Archive of feed items published on the 16th of January 2013
Huge Wildfire Damages Australia's Largest Optical Observatory from Live Science
Iran to Try Launching Monkey Into Space Again: Report from Live Science
Inflatable Private Space Stations: Bigelow's Big Dream from Live Science
Big Strides Made in Tracking Near-Earth Asteroids, NASA Scientist Says from Live Science
Hubble Telescope to Snap 6 New 'Deep Field' Views of Universe from Live Science
Orion's Rainbow of Infrared Light from Live Science
The Globular Star Cluster 47 Tucanae from
New diagnostic tool to tackle diarrhoea bug from SciDev
Curiosity Rover to Drill Mars Rock Once Soaked by Water from Live Science
San Diego Zoo, Audubon pair up to help save animals from LA Times - Science
L.A. County supervisors defer vote on storm water cleanup fee from LA Times - Science
Astronaut on Ice: A Search for Antarctic Meteorites from Live Science
Spanish cuts widen Europe's north-south research divide from Reuters:Science
'Mars Flower' Photo Puzzles Scientists from Live Science
Russia to Launch New Moon Probe in 2015 from Live Science
Bioluminescence: nature lights up from BBC News: Science & Nature
Breaking Link of Violence and Mental Illness from NY Times Health
N.Y. Police to Track Drugstore Robbers via Decoy Bottles from NY Times Health
F.D.A. Threatens to Discipline St. Jude on Heart Device from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Warm Millet, Carrot and Kale Salad — Recipes for Health from NY Times Health
Well: Boosting Your Flu Shot Response from NY Times Health
NASA Finds Long-Term Climate Warming Trend from Science @ NASA
S. Korea satellite rocket launch Jan 30-Feb 8 from Physorg
Leak shuts up to 27 UK oil fields from BBC News: Science & Nature
VIDEO: How to make clouds indoors from BBC News: Science & Nature
Newport, Ore., to host wave energy test site from Physorg
ER visits tied to energy drinks double since 2007 from AP Health
Sizewell fuel store work begins from BBC News: Science & Nature
SKorea: NKorea behind cyberattack on Seoul daily from Physorg
The right’s resistance to regulation from MIT Research
Possible role for Huntington’s gene discovered from MIT Research
'Near death' otter pup recovering from BBC News: Science & Nature
Guardian to launch online Australian edition from Physorg
Fears for South Africa's lions from Physorg
2012 Sets a New Record High Temperature from Newswise - Scinews
Star Birthing Dark Cloud Gives Way To Bright Cluster | Video from
Most Overrated Philosopher Of The 20th Century
Is graphene really a wonder-material? from BBC News: Science & Nature
If you’re not an activist you’re an inactivist from Science Blog
Risks of a genetic approach to crime prevention from Science Blog
BHD and apoptosis: a review from Science Blog
The Science of Sleep – You snooze you lose? from Science Blog
HIV trial under scrutiny from News @ Nature
Space Shuttle Columbia Launched on Tragic Mission 10 Years Ago from
Tiny Solar Activity Changes Affect Earth's Climate from
Right Again, Einstein! New Study Supports 'Cosmological Constant' from
Choosing the right people to go to Mars from European Space Agency
Lasting damage of the 100mph ball from BBC News: Science & Nature
In Africa, success against AIDS from Harvard Science
Don’t read my lips! Body language trumps the face for conveying intense emotions from Science Blog
BASF ups Pronova bid from Chemistry World
New life for Old Quincy from Harvard Science
New research shows some barnacles mate via spermcasting from Physorg
Light from the darkness from Physorg
Boeing Dreamliners in Japan grounded for safety checks from CBC: Technology & Science
Novel optical-fiber design could reduce inefficiency and enable faster transmission of data-carrying light pulses from Physorg
First global qualitative assessment of 'water-grabbing' phenomenon from Physorg
Plastics and chemicals they absorb pose double threat to marine life from Physorg
Ultrafast photodetector could lead to increased fiber optical broadband speeds from Physorg
Phase-change material with unexpected optical-reflectivity properties offers fresh perspectives for data storage from Physorg
Scientific families: Dynasty from News @ Nature
Blood clots and artery blockage more likely during IVF pregnancies, study suggests from Science Daily
High plutonium breeding of light water cooled reactors from Physorg
