Archive of feed items published on the 26th of July 2013
China eyes food security options in Venezuela from UPI
First steps: What to say on Mars from BBC News: Science & Nature
Virginia Johnson dies at 88; teamed with husband in pioneering sex research from LA Times - Science
Team examining Gulf shipwreck finds 2 other wrecks from AP Science
US Navy to retrieve bombs it dropped over Barrier Reef from Physorg
Mobile chip giant sees smartphone surprises ahead from Physorg
Car-hacking researchers hope to wake up auto industry from Physorg
Halliburton admits destroying US oil disaster evidence from Physorg
- posts 2Q loss, higher revenue from Physorg
Zynga's 2Q losses narrow as company slashes costs from Physorg
Samsung's 2Q profit record high but below forecast from Physorg
Review: Nexus 7 good value, even with higher price from Physorg
Team examining Gulf shipwreck finds 2 other wrecks from Physorg
Educators explore innovative 'theater' as a way to help students learn physics from Physorg
Pesticides contaminate frogs from Californian National Parks from Physorg
HPV Vaccine Not Reaching Enough Girls, C.D.C. Says from NY Times Health
Chinese Search for Infant Formula Goes Global from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Amazingly Sweet Slow-Roasted Tomatoes from NY Times Health
National Briefing | South: North Carolina: Abortion Curbs Await Governor’s Decision from NY Times Health
The Texas Tribune: Economics, and Humanity, of Abortion Bill from NY Times Health
How to break the people smugglers' real business model from Physorg
Extrusion for greener aluminum production from Physorg
Flawless launch of Alphasat, Europe's largest and most sophisticated telecom satellite from Physorg
Birds' good vibrations power mini backpacks from Physorg
Discoveries from Planck may mean rethinking how the universe began from Physorg
Google discloses it paid $966 million for Waze from Physorg
How anti-poverty programs go viral from Physorg
Simulated hibernation aids MSU toad work from Physorg
Research evolves to face rabbit control challenge from Physorg
Learning workplace skills through gaming from Physorg
Researchers seek to preserve where the wild things are from Physorg
Isolated Turkmenistan bows to Internet age from Physorg
Virginia Johnson dies at 88; teamed with husband in pioneering sex research from LA Times - Health
Spacesuited astronauts climb aboard Boeing CST-100 commercial crew capsule for key tests from Physorg
Software zeros in on carbon pollution from Physorg
What a turn-off: why your phone must be powered down on flights from Physorg
Kepler team has some succes in reaction wheel recovery attempt from Physorg
Peaceful Paxi from European Space Agency
Seaside trash and treasure from BBC News: Science & Nature
How high is space? from Physorg
Improved nuclear fuel-rod cladding might prevent future Fukushimas from MIT Research
Largest magnetic fields in the universe from Science Daily
Launch in images from European Space Agency
Japan's IBIS keyhole surgery robot demonstrated (w/ Video) from Physorg
Photon funnel could direct and regulate light into solar cells from Physorg
Acetone breathalyser to help fight the flab from Chemistry World
More Coffee, Less Risk Of Suicide
Rocks can restore our climate… after 300,000 years from Science Daily
Fossil shows fish had sucker on its back from Science Daily
Software Tracks Child Predators Peddling Porn on Peer-to-Peer Networks from Scientific American
Comet ISON Blazes with Distant Galaxies in Stunning Hubble Photo from
Canada Eyes Deep Space with Next-Generation Robotic Arm from
Discussing violence acts as 'a stronger bond than blood ties' for gang members from Science Daily
Online dating most popular fraud target in Canada from CBC: Technology & Science
Polar bear injures hiker in Labrador park from CBC: Technology & Science
Quantum of sonics: Bonded, not stirred from Physorg
Fusion Energy Quest Faces Boundaries of Budget, Science from National Geographic
The elemental treasure hunt from Chemistry World
Molecular monkey arranges X-chromosome activation from Science Daily
Polymer ribbons for better healing from Science Daily
Pesticides contaminate frogs from Californian national parks: Pyraclostrobin, tebuconazole, and simazine detected for first time in wild frog tissue from Science Daily
