Archive of feed items published on the 11th of April 2013
Scientists Stress Need for National Marine Biodiversity Observation Network from Newswise - Scinews
U.S. seeks national recreation area status for San Gabriels from LA Times - Science
WH seeks funds for NASA to start work on asteroid capture from CBSNews - Science
China pollution may hold silver lining for California from LA Times - Science
Fun Times in Space: Astronaut Chris Hadfield's Wacky Photos from
China’s baby formula fears from BBC News: Science & Nature
Manila charges Chinese on reef crash from BBC News: Science & Nature
Black and white bat key to new group from BBC News: Science & Nature
Yeast to make malaria drug on demand from Chemistry World
Explained: Nanowires and nanotubes from MIT Research
Deep in the field from MIT Research
Inventions, practical and oddball, showcased at Geneva fair from Physorg
Chile halts construction of huge gold mine from Physorg
Asian gecko threatened by medicine trade from Physorg
Frankenfood fears do not 'translate to the average consumer' from CBC: Technology & Science
Explosive crater twins on Mars from European Space Agency
Frankenfood fears do not 'translate to the average consumer' from CBC: Health
Wild, unregulated hacker currency gains following from Physorg
How To Protect The Brain In Old Age (and Stop Alzheimer's)
Crick DNA letter sells for $5.3m from BBC News: Science & Nature
VIDEO: Junkyard genius's crazy nutcracker from BBC News: Science & Nature
The way of the sea turtle: Finding your path in life with lessons from nature's long-distance seekers from Physorg
Color printing at highest resolution possible enabled by use of arrays of metal-coated nanostructures from Physorg
Study on choice blindness finds voters more malleable than thought (w/ video) from Physorg
Massive energy cost hidden in wireless cloud boom from Physorg
Findings reveal what factors contribute to outstanding fundraising programmes from Physorg
No link between solar activity and earthquakes from Physorg
Moon Base Over Asteroid? Lawmakers Push for Lunar Landing by 2022 from
How Astronauts Cry In Space (Video) from
Cybernetic model developed to predict Shewanella metabolic behavior from Physorg
Diamond as a building material for optical circuits from Physorg
Study finds sighted babies of blind mothers find other ways to bond from Physorg
Discovery of a blue supergiant star born in the wild from Physorg
UK's data protection regulator is ineffective, says research from Physorg
Physicists and astronaut discuss cosmic ray detector's findings of possible signs of dark matter from Physorg
Survey results reveal distracted driving habits from Physorg
Tiny filaments and cylinders studied for possible uses in energy, electronics, optics and other fields from Physorg
Research reveals lost lion populations going unnoticed from Physorg
DNA discovery letter auctioned for record $6M-plus from CBSNews - Science
Novel material shows its credentials to facilitate integration of photonic, electronic components in practical device from Physorg
Team predicts above-average 2013 Atlantic hurricane season in 30th year of forecasting from Physorg
Drone defense: Helping protect US forces by simulating hostile unmanned aircraft from Physorg
Futuristic projection technology could be used anywhere from Physorg
Research group discovers nano-crystals at the interface between two liquids from Physorg
Smart solutions to a worsening water crisis from Physorg
Graduate student award-winning research documents road surfaces that quiet tire noise from Physorg
Rangitoto research prompts rethink of Auckland volcanoes from Physorg
Driving a changed approach to shopping from Physorg
Big brain projects highlight drug research gaps from Reuters:Science
Scientists create phantom sensations in non-amputees from Science Daily
New method to take prints from food from BBC News: Science & Nature
5 Ways Obama's New Budget Supports Science from Live Science
Material screening method allows more precise control over stem cells from Physorg
Map-based data on the energy consumption of residential buildings from Physorg
Extreme miniaturization: Seven devices, one chip to navigate without GPS from Physorg
Stockmanship and animal welfare in the Norwegian dairy goat industry from Physorg
Details of the 200lm/W TLED lighting technology breakthrough unraveled from Physorg
