Archive of feed items published on the 3rd of April 2013
Groups seek probe into low-grade crude shipments to L.A. refineries from LA Times - Science
Female octopuses stretch further from BBC News: Science & Nature
Lamb with five legs born on farm from BBC News: Science & Nature
Edinburgh Zoo Centenary from BBC News: Science & Nature
A mighty wind from MIT Research
A new wrinkle in online education from MIT Research
Arizona tribe seeks artifacts up for auction from AP Science
Japan whale 'research' a flashpoint in global dispute from Physorg
Samoa airline introduces pay-by-weight pricing from Physorg
Singapore gardens aim for UNESCO heritage status from Physorg
AUDIO: Have scientists found dark matter? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Greek Baked Fish With Tomatoes and Onions — Recipes for Health from NY Times Health
Ant farms nurture curiosity, interest in children from Physorg
Eyes in sky help when catastrophe strikes from Physorg
Manslaughter Charges for Doctor Who Gave Liposuction to Transplant Recipient from NY Times Health
Well: Reasons Not to Stretch from NY Times Health
5 major moments in cellphone history from CBC: Technology & Science
Protecting history with satellites from European Space Agency
Invest in health systems for a balanced approach from SciDev
Once upon a time: Reclaiming storytelling in schools from Physorg
A reliable TARDIS for precious research data from Physorg
Nebula One steps forth as world's first cloud computer from Physorg
Scientists: China bird virus likely silent threat from AP Science
The Great British class calculator from BBC News: Science & Nature
Researchers team up with architects to create bladeless wind electricity generator from Physorg
Berkeley code captures retreating Antarctic ice from Physorg
Dawn is in silent pursuit of Ceres from Physorg
Surveying roads at 100 km/h from Physorg
Sonic lasso catches cells from Physorg
Humanities in the digital age from Harvard Science
Detectors zero in on Earth’s heat from News @ Nature
Indian court rejects Novartis patent from News @ Nature
UK: Survey charts emergence of new class system from Physorg
Amazing Pencil Nebula Glows on Deep-Space Canvas (Photo) from
Supercomputers Reveal How Spiral Galaxy Arms Grow from
Lobster traps get eco-friendly changes from CBC: Technology & Science
Video game rage: Violent imagery isn't the trigger, researchers say from CBC: Technology & Science
Galaxies the way they were from Physorg
A new telescope probes a young protostar from Physorg
The wireless way to safer sub-station from Physorg
Heating the solar wind from Physorg
Immune system: The healing element is also the enemy from Science Daily
Physicists decipher social cohesion issues from Science Daily
How do you identify new types of class? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Nanopaper light scattering under control from Chemistry World
Judge rules ReDigi's digital music reselling infringes copyright from CBC: Technology & Science
Research finds second source of potentially disruptive Icelandic volcanoes from Physorg
New system to improve DNA sequencing from Physorg
Simulations reveal formation of some glassy materials like the setting of a bowl of gelatin from Physorg
Thrusters powered by ionic wind may be efficient alternative to conventional atmospheric propulsion technologies from Physorg
Fully renewable electricity could be competitive from Physorg
Poor more generous than rich in recession, study shows from Physorg
Disease-resistant tomatoes fight lethal pests from Physorg
Climate researchers claim nuclear power has prevented approximately 1.84 million deaths from Physorg
Men 'more depressed and sad' than women if childless, says study from Science Daily
Targeting mental defeat among pain patients could prevent anxiety and depression from Science Daily
Quantum cryptography: On wings of light from Science Daily
Cisplatin-resistant cancer cells sensitive to experimental anticancer drugs called PARP inhibitors from Science Daily
