Archive of feed items published on the 14th of August 2013
Alien Life on Europa? Funding Gap Means We May Never Know (Op-Ed) from
10 Worst Tech Predictions of All Time from Live Science
Infertility down slightly among married US women from AP Science
Infertility down slightly among married US women from AP Health
Government Must Continue Review of Nevada Nuclear Waste Site, Court Says from NY Times Science
To Judge Sleep Aids, U.S. Looks at Drowsy Driving in the Morning from NY Times Science
Oil Reforms by Mexico May Upend Markets from NY Times Science
Advertising: Clearing the Air on Diesel’s Dismal Reputation from NY Times Science
National Briefing | South: Florida: State Plans Suit Over Water from NY Times Science
Vaccination Appears to Have Halted a Meningitis Outbreak from NY Times Health
San Cristóbal de Las Casas Journal: In Mexico, a Healer Who Asks for Nothing in Return from NY Times Health
DealBook: Questions Arise About Herbalife Product Safety from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Cellophane Noodle Salad With Cabbage from NY Times Health
Well: A Simple Device to Detect Concussions from NY Times Health
World-first study tracks dwarf minke whales from Physorg
Icahn sets sights on Apple, talks to CEO Tim Cook from Physorg
Samsung faces Brazil lawsuit over labor conditions from Physorg
Solar, geothermal projects touted at Vegas summit from Physorg
Llamas and goats keep grass cut at Chicago airport from Physorg
Bone-munching worms found on sea floor from Physorg
Encryption is less secure than we thought from MIT Research
Florida mulls drone war on the mosquito from Physorg
Scottish ospreys released in Spain from BBC News: Science & Nature
How 'smart grids' help blackout-proof the power game from CBC: Technology & Science
Disposal of Marcellus Shale fracking waste caused earthquakes in Ohio from Physorg
Demystifying The Five-Sigma Criterion - Part II
The Arctic is especially sensitive to black carbon emissions from within the region from Physorg
Mars Food Scientists End 4-Month Mock Space Mission In Hawaii from
Unhidden Traits: Genomic Data Privacy Debates Heat Up from Scientific American
Survey by microplanes from European Space Agency
Halliburton seals tech deal in Russia from UPI
Flexible throughout life by varying numbers of chromosome copies from Physorg
Research shows Burmese long-tailed macaques' ability to use stone tools threatened by human activity in Thailand from Physorg
A new metric to help understand Amazon rainforest precipitation from Physorg
Electrochemical step towards a better hydrogen storage from Physorg
Six tonnes of rare live pangolins found in Vietnam from Physorg
Russia pins hopes on science city from News @ Nature
Chitin from Chemistry World
Manned Missions to Mars: Is the Moon Really a Stepping Stone? from
Optics: Nanotechnology's benefits brought into focus from Physorg
Encryption is less secure than we thought from Physorg
Microelectronics: Automating cancer detection from Physorg
An arms-race with mutual benefits from Physorg
Two strains of bacteria team up, thrive on limited resources from Physorg
One-size-fits-all approach doesn't work for different markets from Physorg
Growth of disorder of electrons measured in dual temperature system from Physorg
Data-sharing scheme shows the way towards low-cost, flexible and secure cloud storage from Physorg
Neanderthals may have taught humans to make tools from UPI
Four Hiroshima bombs a second: How we imagine climate change from Physorg
The fastest sperm may not be best from Physorg
Fluorescent organic nanoparticles outperform existing methods for long-term tracking of living cells from Physorg
Investment in student experience pays dividends in latest National Student Survey from Physorg
Scientists call for global action on coral reefs from Physorg
Mapping replacement of dead cells in the intestine uncovers critical stem cell pool from Physorg
Chad suspends China state oil firm from BBC News: Science & Nature
Could wasp venom peptide keep catheters sterile? from Chemistry World
BlackBerry Q5 launches in Canada amid sale chatter from CBC: Technology & Science
River otter attacks woman in B.C. lake from CBC: Technology & Science
