Archive of feed items published on the 2nd of August 2013
Federal officials issue strong new warning about anti-malaria drug from LA Times - Health
Federal officials issue strong new warning about anti-malaria drug from LA Times - Science
California fishermen file suit in effort to keep 'otter-free zone' from LA Times - Science
Artist envisions water wheel transforming a stretch of L.A. River from LA Times - Science
Skyscraper site in Hollywood may sit on active fault, state says from LA Times - Science
Empowering women in Afghanistan from MIT Research
Motorola's flagship phone, the Moto X, has arrived from CBSNews - Science
Saturn's icy moon Enceladus squirts water from 'tiger stripes' from LA Times - Science
Crackdown on Everest mountaineers from BBC News: Science & Nature
Camping may reset your body clock (but leave your flashlight at home) from LA Times - Science
VIDEO: Restoring native trees to Dartmoor from BBC News: Science & Nature
Viewpoint: Plug 'leaky pipeline' for women in science from BBC News: Science & Nature
Interest grows in New Zealand's designer drug law from AP Health
Bees can be altruistic from Science Alert
Review: Motorola phone notable for customization from Physorg
Key points in the genetically modified food debate from Physorg
Huawei lashes out at ex-CIA chief over spying claims from Physorg
Homogeneous catalyst made to act more like an enzyme from Chemistry World
Researchers create 'soft robotic' devices using water-based gels from Physorg
Ultrasound 'may stop kidney injury' from BBC News: Science & Nature
How do you track a honey bee? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Russia PM reprimands space chief for failures from Physorg
Evolution 'punishes mean people' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Sci-Fi Film 'Europa Report' Melds Space Fantasy and Fact from
Brilliant Meteor Shower and Comet to Grace August Night Sky from
If everything is chemistry then I need to do chemistry from Chemistry World
SnapDragon and RubyFrost are new apple varieties from Physorg
Planting a new perspective on climate research from Physorg
Scientists look into Earth's 'deep time' to predict future effects of climate change from Physorg
Solar energy could supply one-third of power in US West, study finds from Physorg
Smart sleep analysis from Physorg
Versatile polymer film synthesis method invented from Physorg
Panel calls for protecting world's largest forest from Physorg
Top robotic helicopter team sets sights on impossible mission (w/ Video) from Physorg
How 'junk DNA' can control cell development from Physorg
Study scrutinises self-representation in the legal system from Physorg
Research will allow architects, building professionals, to measure greenhouse gases in construction from Physorg
Toward harmonised aircraft communication from Physorg
In with antennas, out with cables from Physorg
US bat killer still spreading west from BBC News: Science & Nature
Spooked baboons baffle Dutch zoo from BBC News: Science & Nature
VIDEO: 'Rub-tree' bears caught on camera from BBC News: Science & Nature
Doppler effect takes a spin from
Engineers develop new tests to cool turbine blades, improve engines from Physorg
Soil carbon 'blowing in the wind' from Physorg
OmniCam360: Soccer matches and concerts from any angle you choose from Physorg
New research provides evolutionary snapshot of surprisingly altruistic bees from Physorg
A matter of solvation from Chemistry World
3D Printing at Home: Small Savings Will Add Up from Live Science
Germany nixes surveillance pact with US, Britain from Physorg
Germany-based Turk takes knee-strain out of praying from Physorg
A waterworld of volcanoes from Physorg
Wired for change: Gene expression study reveals first steps of evolution in gene regulation from Physorg
Cobalt replacements make solar cells more sustainable from Physorg
Does your personality and how you look affect how you're treated at work? from Physorg
NASA's space launch system completes preliminary design review from Physorg
Why guppies have genital claws from Physorg
Water in a Martian desert from Physorg
Helping horses come to term from Physorg
Empowering women in Afghanistan from Physorg
VIDEO: What is killing our honey bees? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Hacked iPhone chargers could let snoops spy on devices from CBSNews - Science
Warmer climate could lead to increased conflict, violence from UPI