Mathematical modeling in science and engineering from Chemistry World
Papyrus plant detox for slaughterhouses from Science Blog
Targeting mental defeat in pain patients could prevent depression from Science Blog
Sizing up a slow assault on cancer from News @ Nature
Earth month: NASA launches new interactive image gallery from Physorg
Global solar photovoltaic industry is likely now a net energy producer, researchers find (w/ video) from Physorg
Research team sheds light on potential drug for hemophilia from Physorg
Verifying that sorghum is a new safe grain for people with celiac disease from Physorg
Sex is 'nothing but trouble', geneticist says from Physorg
Anxiety about retirement—for aging nuclear power plants from Physorg
New information services quickly from Physorg
Embedding photovoltaic modules more quickly from Physorg
Finding instead of searching from Physorg
Physicists successfully transmit secure quantum code through atmosphere from aircraft to ground station from Physorg
Solar Panels Now Make More Electricity Than They Use from PopSci
Live Chat: What Have We Learned About Dinosaurs Since Jurassic Park? from Science NOW
Parasite genomes open up new therapeutic targets from SciDev
Breeding Birds Vulnerable to Climate Change in Arctic Alaska: A Story of Winners and Losers from Newswise - Scinews
The evolutionary consequences of infidelity from Science Blog
Autism tied to genetic flux from Science Blog
Breeding birds in Alaska vulnerable to climate change from Science Blog
High blood pressure in pregnancy may spell hot flashes later from Science Blog
Simulations find migration encourages cooperation from Science Blog
NASA to U.S. Universities: Let’s Grow Some Tech from Science Blog
Cthulhu come to life: Tiny octopus-like creature found in termite belly from Science Blog
New system makes clinic-ready stem cell lines from Science Blog
Sifting Through the Cosmic Sands for Dark Matter | Video from Live Science
Physicists decipher social cohesion issues from Physorg
The evolutionary consequences of infidelity: Can extra-pair relationships give rise to sexual dimorphism? from Physorg
New tiny octopus-like microorganisms named after science fiction monsters from Physorg
Breeding birds vulnerable to climate change in Arctic Alaska from Physorg
Papyrus plant detox for slaughterhouses from Physorg
Scientists develop new protocol to ready induced pluripotent stem cell clinical application from Physorg
Light tsunami in a superconductor from Physorg
Solar Village to house microgrid project from Physorg
Scientists 'see' flux rope formation for the first time from Physorg
How big are galaxies? from Physorg
Autism linked to increased genetic change in regions of genome instability from Science Daily
Tiny octopus-like microorganisms named after science fiction monsters from Science Daily
Papyrus plant detox for slaughterhouses from Science Daily
Breeding birds vulnerable to climate change in arctic alaska: A story of winners and losers from Science Daily
Space History Photo: Fuels and Lubes Research Operations from
Toxic industry dyes found in Indian sweets from Chemistry World
Scientists race to gauge pandemic risk of new bird flu from Reuters:Science
Video: What's killing the bees? from CBSNews - Science
Genetic link to PTSD found from Science Blog
If a job is worth doing, it is worth doing twice from News @ Nature
When the Going Gets Tough, Americans Go Shopping from Live Science
Chinese foreign fisheries catch 12 times more than reported, study shows from Physorg
Volunteers show little enthusiasm for the Big Society, research says from Physorg
'Mean Girls' at college: Social whirl derails many, study finds from Physorg
Light tsunami in a superconductor from Science Daily
Scientists develop new protocol to ready induced pluripotent stem cell clinical application from Science Daily
Planet Earth From Space - NASA's 2012 Highlight Video from
NASA to Announce Major Astrophysics Discovery Today from
Image of the Day: March 2013 from
Cthulhu Lives!
