 billion full-year net profit from Physorg
Hulu selling Japan business to Nippon TV from Physorg
Ecuadorian elevations from European Space Agency
PHPS1 Compound Improves Cardiac Function In Mice With Congenital Heart Disease
Spain prehistoric cave art gems reopen to lucky few from Physorg
UN report sees $1.45 tn global warming cost: media from Physorg
Inside the minds of voters from MIT Research
Give him the hook: New data shows baseball managers when to replace the starting pitcher from MIT Research
Fuel cells put in the frame with catalysts that need far less platinum from Chemistry World
The FDA On BPA Safety
3,600-Year-Old Cheese Found on Chinese Mummy from MSNBC: Science
Troubled Bitcoin exchange files for bankruptcy from CBC: Technology & Science
Frolick and Yap to solve climate change? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Apps aim to help educate millions of young Filipinos from SciDev
Scientists call for tougher treaty to protect the deep ocean from SciDev
Early atherosclerotic plaques in vessel wall regress completely when cholesterol levels are lowered from Science Daily
High-calorie diet could slow progression of motor neuron disease (ALS) from Science Daily
Fossilized human feces from 14th century contain antibiotic resistance genes from Science Daily
Big step for next-generation fuel cells and electrolyzers from Science Daily
New study reveals evolution at work: Analyses elucidate a part of the brain particular to primates from Science Daily
Early strokes leave many young adults with long-lasting disability from Science Daily
Fat or flat: Getting galaxies into shape from Science Daily
Implantable magnetic 'bracelet' brings relief to GERD sufferers from Science Daily
Nasty parasitic worm, common in wildlife, now infecting U. S. cats from Science Daily
'Shark's eye' view: Witnessing the life of a top predator from Science Daily
Dual role of brain glycogen revealed by researchers from Science Daily
Trigger found for most common form of intellectual disability, autism from Science Daily
Deadly immune 'storm' caused by emergent flu infections from Science Daily
Making treatment of rare blood disorder more affordable, effective from Science Daily
10,000 years on the Bering Land Bridge: Ancestors of Native Americans paused en route from Asia from Science Daily
Bisphenol A (BPA) at very low levels can adversely affect developing organs in primates from Science Daily
Prenatal Nicotine Exposure May Lead to ADHD in Future Generations from Science Daily
Link found between pollutants, certain complications of obesity from Science Daily
Faster anthrax detection could speed bioterror response from Science Daily
Math anxiety factors into understanding genetically modified food messages from Science Daily
Training begins for police officers to control bleeding of mass-casualty victims in the US from Science Daily
'Oddball science' has proven worth, biologists say from Science Daily
Ancient 'great leap forward' for life in the open ocean: Cyanobacteria sheds light on how complex life evolved on earth from Science Daily
Supplement added to standard diet improves health, prolongs life in mice from Science Daily
Study uncovers why autism is more common in males from Science Daily
Battery-free technology brings gesture recognition to all devices from Science Daily
U.S. household wealth still down 14 percent since recession from Science Daily
Cancer targeted treatments from space station discoveries from Science Daily
NASA's Curiosity Mars Rover views striated ground from Science Daily
Radar images of near-Earth Asteroid 2006 DP14 from Science Daily
Big thaw projected for Antarctic sea ice: Ross Sea will reverse current trend, be largely ice free in summer by 2100 from Science Daily
Researchers X-ray living cancer cells from Science Daily
Type 1 diabetes: Vitamin D deficiency occurs in early stage from Science Daily
Computer game characters become more human-like by gossiping and lying from Science Daily