New maths qualification needed to improve England's poor participation in maths post-16 from Physorg
Millimeter-level naked-eye detection of Cesium location at solid surface from Physorg
Technology essential to children's success, professor says from Physorg
Dinosaur shook tail feathers for mating show from Physorg
Nanoscale 'Goldilocks' phenomenon could improve biofuel production from Physorg
PokerStars parent company wants to buy US casino from Physorg
Computational study of human hair provides insights into structure of its poorly understood outer surface from Physorg
Online buzz grows over US Internet activist suicide from Physorg
EU hints at insecticide ban over threat to bees from Physorg
Reprieve for bear rescue centre in Vietnam from Physorg
Review: Searching for answers on Facebook from Physorg
Renewable energy 'increasing' but 2030 target in doubt from Physorg
Leadership skills may be genetic, study suggests from CBC: Technology & Science
Workplace mental health guide sets national standard from CBC: Health
Virtual heart sheds new light on heart defect from Science Daily
Fast food diet linked to asthma and eczema severity in kids, large study finds from Science Daily
Cutting down on sugar has a small but significant effect on body weight, study finds from Science Daily
Migraine with aura may lead to heart attack, blood clots for women from Science Daily
Parents' financial help linked to lower college GPAs, higher graduation rates from Science Daily
Ornamental fish industry faces increasing problems with antibiotic resistance from Science Daily
Live Chat: Can We Conquer Climate Change? from Science NOW
UK companies struggling with Reach from Chemistry World
Azo-cops nab CO2 but let N2 go free from Chemistry World
Genetics plays major role in victimization in elementary school from Science Blog
Multicellularity: A key event in the evolution of life from Physorg
Poor ranking on international test misleading about US student performance, researcher finds from Physorg
Resolving the internal structure of nanoparticle dimers linked by DNA from Physorg
Parents' financial help linked to lower college GPAs, higher graduation rates from Physorg
ChemCam follows the 'Yellowknife Road' to Martian wet area from Physorg
Climate change report forecasts major impacts for the Southwest from Physorg
Researchers confirm intrinsic superconductor behavior revealed from Physorg
Viruses that infect oceans' tiny beings are discovered from Physorg
One step closer to hydrogen production from photoelectrochemical water-splitting from Physorg
Rescuing sea turtles from cold waters from CBSNews - Science
Vegas woman who couldn't stop growing dies at 34 from AP Health
NASA Mars rover preparing to drill into first Martian rock from Science Daily
Research reveals exactly how the human brain adapts to injury from Science Daily
Light from darkness: Brilliant stars emerging from dusty stellar nursery from Science Daily
Iconic beach resorts may not survive sea level rises from Science Daily
Stress makes exhausted women over-sensitive to sounds from Science Daily
Smoke damage to four buildings housing telescopes at observatory from Physorg
Bringing fusion electricity to the grid from Physorg
Desire for fame scale can help advertisers from Physorg
Asteroid deflection mission seeks smashing ideas from Physorg
Australian PM calls on social media companies to help take on cyber bullies from Physorg
Choosing the right people to go to Mars from Physorg
New South Pole marker honors planets, Pluto, and Armstrong from Physorg
About that 'flower' on Mars…. from Physorg
New 2-D optical phased array technology to enable advanced LADAR, other defense applications from Physorg
Engineer making rechargeable batteries with layered nanomaterials from Physorg
FlySafe adds new dimension to safe flying from Physorg
Engineer Making Rechargeable Batteries with Layered Nanomaterials from Newswise - Scinews
'Death Star' Superweapon Idea Not New from Live Science
Silicon Alternative Could Bring Faster, More Compact Circuits from Live Science
Enormous Online Library Catalogues 150,000 Animal Sounds from PopSci
Smoke-Black Space Cloud Hides Baby Stars in Amazing Photo from
'Death Star' Superweapon Idea Not New from
Reprieve for Vietnam bear centre from BBC News: Science & Nature
Computational methods reveal how hospital-acquired bacteria spread from Science Daily
Drugs for diabetes? Scientists test the power of plants from Science Daily