Taken Under The "Wing" of the Small Magellanic Cloud from Newswise - Scinews
Google reportedly has issues listing iTunes app pages from CBSNews - Science
Spike in Sick Sea Lions Along California Coast from Live Science
NASA to Announce Major Astrophysics Discovery Today from Live Science
Stellar Sun Burn | Space Wallpaper from Live Science
Carnegie Mellon video thumb selection startup, Neon, secures VC Seed funding from Physorg
NGC 602: Taken under the 'wing' of the small magellanic cloud from Physorg
Earth is 'lazy' when forming faults like those near San Andreas from Physorg
Bioinspired material mimics squid beak from Physorg
Extreme weather threatens crops, cities: Official report from Physorg
Theatre and art are best way to encourage model citizens, says first large-scale survey of youth volunteering from Physorg
More Eastern European immigration makes Britons happier with migrants, study shows from Physorg
Same-day water pollution test could keep beaches open more often from Physorg
Current And Future Prospects For Biosimilars
Astrophysics: Fire in the hole! from News @ Nature
Recipe for vivid Maya Blue paint deciphered from MSNBC: Science
Scientists find hint of dark matter from cosmos from AP Science
A Muscle-Controlled Virtual Reality System from PopSci
Building quantum states with individual silicon atoms from Physorg
Monsanto profit rises 22 percent in second quarter from Physorg
Scientists report hint of dark matter in first results from $2 billion cosmic ray detector from Physorg
Choosing less a form of protection says new study on decision-making from Physorg
Dark Matter Possibly Found by $2 Billion Space Station Experiment from
'Space LHC' zeroes in on dark matter from BBC News: Science & Nature
Taken under the 'wing' of the small magellanic cloud: First detection of X-ray emission from young stars with masses similar to our Sun outside our Milky Way galaxy from Science Daily
Earth is 'lazy' when forming faults like those near San Andreas from Science Daily
Scientists build material that mimics squid beak: Promising step toward safer, more comfortable implants from Science Daily
Largest class survey reveals polarized UK society and the rise of new groups from Science Daily
Scientists find hint of dark matter from cosmos
NASA Team Investigates Complex Chemistry at Titan from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Two Billion Dollar Cosmic Ray Detector Confirms Possible Signs of Dark Matter from Science NOW
Largest class survey reveals polarised UK society, rise of new groups from Science Blog
Dental anesthesia may stunt wisdom teeth from Science Blog
UTIs 29 times more likely in schizophrenia relapse from Science Blog
Smoking, depression in teen girls ‘red flag’ for osteoporosis from Science Blog
Tree death toll from climate change likely underestimated from CBC: Technology & Science
Saskatoon scientist breaks silence about muzzling from CBC: Technology & Science
Shining light on elusive dark matter from European Space Agency
Dark Matter Possibly Found by $2 Billion Space Station Experiment from Live Science
Dark Matter Possibly Found by $2 Billion Space Station Experiment from Live Science
Europe readies for solar storm risks from Physorg
Angry Birds maker sees profits surge from Physorg
Analyst: 60-inch Apple iTV to launch this year from Physorg
Massive Molecular Cloud | Space Wallpaper from
NASA team investigates complex chemistry at Saturn's moon Titan from Science Daily
Building quantum states with individual silicon atoms from Science Daily
Breakthrough in hydrogen fuel production could revolutionize alternative energy market from Science Daily
What's crazy? Sexual fetishes spur psychiatric manual controversy from CBSNews - Science
This is what human cells look like in space from CBSNews - Science
Obama outlines private-public project to study the brain from LA Times - Health
State hires consumer group to help it review healthcare rates from LA Times - Health
Scientists watch new bird virus in China from CBC: Health
Seven days: 29 March–4 April 2013 from News @ Nature
China Catches 12 Times More Fish Than Reported from Live Science
Learning electronics company Adafruit offers children electronics lessons on YouTube from Physorg
Faint 'Red Arcs' Spotted Over Europe from
Invasive crabs help Cape Cod marshes from Science Daily
Search for dark matter: Experiment measures antimatter excess in cosmic ray flux from Science Daily
Choosing less a form of protection, says new study on decision-making from Science Daily
Chinese foreign fisheries catch 12 times more than reported, study shows from Science Daily
