Archive of feed items published on the 16th of October 2013
Avian Influenza Virus Detection Using Smell from Newswise - Scinews
Yukon's moose stable as U.S. populations decline from CBC: Technology & Science
5-metre-long sea creature discovered off California coast from CBC: Technology & Science
Twitter's losses mount ahead of IPO from Physorg
Australia, US, France urge Antarctic protected areas from Physorg
The Cancer Divide: Uganda Fights Stigma and Poverty to Take on Breast Cancer from NY Times Health
Peppers Stuffed With Rice, Zucchini and Herbs from NY Times Health
Olduvai Gorge: Oldest Evidence of Mankind's Evolution from Live Science
Kangaroo checks in to Australian Airport from Physorg
Earnings preview: EBay 3Q profit, sales seen up from Physorg
Exaggerated gait allows limbless R2G2 robot to move quickly in confined spaces, rough terrain (w/ Video) from Physorg
Astronomer George Herbig вies at фge 93 from Physorg
New Study Tracks the Social Cost of Carbon (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Mysterious elephant wins photo prize from BBC News: Science & Nature
Wildlife photographer awards 2013 from BBC News: Science & Nature
Need motivation? There's an app or gadget for that from AP Health
After Burning Man, Leaving No Trace (Op-Ed) from Live Science
MIT team shows system that tracks people through walls from Physorg
CEO: Toyota's slice of US market is about right from Physorg
Need motivation? There's an app or gadget for that from Physorg
Public asked to track slug invasion from BBC News: Science & Nature
English 'beat French to frogs legs' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Orionid Meteor Shower: Leftovers of Halley's Comet from
Turkey Fryers to Yard Fires, Burn Hazards Spike in Fall (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Finding blood clots before they wreak havoc from MIT Research
Dude, where’s my code? from MIT Research
US shutdown threatens hopes for Antarctic reserve from AP Science
Cardinals homer twice to beat Dodgers 4-2 in NLCS from AP Science
Outlining academic integrity from Harvard Science
The teaching launch from Harvard Science
Is á la carte cable TV better for consumers? from CBC: Technology & Science
VIDEO: Giant 18ft fish found in California from BBC News: Science & Nature
Review: Button location sets LG's G2 apart from Physorg
US shutdown threatens hopes for Antarctic reserve from Physorg
'Moose die-off' not seen in Yukon, where populations stable from CBC: Technology & Science
New study suggests earthworms sequester more CO2 than they release from Physorg
ALMA probes mysteries of jets from giant black holes from Physorg
A Push to Sell Testosterone Gels Troubles Doctors from NY Times Health
Early Promise in Drug Trial for Fighting Cholesterol from NY Times Health
Johnson & Johnson Reports Consistent Growth from NY Times Health
Well: Pounding Pavement by Heel or Toe from NY Times Health
New superconductor is first predicted then created from Chemistry World
Scientists develop heat-resistant materials that could vastly improve solar cell efficiency from Physorg
Bundle busting: Is à la carte cable TV better for consumers? from CBC: Technology & Science
Astronomers Peer Into Supermassive Black Hole Jets | Video from
Partial Lunar Eclipse Occurs Friday: How to See It from
National Briefing | West: California: A Rare Fish Surfaces from NY Times Science
Milky Way s Tiny Satellite Galaxies May Help Solve Dark Matter Mystery from Scientific American
'Black Hole Indigestion' Captured by Giant Radio Telescope (Photos) from
Presumed meteorite pulled from lake from BBC News: Science & Nature
Mixed result on sustainability reporting, but ASX proposes greater disclosure from Physorg
Simple urine test uses nanotechnology to detect dangerous blood clotting from Physorg
Bad news for fake pearls from Physorg
Solar eruption could help Earth prepare for technology melt-down from Physorg
Antioxidants are essential for bird embryo growth from Physorg
Microbiome meets big social science: What's the potential? from Physorg
Post-Fukushima, Asia still drives global nuclear growth from Physorg
King Herod's Tomb a Mystery Yet Again from Live Science
In Photos: The Controversial 'Tomb of Herod' from Live Science
Increased innovation and research capacities in security organisations from Physorg
Forging links between climate change scientists and policymakers from Physorg
Titin from Chemistry World
The Nuclear Odyssey of Naoto Kan, Japan s Prime Minister during Fukushima from Scientific American
Small bits of genetic material fight cancer’s spread from Science Blog
New application for drug detection from Physorg
Dude, where's my code? from Physorg