Choice of partner affects health from Science Daily
COPD patients at risk of dangerous bacterial infections from Science Daily
Scientists seek out cancer cells hiding from treatment from Science Daily
Depression gene search disappoints from
House Republicans Prefer Slices to Whole Pie on Immigration Reform from Science NOW
Mexican president reveals ambitious science plans from SciDev
Schools should ditch books: New York mayor hopeful from Physorg
US: Toyota winning back buyers with new models from Physorg
Towards better recovery of waste resources from Physorg
New research shows fishways have not helped fish from Physorg
Potential new way to slow growth of prostate cancer cells from Physorg
Blackening copper opens new applications from Physorg
Poll reveals majority of young people considering gun ownership from Physorg
Salt menaces coastal water supplies from Physorg
Flying test bed: New aerial platform supports development of lightweight sensors for UAVs (w/ video) from Physorg
Vaccine Switch Urged for Eradication of Remaining Pockets of Polio from Scientific American
Detroit auto show brings the bling from CBSNews - Science
Working Moms Serve As Family CFOs from Live Science
Storms Reveal Iron Age Skeleton from Live Science
Study examines link between incarceration and psychiatric disorders from Science Daily
Mathematical breakthrough sets out rules for more effective teleportation from Physorg
New Antarctic geological timeline aids future sea-level predictions from Physorg
Yaks are back: Conservationists find nearly 1,000 wild yaks in remote Tibetan Plateau from Physorg
Researchers develop integrated dual-mode active and passive infrared camera from Physorg
Yaks Are Back from Newswise - Scinews
Fukushima: Fallout of fear from News @ Nature
Microsoft Surface Pro expected to arrive in "weeks" from CBSNews - Science
Watch a Futuristic Robot Ship Track Enemy Submarines from Live Science
The Haunting Math Of America's War On Drugs [Infographic] from PopSci
Space History Photo: NACA Model of Ramjet with Abe Silverstein from
Balloon-like dwelling to be tested on International Space Station from Reuters:Science
Fires ravage Siding Spring Observatory from Physics World
Aboriginal groups meet about George River caribou from CBC: Technology & Science
NASA making strides in tracking near-Earth asteroids from CBSNews - Science
Hazardous smog blights Beijing from CBSNews - Science
Why Sandy Hook Massacre Spawned Conspiracy Theories from Live Science
Menopausal Brain Fog Really Does Exist from Live Science
Colicky Babies May Have Wrong Bacteria from Live Science
Herd Of Secret Drug Goats Discovered At Biotech Ranch from PopSci
Europe and US tie down space plan from BBC News: Science & Nature
Yaks may be on the comeback from Science Blog
Mathematical breakthrough sets out rules for more effective teleportation from Science Blog
Childhood immunization schedule safe, report determines from Science Blog
Marion Cotillard is Woman of the Year from Harvard Science
Sugar consumption really does affect weight from CBC: Health
Fentanyl's deadly arrival in Ottawa from CBC: Health
Development of the first way to make large amounts of promising anti-cancer substance from Physorg
2013 economic outlook for global chemical industry from Physorg
Orange 'forces Google' to pay for mobile traffic from Physorg
PR professionals are not 'yes men' when pressured to be unethical, study finds from Physorg
A material that most liquids won't wet from Physorg
A Material That Most Liquids Won't Wet from Newswise - Scinews
Seven days: 11–17 January 2013 from News @ Nature
Colleges Requiring Phys Ed Hit All-Time Low from Live Science
Does Eating Veggies Make You an Optimist? from Live Science
Why are the British revolted by the idea of horsemeat? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Mathematicians Make Teleportation Possible (Again)
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer opts to expand Medicaid from LA Times - Health
Researchers use snail teeth to improve solar cells and batteries from Physorg
Team identifies new 'social' chromosome in the red fire ant from Physorg
Sustainable reinforcement for concrete has newly discovered benefits from Physorg
10 Surprising Apps That Are Sharing Your Data from Live Science
Town Chosen to Host Wave Energy Test Site from Live Science
ESA workhorse to power NASA’s Orion spacecraft from European Space Agency