New view of origins of eye diseases from Science Daily
High blood pressure in pregnancy may spell hot flashes later from Science Daily
Study confirms effectiveness of spray that improves dry mouth sensation caused by anti-depressants from Science Daily
Sexual Dimorphism And The Evolutionary Consequences Of Infidelity
Researchers Develop New System to Study Trigger of Cell Death in Nervous System from Newswise - Scinews
Dark matter possibly found by $2 billion space station experiment from CBSNews - Science
Cell phone turns 40: Martin Cooper's first call on the DynaTAC from CBSNews - Science
Picture Archive: Women Weaving, Cyprus, circa 1920 from National Geographic
Life-Saving Advances in Tornado Detection Since 1974 Outbreak from Live Science
How Toxic Dumping Led To Tragedy In A Small Seaside Town from PopSci
Invasive crabs help Cape Cod marshes from Physorg
Diversity programs give illusion of corporate fairness, study shows from Physorg
Gender bias found in how scholars review scientific studies from Physorg
VIDEO: Sperm whale draws crowds to quay side from BBC News: Science & Nature
Angry Birds maker sees profits surge from CBSNews - Science
Researchers see antibody evolve against HIV from News @ Nature
How the West was built from News @ Nature
Who Knew? Napoleon's General Was a Prolific Beetle Collector from Live Science
Duck Genitalia Researcher Defends Her Work from Live Science
Ancient pool of warm water questions current climate models from Physorg
Thin clouds drove Greenland's record-breaking 2012 ice melt from Physorg
Shape from sound: New methods to probe the universe from Physorg
Environmental policies matter for growing megacities, study finds from Physorg
Music service Rdio launches Vdio for TV, movies from Physorg
Astronomers anticipate 100 billion Earth-like planets from Science Daily
Ionic thrusters generate efficient propulsion in air from Science Daily
Tiny rods and paddle make new thermal sensor from Physics World
Scientists upbeat about their role in development goals from SciDev
Thin Clouds Drove Greenland's Record-Breaking 2012 Ice Melt from Newswise - Scinews
Bringing Climate-Change Lessons Out of the Lab from Newswise - Scinews
Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer Team Publishes First Findings from Science Blog
Watered-down chemotherapy to be investigated from CBC: Health
Judge to retire after sending racist Obama email from AP Science
Physicists Nudge Electrons, Move Toward Crazy-Fast Computers from Live Science
How Will Scientists Confirm Dark Matter Discovery? from Live Science
'A better path' toward projecting, planning for rising seas on a warmer Earth from Physorg
Metacognition: Ability to 'think about thinking' not limited to humans from Physorg
Mobile phone turns 40, with little fanfare from Physorg
Amazon offers digital songs to vinyl record buyers from Physorg
Body's 'anti-HIV manual' recorded from BBC News: Science & Nature
China: Four more have H7N9 bird flu from BBC News: Science & Nature
Shape from sound: New methods to probe the universe from Science Daily
Breakthrough cancer-killing treatment has no side-effects in mice: New chemistry may cure human cancers from Science Daily
Ancient pool of warm water questions current climate models from Science Daily
Ancient climate questions could improve today's climate predictions from Science Daily
Laser light zaps away cocaine addiction from Science Daily
Thin clouds drove Greenland's record-breaking 2012 ice melt from Science Daily
How Will Scientists Confirm Dark Matter Discovery? from
Miniature Chip Detects Rogue Cancer Cells from Science NOW
A Sleep Drug Without the Side Effects from Science NOW
Dark matter hints detected in space station experiment from CBC: Technology & Science
Clouds Contributed to Record Greenland Ice Melt from Live Science
As Weather Changes, Forecasts Lag from Live Science
Laser Zaps Away Cocaine Addiction In Rats from PopSci
Review: Google laptop impressive, but not for all from Physorg
Environmental policies matter for growing megacities from Science Daily
Potential map to more effective HIV vaccine from Science Daily
New system to study trigger of cell death in nervous system developed from Science Daily
Hunting for Alien Worlds: A Cosmic Debate from
Dark Matter Clues From AMS Experiment in Space (Photos) from
A Confetti-Like Collection of Stars from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Used Parachute on Mars Flaps in the Wind from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Scientists close in on mysterious dark matter from Reuters:Science