Expedition seeks lost Battle of Hudson Bay ships from CBC: Technology & Science
'Citizen scientists' called on to help endangered bats from CBC: Technology & Science
Carl Icahn's Apple support sends tech giant's stock soaring from CBSNews - Science
Prostate cancer tumors' aggressiveness may be inherently fixed from LA Times - Science
We Can Exceed The Speed Of Light - If We Slow Light To A Crawl
Philosophy Not In The Business Of Producing Theories: The Case Of The Computational “Theory” Of Mind
Interactive map to support climate change adaptation planning in Great Lakes region from Physorg
Slug glue: A future with no sutures? from Physorg
New catalyst dives into water to produce hydrogen from Physorg
First documented report of swimming and diving in apes from Physorg
Competition: Computer science teams determine the perfect baby name from Physorg
Coral reef fish face barriers when it comes to evolution from Physorg
The Steam Age meets the Neutron Age as train wheels take the strain from Physorg
Students work to give firefighters critical information the moment they need it from Physorg
Networking for high performance computing from Physorg
Plasma-treated nano filters help purify world water supply from Physorg
Results of undergrad research seminar published from Physorg
Study shows Jim Crow-era segregation persists in Texas schools from Physorg
Designing and building nanocomponents to spec from Physorg
Viral Videos May Harm Cute, Threatened Animals from Live Science
US Infertility Rates Drop Over Last 3 Decades from Live Science
Oldest Rock Art in North America Revealed from Live Science
In Photos: Aftermath of Iceland Volcano Floods from Live Science
Small Volcanic Floods Packed Biggest Punch in Iceland from Live Science
Haida Gwaii hot springs unlikely to return, geologist says from CBC: Technology & Science
Coastal Antarctic study identifies large acidic change from Physorg
Characteristics of family killers revealed by first taxonomy study from Physorg
Advancing resistive memory to improve portable electronics from Physorg
Scott Reef's sea cucumber fishery on watch from Physorg
Online video forces change on TV industry from Physorg
Plastic solar cells' new design promises bright future from Physorg
One-pot to prep biomass for biofuels from Physorg
Using high-performance computing to gain new insights into turbulence from Physorg
Is the U.S. Grid Better Prepared to Prevent a Repeat of the 2003 Blackout? from News @ Nature
Barcode system after mastectomy mix-up to cost $450K from CBC: Health
Illegal dentist saw patients in July, court documents show from CBC: Health
FOR KIDS:Fake memories from
FOR KIDS: Teen fighting may harm IQ from
FOR KIDS: How Earth’s surface morphs from
Enabling Africa's women from Chemistry World
Both parents experience highs and lows in sexuality after childbirth from Science Blog
New culprit may make aging brains susceptible to neurodegenerative disease from Science Blog
Smart enough to know better: Intelligence is not a remedy for racism from Science Blog
First Shoshone Language Video Game from Science Blog
Encryption is less secure than we thought from Science Blog
Plastic solar cells’ new design promises bright future from Science Blog
Toxicologist says NAS panel ‘misled the world’ when adopting radiation exposure guidelines from Science Blog
Chronicling cancer experience online can reduce depressive symptoms from Science Blog
New biomarker could reveal Alzheimer’s disease years before onset from Science Blog
FOR KIDS: Feasting black hole from
Digital streak camera captures full-color photographs of high-speed objects from Physorg
Windows 8.1 set for October 18 release from Physorg
Detailed analysis shows clouds' effects on daily temperature from Physorg
Study suggests humans, apes and monkeys all expect something in return for generosity from Physorg
Explosive nanotechnology: Highly reactive nanoenergetic formulations based on periodate salts from Physorg
Nuclear powered submarines 'do-able' for Australia from Physorg
Mobile radiation detectors deployed at international ports from Physorg
Ice Cap Mosaic | Space Wallpaper from Live Science
The hidden threat that could prevent Polio’s global eradication from News @ Nature
Space History Photo: Icing Research Tunnel from