Substances in honey increase detoxification gene expression, team finds from Science Blog
Perfecting digital imaging from Science Blog
New drugs to find the right target to fight Alzheimer’s disease from Science Blog
Researchers create ‘soft robotic’ devices using water-based gels from Science Blog
Graveyard for comets discovered from Science Daily
Why Anti-Drug Campaigns May Need to Change from Live Science
Iowa State engineers develop new tests to cool turbine blades, improve engines from Newswise - Scinews
Engineers discover unique fingerprint for cell phones from Physorg
Researchers find way to measure speed of spinning object using light's orbital angular momentum from Physorg
A cometary graveyard from Physorg
Pictures: Afghanistan’s Looted and Lost Heritage from National Geographic
Who's Stealing Afghanistan's Cultural Treasures? from National Geographic
How to Take Stunning Lion Photos from National Geographic
Palm kernel oil to polyamide from Chemistry World
India revokes more pharma patents from Chemistry World
LuluLemon under fire for fat-shaming marketing from CBC: Health
Video: Fake charger lets hackers infect iPhones from CBSNews - Science
Why is orange the new black for female victims of trauma? from Science Blog
Where comets go to die from Science Blog
Novel 3D Simulation Helps Surgeons Train More Effectively from Science Blog
Sounding rocket to study active regions on the sun from Science Blog
'Soft robotic' devices using water-based gels from Science Daily
New drugs to find the right target to fight Alzheimer's disease from Science Daily
Tired, moody and pregnant? Exercise may be the answer from Science Daily
Study of gene expression has revealed first steps of evolution in gene regulation in mice from Science Daily
A waterworld of volcanoes from Science Daily
VIDEO: 3D scans helping facial surgery from BBC News: Science & Nature
In harmony with faith from Physorg
Japanese companies develop quake damping pendulums for tall buildings from Physorg
World food security more vulnerable than ever to climate change from Physorg
Kick-starting Europe's electric vehicle industry from Physorg
Next generation of unmanned aircraft to boost geoscientific research from Physorg
NASA sees Hurricane Gil being chased by developing storm from Physorg
NASA looks at Tropical Storm Jebi in South China Sea from Physorg
Sounding rocket to study active regions on the sun from Physorg
Revised location of 1906 rupture of San Andreas Fault in Portola Valley from Physorg
Workplace Agency Rebuked from C&EN
Antibiotics Buying Spree from C&EN
Comet ISON: A Tadpole Swimming In A Celestial Sea
Bird poop facials offered by New York spa from CBC: Health
FDA to define 'gluten free' labels on products from CBC: Health
New water splitting technique could produce hydrogen fuel from Science Blog
Distorted Doughnut | Space Wallpaper from Live Science
Week in Images from European Space Agency
Largest neuronal network simulation to date achieved using Japanese supercomputer from Science Daily
Pregnancy in horses: Helping horses come to term from Science Daily
Cobalt replacements make solar cells more sustainable from Science Daily
Burnt sugar derivative reduces muscle wasting in fly and mouse muscular dystrophy from Science Daily
Genetics: More than merely a mutated gene from Science Daily
The four-point test to predict death risk from C. difficile from Science Daily
Sea star's bizarre feeding mechanism from Science Daily
Active balance between two proteins ensures that embryos develop with the proper proportions from Physorg
Predicted experimental test will clarify how light interacts with matter at high energies from Physorg
Barrier reef corals deliver world first for sunscreen from Physorg
Michael Dell adds dividend payment to buyout offer from Physorg
Survey of cellular signaling pathways reveals proteins that help plants to cope with dehydration from Physorg
Project targets coral dredging fallout from Physorg
Magnetic pan pipe sponge mops up crude oil from Chemistry World
A woman’s endless work from Harvard Science
At 101, another look around from Harvard Science
Climate science boost with tropical aerosols profile from Science Daily
Baby owls spotted sleeping like baby humans from Science Daily
X-Rays Of Spacesuits And Other Amazing Images From This Week from PopSci
Spaceloft-7 Launches From Spaceport America - Booster Cam Video from
Environmental Sample Processors help prevent seafood poisoning from Physorg
New capacitors to improve electric vehicles from Physorg