Green Pea Galaxies Could Help Astronomers Understand Early Universe from Newswise - Scinews
Russian region wants to be known as "meteorite capital" from CBSNews - Science
Hundreds of Rare Pig-Nosed Turtles Rescued at Airport from National Geographic
What Is Dark Matter? from Live Science
Geologic History of North America Gets Overturned from Live Science
Pluto's 'Gate to Hell' Uncovered in Turkey from Live Science
ORNL microscopy uncovers 'dancing' silicon atoms in graphene from Physorg
'Dancing' silicon atoms discovered in graphene from Science Daily
Green Pea galaxies could help astronomers understand early universe from Science Daily
2013 wintertime Arctic sea ice maximum fifth lowest on record from Science Daily
Chimps: Ability to 'think about thinking' not limited to humans from Science Daily
'A better path' toward projecting, planning for rising seas on a warmer Earth from Science Daily
How the West was done from
Climate Scientist James Hansen Leaves NASA: Reactions from Science NOW
Titanium Dioxide Coating Improves Efficiency Of Graphene-Based Solar Cells from C&EN
Ex-CFIA researcher tried to export pathogen to China, RCMP allege from CBC: Technology & Science
Deciphering the Program of the World's First Computer [Video] from Scientific American
Low, thin clouds aided record Greenland ice melt from MSNBC: Science
What If the 1974 Tornado Super Outbreak Happened Today? from Live Science
At Auto Show, Car Makers Put Recession in Rear-View Mirrors from Live Science
The Happiest Jobs in America from Live Science
Crash Avoidance Tips From NASA from Live Science
South Africa rhino poaching toll for year tops 200 from Physorg
New study reveals strategy for using free giveaways to maximize sales from Physorg
Nanotechnology transforms molecular beams into functional nano-devices with controlled atomic architectures from Physorg
Notre Dame imaging specialists create 3-D images to aid surgeons from Physorg
2013 wintertime Arctic sea ice maximum fifth lowest on record (w/ Video) from Physorg
Green Pea galaxies could help astronomers understand early universe from Physorg
The North American Cordillera: Constructive collisions from Physorg
Accused of complicity in Alzheimer's, amyloid proteins may be getting a bad rap from Science Daily
Rocky mountains originated from previously unknown oceanic plate from Science Daily
AMS Data Delivered With Amazing Accuracy | Video from
Provost’s other hat: teacher from Harvard Science
North America Grew by Scarfing Up Earth's Crust from Science NOW
Painted Turtle Gets DNA Decoded from Newswise - Scinews
Find an April 'Hawkwatch' and Get Rapt About Raptors from Newswise - Scinews
ORNL Microscopy Uncovers "Dancing" Silicon Atoms in Graphene from Newswise - Scinews
Found: Potential Therapy for Human Prion Disease from Newswise - Scinews
Analyst: 60-inch Apple iTV to launch this year from CBSNews - Science
Disney to shut down LucasArts, report says from CBSNews - Science
Video: Amazon shows off new S.C. fulfillment facility from CBSNews - Science
Analyst claims knowledge of Apple's new TV set from CBC: Technology & Science
Geologic history of North America rewritten from MSNBC: Science
New Bird Flu Virus: 6 Things You Should Know from Live Science
Third-generation device significantly improves capture of circulating tumor cells from Science Daily
Martian Wind Flaps Curiosity's Parachute | Video from
White House Unveils $100 Million Brain Initiative from C&EN
Online learning: It’s different from Harvard Science
Zap a Cocaine Addiction With … Lasers? from Live Science
Where Are All The Tornadoes? from Live Science
Arctic Going Green from Warming, Study Finds from Live Science
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter used parachute flaps in the wind from Physorg
What is behind Einstein's turbulences? Calculations give initial insight into relativistic properties of this process from Physorg
Disney lays off staff at game developer LucasArts from Physorg
Intel CEO gets $18.9M pay package in final year from Physorg
Final MAVEN instrument integrated to spacecraft from Physorg
A giant step toward miniaturization: Nanotechnology transforms molecular beams into functional nano-devices with controlled atomic architectures from Science Daily
Potential therapy for human prion disease from Science Daily
The bridge to citizenship from Harvard Science
Indian students invent "anti-rape" underwear from CBSNews - Science
Study: China fish catch underreported from UPI
CERN announces measurement of antimatter excess in space from MIT Research