New search engine delivers content matched to student ability from Science Daily
Low birth weight reduces ability to metabolize drugs throughout life from Science Daily
The pain of social exclusion: Physical pain brain circuits activated by 'social pain' from Science Daily
Closest, brightest supernova in decades is also a little weird from Science Daily
Why dark chocolate is good for your heart from Science Daily
Cushing's syndrome: Genetic basis for cortisol excess from Science Daily
Ecological impacts of invasive species can be readily predicted from features of their behavior from Science Daily
Probing the edge of chaos: How do variable physical characteristics behave at the point preceding onset of chaos? from Science Daily
Altruistic suicide in organisms helps relatives by providing nutrients to kin from Science Daily
Digital ears in the rainforest: Estimating dynamics of animal populations by using sound recordings and computing from Science Daily
Tooth extraction prior to cardiac surgery may increase risk of adverse outcomes from Science Daily
Smarter colorectal screening could improve senior health from Science Daily
Scientists wake up to causes of sleep disruption in Alzheimer's disease from Science Daily
Over 80s often over-treated for stroke prevention from Science Daily
'SuperMum' campaign results in startling improvements in people's handwashing behavior from Science Daily
Social-media messages grow terser during major events, study finds from Science Daily
One gene influences recovery from traumatic brain injury from Science Daily
Febrile illnesses in children in Tanzania most often due to viral infections from Science Daily
Caesarean babies more likely to become overweight as adults from Science Daily
NASA's Curiosity Rover Looks Up at Huge Mars Mountain (Photos) from
'Gravity' Captures 'Visceral' Nature of Spacewalks, Former Astronaut Says from
German court throws out lawsuits against Apple from Physorg
Nuclear dump leak raises questions about cleanup from Physorg
MtGox seeks court protection after $500m Bitcoin loss from Physorg
GE and partners developing undersea pipeline x-ray technology from Physorg
FEATURE: A larger hadron collider? Why bigger is better in particle physics from Science Alert
Identifying atoms with colour from Science Alert
Instagram tools for mobile photographers from CBSNews - Science
Competition breeds new fish species, study finds from Physorg
Storms unearth wartime bomb threat from BBC News: Science & Nature
Impatient chemistry from Chemistry World
Nickel-Titanium Heart Implants Aren't Dangerous For People Allergic To Nickel
Facebook exempt from Quebec's French language law, lawyer says from CBC: Technology & Science
Maths help beat poachers from Science Alert
Medieval Candelabra Hints at Forgotten Sea Routes from Live Science
Google adding voice recognition to Chrome browser search from Physorg
Phony honey a sweet deal for counterfeiters, bad for consumers from Physorg
Study suggests users pay more attention to Internet safety than previously assumed from Physorg
Week in Images from European Space Agency
Black hole winds stronger than expected from Physics World
10 years ago: new heavy elements from Chemistry World
SciDev.Net Podcast: Africa’s energy struggle, the data revolution, and more from SciDev
Ready for spring? Not so fast, says Environment Canada from CBC: Technology & Science
Combination of sensory signals draw mosquitoes in for a bite from Science Blog
Newer diabetes drugs cost more, but may not work better from Science Blog
Unusual genetic mutation linked to adolescent liver cancer from Science Blog
MIT data shows baseball managers when to replace the starting pitcher from Science Blog
20 percent more water in Antarctic circumpolar current than previous estimates from Physorg
Study Shows Less Snowpack Will Harm Ecosystem from Newswise - Scinews
'Rock snot' algae outbreaks blamed on climate change from CBC: Technology & Science
China busts major web-based baby trafficking rings from CBC: Technology & Science