Sound solution to nanoparticle handling problems from Chemistry World
Glowing, Glowing, Gone: Cell Fluorescence Casts Light on How Death Spreads Throughout Body from Scientific American
New solar-thermal reactor could produce hydrogen fuel from UPI
Video: Mars project goal: Human colony by 2023 from CBSNews - Science
Video: What you need to know if you're thinking of living on Mars from CBSNews - Science
Asperger's and Autism: Brain Differences Found from Live Science
Babies witnessing violence show aggression later in school from Science Blog
Largest neuronal network simulation achieved using K computer from Science Blog
How 'junk DNA' can control cell development from Science Daily
Discovery of novel gene mutations in leukemia patients opens up personalized therapy options from Science Daily
Sounding rocket to study active regions on the sun from Science Daily
Sun Watcher’s Violent View | Space Wallpaper from
Space History Photo: X-1-2 with Pilots Robert Champine Herb Hoover from
Google looks to balloons to provide Internet access in Third World from Physorg
Evolution of mammalian monogamy remains mysterious from
Matter: Monogamy’s Boost to Human Evolution from NY Times Science
Dot Earth Blog: With Arrests, Signs of Justice in Slaying of Costa Rican Turtle Guardian from NY Times Science
Op-Ed Contributor: Apes Need Vaccines, Too from NY Times Science
Op-Ed Contributors: A Republican Case for Climate Action from NY Times Science
Well: ‘If This Were Your Mother, Doctor…’ from NY Times Health
F.D.A. Sets Standard for Foods Labeled Gluten Free from NY Times Health
Well: Ask Well: Does Cooking Strip Red Wine’s Benefits? from NY Times Health
Increase in Urine Testing Raises Ethical Questions from NY Times Health
Republicans Refuel Effort to Cripple Health Care Law from NY Times Health
Deal Keeps U.S. Health Care Contribution for Congress from NY Times Health
Theory on Pain Is Driving Rules for Abortions from NY Times Health
Well: The Limits of Cosmetic Surgery from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Tacos With Green Beans, Chiles and Tomatillo Salsa from NY Times Health
Brooklyn Hospital Closings a Blow to Psychiatric Care from NY Times Health
Climate change linked to increase in violence, war from CBC: Technology & Science
Wind Mobile takeover deals reportedly heating up from CBC: Technology & Science
Sun Finally Sets in Barrow, Alaska from Live Science
FDA defining what "gluten free" means on packages from AP Health
Facial Plastic Surgery Doesn't Make People More Attractive, Study Finds from PopSci
Google's call for open Internet hedged in its own rules from Physorg
News in Brief: Spider's personality matters when job hunting from
Oxygen boost aided carnivore evolution in Cambrian explosion from
VERIS: 15 Minutes To Study The Sun
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells From Urine Used To Create Human Tooth
Former Astronaut Picked to Lead NOAA from Science NOW
'Star Trek' Galileo shuttle on display at Houston Space Center from UPI
Edward Snowden cast as hero in smartphone video game "Snowden Run 3D" from CBSNews - Science
75 New Animal Welfare Laws, and Counting (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Image of the Day: July 2013 from
NASA's huge deep-space rocket passes design milestone from MSNBC: Science
TV seems impervious to Silicon Valley's advances from Physorg
Dazzling New Coral Species Discovered from Live Science
Saharan Dust Cloud Crossing The Atlantic | Animation from Live Science
In Photos: Stunning New Coral Species of Polynesia from Live Science
Baby owls sleep like baby humans from Science Blog
‘Soft’ approach leads to revolutionary energy storage from Science Blog
Saharan Dust Cloud Crossing The Atlantic | Animation from
What Are The Most Lactose Intolerant Places In The World? [Infographic] from PopSci
Red grouse 'laying eggs earlier' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Shipwreck Yields Most Silver Ever from National Geographic
EIT 'Super' Scholars Bring Research Into Focus from Newswise - Scinews
Dinosaur Nests with Eggshells Unearthed in Portugal from Live Science
Photos: Japan's HTV-4 Cargo Ship Launching to Space Station from
Oil drilling starts after protests from BBC News: Science & Nature
Artificial Intelligent Update: Supercomputer Achieves Largest Neuronal Network Simulation To Date
Dell Inc, Michael Dell reach new terms on bid from UPI
Steamboat geyser, world's tallest, erupts after eight years from UPI