Good cats wear black: Black nanoparticles could play key role in clean energy photocatalysis from Physorg
Sea mammals find US safe harbor from Physorg
Slow to arrive, but will Australian high speed rail be worth the wait? from Physorg
Learning the limits for marine species from Physorg
Innovative self-cooling, thermoelectric system developed from Physorg
Making safer composite materials for ship building from Physorg
In-vitro pioneer Robert Edwards dies in London from CBC: Technology & Science
Japanese 'girlfriend coat' hugs and whispers to lonely students from CBC: Technology & Science
Restoring paretic hand function via an artificial neural connection bridging spinal cord injury from Science Daily
Archaeologists shine new light on Easter Island statue from Science Daily
Innovative self-cooling, thermoelectric system consumes no electricity from Science Daily
Despite what you may think, your brain is a mathematical genius: How visual system automatically adapts to new environments from Science Daily
Iowa State, Argonne Physicist Preparing for First Neutrino Data From NOvA Experiment from Newswise - Scinews
Video: Hurricane forecast predicts more storms in 2013 from CBSNews - Science
IRS: No warrant needed to access emails from UPI
Proposed soda ban likely to backfire, study finds from LA Times - Science
A ray of light thrown on 60-year-old mystery from Physorg
Cheap and quick HIV testing made possible with DVD scanners from Physorg
The Rosette Agent: Monitoring a new threat in Britain's rivers from Physorg
Mathematical method for simulating evolution of solar system improved from Physorg
Tell-tale evidence of bouncing boulders on Mars from Physorg
Pesticide bee buzz needs more evidence from Chemistry World
Terahertz turns up fresco's hidden artwork from Chemistry World
Ethanol-To-Butanol Conversion A Biofuel Plus from C&EN
ESA's Proba family from European Space Agency
Zone of silence from European Space Agency
Space underwater from European Space Agency
Shaking ExoMars from European Space Agency
Join the movement from European Space Agency
Oldest Dinosaur Embryo Fossils Discovered in China from Scientific American
Math method to simulate evolution of solar system improved from Science Blog
Landmark high-rise fire study evaluates effectiveness of crew sizes, elevator use from Physorg
Researcher helps solve 5,000-year-old mystery: Team deciphers the Bamboo family tree from Physorg
Bitcoin virtual currency hitting the mainstream from CBC: Technology & Science
CBC hospital rankings draw condemnation and praise from CBC: Health
Strong Solar Flare Erupts Towards Earth | Video from
El Hierro Volcano Takes a Rest from Live Science
Fierce Fighters: 7 Secrets of Viking Seamen from Live Science
In Sales, Confidence and Charisma May Not Seal the Deal from Science Blog
Scientists create phantom sensations in non-amputees from Science Blog
Your brain is a mathematical genius from Science Blog
Scientists: ‘We need a marine biodiversity observation network’ from Science Blog
Why Monkeys in the Middle Are More Stressed from National Geographic
A molecular 'superglue' based on flesh-eating bacteria from Physorg
Light journeys unimpeded along material’s surface from
Scientists back roadmap to rid world of polio by 2018 from SciDev
Pacific research aims to boost pearl farms' fortunes from SciDev
Earth from Space from European Space Agency
Space History Photo: X-34 at NASA Dryden Flight Research Center from
Can Forensics Establish Whether Pablo Neruda Was Poisoned? from Scientific American
Is Everyone Really Staring At You? from PopSci
Higher Obesity Rates Linked to Lower Incomes in US from Live Science
Subconscious mental categories help brain sort through everyday experiences from Science Blog
Squid beak inspires more comfortable implants from Science Blog
Next-gen ‘Smart’ Stem Cells Show Promise in Heart Failure Patients from Science Blog
Implanted 'bracelet' helps treat chronic heartburn from AP Health
Broadcasters pitch 'dongle' phone add-ons in TV signal fight from CBC: Technology & Science
Chemo oversight needed: Premier Wynne from CBC: Health
CBC hospital rankings draw condemnation and praise from CBC: Health
Sunspot Beauty Captured by Solar Shutterbug (Photo) from
Certified Crop Adviser Program Hires Marketing Manager from Newswise - Scinews
A Molecular "Superglue" Based on Flesh-Eating Bacteria from Newswise - Scinews
Cell Phone Camera Photographs Microscopic Cell Samples from Newswise - Scinews