Nasty parasitic worm, common in wildlife, now infecting U.S. cats from Science Blog
Month in Space: February 2014 from MSNBC: Science
How Earth was watered from Physorg
Ninjabot strikes with force of a mantis shrimp from Physorg
Can long-range forces can be mediated by continuous spin particles? from Physorg
Doctors Without Borders expelled from Myanmar from AP Health
Sulfur Polymers Could Enable Long-Lasting, High-Capacity Batteries from C&EN
A Challenging Conjugation from C&EN
European Firms Feel The Squeeze from C&EN
A Pharma-Friendly Fluorination from C&EN
Detecting Citrus Blight from C&EN
Suicide rates drop in big cities from
Women's brains more resilient to higher levels of genetic defects: study from CBC: Health
Fossilized human feces from 14th century contain antibiotic resistance genes from Science Blog
Twitter ‘big data’ can be used to monitor HIV and drug-related behavior from Science Blog
American Bar Association awards lower ratings to women and minorities from Science Blog
White House Film Festival Sets the Stage for Student Stardom from MSNBC: Science
Iron-bearing minerals in sediments react with and immobilize contaminants from Physorg
Animal forensics, DNA used to estimate river otter population from Physorg
Microgravity and radiation exposure add up to serious health risks for astronauts from Physorg
Helping robots learn to walk from Physorg
Is climate change behind California's dry spell? from Physorg
Full recovery for Schumacher unlikely, some say from AP Health
Oscars 2014: Predicting The Winners With Data from PopSci
Full recovery for Schumacher unlikely, some say from AP Science
Bad bridges to nowhere from Harvard Science
Manitoba drug stores may need to advertise dispensing fees from CBC: Health
A Stargazing Adventure: Climbing a Volcano for Cosmic Sightseeing (Photos) from
Mars 2021 Human Fly-by - Public or Private $$? Congress Questions | Video from
Jaw-Dropping Stargazing Views from Indonesia's Mount Bromo (Photos) from
Mobile apps that make Instagram better from CBSNews - Science
Looking at proteins to make new medicines and better wine from Physorg
"Shock doctrine" demolition and economic exploitation of disaster-stricken societies from Physorg
New data shows baseball managers when to replace the starting pitcher from Physorg
Report finds protecting natural areas makes good fiscal sense from Physorg
Observation protocol documents college instruction and STEM learning from Physorg
Europe suspends Swiss research status in immigration row from Chemistry World
Scientists blend standard air from Chemistry World
Discovery: Specific Macrophages Affect Crohn's Disease Severity
MQ1 Microquasar: Super-Powered Small Black Hole Is Only 60 Miles Wide
Out Of Beringia, Into America: It First Meant 10,000 Years On The Bering Land Bridge
James Watson: Type 2 Diabetes Caused By Lack Of Biological Oxidants, Not Excess
Addicted To Tanning?
A Forgotten Model Of The Universe
An Essential Step Toward Printing Living Tissues
'Beautiful But Sad' Music Can Help People Feel Better
Stratification Determines The Fate Of Fish Stocks In The Baltic Sea
Dart-Shaped Vehicle Tests NASA's Orion Spacecraft's Parachutes | Video from
Quantum Dropleton: Weird New Particle Acts Like Liquid from
Undocking | Space Wallpaper from Live Science
Probe takes stunning photo of Mars' sand dunes from CBSNews - Science
Would seasonal forecasting enable us to cope with our changing weather? from Physorg
Computer game to find out how digital provenance affects decision-making from Physorg
New report calls for rebuilding technological infrastructure at universities from Physorg
Predators outweigh disease in possum threats from Physorg
Researchers capture snapshots of free molecules by the light of the free electron laser from Physorg
Spectrum bands combined on live network for more than 1 Gbps downlink from Physorg
Squeezing out the hidden lives of electrons from Physorg
Breaking the cycle of food waste from Physorg
