Archive of feed items published on the 1st of August 2013
The Rise of Deadly Insect Sting Allergies: Is There a Cure? from Newswise - Scinews
Jamestown: Facts & History from Live Science
If National Review Wants Scientists To Take Conservatives Seriously, Jettison The Discovery Institute
ScienceShot: Stars of Heavy Metal from Science NOW
Mesozoic Era: The Age of Reptiles from Live Science
Pituitary damage an unexpected war wound from LA Times - Science
Moons of Uranus: Facts About the Tilted Planet's Satellites from
Research points toward better colonoscopy from MIT Research
The Development Of Social Monogamy In Mammals
Salad-tied outbreak widespread, source not pegged from AP Health
New Tools for Keeping the Lights On from NY Times Science
Milestone Claimed in Creating Fuel From Waste from NY Times Science
At Street Fair, Science Replaces Sausage from NY Times Science
Dot Earth Blog: The Silent Partner Behind the Shale Energy Boom – Taxpayers from NY Times Science
Climate 'catastrophe' looms in Pacific: Marshall Islands from Physorg
Australia opens 'world's smartest' aquarium from Physorg
Robot turning Japanese children into calligraphers from Physorg
Dinosaurs had 'flight-ready' brains from BBC News: Science & Nature
Japan's Sony, Sharp see brighter future as yen slides from Physorg
Dead southern right whale excites scientists from Physorg
After Higgs breakthrough, CERN readies for next cosmic quest from Physorg
French firm agrees to a deal for Invensys from Physorg
'Evolution will punish you if you're selfish and mean' from Physorg
Flying hairdresser dreams of freedom in Chinese skies from Physorg
Water in a martian desert from European Space Agency
Advertising: Songs and Sunscreen Spread the Health Insurance Message from NY Times Health
Interfaith Medical Center Plans to Close from NY Times Health
Well: The Ticktock of the Death Clock from NY Times Health
National Briefing | Plains: Abortion Law Is Blocked in North Dakota from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Tacos With Salmon or Arctic Char, Greens and Tomatillo Salsa from NY Times Health
Well: Making the Case for Eating Fruit from NY Times Health
The New Old Age Blog: Decision Casts Doubt on Brain Scans for Alzheimer’s from NY Times Health
Winnipeg tragedy renews focus on postpartum depression from CBC: Health
Maggots choose infested food over fresh from CBC: Technology & Science
Air, rail and road safety by the numbers from CBC: Technology & Science
Major German news sites opt for Google exposure from Physorg
Smartphone cradle, app detect toxins, bacteria from Physorg
Fly study finds two new drivers of RNA editing from Physorg
EU clears BC 3.3-bn-euro takeover of Springer Science from Physorg
Twitter threats highlight blight of online trolls from Physorg
Need a Job? Volunteer from Live Science
Smartphone cradle, app detect toxins, bacteria from AP Health
Smartphone cradle, app detect toxins, bacteria from AP Science
Vietnam to clamp down on social media news postings from Physorg
Sex After Childbirth: Both Parents Have Changes in Desire from Live Science
Gamekeepers to combat mussel fishing from BBC News: Science & Nature
Image: Two moons passing in the night from Physorg
Airborne campaign preparing to probe pollution-climate link from Physorg
Under leaden skies: Where heavy metal clouds the stars from Physorg
Gene determines acceptance, rejection of stem cells from others of the same marine species from Physorg
Climate change threatens hotspots of genetic diversity from Physorg
Researchers develop nanodiamond thermometer to take temperature of individual cells from Physorg
Field study shows group decision making not always the best from Physorg
In Photos: Moche Treasures Hidden in Peru Temple from Live Science
20 years ago: Forensic science oversight from Chemistry World
The Plot Of The Week - Top And W Boson Masses
Scientists open new window into human learning—by studying maggots from Physorg
Early civilisation sleeping giant waits off north west coast from Physorg
Eucalyptus macrocarpa is giving nano-medicine a boost from Physorg
Closing in on Einstein's window to the universe from Physorg
Engineering at the atomic scale from Physorg
Action, ATV! from European Space Agency
Ancient Feathered Shield Discovered in Peru Temple from Live Science
Most adults 'don't exercise enough' from BBC News: Science & Nature
VIDEO: The birth of modern forecasting from BBC News: Science & Nature
A very big dig from BBC News: Science & Nature
Runge's pictures from Chemistry World
Breaking and entering in the digital age from CBSNews - Science
Top Robotic Helicopter Team Sets Sights on Impossible Mission from Newswise - Scinews