Napoleon general was prolific beetle collector from MSNBC: Science
For Wikipedia users, being 'Wikipedian' may be more important than political loyalties from Physorg
Language by mouth and by hand from Physorg
Exhaled breath carries a 'breathprint' unique to each individual, study shows from Physorg
Shark tooth weapons reveal missing shark species in Central Pacific islands from Physorg
Damaging effects of unemployment and unexpected wealth losses on mobility and economic security from Physorg
All-optical magnetic switching promises terahertz-speed hard drive and RAM memory from Physorg
The Changing Forensic Science Of Arson Is Freeing Innocent Convicts from PopSci
One specific microRNA promotes tumor growth and cancer spread from Science Daily
Painted turtle gets DNA decoded from Science Daily
Phase 1 ALS trial is first to test antisense treatment of neurodegenerative disease: No serious adverse effects reported from Science Daily
Will cell therapy become a 'third pillar' of medicine? from Science Daily
PubMed Central Comptes With, Undermines Journal Usage
Cosmic ray detector confirms hints of dark matter from
Amyloid Proteins May Be Getting Too Much Blame In Alzheimer's
Study: Dementia tops cancer, heart disease in cost from AP Health
Australia braces for more extreme weather from UPI
Iceland volcanoes said growing threat from UPI
Vicious Shark-Tooth Weapons Reveal 2 Lost Species from Live Science
NASA team investigates complex chemistry at Titan from Physorg
Dutch ad-free crowd-funded daily raises over 1 mn euros from Physorg
BigPic: What Does This Photo, Taken From The ISS, Show? from PopSci
Brain-imaging tool and stroke risk test help identify cognitive decline early from Science Daily
Gender bias found in how scholars review scientific studies from Science Daily
Scientists find possible hint of dark matter
NASA Flies Radar South on Wide-Ranging Expedition from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
ScienceShot: Forget Fingerprints, Now There's 'Breathprints' from Science NOW
Hated Invasive Species Helps Restore an Ecosystem from Science NOW
ScienceShot: The Ghost of Oceans Past from Science NOW
As White House Embraces BRAIN Initiative, Questions Linger from Science NOW
Hunt for dark matter heats up from CBSNews - Science
Dragonflies Are Becoming A Wildlife Attraction from Live Science
Childless Men May Be More Depressed Than Women Without Kids from Live Science
NASA Chief Weighs In On Possible Dark Matter Discovery from
Alzheimer plaque components fight inflammation from
Maybe We Need A McDonald's For Healthy Foods
PubMed Central Competes With, Undermines Journal Usage
Ottawa doctors optimistic about new MS treatment from CBC: Health
Scientists make hydrogen fuel from plants from UPI
Arctic sea ice at lowest level in decades from UPI
Dark Matter Signal Possibly Registered on International Space Station from Scientific American
Locust infestation threatens Madagascar from MSNBC: Science
Internet takes education to new level: Will universities make the grade? from MSNBC: Science
Astronomers anticipate 100 billion Earth-like planets from Physorg
Breakthrough in hydrogen fuel production could revolutionize alternative energy market from Physorg
Men 'more depressed and sad' than women if childless, says study from Physorg
EMarketer: Facebook US mobile ad revenue soaring from Physorg
Punch Leaves Man With Star-Shaped Cataract from Live Science
Potential Dark Matter Discovery a Win for Space Station Science from Live Science
NASA Chief Weighs In On Possible Dark Matter Discovery from Live Science
Fashion Fights the Rise of the Drones from Live Science
Potential Dark Matter Discovery a Win for Space Station Science from
Something in a name from Harvard Science
Dementia Care Costs Are Soaring, Study Finds from NY Times Health
AIDS Vaccine Path Suggested by Study from NY Times Health
Well: How Meditation Might Boost Your Test Scores from NY Times Health
Ask an Expert: Taking Questions About Middle-Aged Male Sexuality from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Oven-Steamed Arctic Char With Piperade — Recipes for Health from NY Times Health
The New Old Age Blog: How Do You Keep Track of It All? from NY Times Health
Rotary Valve Could Help Propel Craft to Mars One Day from Newswise - Scinews
'Pre-life' chemistry on Saturn moon? from UPI
Satellite tagging maps the secret migration of white sharks from Physorg
Mission to Mars Moon: Student Team Wins Phobos Spaceflight Challenge from
30 Billion Cosmic Ray Events Measured By Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer - But Still No Dark Matter