Bose-Einstein Condensates Evaluated for Quantum Computers from Newswise - Scinews
Video: Scientists create brain as clear as Jello from CBSNews - Science
Somebody Just Shelled Out $5.3 Million For A Francis Crick Letter Describing DNA from PopSci
Francis Crick's Nobel medal sells for over $2M
Weather Disasters Affected 243 Million Americans Since 2007 from Live Science
Inside NASA's Plan to Catch an Asteroid (Bruce Willis Not Required) from Live Science
Bathed in Red | Space Wallpaper from Live Science
Francis Crick's Nobel medal sells for over $2M from Physorg
Fukushima plant springs another radioactive leak from Physorg
Zuckerberg launches lobby, urges immigration reform from Physorg
Cell phone camera photographs microscopic cell samples from Physorg
Chickens with bigger gizzards are more efficient from Physorg
New research challenges assumptions about effects of global warming on mountain tree line from Physorg
#FY2014: Scientific Community Responds to President's Spending Plan from Science NOW
Moose takes a stroll through B.C. grocery store from CBC: Technology & Science
Your Brain Is Good At Math, Even If You Aren't
EPA Gives Personal Information On Farmers To Environmental Activists
ATV-4 scheduled for summer liftoff from European Space Agency
Watch: How to predict the cicada invasion from CBSNews - Science
"Dark Lightning" sparks call for more earth gazing satellites from CBSNews - Science
Goal-line technology given go-ahead from BBC News: Science & Nature
Snowiest April Since 2002 for Minneapolis from Live Science
Successful Leaders Have Complex Brains, Study Finds from Live Science
Cost-saving measure to upgrade ethanol to butanol—a better alternative to gasoline from Physorg
Secret orangutan population found on Borneo from MSNBC: Science
Cost-Saving Measure to Upgrade Ethanol to Butanol -- A Better Alternative to Gasoline from Newswise - Scinews
New Software Alleviates Wireless Traffic from Newswise - Scinews
NASA's asteroid initiative: Robotically capture small near-Earth asteroid and explore it from Science Daily
Bitcoin roller coaster: What's the buzz about? from CBSNews - Science
An Illustrated Tour Of Australia's Museum of Copulatory Organs from PopSci
Kaykov sacked for failing drug test from BBC News: Science & Nature
Crick DNA Nobel Medal Auctioned for $2 Million from Live Science
Magical survey shows voters are less partisan than indicated by polls from Science Blog
New option for booze dependence: Less drinking, not abstinence from Science Blog
IT exacerbates irrational behavior from Science Blog
How some leaves got fat: It's the veins from Physorg
Healing by the clock: In fruit flies, intestinal stem-cell regeneration fluctuates with the time of day from Physorg
Mexico City tries to get salt shakers off tables from AP Health
5 areas of science that get boost in Obama budget from MSNBC: Science
Neuroscientists Create 'Phantom Limb' Sensation - In Non-Amputees
Robots robots robots from CBSNews - Science
Correction: Superstorm-Hurricane Warnings story
'Sandy' Retired from Hurricane Name List from Live Science
Made-to-Order Embryos Create New Legal Issues from Live Science
Proposed soda ban likely to backfire, study finds from LA Times - Health
You Never Know What You'll Find Under a Parking Lot from National Geographic
News in Brief: Malaria drug made by baker's yeast from
DNA discoverer Crick's Nobel, letter fetch millions at auction from Reuters:Science
Scientists await new worlds as CERN collider is refitted from Reuters:Science
Glitch On First Canadian Sat Will End Mission, Probably | Video from
Sun Unleashes Biggest Solar Flare of the Year Yet from
Genetic Master Controls Expose Cancers' Achilles' Heel from Newswise - Scinews
Molecular 'superglue' based on flesh-eating bacteria from Science Daily
Underwater Mystery Mound Provokes Archaeologists from PopSci
Iranian Scientist Says He Has A Future-Predicting Machine from PopSci
Maya Long Count calendar and European calendar linked using carbon-14 dating from Physorg
Information technology amplifies irrational group behavior from Physorg
US says preemie study didn't fully disclose risks from AP Health
Mysterious sundial may be secret to Viking navigation from MSNBC: Science
Developing countries unprepared for research misconduct from SciDev
Aereo faces competition from broadcast-backed Dyle from CBSNews - Science