Seeing which way the wind blows: New doppler radar takes flight on this summer's HS3 mission from Physorg
Novel molecules to target the cytoskeleton from Physorg
Calibrators from deep space tune high-tech earthbound physics experiments from Physorg
New class of old star cluster discovered from Physorg
New data help astronomers explore the hidden Milky Way from Physorg
Murdoch's Sun newspaper goes behind paywall from Physorg
Netflix rolls out new tool to profile viewers from Physorg
Girl's Brown Recluse Spider Bite Turns Into Open Wound from Live Science
Real-Life Barbie? Model Created Look to Spread Beliefs from Live Science
Clean water and soap 'boost growth' from BBC News: Science & Nature
UK deployed Falklands 'dazzle' laser from BBC News: Science & Nature
Saws made of carbon from Physorg
When galaxies switch off: Hubble's COSMOS survey solves 'quenched' galaxy mystery from Physorg
Sulfide and iron work together to reveal a new path for radionuclide sequestration from Physorg
Gene sequencing targets witchweed and other destructive parasitic plants from Physorg
Novel hollow-core optical fiber to enable high-power military sensors from Physorg
NSA chief defends surveillance program at hacker conference from CBC: Technology & Science
SocialSpace from European Space Agency
Coffin-Within-a-Coffin Biggest Find of Richard III Dig from Live Science
Why People Love Tipping Waiters from PopSci
Polish universities invest in chemistry from Chemistry World
New topological technique helps scientists 'see' and search large data sets from Physorg
How bacteria 'invest' their meagre resources to bring about evolutionary success from Physorg
Biggest extinction in history caused by climate-changing meteor from Physorg
An app leading the blind from Physorg
Aerial pictures reveal climate change from Physorg
Lion's Lair: Hamilton company creates luxury motorized furniture for accessibility from CBC: Health
Caregivers for mentally ill push for support from CBC: Health
'Post-Menopausal' Galaxies Studied By Hubble Telescope | Video from
Hubble Telescope Helps Solve Galaxy-Evolution Mystery from
Scientists Discuss 'Comet of the Century' in Comet ISON Workshop: Watch It Live from
Images: New Dig at Richard III's Rediscovered Grave from Live Science
Dot Earth Blog: Google’s Science Fellows Challenge the Company’s Fund-Raising for Senator Inhofe from NY Times Science
Extreme wildfires likely fueled by climate change from Physorg
French court lifts ban on growing Monsanto GM corn from Physorg
The endemic species of remarkable Fulgoromorpha from Iran from Physorg
'Evolution will punish you if you're selfish and mean' from Science Daily
Study reveals target for drug development for chronic jaw pain disorder from Science Blog
Bacteria hold the clues to trade-offs in financial investments and evolution from Science Blog
New analysis sheds light on the links between chemicals in our body and income from Science Blog
Smartphone app improves travel for night blindness sufferers from Science Blog
Junior doctor changeover likely to drive August reduction in quality and safety of patient care from Science Blog
Extreme wildfires likely fueled by climate change from Science Blog
‘Evolution will punish you if you’re selfish and mean’ from Science Blog
Well: Think Like a Doctor: Not Just the Flu from NY Times Health
National Science Foundation Selects von Liebig Entrepreneurism Center as Innovation Corps Site from Newswise - Scinews
The world according to Itskov: Futurists convene at GF2045 (Part 1 of 2) from Physorg
New target identified for food allergy therapy from Science Daily
Breath analysis reliably indicates presence, level of infection in mice from Science Daily
New analysis sheds light on the links between chemicals in our body and income from Science Daily
Aerial pictures reveal climate change from Science Daily
Fatty acids could aid cancer prevention and treatment from Science Daily
Computer scientists develop ‘mathematical jigsaw puzzles’ to encrypt software from Science Blog
Researchers Target ‘Cell Sleep’ to Lower Chances of Cancer Recurrence from Science Blog
Inflammation switch for allergic asthma, COPD found in leukotriene receptors from Science Blog
Fetal stress disrupts the way genes are transmitted from Science Blog
Desert 'carbon farming' to curb CO2 from BBC News: Science & Nature
Escaped chimps cause zoo closure from BBC News: Science & Nature
Clinical Trial: Ultrasound Band-Aid Heals Venous Ulcers
Giant water bug stalks and devours fish from CBSNews - Science
Sci-Fi Film 'Europa Report' Launches in New York City Tonight from
Geoscientists unearth mineral-making secrets potentially useful for new technologies from Physorg
For lung transplant, researchers surprised to learn bigger appears to be better from Science Daily