Mongoose calls somewhat humanlike from MSNBC: Science
A material that most liquids won't wet from Science Daily
Leopards and tigers in India: New genetics research underscores importance of protecting forest corridors from Science Daily
Mathematical breakthrough sets out rules for more effective teleportation from Science Daily
New Antarctic geological timeline aids future sea-level predictions from Science Daily
Robot allows 'remote presence' in programming brain and spine stimulators from Science Daily
Too Fat Or Too Thin: Weight Extremes In The Developing World
The Man Whose Dynasty Changed Ecology from Scientific American
Immunology Research Sheds New Light on Cell Function, Response from Newswise - Scinews
Behaviour genes unearthed from News @ Nature
Sony exec hints at PlayStation 4 launch in spring from CBSNews - Science
NASA, Europeans uniting to send spaceship to moon from AP Science
Obama Calls for Gun Control & Research from Live Science
Superomniphobic Material Repels Any Liquid You Can Think Of from PopSci
Crew-less Capsule To Fly Around Moon In 2017 | Animation from
- Now Accepting Submissions for the Space Age Awards at Toy Fair 2013 from
5,000-year-old shaman stones found from MSNBC: Science
Sponsored By: from MSNBC: Science
Using snail teeth to improve solar cells and batteries from Science Daily
Light exposure during pregnancy key to normal eye development from Science Daily
First way to make large amounts of promising anti-cancer substance from Science Daily
Engineer making rechargeable batteries with layered nanomaterials from Science Daily
NASA, Europeans uniting to send spaceship to moon
ScienceShot: Some Scorpions Turn the Light Out from Science NOW
Dudes: Women want YOU to ask from Science Blog
Britain fines Playboy for failure to protect kids from porn from Physorg
US, Europeans uniting to send spaceship to moon from Physorg
Marginal lands are prime fuel source for alternative energy from Physorg
Popping the question is his job: When it comes to marriage proposals, young men and women hold fast to traditional views from Physorg
Video: Nikon showcases the best time-lapse images of 2012 from CBSNews - Science
Sexual Cannibalism Research Is Gender Biased, Study Says from Live Science
Obama Calls For Research Into Causes Of Gun Violence from PopSci
Alpha Station: Private Inflatable Space Outpost Envisioned from
Orion Explained: NASA's Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle (Infographic) from
New 'social' chromosome discovered in the red fire ant from Science Daily
PR professionals are not 'yes men' when pressured to be unethical, study finds from Science Daily
NASA Ozone Study May Benefit Air Standards, Climate from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Digging yields clues from Harvard Science
Catching Einstein's Wave and Seeing Black Holes at Perimeter's Public Lecture on February 6 from Newswise - Scinews
Row over reports on bee-bothering insecticides from News @ Nature
Stunning photo of giant space cloud and baby stars from CBSNews - Science
Hawaiian Lava Lake Hits New Record High from Live Science
A Single Bout Of Exercise Can Make Your Flu Shot More Effective from PopSci
Inside NASA's Deal for an Inflatable Space Station Room from
Storms hit — out pops Iron Age skeleton from MSNBC: Science
Surfaces that defy liquids described from UPI
EPA: U.S. air pollution down in 2012 from UPI
Emergency treatment for energy drinks rising in U.S. from CBC: Health
Harvey's 'Health Check' burgers questioned from CBC: Health
James Webb telescope team completes optical milestone from Physorg
Fire Ant Monarchy Ruled by 'Social Chromosome' from Live Science
Wild yaks making comeback in Tibet from UPI
Science Explainer: What You Should Know About This Year's Flu from Science NOW
First Known 'Social Chromosome' Found from Science NOW
Building a Better Mouse Burrow Takes Few Genes from Science NOW
Fish Journeying Upstream Are HamperedBy Hydropower Dams from Newswise - Scinews
FREE Brain Health Fair Coming to San Diego to Help Patients and Families from Newswise - Scinews
ESA module to power NASA's Orion deep space capsule from CBSNews - Science
Huge Wild Yak Population Found in Tibetan Park from Live Science
NASA-European Partnership on Deep-Space Capsule a First from
Dams found to be barrier to fish breeding from UPI
Striking image of stellar nursery captured from UPI