New findings on the brain's immune cells during Alzheimer's disease progression from Science Daily
Lady flies can decide who will father their young from Science Daily
Drought Led to Civilization Collapse, Mayan Calendar Suggests from Live Science
Bad grades tied to texting, social networking, other media use from Science Blog
Europe sets June 5 for launch of space freighter from Physorg
Texting, social networking and other media use linked to poor academic performance from Physorg
Spring fling: Sun emits a mid-level flare from Physorg
Researchers evaluate Bose-Einstein condensates for communicating among quantum computers from Physorg
Image: Fires in India and Nepal from Physorg
NASA sees Cyclone Victoria developing an eye from Physorg
New software alleviates wireless traffic from Physorg
NASA infrared image identifies several areas of power in Cyclone Imelda from Physorg
Image: Fires in the Yucatan Peninsula from Physorg
Image: Fires in Southeastern United States from Physorg
Image: Fires in Victoria, Australia from Physorg
Lady flies can decide who will father their young from Physorg
NASA Mars Orbiter Images May Show 1971 Soviet Lander from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Crick's Nobel Prize medal sold for $2 million; will boost science in China from MSNBC: Science
Faculty Council meeting held April 10 from Harvard Science
Solar Max: Amazing Sun Storm Photos of 2013 from
European Academy Taps David D. Awschalom for Membership from Newswise - Scinews
Material Screening Method Allows More Precise Control Over Stem Cells from Newswise - Scinews
NASA Mars Orbiter images may show 1971 Soviet lander from Science Daily
Texting, social networking and other media use linked to poor academic performance from Science Daily
Individual donation amounts drop when givers are in groups from Science Daily
Interactions between drugs can also be measured at lowest doses from Science Daily
Information technology amplifies irrational group behavior from Science Daily
Healing by the clock: In fruit flies, intestinal stem-cell regeneration fluctuates with the time of day from Science Daily
DNA pioneer's Nobel Prize auctioned from BBC News: Science & Nature
Brassiere Support Is A Lie, Say French Scientists from PopSci
A new measure may unlock the mysteries of pain from LA Times - Health
The Happiest Tech Companies from Live Science
'Doomsday Clock' Artist Dies from Live Science
Lady flies can decide who will father their young from Science Blog
New software alleviates wireless traffic from Science Blog
Australopithecus sediba hominin: New study reveals how human ancestor walked, chewed, and moved from Physorg
Self-medication in animals much more widespread than believed from Physorg
Fossilized teeth provide new insight into human ancestor from Physorg
Cyclone Imelda turned the corner on NASA satellite imagery from Physorg
Review: Home shields you from non-Facebook tasks from Physorg
Infrared camera in wild aimed at US owl nest from Physorg
Ice Cloud Heralds Fall at Titan's South Pole from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Why Your Brain Loves That New Song from Science NOW
Mental puzzles underlie music’s delight from
News in Brief: Possible human ancestor in Australopithecus sediba from
Egg White Protein May Help Lower High Blood Pressure
NASA Budget Cutbacks Would Cripple Planetary Science, Critics Say from
How some leaves got fat: It's the veins from Science Daily
Sound stimulation during sleep can enhance memory from Science Daily
Genetic master controls expose cancers' Achilles' heel from Science Daily
U.S. scientists find no link between solar activity, earthquakes from UPI
Chicago museum displays fragments of meteor that exploded over Russia from UPI
Drunk Fruit Flies! Lots of Animals Self-Medicate from Live Science
Humanity's Closest Ancestor Was Pigeon-Toed, Research Reveals from Live Science
64-Million-Year Controversy: Grand Canyon Age Debated from Live Science
Au. Sediba Gallery: Anatomy of Humanity's Closest Relative from Live Science
Music Purchases Predicted by Brain Activity from Live Science
Songs That Reward the Brain from Live Science
Possible link between car exhaust, childhood cancers from Science Blog
Scientists create phantom sensations in non-amputees from Biology News Net
A molecular 'superglue' based on flesh-eating bacteria from Biology News Net
Researchers demonstrate oldest dinosaur embryos from Biology News Net