Travels of Pregnant Great White Sharks Revealed from Live Science
Exhaled breath is unique fingerprint from BBC News: Science & Nature
Artefacts clues of sharks' absence from BBC News: Science & Nature
Dark Matter Mystery Explained: A Reader's Guide (Infographic) from
Rare Florida panther released back into the wild
Breathprint: Now Your Breathing Has A Fingerprint Too
Billions of Earth-like worlds could exist from UPI
Fish deformities linked to oil pollution in U.S. and Alberta from CBC: Technology & Science
Shark-Tooth Weapons Reveal "Lost" Shark Species from National Geographic
Detailed 3D model of the heart from Science Alert
Temperature shifts may change global rain from UPI
Research identifies co-factors critical to PTSD development from Science Daily
Alabama Legislature Approves Abortion Clinic Limits from NY Times Health
IHT Special: Fall in Egyptian Pound Weighs Heavily on the Ill from NY Times Health
Tantalizing New Clues Into the Mysteries of Dark Matter from NY Times Science
Two Major Air Pollutants Increase in China from NY Times Science
Breeding Pigeons on Rooftops, and Blurring Racial Lines from NY Times Science
Dot Earth Blog: Survey Finds Most Republicans Seek Action on Climate Change from NY Times Science
HIV Vaccine Scientist Available to Comment on Research from Newswise - Scinews
FEATURE: New light on dark matter: space station magnet attracts praise from Science Alert
Vicious shark-tooth weapons reveal lost species from MSNBC: Science
Acid rain still plagues parts of the world from UPI
Exhaled breath carries a molecular 'breathprint' unique to each individual from Science Daily
Urinary tract infections 29 times more likely in schizophrenia relapse from Science Daily
Ophthalmologists urge early diagnosis and treatment of age-related macular degeneration from Science Daily
Verifying that sorghum is a new safe grain for people with celiac disease from Science Daily
Brain Activity Mapping Project aims to understand the brain from Science Daily
Same-day water pollution test could keep beaches open more often from Science Daily
Medical enigma: The healing element is also the enemy from Science Daily
Researcher tried to export pathogen to China, RCMP allege from CBC: Health
Strep outbreak concerns health unit from CBC: Health
A ban on trans fats from Science Alert
Space instrument may have seen dark matter from UPI
Rover parachute flaps in Mars wind from UPI
Satellite tagging maps the secret migration of white sharks from Science Daily
Advances in molecular testing offer new hope for lung cancer patients from Science Daily
Rotary valve could help propel craft to Mars one day from Science Daily
Avoid impulsive acts by imagining future benefits from Science Daily
On-and-off approach to prostate cancer treatment may compromise survival from Science Daily
New relief for gynecological disorders: Injectable protein to reverse symptoms of dangerous conditions from Science Daily
Diversity programs give illusion of corporate fairness, psychologists find from Science Daily
Smoking and depressive symptoms in adolescent girls are 'red flag' for postmenopausal osteoporosis from Science Daily
Dental anesthesia may interrupt development of wisdom teeth in children, study suggests from Science Daily
Study looks at importance of coping skills during hospital stays from Science Daily
Quantum tricks drive magnetic switching into the fast lane from Science Daily
First data released from the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer from Science Daily
Final MAVEN instrument integrated to spacecraft from Science Daily
Scientists develop monkey model to study novel coronavirus infection from Science Daily
Shark tooth weapons reveal missing shark species in Central Pacific islands from Science Daily
Brain cell signal network genes linked to schizophrenia risk in families from Science Daily
Language by mouth and by hand from Science Daily
For Wikipedia users, being 'Wikipedian' may be more important than political loyalties from Science Daily
Dementia costs top those for heart disease or cancer, study finds from Science Daily
Assessing disease surveillance and notification systems after a pandemic from Science Daily
Low testosterone levels may herald rheumatoid arthritis in men from Science Daily
Baldness linked to increased risk of coronary heart disease from Science Daily
Can repurposed cancer drugs counter bioterror threats? from Science Daily
Marriage can threaten health: Study finds satisfied newlyweds more likely to gain weight from Science Daily
Walgreen clinics expand care into chronic illness from AP Health