Scientific Authorities Sign the TMT Master Agreement from Newswise - Scinews
Week in Images from European Space Agency
Traditional forest management reduces fungal diversity from Physorg
Global warming to cut snow water storage 56 percent in Oregon watershed from Science Daily
Scientists ID compounds that target amyloid fibrils in Alzheimer's, other brain diseases from Science Daily
Chronic fatigue syndrome: Inherited virus can cause cognitive dysfunction and fatigue from Science Daily
Quantum of sonics: Bonded, not stirred from Science Daily
A faster vessel for charting the brain from Science Daily
Harvard researchers explains how gut bugs can nix heart drugs from Science Blog
NASA’s Finds Particle Accelerator at Heart of Earth’s Radiation Belts from Science Blog
Fungus Helps Explain Mysteries of White Nose Syndrome from Science Blog
Compounds target amyloid fibrils in Alzheimer’s, other brain diseases from Science Blog
Global warming to cut snow water storage 56 percent in Oregon watershed from Science Blog
Pesticides contaminate frogs from Californian National Parks from Science Blog
Is it Bell’s palsy or a stroke? ER docs have the answer from Science Blog
Low doses of psychedelic drug erases conditioned fear in mice from Science Blog
Chronic fatigue syndrome patients may benefit from anti-herpesvirus drug treatment from Science Blog
Crazy-Dense Neutron Stars Reveal Their Secrets from Live Science
Dinosaur-Killing Comet Didn't Wipe Out Freshwater Species from Live Science
Launch replay from European Space Agency
Is the End in Sight for Female Genital Mutilation? from National Geographic
Fracking Study Criticized from C&EN
'Jackpotting' hacker Barnaby Jack dies from CBC: Technology & Science
Removing pollutants and contaminants from wastewater from Science Daily
How the world flipped out over peanut allergy from Science Blog
Gold Nanoparticles Improve Photodetector Performance from Newswise - Scinews
Comet ISON Blazes with Distant Galaxies in Stunning Hubble Photo from Live Science
NASA Telescope Snaps 1st Photos of Mystery Region on the Sun from Live Science
Secret of Bolt's speed unveiled from BBC News: Science & Nature
The largest magnetic fields in the universe from Physorg
Database simplifies finding Canadian plant names and distribution from Physorg
Global warming to cut snow water storage 56 percent in Oregon watershed from Physorg
Researchers stop and store light for 60 seconds from Physorg
Weather doesn’t affect ice cream consumption from Harvard Science
Coffee: 2-4 cups a day keep suicidal thoughts away from UPI
Watch baby beavers grow up on CBC's CastorCam from CBC: Technology & Science
Alberta oil leak cause stymies industry, scientists from CBC: Technology & Science
Too much of a good thing? Overactive immune response blocks itself from Science Daily
Glass scaffolds help heal bone, show promise as weight-bearing implants from Science Daily
Gold nanoparticles improve photodetector performance from Science Daily
Scientists Plant False Memories in Mice and Mice Buy It from Scientific American
Yes, This Exists: A Biohacker Hotline from PopSci
Twitter predicted to become a big TV screen from Science Blog
3D-Printed Rocket Parts Excel in NASA Tests from
Ancient Lunar Patterns | Space Wallpaper from Live Science
Researchers detect B-mode polarization in cosmic microwave background from Physorg
A new coral reef species from the Gambier Islands, French Polynesia from Physorg
Vivendi sells Activision stake for $8.2 billion from Physorg
Apple's smartphone market share slips from Physorg
Researchers find new way to create 'gradients' for understanding molecular interactions from Physorg
Frogs in high mountains are contaminated with farm chemicals, study says from MSNBC: Science
Forest Management Policy Is Reducing Diversity
Congress Revisits Biofuels Mandate from C&EN
End Of An Era At DuPont from C&EN
Tall women have higher chance of getting cancer, says study from CBC: Health
New way to create 'gradients' for understanding molecular interactions from Science Daily
Traditional forest management reduces fungal diversity from Science Daily
Physics of running fast: Scientists model 'extraordinary' performance of Bolt from Science Daily
Hermit Crab Architecture And Other Amazing Images From This Week from PopSci