Biomass industry needs to prepare for water constraints from Physorg
New search engine delivers content matched to ability from Physorg
Tree-dwelling orangutans on ground from Physorg
Developing sensors for precision agriculture from Physorg
Multiple sensory cues draw mosquitoes to hosts from Physorg
Defects on graphene electrode alter behavior of electrode-electrolyte interface from Physorg
Evidence of water in meteorite revives debate over life on Mars from Physorg
Spectrum imaging used to measure atom concentrations at atomic resolution from Physorg
UAB Research Improves Ease and Security of Password Protections from Newswise - Scinews
White House Seeks To Bolster Patent System from C&EN
Neuron 81: 616-628 (2-5-14) from The Rockefeller University
Alaska's Warm Weather Could Mean Mushy Iditarod Race from Live Science
Fat Belly? Diet Affects Where You Pack on Pounds from Live Science
Travel Back in Time With Google Maps Gallery from MSNBC: Science
Pencil drawing of a sensor actually is a sensor from Physorg
Google pledges $6.8M for San Francisco program from Physorg
Tokyo bitcoin exchange files for bankruptcy from Physorg
Oil-rich Norway may divest from fossil fuels from Physorg
Beneficial anti-inflammatory effects observed when plant extracts fed to sick pigs from Physorg
Food production in the northeastern US may need to change if climate does from Physorg
Physicists pave the way for more energy efficient technology from Physorg
Why we do dumb things on smartphones from Physorg
Sea sapphires shine with cellular layers of crystal plates from Physorg
Advantages emerge in using nanostructured material when forging mechanical components from Physorg
NASA saw rainfall rates increase before birth of Tropical Storm Faxai from Physorg
Peat soils as gigantic batteries from Physorg
Giant sunspot makes third trip across the sun from Physorg
Bereavement can take toll on health, not just emotions from
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 111: E537-545 (14-2-4) from The Rockefeller University
Nature Cell Biology online: January 26, 2014 from The Rockefeller University
Google mystery barge setting sail from CBC: Technology & Science
Year-long Mock Mars Mission Picks Semifinalists for Canadian Arctic Crew from
'Astroskin,' an Astronaut Smart Shirt, Gets Icy Test in Antarctica (Video) from
No Limits: Canada's Astronauts Climb, Test, Fly, And Explore | Video from
"Minecraft" movie in the works from CBSNews - Science
Tiny, rare hippo born in England from CBSNews - Science
NASA's Planet-Hunting Kepler Spacecraft a 'Gift That Keeps on Giving' from Live Science
NASA's Curiosity Rover Looks Up at Huge Mars Mountain (Photos) from Live Science
Viral Video: Whale Smacks Girl in Head from Live Science
Winds from Black Holes Pack Surprisingly Strong Punch from Live Science
White House Film Festival Sets the Stage for Student Stardom from MSNBC: Science
Unearthing key function of plant hormone from Physorg
Emergency alert in the cell: Scientists identify new mechanisms in the cellular stress response from Physorg
Retention leads to discipline problems in other kids from Physorg
Ransoms paid by two of every five victims of CryptoLocker from Physorg
Scientists to tackle burden of cattle disease on UK farms from Physorg
Sustainable Energy Is Focus of Plenary Talks at American Chemical Society Meeting from Newswise - Scinews
What Escapes A Black Hole? from PopSci
Measuring ice particles and water vapor in the upper troposphere from Physorg
Burmese pythons pose little risk to people in Everglades from Physorg
Ragweed to become more widespread in Northern Europe as the climate changes from Physorg
Northern Sumatra dealing with smoke from fires from Physorg
To teach scientific reproducibility, start young from Physorg
Tropical Cyclone 16P forms near Fiji from Physorg
'World's first' Bitcoin shop opens in Hong Kong from Physorg
Physicists solve 20-year-old debate surrounding glassy surfaces from Physorg