Scientists discover a molecular 'switch' in cancers of the testis and ovary from Science Daily
When galaxies switch off: Hubble's COSMOS survey solves 'quenched' galaxy mystery from Science Daily
Under leaden skies: Where heavy metal clouds the stars from Science Daily
How Realistic Is The Sci-Fi Space Thriller 'Europa Report'? from PopSci
Ladies and gentlemen, stop your engines: Americans driving less from Science Blog
Australia's Top Scientist Calls for a National Strategic Science Policy from Science NOW
Eating out may hurt work performance, study shows from CBSNews - Science
Nasal spray for osteoporosis to be pulled from CBC: Health
NASA Completes First Review of Asteroid-Capture Concepts from
'Miss Mitchell's Comet' Streaks Across Google Doodle Today from
Obama Nominates Astrophysicist to Head NSF from Scientific American
Researchers map new metabolic pathway involved in cell growth from Physorg
Efficient model for generating human iPSCs developed from Physorg
What causes a small, benign polyp to develop into severe invasive bladder cancer? from Science Daily
Ultrasound patch heals venous ulcers in human trial from Science Daily
Fly study finds two new drivers of RNA editing from Science Daily
Novel molecules to target the cytoskeleton from Science Daily
Both parents experience highs and lows in sexuality after childbirth from Science Daily
Breast cancer cells' sugar craving is target for new type of treatment from Science Daily
What's that you say? Half of stranded dolphins are deaf? from MSNBC: Science
Circuit Board Waste Mops Up Toxic Metals from C&EN
Nature online: July 31, 2013 from The Rockefeller University
How Do Quenched Galaxies Continue To Grow?
B Meson: New Physics Gets Some Confirmation, Say Researchers
5 Unconventional Ways to Get People Hooked on Nature from National Geographic
Sense for scents traced down to genes from News @ Nature
New Antarctic Iceberg Staying Put from Live Science
Deaths from Guns: Homicide Rates Drop, But Suicide Rises from Live Science
Wish You Were a Morning Person? Try a Camping Trip from Live Science
How Many Kids Are Up-to-Date With Vaccines? from Live Science
A new tool for brain research from Science Daily
The rise of deadly insect sting allergies: Is there a cure? from Science Daily
Target for drug development for chronic jaw pain disorder revealed from Science Daily
NASA technologist makes traveling to hard-to-reach destinations easier from Science Daily
A mystery of galaxy evolution is solved, thanks in part to Hubble from MSNBC: Science
Camping for a week resets body clock from BBC News: Science & Nature
New Insight Into How Brain 'Learns' Cocaine Addiction from Newswise - Scinews
Catching Cancer Early by Chasing It from Newswise - Scinews
Brazil's science investment reaches record high from News @ Nature
Nanothermometer Takes the Temperature of Living Cells from Scientific American
Collar Cam Reveals Polar Bear’s-Eye View | Video from Live Science
New model for staph bone infections outlined from Science Daily
Antibiotic resistance among hospital-acquired infections is much greater than prior CDC estimates from Science Daily
Scientists discover mineral-making secrets potentially useful for new materials from Science Daily
New Explorer mission chooses the 'just-right' orbit from Science Daily
Existing cropland could feed 4 billion more from Science Blog
More than half of stranded bottlenose dolphins may be deaf from MSNBC: Science
Camping resets internal clock from
Waking Up Tired? Blame Electricity from Science NOW
Google doodle honors U.S.'s first professional female astronomer from UPI
Social media junkies flock to 'Twitter hotel' from CBC: Technology & Science
Hubble Telescope Helps Solve Galaxy-Evolution Mystery from Live Science
Sun Opens Explosive Plasma 'Arms' in Solar Eruption (Video) from Live Science
Masked Melanoma: Cancerous Mole Hidden Behind Tattoo from Live Science
Catching cancer early by chasing it: Portable diagnostic device that can travel to the patient from Science Daily
Climate change and the fungus among-us from Science Blog
The Simplest Periodic Table We've Ever Seen from PopSci
NASA's Cassini Sees Forces Controlling Enceladus Jets from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Images: Best Stargazing Events of August 2013 (Sky Maps) from
Baby weight charts ignore ethnicity, say researchers from CBC: Health
'Soft' approach leads to revolutionary energy storage from Physorg
Common genetic ancestors lived during roughly same time period from Physorg
The when and where of the Y: Research on Y chromosomes finds new clues about human ancestry from Physorg
Team develops new water splitting technique that could produce hydrogen fuel from Physorg