Scientists Implant False Memories Into Mice from Live Science
What can plants reveal about global climate change? from Physorg
Nuke experts blast Fukushima operator over toxic leaks from Physorg
After tedious trip, giant magnet reaches Ill. lab from Physorg
Gas specialist branches out into carbon nanotubes from Chemistry World
The Groundbreaking Science Discovery Few People Have Ever Heard Of
Natural Killer Cells: More Are Not Always Better
How mussels get their mighty grip from CBC: Technology & Science
What can plants reveal about global climate change? from Science Daily
Drug-eluting stents, heart attack and bleeding risks: One-year results of ADAPT-DES trial from Science Daily
Isolated psychiatric episodes rare, but possible, in common form of autoimmune encephalitis from Science Daily
New cornea transplant technique provides improved vision, faster recovery, study suggests from Science Daily
Is it Bell's palsy or a stroke? Emergency physicians have the answer from Science Daily
Genetic biomarker detects Lewy body dementia from Science Daily
Cruisin' | Space Wallpaper from
50-Foot-Wide Electromagnet Finishes Long Trip | Video from Live Science
Twin Pregnancies: Slower Labor Is Normal from Live Science
Austrian court ends Facebook ban for broadcaster from Physorg
Potential well water contaminants highest near natural gas drilling, study says from Physorg
Gold nanoparticles improve photodetector performance from Physorg
Comet ISON blazes through distant galaxies in stunning Hubble photo from MSNBC: Science
Projection: Global Warming Could Cut Snow Water Storage In Oregon Watershed 56 Percent
Women are more vulnerable to infections from News @ Nature
Weiner says he sexted three women after he left Congress from UPI
Oven-baked fish fingers have fewer furans than when fried from Science Daily
Analysis of 26 networked autism genes suggests functional role in the cerebellum from Science Daily
Technology/equipment issues account for almost one in four operating room errors from Science Daily
Suffocating tumors could lead to new cancer drugs from Science Daily
Kids' sleep patterns affected by electronic media time and media presence in the bedroom from Science Daily
FYI: Why Is It Funny When A Guy Gets Hit In The Groin? from PopSci
'Gravity' Movie Clips Show Sandra Bullock Drifting in Space from
'Best' Meteor Shower Arrives In August | Video from
Photos: Electromagnet's Big Move from New York to Illinois from Live Science
Removing complexity layers from the universe's creation from Physorg
Gadget genius from Physorg
From embarrassing Facebook posts to controversial Tweets, why are consumers oversharing online? from Physorg
First rifle constructed from printed 3D parts by gun enthusiast in Canada (w/ Video) from Physorg
T-Mobile nixes down payments, ups monthly fees from Physorg
Van Allen electrons are accelerated from within from Physics World
'Electronic skin' lights up when touched from Physics World
Compounds That Could Delay Brain Diseases Identified
Blood pressure drugs give brain a boost, researchers find from CBC: Health
Physicists 'freeze' light for record-breaking minute from UPI
Passengers face long lines after cyberattack locks passport controls from UPI
Pesticides Contaminating Critters in California's National Parks from Live Science
En Garde! Gang of Feral Cats Attack Woman, Dog in France from Live Science
Astrophysicist determines occurrence rate of giant planets around M-dwarfs from Physorg
Building stronger policies to fight global hunger from Physorg
Station astronauts remotely control planetary rover from space from Physorg
National Zoo keeping watch for panda pregnancy from Physorg
Legendary brands: Why are consumers still fascinated by the Titanic? from Physorg
NASA sees heaviest rain north of Tropical Storm Flossie's center from Physorg
Materialism and loneliness: Is there really a vicious cycle? from Physorg
Mysterious hum driving people crazy around the world from MSNBC: Science
Perseid Fireballs from Science @ NASA
Automated bots reserve tables at restaurants before you can from CBC: Technology & Science
Pilot projects bury carbon dioxide in basalt from News @ Nature
Gadget genius: Nanotechnology breakthrough is big deal for electronics from Science Daily