Russian meteor may have gangmates in tow from News @ Nature
Digging Up the Truth: 1906 Earthquake Mystery Solved from Live Science
Liquid Droplets Reveal Clues To Quantum Behavior from Live Science
Novel 3-D simulation technology helps surgical residents train more effectively from Science Daily
See Three Asteroids in the Night Sky This Month from
Brilliant meteor shower, planets, comet -- August skies have it all from MSNBC: Science
Video: How Dogs Show Their Love from Science NOW
Strict Limits on Animal Research Stun Italian Scientists from Science NOW
Diagnosed sociopath shares secret world from CBC: Health
Cycling doctors promote pancreatic cancer treatments from CBC: Health
RAW VIDEO: Hungry Bear 'Steals' Restaurants Dumpster from Live Science
Rare Eruption Of World's Tallest Geyser | Video from Live Science
Watch A Squishy Gel Transform Into Robotic Claws from PopSci
Ancient feathered shield discovered in Peru temple from MSNBC: Science
NASA's Curiosity Nearing First Anniversary on Mars from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
FOR KIDS: Full moon shortchanges sleep from
Baby Bird Sleep Patterns Are A Lot Like Baby Humans
Former astronaut picked to lead US oceans agency from News @ Nature
Former astronaut picked to lead US oceans agency from News @ Nature
Ibuprofen painkillers recalled over labelling error from CBC: Health
Does Happiness Increase As We Get Older? from Live Science
Is It Really 'Gluten-Free'? FDA Sets New Limits from Live Science
Why can't the snakes cross the road, secret lives of baby snakes and other questions from Science Daily
Big Pic: A Stunning View Of Phytoplankton From Space from PopSci
E-books: US tells Apple to cut publishing ties from Physorg
New coating turns ordinary glass into super glass from Physorg
Baby owls sleep like baby humans from Physorg
Archaeologists uncover 200-year-old Alaska village from Physorg
Why can't the snakes cross the road, secret lives of baby snakes and other questions from Physorg
Researchers highlight bears' use of Banff highway crossings from Physorg
NASA sees a very active tropical Eastern Pacific Ocean from Physorg
Bio-inspired design may lead to more energy efficient windows from Physorg
Decoding material fluxes in the tropical ocean from Physorg
Best New Space Pictures: Saturn's Moons and Giant Stars from National Geographic
ScienceShot: A Shot of Coffee That Gets You Drunk from Science NOW
Here It Comes … The $375,000 Lab-Grown Beef Burger from Science NOW
Well: Back Pain Remains Overtreated from NY Times Health
Well: Summer Taco Nights from NY Times Health
FOR KIDS: Sniffing for cancer from
Writing With Light In A Polymer Mixture from C&EN
Last Wild Horse Sees First Artificial Insemination Success from Live Science
Faster & Higher: Extreme Athletes Can Track Feats with Tech from Live Science
How To Create The Perfect Workspace, According To Science from PopSci
NOAA: Puget Sound killer whales to stay protected from Physorg
Curiosity rover nearing first anniversary on Mars from Physorg
Nepal to keep closer eye on Everest expeditions from Physorg
Bed bugs, bad service begone, thanks to online reviews from Physorg
Sun reaches out with plasma 'arms' during solar eruption from MSNBC: Science
FOR KIDS: Cool Jobs: Sports science from
Chemists Find Efficient Route To Plant-Derived Compound Ingenol from C&EN
Evolution doesn't favour the mean or selfish from CBC: Technology & Science
Talking robot astronaut to head to space station from CBC: Technology & Science
Genome sequencing work illuminates microbial dark matter from Science Blog
Japanese vehicle delivers new hardware for NASA’s robotic refueling mission from Science Daily
NASA's Curiosity nearing first anniversary on Mars from Science Daily
Seeing which way the wind blows: New doppler radar takes flight on this summer's HS3 mission from Science Daily
Cold, blue world: 'Small' alien planet captured on camera from MSNBC: Science
Top Stories: The Secret of Monogamy, Resetting Your Body’s Clock, and Drunk Human Sacrifices from Science NOW
Study: Teleportation would have a slight time-to-transmit problem from UPI
Nepal to monitor Everest ascent attempts more closely from UPI
Alcoholism linked to people with hyper-active brain signals, study finds from CBC: Health
Yellowstone's Steamboat Geyser Roars to Life from Live Science
Alcoholism could be linked to a hyper-active brain dopamine system from Science Daily