New 'click' reaction: Chemistry applicable to living organisms from Physorg
Misinterpretation of study: Anxious cat owners can carry on stroking their four-legged friends without worry from Physorg
Apple 'cuts orders with iPhone 5C assemblers' from Physorg
Russia pulls huge 'Chelyabinsk meteor chunk' from lake from Physorg
Three And A Half Thought Experiments In Philosophy Of Mind
Mystery Political Science Theater 2013
Computer Models of Tornadoes Show Possible Sheltering Region Behind Hills from Newswise - Scinews
Basic and Translational Research Presentations, Workshops, and Clinical Sessions Highlight the 83rd Annual Meeting of the American Thyroid Association from Newswise - Scinews
World Ocean Systems Undermined by Climate Change by 2100 from Newswise - Scinews
Talking directly to toddlers strengthens their language skills from Science Blog
Science probes mysteries of jets from giant black holes from Science Blog
Scientists develop heat-resistant materials that could vastly improve solar cell efficiency from Science Blog
Tip-of-the-tongue moments may be benign from Science Blog
Felix Baumgartner and Team Celebrate Supersonic Freefall Anniversary | Video from
3Q: Fiction's role in emotional development from Physorg
What is the difference between 'lie,' 'deceive' and 'mislead'? from Physorg
Defining the graphene family tree from Physorg
Climate change plays 'Russian roulette' with the world's oceans from Physorg
The future of 3-D printing from Physorg
Microscopic graphene flakes isolated in 2010—now worldwide research looks for practical applications from Physorg
Quantum particles find safety in numbers from Physorg
Gold-plated nano-bits find, destroy cancer cells from Physorg
Intermittence of wind energy hardly affects CO2 emissions in Spain from Physorg
The infinitely small tackles counterfeiting from Physorg
Recycled drinking water must be considered, report says from Physorg
Low-wage fast-food jobs leave hefty tax bill, report says from Physorg
Herbicide runoff reduced to Great Barrier Reef from Physorg
"Gravity", Or Inertia ?
Taking the Internet underwater to detect tsunamis, monitor pollution and spy from Science Blog
Genetically fingerprinting pearls from Science Blog
Telling consumers about 'green' credentials can backfire from Physorg
ITER panel votes to postpone non-vital physics work from Physorg
The Matterhorn like you've never seen it from Physorg
How you name it matters: 'Gambling' vs. 'gaming' from Physorg
Laser thermal anneal to boost performance of 3-D memory devices from Physorg
Ubisoft shares plunge 23% on 'Watch Dogs' game delay from Physorg
As U.S. Calorie Consumption Skyrockets, Hunt Is On for Sugar Replacement from Newswise - Scinews
If the tech fits, wear it from Physorg
Researchers find bats use curled leaves for sound amplification from Physorg
Economists explore 'loca-pouring' of wines from Physorg
Council in Calif. city endorses Apple campus plan from Physorg
Misty the diplodocus skeleton to go on sale in Britain from Physorg
Brain connections underlying accurate introspection revealed from Science Daily
ALMA probes mysteries of jets from giant black holes from Science Daily
Images: See the World from a Cat's Eyes from Live Science
Feline Vision: What Do Cats See? from Live Science
Thai official says plane crash in Laos kills 44 from AP Science
Advance Auto Parts buying General Parts for $2.04B from AP Science
Space History Photo: U.S.N.S. Kingsport, The First Satellite Communication Ship from
Sell, trade, recycle: Plenty of ways to dispose of old phones from Physorg
Warner Music turns to YouTube tastemakers from Physorg
How the largest star known is tearing itself apart from Science Daily
I'm singing in the rainforest: Researchers find striking similarities between bird song and human music from Science Daily
Quantum particles find safety in numbers from Science Daily
Misinterpretation of cat study? Anxious cat owners can carry on stroking their four-legged friends without worry from Science Daily
Roadmap for implementing quality preschool from Science Daily
Protest Highlights History of Washington Monument Politics from National Geographic
Pill recall prompts Health Canada to pledge faster notice from CBC: Health
Women, STEM and Stereotypes from Newswise - Scinews
Are Dolphins Reaching a Breaking Point? (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Half-tonne Chelyabinsk meteorite chunk pulled from Russian lake from CBC: Technology & Science
Canadian wireless speeds faster than in U.S., study says from CBC: Technology & Science
Bundle busting: Is à la carte cable TV better for consumers? from CBC: Technology & Science
How Late Author Tom Clancy Supported Private Spaceflight from