Gadget Watch: Fastlane in Nokia X shows promise from Physorg
Mobile mast vaccine storage project wins global prize from SciDev
Algal blooms created ancient whale graveyard from
Middle Eastern Virus More Widespread Than Thought from Science NOW
What Is Lyme Disease? New Findings Deepen the Mystery from National Geographic
Google Street View Unveils Two New Undersea Locations from Live Science
Female brown-headed cowbirds perform spatial tasks better than males from Physorg
Co-sleeping: Is sharing your bed good for the baby? from CBC: Health
Marine reserves planned around commercial interests from News @ Nature
Laser beam makes flies flirt from News @ Nature
Pandas' Latest Threat Is … Horses? from Live Science
Wavy vs. Straight: Physics of Curly Hair Teased Out from Live Science
Students Are Stars at White House Film Festival from MSNBC: Science
What makes an aggressive dog, and how you can spot one from Physorg
ACS chemistry mavens stir up hot sauce science from Physorg
The nature of color: New formula to calculate hue improves accuracy of color analysis from Physorg
Exchange of bismuth atoms for chloride ions with retention of structure from Physorg
A sharp eye for molecular fingerprints from Physorg
Compound That May Mimic Calorie Restriction Extends Life Span in Mice from Scientific American
Photos: With Ukraine in Disarray, Crimea Heats Up from National Geographic
Uganda's New Anti-Gay Law: Part of a Broader Trend in Africa from National Geographic
Telus pulls out of wireless lobby group from CBC: Technology & Science
Space History Photo: Bernard Harris and Michael Foale Prepare to Leave Airlock from
Storms Bringing Needed Rains to California Seen From Space from Live Science
Proposed California Law Could Make Plastic Producers Clean Up Their Mess | Video from Live Science
Cow fertility – not so black and white from Physorg
S&T Computer Engineer Patents Quantum Computing Device from Newswise - Scinews
Atlantic Seismic Tests for Oil: Marine Animals at Risk? from National Geographic
Storms Bringing Needed Rains to California Seen From Space from
The Best Pedometers of 2014 Do More Than Count Steps from Live Science
Young Seal Returns to Sea After Rehab from MSNBC: Science
High-Tech Exosuit Lets Divers Explore Underwater Canyons from MSNBC: Science
Relay Radio on Mars-Bound NASA Craft Passes Checkout from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Robot Nikes And Other Amazing Images From This Week from PopSci
Robot Nikes And Other Amazing Images From This Week from PopSci
Giant 'net' could help with space clean-up from CBSNews - Science
SN 2014J Oddball: Nearby Supernova Is a Bit Weird from
Tackling tumors with space station research from Science Blog
Mars Meteorite with Odd 'Tunnels' & 'Spheres' Revives Debate Over Ancient Martian Life from Live Science
Worm-Like Mite Species Discovered on Ohio State's Campus from Newswise - Scinews
Stony Brook University's Dr. Daniel Moloney Receives $1.6M NIH Bridges to the Baccalaureate Award from Newswise - Scinews
Inside Crimea: A Jewel in Two Crowns from National Geographic
Near Wins Stoke Gamblers’ Brains from National Geographic
Vision improved by brain-training app from CBC: Technology & Science
Strange Black Hole | Space Wallpaper from
Insomniac’s brain ‘like a light switch that is always on’ from Science Blog
NASA Satellite Eyes Soggy Storm Approaching California from Science Blog
Ocean's Biggest Current Carries More Water Than Thought from Live Science
Video: Polar Bear Asks Electric Car Driver To Stop Melting His Home from PopSci
Informing The Climate Debate from C&EN
Top Stories: Stranded Whales, a Lead-Laced Ocean, and Three-Parent Embryos from Science NOW
Updated: New Review Slams Fusion Project's Management from Science NOW
Peat Soils As Gigantic Batteries
Study: Racial Bias In Pain Perception Appears Among Children As Young As 7
Genetic Chip Will Help Salmon Farmers Breed Better Fish
Gene For Dissected Leaves
New Depression Treatments Reported
Can Citrus Ward Off Your Risk Of Stroke?