Why Some Coral Reefs Might Survive Climate Change from PopSci
Apes That Dive And Swim - First Documented Report
Humans, dogs threaten monkey’s ability to use stone tools from Science Blog
Advancing resistive memory to improve portable electronics from Science Blog
Low-grade prostate cancers may not become aggressive with time -- adds support for 'watch and wait' approach from Science Daily
Cosmologist suggests universe might not be expanding after all from Physorg
Researchers observe new type of ice forms between layers of graphene oxide from Physorg
Bacteria in drinking water are key to keeping it clean from Physorg
Researchers Identify New Molecules Necessary for Memory Formation from Newswise - Scinews
Putting PENCIL to paper to create gas sensors from Chemistry World
Mathematical Impressions: Making Music with a Möbius Strip from Scientific American
College students more empathetic towards dogs than human adults from CBSNews - Science
First documented report of swimming and diving in apes from Science Daily
Burmese long-tailed macaques use of stone tools is being threatened by human activity in Thailand from Science Daily
Battle Of Bosworth - The Last Stand Of Richard III Located
Spicing up your fish fillets with science from Physorg
Archaeologist locates the real location of the Battle of Bosworth from Physorg
Research shows precisely which strategies help players win team-oriented video games from Physorg
Your Best Photos of Perseid Meteor Shower from National Geographic
Evidence-based justice: Corrupted memory from News @ Nature
6 Ways Entrepreneur Elon Musk Is Changing the World from Live Science
Taiwan's Coral Reefs and Other Hidden Gems from Live Science
Pinterest In Space: NASA Astronaut 'Pins' Cosmic Photos from Orbit from
6 Ways Entrepreneur Elon Musk Is Changing the World from
Perseid Meteors Captured By NASA All-Sky Fireball Network | Video from
Beautiful Backscatter | Space Wallpaper from
Bacteria In Drinking Water - Not Always The Enemy
Oracle CEO Ellison on America's Cup racing: "It has to be a little bit risky" from CBSNews - Science
Why Samsung's curved-screen TV might be a "game changer" from CBSNews - Science
Handicapped swimmer's stolen wheelchair returned from UPI
Plastic solar cells' new design promises bright future from Science Daily
Digital streak camera captures full-color photographs of high-speed objects from Science Daily
Advancing resistive memory to improve portable electronics from Science Daily
Small-molecule solar cells get 50% increase in efficiency with optical spacer from Physorg
Halt the avalanche of performance metrics from News @ Nature
NASA Maps Dangerous Asteroids That May Threaten Earth (Photos) from
The Most Realistic Renderings Of Cloth We've Ever Seen from PopSci
How To Win At Team-Oriented Real-Time Strategy Games
Researchers get a handle on what made Typhoid Mary's infectious microbes tick from Physorg
2012 Great Plains drought not caused by climate change from Physorg
Diagnostic Lab Keeps Dogs Healthy with New Test for Canine Brucellosis from Newswise - Scinews
Japan Solar Energy Soars, But Grid Needs to Catch Up from National Geographic
Tiny Diamonds Levitate in Wild Physics Experiment from Live Science
Microsoft Outlook, SkyDrive down from CBC: Technology & Science
Futurist says Hyperloop needs social will to soar from CBC: Technology & Science
Florida boy fights rare brain infection caused by amoeba from CBC: Health
A cosmic first: Alien plant eclipse seen in X-ray light from MSNBC: Science
'Cannibal' Monster Galaxies Lose Appetite in Old Age from
Google: Gmail users have no expectation of privacy from CBSNews - Science
New species of fly identified in Caribbean from CBSNews - Science
Samsung faces Brazil lawsuit over labor conditions from CBSNews - Science
More medical residencies needed, students say from CBC: Health
Seven days: 9–15 August 2013 from News @ Nature
Rock art in Nevada believed to be oldest in North America from MSNBC: Science
Galaxy Smash-Up Seen Only In X-Rays For First Time | Video from
Dream Chaser Taken Out For A Spin In Ground Test | Video from
ScienceShot: Why Did Sea Level Drop in 2010? from Science NOW
Women Still Less Likely To Commit Corporate Fraud from PopSci