Online upstarts rattling established industries from Physorg
Low-income Georgia residents now will pay $5 a month for Lifeline phones from Physorg
Regulating Greenhouse Gas Emissions from C&EN
Genetic fingerprinting of pearls developed from Science Daily
New heat-resistant materials could vastly improve solar cell efficiency from Science Daily
Computer models of tornadoes show possible sheltering region behind hills from Science Daily
Sunjammer, world's largest solar sail, passes key test for 2015 launch from CBSNews - Science
Scorching Blue Giant | Space Wallpaper from Live Science
Angelina Jolie's Breast Surgeon Speaks Out from Live Science
Time for global statistics we can count on from News @ Nature
Gallery: Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2013 from News @ Nature
Half-Ton Fragment Of Russian Meteorite Recovered From Lake from PopSci
ESA rover completes exploring Mars-like desert from European Space Agency
Birds on repeat: Do playbacks hurt fowl? from Physorg
Software uses cyborg swarm to map unknown environs from Physorg
Recession's after-effects could lead to cheating and workplace theft suggests new study from Physorg
Maximizing broccoli's cancer-fighting potential from Physorg
Flightless falcons remain a mystery from Physorg
Kenya to microchip all rhinos' horns to beat poachers from Physorg
How the largest star known is tearing itself apart from Physorg
Hawaii's Kauai Island moves to curb gene-altered crops, pesticide testing from Reuters:Science
Carbon cycle models underestimate indirect role of animals from Science Daily
Birds on repeat: Do birdwatchers playbacks hurt fowl? from Science Daily
Recession's after-effects could lead to cheating and workplace theft suggests new study from Science Daily
Maximizing broccoli's cancer-fighting potential from Science Daily
Glowing neurons reveal networked link between brain, whiskers from Science Daily
Eye contact builds bedside trust from Science Daily
Square launches free money transfer service from CBSNews - Science
The Nuclear Odyssey of Naoto Kan, Japan’s Prime Minister during Fukushima from Live Science
Does Mercury Hold Clues to Birth of Earth's Moon? from Live Science
Humanoid Robots to Flying Cars: 10 Coolest DARPA Projects from Live Science
'Black Hole Indigestion' Captured by Giant Radio Telescope (Photos) from Live Science
Makers of 'Craze' Workout Supplement Halt Production from Live Science
Does Mercury Hold Clues to Birth of Earth's Moon? from
Being In Love Makes Water Taste Sweeter from PopSci
Push for 'smaller' Antarctic reserve from BBC News: Science & Nature
Predicting health risks of everyday chemicals from Physorg
Cuckoos impersonate hawks by matching their 'outfits' from Physorg
Engine technology on the road to meeting emissions standards from Physorg
Carbon cycle models underestimate indirect role of animals from Physorg
Ancient Syrians favored buying local to outsourcing production from Physorg
Taking guns away from mentally ill won't eliminate mass shootings, psychiatrist argues from Science Daily
Engine technology on the road to meeting emissions standards from Science Daily
Software uses cyborg swarm to map unknown environs from Science Daily
Cuckoos impersonate hawks by matching their 'outfits' from Science Daily
Seven days: 11–17 October from News @ Nature
Need for Speed: New Series Explores World's Fastest Things from Live Science
What Is Tramadol? from Live Science
Secret location of King Herod's tomb remains buried in history from MSNBC: Science
3D printing for space: the additive revolution from European Space Agency
EU climate chief revives airline carbon tax proposal from Physorg
Wari, predecessors of the Inca, used restraint to reshape human landscape from Physorg
Tracking viral DNA in the cell from Physorg
Veeva Systems stock soars on debut from Physorg
Powerful Laser Blinks Out as a Result of U.S. Shutdown from Science NOW
Dow Chemical Worker Dies After Plant Fire from C&EN
Galaxy’s gas molecules reveal its structure from
Ancient Syrians favored buying local to outsourcing production from Science Daily
New Study Shows How Staph Toxin Disarms the Immune System, Reveals Secret to Microbe's Deadly Versatility from Newswise - Scinews
One of the Quietest Places on Earth Found at Binghamton University from Newswise - Scinews
Submarine expedition visits rare B.C. glass sponge reefs from CBC: Technology & Science
Ocean Health Suffers from Overfishing, Index Finds from Live Science
Solar Eruption Could Help Earth Prepare for Technology Melt-Down (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Stick to a Diet: 4 Tips for Strengthening Willpower from Live Science
Scientists 'Eavesdrop' On A Brain from PopSci