Arctic sea-ice loss has widespread effects on wildlife from Physorg
Climate strongly affects human conflict and violence worldwide, says study from Physorg
A week's worth of camping synchs internal clock to sunrise and sunset from Science Daily
Potential nutritional therapy for childhood neurodegenerative disease from Science Daily
Efficient model for generating human induced pluripotent stem cells from Science Daily
Y chromosome analysis moves Adam closer to Eve from
Total synthesis outshines biotech route to anticancer drug from Chemistry World
Oxytocin, You Are So Two-Faced
Arctic sea ice loss could threaten even land animals from CBC: Technology & Science
Early Perseid Fireballs Seen By NASA Cameras | Video from
Bullied Kids More Likely to Commit Crimes As Adults from Live Science
Genetic 'Adam' and 'Eve' Uncovered from Live Science
Polar Bear's Collar Cam to Reveal Species' Secrets from Live Science
Temperature alters population dynamics of common plant pests from Physorg
As climate, disease links become clearer, study highlights need to forecast future shifts from Physorg
Climate change occurring 10 times faster than at any time in past 65 million years from Physorg
Scientists find long-sought method to efficiently make complex anticancer compound from Physorg
Light that moves and molds gels from Science Daily
Existing cropland could feed four billion more by dropping biofuels and animal feed from Science Daily
Stray prenatal gene network suspected in schizophrenia from Science Daily
We each live in our own little world -- smellwise from Science Daily
Extreme wildfires in Western U.S. likely fueled by climate change from Science Daily
Body disorders that you never knew existed: Part 1 from Science Blog
Study: Hotter temperatures leads to hotter tempers from AP Science
Hot and bothered: Climate change amplifies violence, study says from MSNBC: Science
How to: make a liquid that's also a solid from BBC News: Science & Nature
New Evidence: When Did Humanity's Last Common Male And Female Ancestors Live? from PopSci
A Doppler Effect for Distant Planets from Science NOW
Wars, Murders to Rise Due to Global Warming? from National Geographic
Urban Ski Slope to Raise Profile of Europe's Waste-to-Energy Drive from National Geographic
Ladies and gentlemen, get ready to taste SnapDragon and RubyFrost from Newswise - Scinews
The When and Where of the Y: Research on Y Chromosomes Uncovers New Clues About Human Ancestry from Newswise - Scinews
Pituitary damage an unexpected war wound from LA Times - Health
Magma can take 'highway from hell' to fuel volcanic eruptions from LA Times - Science
Warming climate drives human conflict from News @ Nature
Space History Photo: Technicians Manipulate Shim Safety Control Rod from
Green Snow | Space Wallpaper from
How to Get Kids to Eat Healthy Without Breaking the Bank from Live Science
Did Archaeologists Find a Piece of Jesus' Cross? from Live Science
Long-sought method to efficiently make complex anticancer compound developed from Science Daily
The when and where of the Y: Research on Y chromosomes uncovers new clues about human ancestry from Science Daily
The trouble with teleportation: It could take quadrillions of years from MSNBC: Science
Ice core clue to climate catastrophe from BBC News: Science & Nature
Astrophysicist tapped to lead NSF from News @ Nature
Look For The Perseids In The August Night Skies | Video from
Curiosity's First Year On Mars In 2 Minutes | Time-Lapse Video from
Greenland Icebergs May Have Triggered 'Big Freeze' from Live Science
Catching cancer early by chasing it from Physorg
Las Cumbres Observatory 'Sinistro' astronomy imager captures first light from Physorg
Google-funded sea research vessel sets sail from Physorg
Team demonstrates gels that can be moved, controlled by light from Physorg
Why shopaholics overspend? Poor credit management, buying to boost mood, study says from Physorg
Advance in regenerative medicine could make reprogrammed cells safer while improving their function from Physorg
Existing cropland could feed four billion more from Physorg
Team develops more accurate model of climate change's effect on soil from Physorg
Advance in regenerative medicine could make reprogrammed cells safer while improving their function from Science Daily
Cool heads likely won't prevail in a hotter, wetter world from Science Daily
Climate change occurring ten times faster than at any time in past 65 million years from Science Daily
Is Eugenics Ever Okay? from Science Blog
Seniors from a different generation from Harvard Science
Well: Anemia Tied to Dementia Risk from NY Times Health
Ask an Expert: Answers About Rheumatoid Arthritis, Part 3 from NY Times Health