Small satellites becoming big deal for CU-Boulder students from Physorg
Scientists measure reaction rates of second key atmospheric component from Physorg
Genetically modified foods: a primer from CBC: Technology & Science
ScienceShot: Iceman Had Bad Teeth from Science NOW
Ancient creature mixed human, apelike traits from AP Science
Researchers Measure Reaction Rates of Second Key Atmospheric Component from Newswise - Scinews
New Research Reveals How Human Ancestor Walked, Chewed, and Moved from Newswise - Scinews
Self-Medication in Animals Much More Widespread Than Believed from Newswise - Scinews
Study Suggests New Approach to AIDS, Hepatitis from Newswise - Scinews
Walk This Way: New Research Suggests Human Ancestors May Have Used Different Forms of Bipedalism During the Plio-Pleistocene from Newswise - Scinews
Tiny Wireless Device Shines Light on Mouse Brain, Generating Reward from Newswise - Scinews
Gene That Causes Newborn Spleen Disease Identified from Newswise - Scinews
Language use in tweets stops giving away person's age once past 30 from UPI
NASA Budget Cutbacks Would Cripple Planetary Science, Critics Say from Live Science
Female Flies Expel Sperm and Eat It from Live Science
Sun Unleashes Biggest Solar Flare of the Year Yet from Live Science
First Brain Surgery Performed on Bear from National Geographic
Composite photography now and then from Science Blog
Image: NASA satellite image sees Cyclone Victoria looking like a 'J' from space from Physorg
Ice cloud heralds fall at Titan's south pole from Physorg
YouTube to livestream Psy new song performance from Physorg
Drug spending growth slows to 16-year low from CBC: Health
Soviet Mars spacecraft possibly spotted in photos from AP Science
Mark Zuckerberg launches political action group from CBSNews - Science
Watch: How to make your own working "Iron Man" armor from CBSNews - Science
Betelgeuse, Betelgeuse, Betelgeuse | Space Wallpaper from
Chris Hadfield's Special Message For Yuri's Night 2013 | Video from
How 2-million-year-old ancestor moved: Sediba's ribcage and feet were not suitable for running from Science Daily
Fossilized teeth provide new insight into human ancestor: Species identified in 2010 is one of closest relatives to humans from Science Daily
How human ancestor walked, chewed, and moved from Science Daily
Walk this way: New research suggests human ancestors may have used different forms of bipedalism during the plio-pleistocene from Science Daily
Experiment Gives Phantom Limb Syndrome To People Who Have All Of Their Limbs from PopSci
1 in 8 Skip Meds to Save Money from Live Science
Soviet Mars spacecraft possibly spotted in photos
Ancient creature mixed human, apelike traits
Podcast: The Fastest-Growing Dinosaur, Quantifying Pain, and More from Science NOW
CBC Rate My Hospital site flooded with more than 23,000 rankings from CBC: Health
New Mars Photos May Reveal 1970s Soviet Lander from
Live Media Webcasts from the 2013 APS April Meeting: New Research in Astrophysics, Particle Physics and More from Newswise - Scinews
Geisinger Recognized with Best Practice Award in Genome Analysis from Newswise - Scinews
A Solar Booster Shot for Natural Gas Power Plants from Newswise - Scinews
Medical Device "Summit" on Neuromodulation Growth from Newswise - Scinews
Supreme Court Set to Hear Arguments on Whether Human Genes Can Be Patented from Scientific American
Ice cloud heralds fall at Titan's south pole from Science Daily
Scientists find interferon, one of the body's own proteins, induces persistent viral infection from Science Daily
Self-medication in animals much more widespread than believed from Science Daily
Blocking immune response protein helps body clear chronic infection; Potential therapy for HIV, other viral infections? from Science Daily
Tiny wireless device shines light on mouse brain, generating reward from Science Daily
Long-Necked Giant Was Fastest-Growing Dinosaur from PopSci
Sounds matched to waves in sleeping brains could improve memory from UPI
Samsung blurs line between smartphone, tablet with Galaxy Mega phone from UPI
Bras Make Breasts Sag, Study Suggests from Live Science
How to Dance Like a 19th-Century Japanese Man from Live Science
US sees stronger ebook sales, but growth slows from Physorg
Investors dump Microsoft, PC stocks on bleak news from Physorg
Enzymes from horse feces could hold secrets to streamlining biofuel production from Physorg