Golden Arc | Space Wallpaper from
Just being born triggers development of senses in brain from MSNBC: Science
US, Russia may team up to use nuclear weapons against asteroids from MSNBC: Science
Shedding new light on star death: A new class of super-luminous supernovae from Physorg
Sinking teeth into the evolutionary origin of our skeleton from Physorg
Extinct 'mega claw' creature had spider-like brain 520 million years ago from Physorg
UD researcher gets to the root of why women leave STEM fields from Physorg
Using animal behavior data to better inform mathematical models of animal movements from Physorg
New survey tools unveil two celestial explosions from Physorg
Ask an Expert: Advice About Assisted Living for Aging Relatives, Part 1 from NY Times Health
ScienceShot: A 520-Million-Year-Old Brain Scan from Science NOW
How to Run Faster [Video] from Scientific American
Wari, predecessors of the Inca, used restraint to reshape human landscape from Science Daily
Schizophrenia linked to abnormal brain waves: Neurological hyperactivity produces disordered thinking from Science Daily
Solar panels can be used to provide heating and air conditioning from Science Daily
Just ask the animals: Fishers with GPS sensors show animal movements from Science Daily
Defining the graphene family tree: Nomenclature for 2d carbon forms from Science Daily
Council in Calif. city endorses Apple campus plan from CBSNews - Science
'Jurassic Park submerged' visited in B.C. submarine dives from CBC: Technology & Science
Research evaluation: Impact from News @ Nature
Research assessments: Judgement day from News @ Nature
Science publishing: The golden club from News @ Nature
Are You Part Iceman? Famous Ötzi Has 19 Living Relatives from Live Science
Superbright Supernovas' Cause Potentially Revealed from
Huge Chunk of Russia Meteorite Pulled from Lake from
Amazing future from European Space Agency
How much better is standing up than sitting? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Poor rural youth in Haiti are rich in family ties, rooted in their own culture from Physorg
Addressing economic dangers of 'peak oil': Team identifies key industries for policy action from Physorg
Curiosity confirms origins of Martian meteorites from Science Daily
Sky survey captures key details of cosmic explosions from Science Daily
Poor rural youth in Haiti are rich in family ties, rooted in their own culture from Science Daily
Participation in cardiac rehab program improves recovery in stroke patients from Science Daily
New survey tools unveil two celestial explosions from Science Daily
Extinct 'mega claw' creature had spider-like brain from Science Daily
Tracking viral DNA in the cell from Science Daily
Scientists shed new light on star death from Science Daily
Genetic errors identified in 12 major cancer types from Science Daily
Taking stock of research on sleepless soldiers from Science Daily
Finding blood clots before they wreak havoc from Science Daily
Study: Climate change will significantly impact ocean health by 2100 from CBSNews - Science
Texas Tech Physicist's New Spectroscopic Camera Captures Day-Old Supernova 73 million Light Years from Earth from Newswise - Scinews
Fossil scans reveal origins of teeth from News @ Nature
Ancient 'Mega-Clawed' Creature Had Brain Like a Spider's from Live Science
Get Rid Of Pills: Happiness Could Trigger A Dose Of Meds from PopSci
Ka-chunk! Russian meteorite breaks after it's pulled out of lake from MSNBC: Science
'Black hole indigestion' captured by giant radio telescope from MSNBC: Science
Clawed fossil had spider-like brain from BBC News: Science & Nature
Curiosity confirms origins of Martian meteorites from Physorg
I'm singing in the rainforest: Researchers find striking similarities between bird song and human music from Physorg
The Long Engineering Road To Political Emissions Standards
Nobel’s sharp cuts from
Well: The Workout: Rowing With Esther Lofgren, Olympian from NY Times Health
Sinking teeth into the evolutionary origin of our skeleton from Science Daily
Tracking viral DNA in the cell from Science Daily
Study shows how Staph toxin disarms the immune system from Science Daily
Intermittence of wind energy hardly affects CO2 emissions in Spain from Science Daily
Video: Fitness tracker market offers plenty of options from CBSNews - Science
The Unique Life Forms In Deep-Sea Canyons Face Numerous Threats | Video from Live Science
Tool Accurately Predicts Whether A Kickstarter Project Will Bomb from PopSci
Women scientists, Wikipedia under microscope in RI from AP Science
Video Captures SpaceX's 'Re-Lightable' Engine from
Cause of mysterious superbright supernovas possibly discovered from MSNBC: Science