How Far Off Is a Better Flu Shot? from National Geographic
Eliminating or curtailing mortgage interest deduction would have modest long-run effects on economy from Physorg
Business CEOs call for raising retirement age from Physorg
Bikes share space with cars at Detroit auto show from Physorg
NASA sees one area of strength in Tropical Storm Emang from Physorg
Joint Polar Satellite System spacecraft completes delta critical design review from Physorg
Reclaimed Wastewater Turns Ski Slopes Yellow from Live Science
How NASA Will Add Inflatable Room to Space Station | Video from
'Star Wars' Empire Strikes Back at Obama's Death Star Refusal from
Native plants said no match for invaders from UPI
Discovered New Mechanism How A Parasite Infection Cause Cancer
Barnacles Mate via 'Spermcasting' from Scientific American
Pothole reporting goes high-tech in Kelowna from CBC: Technology & Science
Russia promises 'green' 2014 Games from Physorg
Google to animal lovers: no hit-and-run on donkey from Physorg
PODEX experiment to reshape future of atmospheric science from Physorg
Tree and human health may be linked from Physorg
Tiny Solar Activity Changes Affect Earth's Climate from Live Science
Deadly Device Hacks May Be Coming Soon from Live Science
Soot called major global warming factor from UPI
In the Eastern US, spring flowers keep pace with warming climate from Physorg
Earliest sea cow ancestors originated in Africa, lived in fresh water from Physorg
Robofish grace glides with the greatest of ease from Physorg
Space station to get $18 million balloon-like room from Physorg
Analysts see potential in Facebook search feature from CBSNews - Science
Baby's Liquor Consumption Leads to Hospitalization from Live Science
Physicists Measure The Real Age of Skin from Live Science
Concussions May Boost Football Players' Depression Risk from Live Science
Obama Gun Proposals Praised by Scientists from Live Science
Smartphone Apps for Skin Cancer: How Accurate Are They? from Live Science
Barnacles' Sneaky Penises Send Sperm on Sea Journey from Live Science
Right Again, Einstein! New Study Supports 'Cosmological Constant' from Live Science
Tropical fish industry in antibiotic worry from UPI
Japan plans world's largest wind farm from UPI
Climate threatens iconic Hawaiian plant from UPI
ScienceShot: The Mystery of the Beaked Whales from Science NOW
Flu shot during pregnancy is safe, but flu isn't from
In the Eastern U.S., Spring Flowers Keep Pace with Warming Climate from Newswise - Scinews
Record-Breaking Weather At Walden Pond Testing Limits Of Spring-Blooming Plants from Newswise - Scinews
Researchers Attack HIV's Final Defenses Before Drug-Resistant Mutations Emerge from Newswise - Scinews
Faecal transplants succeed in clinical trial from News @ Nature
Frogs Cling to and Peel from Surfaces Just Like Adhesive Tape from Scientific American
Bikes and Buses Propel Mexico City to Prize in Sustainable Transport from National Geographic
NASA, Europeans to launch unmanned Orion capsule in 2017 from CBC: Technology & Science
Digging yields clues: Biologists connect burrowing behavior in mice to genes from Physorg
EBay's 4Q earnings top analyst projections from Physorg
New genetics research on leopards and tigers in India underscores importance of protecting forest corridors from Physorg
Sirenian Gallery: Photos of Cute Sea Cows from Live Science
Global Warming Brings Earlier Spring Flowers from Live Science
Rare Baby Gibbon Born at Bronx Zoo from Live Science
The Disco Clam Has A Built-In Strobe Light from PopSci
Inflatable Space Stations of Bigelow Aerospace (Infographic) from
NASA, ESA in Orion agreement from UPI
New robotic fish glides indefinitely from Science Daily
Slower growth of preterm infants linked to altered brain development from Science Daily
Tree and human health may be linked from Science Daily
Immunology research sheds new light on cell function, response from Science Daily
Bubbling up Organics in an Ocean Vent Simulator from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
An early sign of spring, earlier than ever from Harvard Science
The Elephant Killing Fields from Science NOW
USGS Director Marcia McNutt: 'We're Happy That We Don't Make Headlines' from Science NOW
New Mechanism Discovery: How A Parasite Causes Cancer
Flu vaccine about 45% effective this year, doctors say from CBC: Health
Space station to get $18 million balloon-like room from AP Science