Materialism and loneliness: Is there really a vicious cycle? from Science Daily
Potential well water contaminants highest near natural gas drilling from Science Daily
Stem Cell-Derived Hepatocytes Regenerate Liver Function from Science Blog
Space Launch System Launch | Animated Simulation from
Tropical Storm Flossie Sets Sights on Hawaii from Live Science
Giant Electromagnet Ends Its Month-Long Move from Live Science
Why are consumers less likely to buy a product when it's the only option? from Physorg
Empowering your customers? Think twice about social media campaigns from Physorg
Buying a used car? Be sure to flatter the seller from Physorg
Evolution on the inside track: Study shows how viruses in gut bacteria change over time from Physorg
Is Facebook actually making communication about products and brands more interesting? from Physorg
Why dinosaur-killing comet didn't wipe out freshwater life from MSNBC: Science
Survey finds computer phishing attacks growing in sophistication from UPI
Launch puts two European satellites into orbit from UPI
Russia begins construction of advanced attack submarine from UPI
Removing complexity layers from the universe's creation from Science Daily
Certain blood pressure drugs slow dementia deterioration from Science Daily
Estrogen's Effects on Fat Depends on Where It's Located from Newswise - Scinews
Arctic Methane: Spend Now, or Risk Paying Later from Newswise - Scinews
Protection of Apollo Moon Landing Sites Sparks Controversy from
The Hardest Working Cities In America from Live Science
Arianespace launches biggest telecommunications satellite yet from MSNBC: Science
Magnitude 5.0 earthquake recorded off B.C.'s west coast from CBC: Technology & Science
Chinese telecom firm Huawei's role in U.K. porn filter scrutinized in report from CBSNews - Science
Strong is the new skinny out in the social media world from CBC: Health
Unmanned Russian cargo craft lands in Pacific Ocean from UPI
Hubble eyes a mysterious old spiral from Science Daily
Estrogen's effects on fat depends on where it's located from Science Daily
Cellular mechanisms for attention in brain uncovered from Science Daily
Sherlock Homes inspired real life CSI from Science Daily
Summer Streakers: The Summer Meteor Showers of 2013 from
Photos: 'Gravity' Film Showcases Smashing Action in Outer Space from
Scientists Produce False Memories In Mice from Live Science
Weekly recap from the International Space Station expedition lead scientist from Physorg
Space station research exposing the salty truth of supercritical water transitions from Physorg
Researchers search for link between mammoth bones, early hunters from Physorg
NASA's various views of Tropical Storm Dorian from Physorg
Molecular Monkey Sometimes Throws A Wrench Into X-chromosome Activation
Quantum boost for artificial intelligence from News @ Nature
Rifle made of plastic on 3-D printer fires, breaks after one shot from UPI
Seriously, What's Up With Anthony Weiner? from PopSci
NASA Flooded with Asteroid Exploration Ideas from
LEGO Brick Space Shuttle Enterprise Lands at NYC Museum from
Device Uses Handwriting to Detect Neurological Disorders from Live Science
Researchers find surprising result when looking into effects of carbon nanotubes and soil sorption of toxicants from Physorg
NASA sees enthusiastic response to asteroid call for ideas from Physorg
Samsung extends lead in global mobile phone market from CBSNews - Science
Solved: The Mystery of the Martian Meteorites from Scientific American
Spanish High-Speed Train Crash Offers Safety-System Lessons from Scientific American
FYI: Could I Have Prevented My Nearsightedness If I'd Just Spent More Time Outside As A Kid? from PopSci
Silky brain implants may help stop spread of epilepsy from Science Blog
Launch Photos: Ariane 5 Rocket Blasts Off With Alphasat from
Europe's Largest-Ever Telecommunications Satellite Launches With Indian Weather Probe from
Photos: Next-Generation Canadarm from
Images: New Lab Creates Beautiful 3D Models of Fossils, Rocks from Live Science
Top Stories: Implanting False Memories in Mice, Space Vikings, and More from Science NOW
Premiers seek health-care savings on drugs, senior care from CBC: Health
False memories implanted in mice from CBSNews - Science
Stunning 3D Rock Images Revealed in New Lab from Live Science