Scenic River Corridor | Wallpaper from Live Science
Bacon fries on pavement as heat wave grips China from Physorg
Cuba's first solar farm a step toward renewables from Physorg
Yellowstone's Steamboat geyser sees rare eruption from Physorg
New water splitting technique efficiently produces hydrogen fuel from Science Daily
As climate, disease links become clearer, study highlights need to forecast future shifts from Science Daily
Common genetic ancestors lived during roughly same time period from Science Daily
Aw: The World Through A Polar Bear's Eyes [Video] from PopSci
Best Travel Pictures of 2013 Named from National Geographic
Pictures We Love: Best of July from National Geographic
Asteroid named as possible source of exploding Russian meteorite from UPI
'Blinking' stellar system may yield clues to planet formation from UPI
Tests show every cellphone emits a traceable digital fingerprint from UPI
August Story Tips from Newswise - Scinews
Scientists Discover a New Type of Protein Modification that May Play a Role in Cancer and Diabetes from Newswise - Scinews
Cosmetic Surgery Subtracts Years, Doesn't Add Beauty from Live Science
Orca Spotted with Plastic Bag in Mouth from Live Science
Electric Light Bulbs Toy With Our Internal Clocks from Live Science
New type of protein modification may play a role in cancer and diabetes from Science Daily
Blocking key enzyme in cancer cells could lead to new therapy from Science Daily
Temperature alters population dynamics of common plant pests from Science Daily
Monster Galaxies Lose Their Appetite With Age from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
U.S. Forest Service Solves Mystery Of Exploding Baseball Bats from PopSci
Omega-3 Fatty Acids Could Aid Skin And Oral Cancer Treatment
Facial scrubs polluting Great Lakes with plastic from CBC: Technology & Science
Google launches Moto X customizable smartphone from CBC: Technology & Science
Camping can help regulate sleep patterns, study finds from CBC: Health
Defining Life: Q&A with Scientist Gerald Joyce from
The 10 Biggest Deserts on Earth from Live Science
Coffee drinking tied to lower risk of suicide from Science Blog
Re-learning how to see: Researchers find crucial on-off switch in visual development from Science Daily
Move over corn, a new source of ethanol is in town from MSNBC: Science
Little Scientific Benefit To Herbal Supplements During Breastfeeding
Exclusive: Obama’s Nominee for NSF Director Explains Why She Said Yes from Science NOW
Portable Brain-Scan Headsets: 4 Incredible Applications from National Geographic
Smartphone app can help sufferers of night blindness find safety from UPI
Climate change said driving force behind larger, more extreme wildfires from UPI
Sexual desire lessens for both parents after childbirth, study finds from CBC: Health
NRAO August Media Tip Sheet from Newswise - Scinews
Stimulating Brain Cells Can Make False Memories from Newswise - Scinews
NASA's Next Mega-Rocket Passes Key Design Review from
Acetaminophen Must Now Carry Warning of Skin Reactions, FDA Says from Live Science
Climate change occurring 10 times faster than at any time in past 65 million years from Science Blog
Why shopaholics overspend? Poor credit management, buying to boost mood, study says from Science Daily
Evolution Punishes Selfish People, Game Theory Study Says from PopSci
Elan Goes To Perrigo from C&EN
Climate said changing at fastest rate in past 65 million years from UPI
NASA Finds Blinking Baby Stars with Cosmic 'Hula Hoop' from
Europa Report: Jupiter's Icy Moon Explained (Infographic) from
Monster galaxies lose their appetite with age from Physorg
NASA Finds Blinking Baby Stars with Cosmic 'Hula Hoop' from Live Science
Star Secret: What Does Giant Pentagram Mean? from Live Science
How to capture an asteroid: NASA takes a first look at concepts from MSNBC: Science
Turkish Government Unfairly Prosecuting Eight Academics, Report Concludes from Science NOW
Video: Crab robot used to explore the sea from CBSNews - Science
Video: Smart home security flaws exposed from CBSNews - Science
Russia web piracy law goes into effect despite protests from Physorg
Look Ma, no calibration: Handheld 3D scanner points and shoots from Physorg
Moto X: Motorola unveils its first Google smartphone from Physorg
LinkedIn's 2Q earnings, revenue top Street views from Physorg
Icahn sues over Dell buyout bid from Physorg
Auto sales rise as small cars enjoy summer surge from Physorg
Climate change, violence escalation a match made in hell from Science Blog
Burnt sugar derivative reduces muscle wasting in fly and mouse muscular dystrophy from Science Blog
Arctic sea-ice loss has widespread effects on wildlife from Science Daily