'Shell-shocked' crabs can feel pain from Physorg
Airborne toxins down, but overall pollutant levels rising, EPA says from Physorg
Warmest springs ever bring super-early flowers from MSNBC: Science
Sending money by text coming to Britain from UPI
Mindfulness meditation may relieve chronic inflammation from Science Daily
Study Confirms Benefits of Flu Vaccine for Pregnant Women from NY Times Health
Study Links Segregation and Lung Cancer Deaths in Blacks from NY Times Health
Well: Ask Well: Do I Need a Flu Shot if I've Had the Flu? from NY Times Health
The New Old Age: In Flu Season,Use a Mask. But Which One? from NY Times Health
Obama Lifts Ban on Funding Gun Violence Research from Science NOW
Mouse Study Discovers DNA That Controls Behavior from NY Times Science
D. Brainerd Holmes, Top NASA Official, Dies at 91 from NY Times Science
Scientist at Work Blog: Into Antarctica's Dark Depths from NY Times Science
Green Blog: Hearings Set on the Gowanus Cleanup from NY Times Science
Green Blog: In Thoreau's Flower Journal, Clues for Climatologists from NY Times Science
Green Blog: Counting the Vanishing Bees from NY Times Science
Food versus Fuel: Native Plants Make Better Ethanol from Scientific American
Colorful New Lizard Identified in Vietnam from National Geographic
News Summary: Surge of rare disease drugs in tests from AP Health
Black holes growing faster than expected from Physorg
Climate Change Threatens Spectacular Hawaiian Plant from Live Science
Crabs Really Do Feel Pain: Study from Live Science
Manatee's Missing Link Found in Africa from Live Science
It looks like Einstein's right again! from MSNBC: Science
Best Time to See the January Moon Is Now from
Glitch Stalls Robotic Refueling Experiment in Space from
How NASA's 2017 Orion Capsule Deep-Space Test Works (Photos) from
NASA Readies Robotic Refueling in Space | Video from
Marginal lands eyed as biofuel source from UPI
When King came to Harvard from Harvard Science
Mount Kilauea lava lake hits record high from MSNBC: Science
Fire ants ruled by 'social chromosome' from MSNBC: Science
Scottish storms uncover ancient skeleton from UPI
Earliest Blooms Recorded in U.S. Due to Global Warming from National Geographic
Video games benefit children from Science Alert
Seeing beyond cameras: Predicting where people move in CCTV blind spots from Physorg
New study sheds light on the origin of the European Jewish population from Physorg
Loch Ness Monster: Facts About Nessie from Live Science
Freeze on gun violence research eased from MSNBC: Science
Facebook posts are more memorable than faces from MSNBC: Science
Balloon-like dwelling to be tested on Int'l Space Station from Reuters:Science
Antenatal care has health benefits from Science Alert
Crabs really do feel pain, study finds from MSNBC: Science
6 Ways Climate Change Will Affect You from National Geographic
New treatment for bowel cancer from Science Alert
Wild yaks are back in Tibetan Plateau from MSNBC: Science
Some butterflies enjoy wet 2012 from BBC News: Science & Nature
More evidence of crustacean pain from BBC News: Science & Nature
Black holes grow faster from Science Alert
Bat-killing fungus found at Kentucky's Mammoth Cave National Park from LA Times - Science
Space station to get $18 million balloon-like room
Space Shuttle Columbia Launched on Tragic Mission 10 Years Ago from Live Science
In the eastern US, spring flowers keep pace with warming climate from Science Daily
E. coli allegations lead to charges against B.C. company from CBC: Health
Alpha Station: Private Inflatable Space Outpost Envisioned from Live Science
Inside NASA's Deal for an Inflatable Space Station Room from Live Science
Developer fired for outsourcing his own job to China from CBC: Technology & Science
Fecal Treatment Gains Favor for Some Illnesses from NY Times Science
Glitch Stalls Robotic Refueling Experiment in Space from Live Science
'Star Wars' Empire Strikes Back at Obama's Death Star Refusal from Live Science
NASA-European Partnership on Deep-Space Capsule a First from Live Science
Microscopic battle wins scientific video prize from MSNBC: Science
Smoke-Black Space Cloud Hides Baby Stars in Amazing Photo from Live Science
Looking at a cure for AIDS from Science Alert
Malaria, typhoid -- not Ebola -- biggest health threat for travelers to tropics from Science Daily
Pulsed lasers could make proton therapy more accessible from Physics World