British cat DNA database helps convict killer from AP Science
Earth orbit changes key to Antarctic warming that ended last ice age from Physorg
A strong magnetic field around the Milky Way's black hole from Physorg
Extreme weather events fuel climate change from Physorg
Hyperactive Brain May Create "Near Death" Visions from National Geographic
Aspirin to Zoloft: The Scoop on 5 Medicines from Live Science
Rise in urban beekeeping may be bad for bees, scientists warn from CBC: Technology & Science
A cosmic first: Alien planet eclipse seen in X-ray light from MSNBC: Science
Starship Congress Warps Into Dallas This Week: How to Watch Online from
Why So Many Men Kill Their Families On Sundays In August from PopSci
News in Brief: Magnetic field of black hole measured from
Mental disorder seen as 'badness, not sickness' from
Children of obese mothers at greater risk of early heart death as adults from Science Daily
How bacteria found in mouth may cause colorectal cancer from Science Daily
Gene study uncovers origins of many common cancers from Reuters:Science
Milestone study probes cancer origin from BBC News: Science & Nature
West Antarctica Warmed Quickly ... 20,000 Years Ago from Live Science
Sustainable Energy Breakthrough: Hydrogen Fuel from Sunlight from Live Science
NASA Maps Dangerous Asteroids That May Threaten Earth (Photos) from Live Science
New York Times website goes down from CBC: Technology & Science
Pulsar Reveals Magnetic Field Around Our Giant Black Hole | Video from
Mysterious magnetar boasts one of strongest magnetic fields in Universe from European Space Agency
Scientists Achieve On-Demand Quantum Teleportation For The First Time from PopSci
'Smart glass' can tune out light and heat from Chemistry World
Why Is Our Black Hole Such a Picky Eater? from Science NOW
Video: Texas couple shocked after discovering baby monitor hacked from CBSNews - Science
Abandoned seals returned to wild from CBSNews - Science
A magnetar at the heart of our Milky Way from Science Daily
A genetic answer to the Alzheimer's riddle? from Science Daily
Visualized heartbeat can trigger 'out-of-body experience' from Science Daily
Frankenfish - Researchers Warp Carnivorous Cobia Into Vegetarians
The Psychology Of Distrusting Science
Earth Orbit Changes Key to Antarctic Warming That Ended Last Ice Age from Newswise - Scinews
Big Data, Internet Surveillance and the NSA/Edward Snowden Controversy from Newswise - Scinews
Elementary, my dear Fluffy: Cat DNA solves another homicide from MSNBC: Science
US brain project puts focus on ethics from News @ Nature
Smart glass blocks heat or light at flick of a switch from News @ Nature
Odd Star Reveals Magnetic Field Around Milky Way's Monster Black Hole from
How Geeks Have Evolved Over Time [Infographic] from PopSci
Quantum teleportation approaches the computer chip from
Preschoolers inability to estimate quantity relates to later math difficulty from Science Daily
Teleported by electronic circuit: Physicists 'beam' information from Science Daily
Extreme weather events fuel climate change from Science Daily
Targeting aggressive prostate cancer: How non-coding RNAs fuel cancer growth from Science Daily
Earth orbit changes key to Antarctic warming that ended last ice age from Science Daily
Cutting consumption, saving lives: Fuel cell technology proves powerful in demo from Physorg
Raising the IQ of smart windows from Physorg
Better way of checking authenticity of Earth's smallest, most valuable bits of paper from Physorg
Biophysicists zoom in on pore-forming toxin from Physorg
A new sense of urgency for energy cane and other energy crops from Physorg
Why the World Is Not Yet Done with Polio from National Geographic
Teleportation: Behind the Science of Quantum Computing from National Geographic
Universal Flu Vaccine: Pandemic Viruses May Give Clues from Live Science
New 'Consciousness Meter' Could Aid Brain-Injury Treatments from Live Science
God's Tears? Nah, Just Aphid Excrement from Live Science
SpaceX's Grasshopper Makes In-Flight Maneuver | Video from
Rare Video Captures Images Of Isolated Amazon Tribe from PopSci
Outages hit Microsoft's, SkyDrive from CBSNews - Science
Cancer's origins revealed: Genetic imprints and signatures left by DNA-damaging processes that lead to cancer identified from Science Daily