New technique measures evaporation globally from Physorg
Stem cell proliferation and differentiation observed within hydrogel from Physorg
Google adds 'digital estate planning' to its services from Physorg
Cuba faces vast land losses as sea levels rise from Physorg
Mars orbiter images may show 1971 Soviet lander from Physorg
CERN'S Tom Whyntie explains the universe, for beginners from CBSNews - Science
What happens in the brain to make music rewarding from Science Daily
'Strikingly similar' brains of human and fly may aid mental health research from Science Daily
Material screening method allows more precise control over stem cells from Science Daily
4 Things You Need to Know About Tornado Season from Live Science
Crick DNA Nobel medal gets $2 million at auction from News @ Nature
University of Houston engineering researcher's theories to be tested in space from Physorg
RIM's largest investor says he stands by company (Update) from Physorg
Most families with kids have a gaming console from CBC: Technology & Science
Humanity's closest ancestor was pigeon-toed, research reveals from MSNBC: Science
Pharmacists protest changes to generic drug prices from CBC: Health
Enzymes From Horse Feces Could Hold Secrets to Streamlining Biofuel Production from Newswise - Scinews
New Technique Measures Evaporation Globally from Newswise - Scinews
Golden Spike on the Moon: Private Lunar Trips (Photos) from
Weekend Plans? Try Spotting Jupiter in Daylight from
Neighborhood Watch: New NASA Mission Will Propel Detailed Investigations of Nearby Exoplanets from Scientific American
Wild Weather Can Send Greenhouse Gases Spiraling from Scientific American
A Harvard Neuroscience Scheme To Change Decisions In Your Brain from PopSci
Molecular techniques are 'man's new best friend' in pet obesity research from Science Daily
Reaction rates of second key atmospheric component measured from Science Daily
Simple video device turns cellphone into diagnostic instrument from UPI
Well: Alcohol and Breast Cancer Survival from NY Times Health
Well: A Seasonal Pattern to Mental Health from NY Times Health
Well: ‘Good’ Patients, ‘Bad’ Patients from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Iranian Herb and Walnut Frittata — Recipes for Health from NY Times Health
A Dismissal Raises Questions About Objectivity on Food Policy from NY Times Health
The New Old Age Blog: When Independence Means You’re on Your Own from NY Times Health
Scientist at Work Blog: An Embarrassment of Anoles from NY Times Science
Google's Inactive Account Manager sorts digital life after death from CBSNews - Science
Why Use Satellites To Measure Rain? | Video from
North Korea Rocket Rundown: How Far Can They Fly? from
It's Fall on Titan: Icy Cloud Marks Saturn Moon's Season from
Report: Global warming didn't cause big US drought from AP Science
This Is The First Bear To Get Brain Surgery from PopSci
Most effective PTSD therapies are not being widely used, researchers find from Science Daily
Solar booster shot for natural gas power plants from Science Daily
Twin Mars craters suggest subsurface water in planet's past from UPI
Letter by DNA Nobel winner Crick brings $5.3 million at auction from UPI
Dirty Water: Can US Clean Up Its Act? from Live Science
Chocolate a death risk for rover from Physorg
LinkedIn buys news app Pulse to broaden content from Physorg
NYC students, hackers train for cybersecurity jobs from Physorg
Drought blamed for demise of Mayans from MSNBC: Science
Bristol-Myers Squibb Names New R&D Head from C&EN
New bat genus looks like a mini panda with wings from CBSNews - Science
Why We Buy Music from Newswise - Scinews
Revealing the Scientific Secrets of Why People Can't Stop After Eating One Potato Chip from Newswise - Scinews
Sea Mammals Find U.S. Safe Harbor from Newswise - Scinews
Organic Pollutants Now Accumulating in Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau from Scientific American
Archaeological dig unearths wealth of artifacts from Roman London from UPI
Hack shows how smartphone can take over airplane flight computers from UPI
Ants Lead the Way on Earthquake Prediction from Live Science
Our New Most Immediate Ancestor? from National Geographic
'Seeing' the flavor of foods from Physorg
Intel's mysterious TV device sparks industry chatter from Physorg
Forensic scientists recover fingerprints from foods from Physorg