Mapping subcellular temperature profiles with genetically-encoded thermosensors from Physorg
Without plants, Earth would cook under billions of tons of additional carbon from Physorg
eBay founder backs project to 'empower' journalists from Physorg
Empathy? Surprising study shows that brains process the pain of villains more than the pain of people we like from Science Daily
Researchers discover, treat toxic effects of ALS mutation in neurons using patients' skin cells from Science Daily
Better understanding of inherited hearing loss from Science Daily
When neurons have less to say, they speak up from Science Daily
Dr. Jason Kalirai Selected as One of Baltimore's Future Visionaries from Newswise - Scinews
UCLA to House Worldwide Database of Brain Images for Chronic-Pain Conditions from Newswise - Scinews
Sea Level Rise Swamping Florida's Everglades from Live Science
Medical Journals Refuse to Publish Tobacco-Funded Research (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Stargazing Duo Captures Spectacular Nebulas Shining in Cassiopeia (Photo) from
Fossil shows ancient 'mega-clawed' creature had brain like a spider from MSNBC: Science
Discoverer of the Titanic Is Mapping Underwater America from National Geographic
5 Surprising Facts About Otzi the Iceman from National Geographic
What makes a data visualization memorable? from Science Daily
Without plants, Earth would cook under billions of tons of additional carbon from Science Daily
Using mobile devices to look up drug info prevents adverse events in nursing homes from Science Daily
Babies know when you're faking from Science Daily
'Individualized' therapy for the brain targets specific gene mutations causing dementia, ALS from Science Daily
Rare gene mutation sheds light on protein's role in brain development from Science Daily
Warning against Wi-Fi in cars: Drivers will be too distracted even if devices are voice-operated, study shows from Science Daily
Light triggers death switch in cancer cells from Science Daily
Babies know when you’re faking from Science Blog
Magnetic pen in $790K fundraiser may face ban from CBC: Health
Why it's 'really important police understand mental illness' from CBC: Health
Stargazer Captures Stunning Image of Edge-On Spiral Galaxy (Photo) from
Don't panic! These cyborg roaches are trained for emergencies from MSNBC: Science
US asks top court not to take case on NSA cyber-snooping from Physorg
What makes a data visualization memorable? from Physorg
Stanford drones open way to new world of coral research from Physorg
Hopes raised for Ebola treatment from
Drones open way to new world of coral research from Science Daily
New soil testing kit for third world countries from Science Daily
Economic dangers of 'peak oil' addressed from Science Daily
One of the quietest places on Earth: Soundproof room for acoustic research from Science Daily
Working to the beat from Science Daily
New 'click' reaction: Chemistry applicable to living organisms from Science Daily
Without plants, Earth would cook under billions of tons of additional carbon from Science Blog
New Soil Testing Kit for Third World Countries from Newswise - Scinews
CHERuB Connection to Accelerate Data-Driven Science at UC San Diego from Newswise - Scinews
Perfect Storm: Blizzard, Shutdown Pummel South Dakota Ranchers from Live Science
Famous Scotland volcano has only one 'heart,' not three from MSNBC: Science
New soil testing kit for third world countries from Physorg
Study puts freshwater biodiversity on the map for planners and policymakers from Physorg
Microsoft releasing Windows 8.1, a year in making from Physorg
The First False Teeth from Science NOW
Schizophrenia linked to abnormal brain waves from MIT Research
Fossil Scans Reveal Origins of Teeth from Scientific American
Nosodes 'should not be on the shelf,' doctor warns from CBC: Health
Sex Positions That Won't Break Your Artificial Hip, According To Science from PopSci
Biggest Star Ever Seen Is Ripping Apart, Scientists Say from
Women scientists, Wikipedia under microscope in RI from Physorg
Megacheirans: Extinct Giant Clawed Creature Had A Scorpion Nervous System
Homeopathic nosodes 'should not be on the shelf' from CBC: Health
Tracking viral DNA in the cell from Biology News Net
Study shows how Staph toxin disarms the immune system from Biology News Net
Separating the good from the bad in bacteria from Physorg
Chimpanzees: Alarm calls with intent? from Physorg
As chimpanzees grow, so does yawn contagion from Physorg
My T. Rex Is Bigger Than Yours from National Geographic
The Government Shutdown Is (Almost) Over, but the Damage to Science Will Last from Scientific American