'Water-trapped' worlds: A look at life around a cool star from MSNBC: Science
Hacker who found flaws in ATMs and medical devices dies from UPI
China's president congratulates astronauts for mission success from UPI
Melting ice forms lake in the North Pole from CBSNews - Science
Video: $4.2 million luxury hybrid from CBSNews - Science
Women Are More Vulnerable to Infections from Scientific American
Tatooine Star Wars set menaced by giant sand dune from CBC: Technology & Science
F.D.A. Proposes Rules to Enforce U.S. Standards for Imported Food from NY Times Science
The Physics Of Usain Bolt's Record-Breaking Sprint from PopSci
Neuroscientists plant false memories in the brain from Science Blog
Wildlife Conservation Society And Belizean Volunteers are Joined By Google Staff Volunteers To Survey Belize's Sea Turtles from Newswise - Scinews
MERS coronavirus unlikely to have SARS-like spread from CBC: Health
Natural particle accelerators seen in radiation belts around Earth from UPI
Scientists seek evidence to tie ancient mammoth bones to early hunters from UPI
Mysterious objects between Jupiter and Neptune identified as comets from UPI
Mysterious giant magnet attracts rock-star status from CBSNews - Science
A Mathematical Model Of Gun Control Means We Can Finally Argue Over Data from PopSci
Improved nuclear fuel-rod cladding might prevent future Fukushimas from Science Blog
IRIS vs SDO - New Sun Observatory Raises The Resolution | Video from
Well: Tomatoes Plain and Simple from NY Times Health
Well: Medical Procedures May Be Useless, or Worse from NY Times Health
Well: In Terms of Injury, Cities Safer Than Country from NY Times Health
After 6-Week Journey, Giant Magnet Arrives at Fermilab from Science NOW
Giant electromagnet finishes long-distance U.S. move for science from UPI
Researchers Identify Novel Mechanism That Helps Stomach Bug Cause Illness from Newswise - Scinews
Arctic Methane Claims Questioned from Live Science
NASA flooded with ideas for asteroid retrieval mission from MSNBC: Science
The Week In Numbers: An Asteroid-Zapping Space Laser, The Worst Planets In The Universe, And More from PopSci
What the Heck Is ... Heat Stroke? from Live Science
ROV Finishes First Leg of Expedition Off East Coast from Live Science
3-D-printed rocket parts excel again in NASA hot-fire tests from MSNBC: Science
Feds ban some Medicare providers in crackdown from AP Health
Snowden's remaining docs unlikely to tie US hands from AP Health
Rural Irish defy EU restrictions on turf-cutting from BBC News: Science & Nature
The purrfect crime? Gang of feral cats attacks woman and her dog from MSNBC: Science
Mathematicians Tackle Gun Control
Is Facebook actually making communication about products and brands more interesting? from Science Daily
Legendary brands: Why are consumers still fascinated by the Titanic? from Science Daily
Buying a used car? Be sure to flatter the seller from Science Daily
Empowering your customers? Think twice about social media campaigns from Science Daily
Why are consumers less likely to buy a product when it's the only option? from Science Daily
From embarrassing Facebook posts to controversial Tweets, why are consumers oversharing online? from Science Daily
Gang of feral cats attacks woman and her dog in France from MSNBC: Science
Understanding the Power of Omega-3s (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Conservation 3.0: Protecting Life on a Changing Planet(Op-Ed) from Live Science
Cutting Costs by Cleaning Air (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Harnessing Dog Lovers: Crowdfunding Helping Canine Science from Live Science
Evolution on the inside track: How viruses in gut bacteria change over time from Science Daily
Nanoscale Sensor Probes Cell’s Pulse from Live Science
Sudden decline in testosterone may cause Parkinson's disease symptoms in men from Science Daily
UK 'complacent' over Arctic drilling from BBC News: Science & Nature
Moods and Booze: Alcohol's Effects Different in Men and Women from Live Science
Drones to fly U.S. skies, FAA approves 1st civilian UAVs from CBC: Technology & Science
Are Generic Drugs as Good as Brand-Name Drugs? from Live Science
The arithmetic of gun control from Science Daily
Healthy pets could lead to healthier pet owners from LA Times - Science