Why One Nation Wants To Turn Its Undersea Volcanoes Into A National Park from PopSci
News in Brief: Bandage-like patch dissolves to deliver medicine to skin from
New findings could help improve development of drugs for addiction from Science Daily
Bio-inspired design may lead to more energy efficient windows from Science Daily
Pollutants from incense smoke cause human lung-cell inflammation from Science Daily
Decoding material fluxes in the tropical ocean: Turbulent processes provide important contribution to oxygen supply from Science Daily
Scare Tactics Don't Stop People From Using Drugs from PopSci
NSF cancels political-science grant cycle from News @ Nature
Head of Russia's space agency given reprimand for incompetence from UPI
Russian research centers face forced merger mandated by the government from UPI
Drought making trees more susceptible to dying in forest fires from UPI
Wireless carriers quick to patch SIM card vulnerability from UPI
Excessive rain in U.S. Southeast causing millions in crop damage from UPI
Rethinking National Flood Insurance as Toll Rises (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Why is orange the new black for female victims of trauma? from Science Daily
Revised location of 1906 rupture of San Andreas Fault in Portola Valley from Science Daily
Necrostatin-1 counteracts aluminum's neurotoxic effects from Science Daily
Kick-starting Europe's electric vehicle industry from Science Daily
Engineers develop new tests to cool turbine blades, improve engines from Science Daily
Simple ultrasound treatment may help protect the kidneys from Science Daily
Who Would Take A One-Way Trip To Mars? This Woman. from PopSci
Picture Archive: Cairo Mosque, Circa 1920 from National Geographic
Russia home to text message fraud "cottage industry" from Physorg
Yahoo buying binge continues with Rockmelt deal from Physorg
Plenty of fault to go around in 1906 earthquake mystery from MSNBC: Science
Schmeat served: Advances in stem cell, lab-grown meat from CBC: Technology & Science
Mexican Culture: Customs & Traditions from Live Science
Curiosity rover celebrates a year on Mars — and surprising successes from MSNBC: Science
ScienceShot: Graveyard of Iceballs Past from Science NOW
Google to introduce service to find lost Android phones from UPI
NOAA: Puget Sound killer whales to stay protected from AP Science
Applicants for One-Way Mars Trip to Descend on Washington from
Spaceport America Readies to Welcome Space Tourists from
Scientists Have a Responsibility to Engage (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Cashmere Fashions Squeezing Central Asia's Big Mammals from National Geographic
Trouble Sleeping? Go Camping from Scientific American
In the daily grind, inspiration from Harvard Science
Well: Think Like a Doctor: Not Just the Flu, Solved! from NY Times Health
The New Old Age Blog: ‘Still Mine’ Adds to Movies on Aging from NY Times Health
Colonoscopies wrong for 8 Lakeshore Hospital patients from CBC: Health
NASA Mulls Waking Space Telescope for Asteroid Hunt from
See the Curiosity Rover’s 1st Year On Mars in 2 Minutes (Video) from
What is Lake Vostok? from Live Science
The Week In Numbers: Humanity's Last Common Ancestor, The Birth Of NASA, And More from PopSci
Climate change said affecting global spread of infectious diseases from UPI
Astronomers say 'Lazarus' comets in cosmic graveyard come back to life from UPI
New coating creates tough, super-slippery 'super glass' from UPI
Can You Calculate the Impact of Cheating in Sports? (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Yahoo buys social Web browser maker RockMelt from CBSNews - Science
Applicants for one-way trip to Mars to descend on Washington, D.C. from MSNBC: Science
The President's Behavioral Insights Project Wants You
House Panel Subpoenas EPA for Air Pollution Data from Science NOW
Half of urban Chinese report owning, using smartphones from UPI
Neptune's Moons: 14 Discovered So Far from
Yellowstone's Steamboat Geyser roars to life for first time in 8 years from MSNBC: Science
New coating creates ‘superglass’ from Harvard Science
Triton: Neptune's Odd Moon from
Glaciers protect Alps mountain peaks from BBC News: Science & Nature
Has LHCb spotted physics beyond the Standard Model? from Physics World
Scientists to cook world's first in-vitro beef burger from Reuters:Science
As millions of Americans go gluten free, FDA sets the standard from LA Times - Science
200-year-old Alaska village uncovered from CBSNews - Science