Did Ancient Climate Change Drive Human Evolution? from PopSci
Pre-Incan Culture Expanded Through Trade, Not Conquest from Live Science
Life After Death? New Techniques Halt Dying Process from Live Science
IBM 3Q net income rises six pct, beats predictions from Physorg
New Technology That Sorts Cells by Stiffness May Help Spot Disease from Newswise - Scinews
The Sun Also Flips: 11-Year Solar Cycle Wimpy, but Peaking from Newswise - Scinews
Study Puts Freshwater Biodiversity on the Map for Planners and Policymakers from Newswise - Scinews
Cocktail-Drink Boat Powered by Booze from Live Science
Facts About Rutherfordium from Live Science
Facts About Lawrencium from Live Science
Fenced In, Animal Migrations Cannot Survive (Op-Ed) from Live Science
New Wave Wi-Fi: Wireless Underwater Internet in the Works from Live Science
Wipha Hits But Does Not Damage Fukushima Plant from Live Science
For celebrated frog hops, scientists look to Calaveras pros (w/ Video) from Physorg
The elephant in the room: Elephant vocal folds may hold clues to human sound production from Physorg
Facebook tries to win back teens by letting them post publicly from Physorg
Robo Raven: Robotic bird that harvests solar energy (w/ video) from Physorg
Of Mark Twain and Hopping Frogs from Science NOW
Why Won't Bullfrogs Jump For Science? from PopSci
Ocean health suffers from overfishing, index finds from MSNBC: Science
Secrets to the Biggest Frog Jumps Ever Revealed from Live Science
New iPhone App Lets You See Which Spy Satellites Are Watching You from
Saturn's Rings: Composition, Characteristics & Creation from
Tunable antenna could end dropped cell phone calls from Physorg
Why the odds of spotting E.T. are so slim: It's the economy from MSNBC: Science
Who needs humans? Chimps go ape over sweet-talking robot from MSNBC: Science
Bullfrog Makes An Incredible Leap | Video from Live Science
Oreos As Addictive as Cocaine? Not So Fast from Live Science
TB’s links to diabetes from Harvard Science
Schizophrenia Linked To Abnormal Brain Waves
Babies Know When Reactions Don't Match Emotions - At 18 Months
Sky Survey Captures Key Details Of Cosmic Explosions With GRB130702A And IPTF13bxl
Huge chunk of Russian meteorite pulled from lake from CBSNews - Science
Cats see the world in whole different light -- but you knew that from MSNBC: Science
The poetry of water from Harvard Science
Congress wants explanation for Obamacare site glitches from CBSNews - Science
Physicists tie light into knots from Physics World
Meteorite Pulled From Russian Lake Breaks Into 3 Pieces from NY Times Science
Dot Earth Blog: A ‘Wild’ Book Tour With a Soundtrack from NY Times Science
The brain's neural thermostat from Science Daily
Toward a urine test for detecting blood clots from Science Daily
Separating the good from the bad in bacteria from MIT Research
For celebrated frog hops, scientists look to Calaveras pros from Science Daily
Worldwide database of brain images for chronic-pain conditions from Science Daily
Rare whale found dead in Southern California from AP Science
As chimpanzees grow, so does yawn contagion from Science Daily
Farm and germ education go hand in hand from Science Daily
Barley crops affected by disease found on common wild grass from Science Daily
Chimpanzees: Alarm calls with intent? from Science Daily
Flower research shows gardens can be a feast for the eyes – and the bees from Science Daily
Sun's magnetic field going to flip soon: 11-year solar cycle wimpy, but peaking from Science Daily
Avian influenza virus detection using smell from Science Daily
Saturn's mysterious hexagon shows its true colors from MSNBC: Science
New horseshoes improve racing performance from Science Alert
FEATURE: Giving birth to new insights into brain development and disease from Science Alert
Facebook to let teens share with bigger audience from CBSNews - Science
Recycled drinking water a must? from Science Alert
Undersea 'Grand Canyons' Host Hidden Life Just Miles from Manhattan (Op-Ed) from Live Science
U.S. Shutdown Ends: Back to Work! from Science NOW
Search Tools Wanting on Many Exchanges from NY Times Health
In New Book, Cheney Recalls 5 Heart Attacks and His Brush With Death from NY Times Health
Sebelius Stands Firm Despite Calls to Resign from NY Times Health
National Briefing | New England: Massachusetts: Schools Dial Back on Obesity Reports from NY Times Health
In Practice: States Report Health Insurance Application Numbers from NY Times Health
Op-Ed Contributor: The Myth of the Medical-Device Tax from NY Times Health
Eureka: The Not-So-Hidden Cause Behind the A.D.H.D. Epidemic from NY Times Health
Bee-friendly plants put to the test from BBC News: Science & Nature