New tool peeks into brain to measure consciousness from AP Health
Craigslist costs US newspapers billions: study from Physorg
Apple breaks $500 threshold, first time since Jan. from Physorg
Smartphones now a majority of mobile sales: survey from Physorg
Can solar energy help save Greece? from Physorg
Researchers define role of protein vinculin in cell movement from Physorg
Using fire to manage fire-prone regions around the world from Physorg
Do academic rankings create inequality? from Physorg
Preschoolers inability to estimate quantity relates to later math difficulty from Physorg
How will crops fare under climate change? Depends on how you ask from Physorg
Successful deployment of an autonomous deep-sea explorer to search for new forms of microbial life from Physorg
Teleported by electronic circuit: Physicists 'beam' information from Physorg
Can Solar Energy Help Save Greece? from Newswise - Scinews
Dwarf Galaxy Caught Ramming Into a Large Spiral from Newswise - Scinews
Tahiti Abounds in New Beetle Species from Live Science
Tahiti: a Paradise for New Beetle Species from Live Science
Viral videos of cute, exotic animals may harm threatened species from MSNBC: Science
What is the Hyperloop? Billionaire Elon Musk is finally telling us from MSNBC: Science
Hyperloop revealed: Elon Musk foresees rapid transit in a tube from MSNBC: Science
'MythBusters' proves 'Breaking Bad's' Walt needs some more schooling from MSNBC: Science
Why the Hyperloop transit system is far from a sure thing for Elon Musk from MSNBC: Science
Students' laptop use lowers grades, experiment suggests from CBC: Technology & Science
Rare star probes supermassive black hole from News @ Nature
Big Pic: Dwarf Galaxy Collides With Big Spiral Galaxy KABOOM Ha Ha Ha! from PopSci
Earth Orbit Changes Linked To Antarctic Warming
The story deepens from Harvard Science
Coke aspartame ad defends use of the artificial sweetner from UPI
How will crops fare under climate change? Depends on how you ask from Science Daily
Dwarf galaxy caught ramming into a large spiral from Science Daily
Raising the IQ of smart windows: Embedded nanocrystals provide selective control over visible light and heat-producing near-infrared light from Science Daily
New York Times website goes down from Physorg
Review: Phantom quadcopter a fun consumer drone from Physorg
Outages hit Microsoft's, SkyDrive from Physorg
Metric for consciousness tracks waking states from News @ Nature
Chemophobia - The Unnatural Fixation Of Activists
Teleportation In An Electronic Circuit For The First Time
NASA maps dangerous asteroids that may threaten Earth from UPI
Binding together repelling atoms from Science Daily
New Zynga CEO reshuffles ranks, 3 execs to leave from Physorg
Researchers use nanoparticles to fight cancer from Physorg
Miao Yu Receives Howard Hughes Medical Institute Fellowship from Newswise - Scinews
Boise State Research Team Building a Computer Chip Based on the Human Brain from Newswise - Scinews
VIDEO: Milestone study probes cancer origin from BBC News: Science & Nature
Coke Runs Ad Defending Safety of Aspartame from Live Science
New Clues To How We Remember Dreams from PopSci
Beetles in rubber boots: Scientists study ladybugs' feet from Science Daily
A Magnetic Trick to Define Consciousness from Science NOW
Israel to pay students to defend it online from Physorg
Oldest known gaming tokens dug up in Bronze Age Turkish graves from MSNBC: Science
Big 3 mobile carriers under fire from Ottawa from CBC: Technology & Science
A wake-up call about the economic reality of a green society from Physorg
Ostrich necks reveal sauropod movements, food habits from Physorg
Facebook use predicts declines in happiness, new study finds from Physorg
Changing climate may have driven collapse of civilizations in Late Bronze Age from Physorg
Newly Found Pulsar Helps Astronomers Explore Milky Way's Mysterious Core from Newswise - Scinews
Image-Processing 1,000 Times Faster Is Goal of New $5M Contract from Newswise - Scinews
Radiation Detection to Go from Newswise - Scinews
Watch Live Talk Online: Mars Curiosity, Year One from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
