Archive of feed items published on the 4th of July 2012
Scientists to unveil milestone in Higgs boson hunt from Reuters:Science
Higgs Live Blogging 3 - Fundamental Bits To Decrypt The Seminars
Higgs Live Blogging 4 - Big Expectations
Climate 'causes leaves to narrow' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Seaweed toothpaste 'stops decay' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Are slugs under threat from a foreign 'super breed'? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Both Parties Wary of Overemphasizing Health Care Issue from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Summer Aioli Feast — Recipes for Health from NY Times Health
Well: Delineating the Perfect Swim Stroke from NY Times Health
San Diego Zoo gets two Chinese alligators in preservation effort from LA Times - Science
Higgs Live Blogging 5 - Draft Quotes For The Guardian Etc.
Parkour shows ape climbing secret from BBC News: Science & Nature
The demand for 'perfect' produce from BBC News: Science & Nature
Higgs Live Blogging 6 - The CMS Seminar
Letters: Politics and the Supreme Court from LA Times - Health
FDA approves new home-use HIV test from LA Times - Health
Scientists reveal the latest in subatomic quest from MSNBC: Science
Seabirds study shows plastic pollution reaching surprising levels off coast of Pacific Northwest from Physorg
Vertical farm in abandoned pork plant turns waste into food from Physorg
Crunch time looms in quest for 'God particle' from Physorg
Video preludes Higgs boson announcement from Physorg
iGoogle gets axed in shakeup from Physorg
It's A Higgs (We're Pretty Sure)
Physicists Demand LHC Shut Down After Higgs And Higgs Nonsense
LHC claims new particle discovery from BBC News: Science & Nature
Google in crosshairs over gun ban from Physorg
Argentina court upholds glacier protections against mining from Physorg
Higgs Live Blogging 7 - The ATLAS Seminar
Higgs boson quest turns up new particle from MSNBC: Science
Physicists find evidence of new subatomic particle from LA Times - Science
Urban athletes show that for orangutans, it pays to sway from Physorg
CERN physicists report strong evidence of Higgs boson (w/ live video from CERN) from Physorg
Higgs found from
Has The Higgs Been Found? If It's A New Particle, It Is Heavy...
Rolf Heuer: "I Think We Have It" !
X-raying the beating heart of a newborn star from European Space Agency
Smart headlights let drivers see between the raindrops from Physorg
CERN Physicists May Have Discovered Higgs Boson Particle from NY Times Science
The Lede Blog: What in the World Is a Higgs Boson? from NY Times Science
New subatomic particle could be 'God particle' from CBC: Technology & Science
Thousands could lose internet access July 9 due to virus from CBC: Technology & Science
New Particle at World's Largest Atom Smasher is Likely Higgs Boson from Live Science
The Elusive Particle: 5 Implications of Finding Higgs from Live Science
At Long Last, Physicists Discover Famed Higgs Boson from Science NOW
CERN physicists claim strongest evidence yet of Higgs boson - the "God particle" from CBSNews - Science
New Particle at World's Largest Atom Smasher is Likely Higgs Boson from
Mauling SA chimps escape death from BBC News: Science & Nature
At Long Last, Physicists Discover Famed Higgs Boson from Science NOW
Blueseed hopes to anchor floating metropolis for tech startups off Calif. coast from CBSNews - Science
Physicists Ecstatic Over Possible Higgs Particle Discovery from Live Science
Scientists identify tropical oceans as 'beating heart' of climate change from Physorg
Oil spill causes massive harm to microscopic creatures from Physorg
Eureka! Physicists celebrate evidence of particle from Physorg
The Surprising Quality That Makes a Great Boss from Live Science
Shy physicist whose name will live on in Higgs boson from Physorg
CERN experiments observe particle consistent with long-sought Higgs boson from Science Daily
Russia fears new epidemic of synthetic marijuana from AP Health
VIDEO: Cern director welcomes Higgs boson news from BBC News: Science & Nature
Tooth protection from the sea from Physorg
Israeli firm offers doubled-faced solar cells to increase energy yields from Physorg
For India, 'God particle' is as much boson as Higgs from Physorg
European parliament throws out online piracy pact from Physorg
Employees' interests predict how they will perform on the job from Physorg
Milky Way Galaxy at Its Best in July Night Sky from
Earth Is Farthest From the Sun This Week from
Google Doodle honours the Hartland Covered Bridge from CBC: Technology & Science
Lab-grown human organs closer than ever, according to scientists from CBC: Technology & Science
Fish enhancement program shuts down from CBC: Technology & Science
Arctic exploration licences to be extended from CBC: Technology & Science