Not all fun and (video) games for developers from Physorg
Where did global warming go? The deep ocean, experts say from MSNBC: Science
M6.5 Solar Flare Is Sun's Biggest Of The Year - So Far
Warmth across 600 years from Harvard Science
Not as evolved as we think from Harvard Science
Mayan, European calendars hook up from Science Blog
Chinese, U.S. officials call for cooperation on Internet issues from UPI
Too Much Media Could Hurt Marriage from Live Science
Report: Global warming didn't cause big US drought
Report: Global warming didn't cause big US drought from Physorg
Debate over Grand Canyon's age runs deep from MSNBC: Science
New technology speeding progress on bird flu vaccine from Reuters:Science
Science under the stage lights from Harvard Science
245th American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition Press Conference Schedule from Newswise - Scinews
'Seeing' the Flavor of Foods from Newswise - Scinews
Sea mammals take shelter thanks to 40 year old law from Science Blog
Fossils suggest possible new candidate for human ancestor from UPI
Call issued for nationwide U.S. marine biodiversity monitoring network from UPI
Why You Can't Stop Eating After One Potato Chip - The Science
DVD player can double as medical diagnostic instrument from UPI
Facts About Boron from Live Science
As mobile payments field grows, so do security concerns from Physorg
Controlling Nanocrystals from C&EN
Chemists Convene In New Orleans from C&EN
Chemical Plant Security Critique from C&EN
Gene that causes newborn spleen disease identified from Science Daily
Google lets users plan digital afterlife from CBC: Technology & Science
Frequent texters tend to be shallow, researchers find from CBC: Technology & Science
Correction: Nobel Prize Winner-Auction story
Work on whispers gives physicists something to shout about from Physics World
Preventing Battery Fires from C&EN
Obama Pledges Support For R&D from C&EN
Light-Driven Reaction Modifies Double Bonds With Unconventional Selectivity from C&EN
Quebec's public health directors decry welfare cuts from CBC: Health
B.C. cancer specialist provided 'unacceptable' care from CBC: Health
New learning neurons found from Science Alert
Maya Long Count calendar and European calendar linked using carbon-14 dating from Science Daily
Discovery points to new approach to fight dengue virus from Science Daily
Molecular hub links obesity, heart disease to high blood pressure from Science Daily
Stem cell proliferation and differentiation observed within hydrogel from Science Daily
New technique measures evaporation globally from Science Daily
Airport tech reveals hidden artwork from BBC News: Science & Nature
Fighting disease from within from Science Alert
FEATURE: Space oddity: how Saturn’s rings are rainmakers from Science Alert
Warmest summers in last two decades in northern latitudes were unprecedented in six centuries from Science Daily
Sleep apnea patients more likely to report nodding at the wheel and fail driving simulator tests from Science Daily
Sea mammals find U. S. safe harbor from Science Daily
Enzymes from horse feces could hold secrets to streamlining biofuel production from Science Daily
Revealing the scientific secrets of why people can't stop after eating one potato chip from Science Daily
Wider lithium battery use strains technology - experts from Reuters:Science
FEATURE: Final frontiers: the deep sea from Science Alert
Bone-marrow grafts show promise for some sufferers of low-back pain from Science Daily
'Seeing' the flavor of foods before tasting them from Science Daily
How Au. Sediba walked, chewed and moved from Science Daily
Mutations found in individuals with autism interfere with endocannabinoid signaling in the brain from Science Daily
Weight loss surgery not only shrinks waists but also affects genes from Science Daily
Do drugs for bipolar disorder 'normalize' brain gene function? from Science Daily
Evidence points toward solving evolutionary 'missing link' from LA Times - Science
Over half of young adult deaths could be preventable if parents and children work together, experts say from Science Daily
Chickens with bigger gizzards are more efficient from Science Daily
Bose-Einstein condensates evaluated for quantum computers from Science Daily
New technology speeding progress on bird flu vaccine from Reuters:Science
New music 'rewarding for the brain' from BBC News: Science & Nature