Hubble Zooms in on Historic Supernova SN 2014J from
Barely There? Chinese Company Debuts World's Thinnest Condom from Live Science
Does a Bedtime Snack Help or Hurt Your Sleep? from Live Science
Mountain Lion Family Feast Caught on Camera from Live Science
Realistic Visualizations Help Scientists Understand Karst Groundwater Flow | Video from Live Science
Photos: Mountain Lion Family Feast from Live Science
Zohydro: America's Deadliest New Drug? from Live Science
Candelabra Sheds Light On Medieval Sea Trade from MSNBC: Science
Dartmouth Researchers Find Promising Results with Local Hyperthermia of Tumors from Newswise - Scinews
EPA Puts Pebble Mine on Hold from National Geographic
Netflix staffers hack Fitbit to detect sleep, pause videos from CBSNews - Science
Time-outs to a Ph.D., Mischievous Scientific Curiousity Pays Off | Video from Live Science
Today's Green Minute…California Cleanin’ from Live Science
A new 'fast and furious' black hole from Physorg
GOES-West satellite eyes soggy storm approaching California from Physorg
Two rare baby penguins make their debut at Hungary zoo from Physorg
Apple's Cook tries to tantalize shareholders from Physorg
NASA satellite sees great freeze over Great Lakes from Physorg
Ultra-fast laser spectroscopy lights way to understanding new materials from Physorg
Worm-like mite species discovered on Ohio State's campus from Physorg
NEOWISE Spies Its First Comet from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Reforming The Toxic Substances Control Act from C&EN
Artful Science Logos Honor Greatest Astronomers and Physicists of All Time (Images) from
The Week In Numbers: The Top Speed Of A Polar Bear, Quark Mystery Solved, And More from PopSci
A Call to Arms on a Vermont Heroin Epidemic from NY Times Health
Workers at Nuclear Waste Site in New Mexico Inhaled Radioactive Materials from NY Times Health
D.C. Insurance Must Cover Treatment for Transgender Residents, Mayor Says from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Gluten-Free Spaghetti With Shrimp, Kale and Tomatoes from NY Times Health
British Lawmakers Intensify Focus on Head Injuries from NY Times Health
The New Old Age Blog: ‘Somebody That Nobody Thought I Could Be’ from NY Times Health
Innovation: Who Made That Antiperspirant? from NY Times Health
Lives: Let’s Go Ride a Bike from NY Times Health
Coal Ash Spill Shows How a Watchdog Was Defanged from NY Times Science
Winter Storm Brings Rain and New Troubles to a Dry California from NY Times Science
U.S. Moves Toward Atlantic Oil Exploration, Stirring Debate Over Sea Life from NY Times Science
Dale Gardner, Astronaut Who Helped Corral Wayward Satellites, Dies at 65 from NY Times Science
5 Polar Plunge Tips for Jimmy Fallon: Arctic Swimmer Lewis Pugh Shares His Advice from National Geographic
Space Pictures This Week: Cigar Galaxy, Speedy Star from National Geographic
Spider Bite Kills Florida Man from Live Science
Jawbone UP24: Fitness Tracker Review from Live Science
X-rays From Other Galaxies Could Emanate From Particles of Dark Matter from Science NOW
Slow Recovery for Embattled Spanish Research Agency from Science NOW
ScienceShot: What Do You Get When You Cross a Wolf With a Coyote? from Science NOW
High-profile conservatives urge government action on environment from CBC: Technology & Science
Astronaut Reads 'Max Goes To The Moon' On Discovery's Last Flight | Video from
Fitbit One: Fitness Tracker Review from Live Science
British Storms Uncover WWII Bombs, Ancient Trees from Live Science
A successful community experiment from Harvard Science
Mummies' Milk: World's Oldest Cheese Found in China from Live Science
Computer Scientist Uses Creativity to Teach Computer Skills from Live Science
Protecting Vulnerable Freshwater Aquifers Critical Task from Live Science
VIDEO: Footage captures 'cloud' of starlings from BBC News: Science & Nature
700-Year-Old Poop Tracks History of Human Gut Microbes from Science NOW
European collaborations from Chemistry World
Mars Flyby Schedule Reset for 2021, But Will It Ever Fly? from MSNBC: Science
UK's space engineers want new cadets from BBC News: Science & Nature
BP barred from seeing documents in oil spill claims probe from CBC: Technology & Science
Does the Moon Rotate? from
What is Space? from
Bill, Barack and Neil: Now That's a Super Science Selfie! from MSNBC: Science
Skara Brae: Prehistoric Scottish Village from Live Science
Sea otters back to pre-Exxon Valdez spill levels from CBC: Technology & Science