ScienceShot: Galaxy Smashup from Science NOW
Researchers find molecule that causes sunburn pain from The Rockefeller University
Living, breathing, glowing rabbits successfully born from CBSNews - Science
New material controlling light and heat creates 'smart' windows from UPI
Antarctic bird making rare visit to U.S. interior spotted in Oklahoma from UPI
MS blocked vein 'movement jumped the gun' from CBC: Health
Family DNA Searches Hold Potential for Racial Bias from Live Science
300-Year Drought Was Downfall of Ancient Greece from Live Science
New Technique Analyzes Shadows to Spot Photo Fakes from Live Science
Tiny Amoeba Can Eat Your Brain (Infographic) from Live Science
Facebook use associated with a decrease in well being, almost from MSNBC: Science
Star reveals magnetic field around Milky Way's monster black hole from MSNBC: Science
Evidence-based Justice Acknowledges Our Corrupt Memories from Scientific American
New Measure of Consciousness Tracks Our Waking States from Scientific American
Chelyabinsk Meteor Dust Traveled Around The World | Video from
Structural biologist, interested in ribosome assembly, to join Rockefeller faculty from The Rockefeller University
ScienceShot: Facebook Is Making You Sad from Science NOW
Ask an Expert: Advice on Addiction in Boomers from NY Times Health
Consciousness measured with new tools from CBC: Health
Warming climate pushes plants up the mountain from Physorg
Mysterious magnetar boasts one of strongest magnetic fields in Universe from Physorg
Namibia to export rhinos, elephants to populate Cuba zoo from Physorg
Cisco to cut 4,000 jobs from Physorg
Researchers study selenium's effects on horses from Physorg
UW geographer devises a way for China to resolve its 'immigration' dilemma from Physorg
Around the world in four days: NASA tracks Chelyabinsk meteor plume from Physorg
Reading and brain structure link from BBC News: Science & Nature
Vodka, Aspirin or 7Up: What Keeps Flowers Fresh? from Live Science
How to Survive a Brain-Eating Amoeba from Live Science
Starship Congress touches down in Dallas this week from MSNBC: Science
Nevada petroglyphs the oldest in North America from AP Science
New technique in RNA interference cuts time and cost in genetic screens from The Rockefeller University
Study suggests apes can learn to swim and dive like humans from UPI
NASA says software will speed up air travel by streamlining departures from UPI
Computer scientists envision computer chip working like a human brain from UPI
Baby Panda born at Taipei Zoo meets mom for the first time from UPI
What We Do—and Don't—Know About Brain-Eating Amoebas from National Geographic
Russia Not Only Country With Anti-Gay Laws from National Geographic
Brazil moves to secure telecom, Internet systems after US spying from Physorg
Microsoft delays new Xbox launch for 8 countries from Physorg
Dwarf galaxy caught ramming into a large spiral from Physorg
Dig This: Badger Unearths Medieval Treasure from Live Science
Baldness Drug May Protect Men from Prostate Cancer from Live Science
NASA maps dangerous asteroids that could threaten Earth from MSNBC: Science
Bee-killing pesticide found in garden store plants: What does it mean? from MSNBC: Science
Disney's 'Tomorrowland' Movie Inspired by Space Memorabilia from
Researchers find molecule that causes sunburn pain from The Rockefeller University
Virtual crowds in virtual emergencies may help create safer buildings from UPI
Heat waves to become more frequent and severe, research says from Physorg
Remote Alaska volcano emits lava flow, ash plume from Physorg
Downfall of ancient Greece blamed on 300-year-old drought from MSNBC: Science
Mars Rover Opportunity Working at Edge of 'Solander' from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
SpaceX's Reusable 'Grasshopper' Rocket Leaps Sideways In Amazing Test Flight (Video) from
NASA used satellite to follow plume left by exploding meteor from UPI
Microsoft confirms October release date for Windows 8.1 from UPI
Astronomers show galaxies had 'mature' shapes 11.5 billion years ago from Physorg
Facebook is indeed a downer, another study suggests from MSNBC: Science
Treatments for TV’s most compellingly mental characters from Science Blog