New designer compound treats heart failure by targeting cell nucleus from Science Daily
Greenland icebergs may have triggered 'Big Freeze' from MSNBC: Science
Astrophysicist Tapped As New NSF Director from C&EN
Video: Cleveland kidnapper gets life in prison, plus 1000 years from CBSNews - Science
Study: Hotter temps lead to hotter tempers, more violence from CBSNews - Science
Warming Climate May Drive Human Conflict from Scientific American
From Fields to Fevers: Are Farms Breeding Deadly MRSA Infections? from Scientific American
New antibiotic from oceans could treat 'super-bug' infections from UPI
Speedier scans reveal new distinctions in resting and active brain from Science Daily
Novel drug shuts down master protein key to lymphoma from Science Daily
Stimulating brain cells can make false memories from Science Daily
Feeling left out can lead to risky financial decisions from Science Daily
Las Cumbres Observatory 'Sinistro' astronomy imager captures first light from Science Daily
More accurate model of climate change's effect on soil from Science Daily
Removing a protein enhances defense against bacteria in CGD mice from Science Daily
'Soft' approach leads to revolutionary energy storage: Graphene-based supercapacitors from Science Daily
Being bullied throughout childhood and teens may lead to more arrests, convictions, prison time from Science Daily
New insight into how brain 'learns' cocaine addiction from Science Daily
AT&T snags custom color option exclusive for new Moto X phone from UPI
Variation in water jets on Saturn moon said evidence of deep oceans from UPI
Effect of loss of arctic sea ice on life in the region studied from UPI
What is Solar Wind? from
Step-by-Step Progress Protecting Tennessee Walking Horses (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Why States Must Protect Those Who Uncover Animal Abuse (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Scientists uncover secrets of starfish's bizarre feeding mechanism from Physorg
Two dimensions of value: Dopamine neurons represent reward but not aversiveness from Science Daily
Does your personality and how you look affect how you're treated at work? from Science Daily
New treatment strategy for breast cancer spread to brain from Science Daily
New apple varieties: Ladies and gentlemen, get ready to taste SnapDragon and RubyFrost from Science Daily
New target for the fight against cancer as a result of excessive blood vessel formation from Science Daily
Bacteria hold the clues to trade-offs in financial investments and evolution from Science Daily
Promising compound could offer new treatment for heart failure from Science Daily
When prescribing antibiotics, doctors most often choose strongest types of drugs from Science Daily
A roadblock to personalized cancer care? from Science Daily
VIDEO: Super-camera shows how light moves from BBC News: Science & Nature
Nanodiamond thermometer takes temperature of biological cells from Physics World
Violence will rise as climate changes, scientists predict from LA Times - Science
Cosmic impact may have led to demise of early North American peoples from UPI
Mission to build world's most advanced telescope reaches major milestone from Physorg
Speculation about new Apple products kicks into overdrive from Physorg
Targeted therapy identified for protein that protects and nourishes cancer from Science Daily
New metabolic pathway involved in cell growth and implicated in cancer as well as metabolic disorders identified from Science Daily
Researchers find home of best stem cells for bone marrow transplants from Science Daily
Protein linked to cognitive deficits in Angelman syndrome discovered from Science Daily
Rise in violence 'linked to climate' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Beyond Hollywood: How a real-life mission to Europa would go down from MSNBC: Science
Oxygen brought Earth's earliest carnivores to life from MSNBC: Science
FEATURE: Could the physics of spin bowling turn the Ashes around? from Science Alert
OPINION: Growing uncertainty about breast cancer screening from Science Alert
Scientists say global violence could rise with global warming from UPI
As cost goes down, 3-D printers begin to make an impression from Physorg
Monster galaxies lose their appetite with age from Science Daily
FEATURE: Breastfeeding improves IQ – now have we got your attention? from Science Alert
Researchers target 'cell sleep' to lower chances of cancer recurrence from Science Daily
Fetal stress disrupts the way genes are transmitted from Science Daily
Rediscovering old star clusters from Science Alert
Bacteria's survival skills exposed from Science Alert
Was Einstein right? from Science Alert
Miners desecrated Aboriginal site from BBC News: Science & Nature