Watermelon juice relieves post-exercise muscle soreness from Science Blog
Study: Probiotics do not prevent relapse in Crohn’s disease patients from Science Blog
Visualized heartbeat can trigger ‘out-of-body experience’ from Science Blog
Preserving a 4000 year-old artefact from Science Alert
Private space shuttle in taxi testing in California from UPI
Space station astronauts to be provided with 3-D printer to make parts from UPI
Galaxies Had 'Mature' Shapes 11.5 Billion Years Ago from Newswise - Scinews
New Approach Curbs Childhood Deaths in the Developing World (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Palace of Versailles: Facts & History from Live Science
Study describes family killer types from BBC News: Science & Nature
Lac-Mégantic water quality returning to normal, province says from CBC: Technology & Science
'Ball cutter' fish nothing to fear, expert says from CBC: Technology & Science
Family DNA searches hold potential for racial bias, study says from MSNBC: Science
Analysing the Great White shark from Science Alert
Climate Change Implicated In Collapse Of Bronze Age Civilizations
Invasive ants said a more serious global threat than thought from UPI
Wolves at Risk? Michigan Allows Hunting of Protected Species (Op-Ed) from Live Science
10 Years After Record Blackout, is U.S. Any Better Prepared? (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Live traffic map uses Vancouver drivers' cell phone data from CBC: Technology & Science
Fastest sperm may not be the best from Science Alert
Warming climate pushes plants up the mountain from Science Daily
Computer chip based on human brain developed from Science Daily
Why 'Fat' is Becoming the Other F-Word (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Marie Curie: Facts & Biography from Live Science
FEATURE: Scientists make 'impossible material' ... by accident from Science Alert
Drinking water for all from Science Alert
21 cancer 'signatures' found from Science Alert
How neurons get wired from Science Daily
Earth's 'second moon' target of proposed mission from Physics World
Around the world in four days: NASA tracks Chelyabinsk meteor plume from Science Daily
Researchers use nanoparticles to fight cancer from Science Daily
Brain scans could predict response to antipsychotic medication from Science Daily
Changing climate may have driven collapse of civilizations in Late Bronze Age from Science Daily
Forensic familial search methods carry risk of certain false matches from Science Daily
Ostrich necks reveal sauropod movements, food habits from Science Daily
Potent mechanism helps viruses shut down body's defense system against infection from Science Daily
Outage knocks New York Times website offline from UPI
SpaceX's Grasshopper test rocket flies sideways successfully from MSNBC: Science
ATK wins order for Stratolaunch's air-launched space vehicle from MSNBC: Science
Researchers debunk myth of 'right-brained' and 'left-brained' personality traits from Science Daily
Microsoft says some European countries face delay in Xbox availability from UPI
Deepening ties to Latin America from Harvard Science
Harry Parker memorial service set for Aug. 17 from Harvard Science
Ostrich necks provide dinosaur clues from BBC News: Science & Nature
3 Organic Super-Vegetables that Cost Less than $2 from Live Science
Children exposed to lead three times more likely to be suspended from school from Science Daily
Study debunks controversial multiple sclerosis theory from Science Daily
Watermelon juice relieves post-exercise muscle soreness from Science Daily
Better way of checking authenticity of old stamps from Science Daily
Successful deployment of an autonomous deep-sea explorer to search for new forms of microbial life from Science Daily
Research shows precisely which strategies help players win team-oriented video games from Science Daily
Experts skeptical of North Korea announcement of home-grown smartphone from UPI
Finasteride Reduces Risk Of Prostate Cancer
Facebook use predicts declines in happiness, new study finds from Science Daily
Two left feet? Study looks to demystify why we lose our balance from Science Daily
Newly identifed molecules necessary for memory formation from Science Daily
Spiral Galaxy Facts & Definition from