VIDEO: Brian Cox: "Great day in the history of science" from BBC News: Science & Nature
Watch online: MSG-3 launch from European Space Agency
Running on empty from Physorg
Humidity increases odour perception in terrestrial hermit crabs from Physorg
Fiction books give a boost to the brain, says Stanford professor from Physorg
CERN discovers Higgs-like boson from Physics World
Voyage of discovery sights what could be the Higgs: Canadians key part of historical science breakthrough from Science Daily
Search for Higgs boson at Large Hadron Collider reveals new particle from Science Daily
Statement from CMS: Observation of a new particle with a mass of 125 GeV from Science Daily
Latest results from ATLAS Higgs search from Science Daily
Laser plant offers cheap way to make nuclear fuel from News @ Nature
New app keeps Londoners in the loop about the tube from Physorg
'Could the August riots have been predicted?' from Physorg
Science quotes on the Higgs boson from Physorg
Medievalist To Head €2.4 Billion German Funding Agency from Science NOW
Chat at 11 A.M. EDT on Higgs Boson News from CERN from Scientific American
Fused polymer-based multi-component fibers provide well-defined domains for cell co-culture in tissue engineering from Physorg
Waveguides that combine metallic and semiconductor structures can be made more compact from Physorg
Bright future for new LED manufacturing process from Physorg
3Qs: Celebrating America's independence from Physorg
A new particle has been discovered — chances are, it is the Higgs boson from Science Blog
Urban athletes show that for orangutans, it pays to sway from Science Daily
A new particle has been discovered -- chances are, it is the Higgs boson from Science Daily
Seabirds study shows plastic pollution reaching surprising levels off coast of Pacific Northwest from Science Daily
Sun Fires Off Fourth of July Solar Flares from
Higgs boson researchers mocked for using Comic Sans font from CBC: Technology & Science
Physicists declare victory in Higgs hunt from News @ Nature
Researchers discover cuttlefish able to mimic female on half its body (w/ Video) from Physorg
Seabirds study shows plastic pollution reaching surprising levels from Science Blog
3 Questions: Physicist Christoph Paus discusses newly discovered particle from MIT Research
CERN announces observation of new particle consistent with long-sought Higgs boson from MIT Research
Palm-oil boom raises conservation concerns from News @ Nature
Dot Earth Blog: A New Climate Science Resource from the National Academies from NY Times Science
Green tech cost assessments must be country-specific from SciDev
Game, set and match to strawberries: The superfruit from Science Daily
Scientific study reveals that individuals cooperate according to their emotional state and their prior experiences from Science Daily
New method knocks out stubborn electron problem from Science Daily
Counting carbon: Pre-industrial emissions make a difference from Science Daily
Shrinking leaves point to climate change from Science Daily
Heat wave especially dangerous for kids from Science Daily
Do you really know what’s lurking in the depths? Meet Peter’s elephantnose fish from Science Blog
Scientists looking for at-risk species in old growth forest from CBC: Technology & Science
Toronto police unveil crime-fighting app from CBC: Technology & Science
Single embryo babies ‘more robust’ from Science Alert
Iodine deficiency still a problem from Science Alert
Climate change shrinking plants from Science Alert
Women less likely to visit a doctor from Science Alert
Higgs-like particle discovered from Science Alert
A typo in the Declaration of Independence? from Physorg
A novel way to boost personal skills from Physorg
New lithography technique enables production of nanoscale patterns of titania for high-tech applications from Physorg
New Particle Resembling Long-Sought Higgs Boson Uncovered at Large Hadron Collider from Scientific American
UN limits melamine in formula after China scandal from AP Health
Hello, Higgs Boson: LHC's New Particle Looks Like the Real Thing from PopSci
Review of Massive: The Missing Particle That Sparked the Greatest Hunt in Science by Ian Sample from Science Blog
African researchers sue flagship programme for discrimination from News @ Nature
4th of July: Nine Myths Debunked from National Geographic
"God Particle" Found? "Historic Milestone" From Higgs Boson Hunters from National Geographic
An epic crater called Odysseus from Physorg
Researchers use weevils to check spread of prolific mile-a-minute weed from Physorg
Evidence of life on Mars could come from Martian moon from Physorg
Computer simulations reveal how rhodium catalysts structures break ethanol molecules into hydrogen atoms from Physorg
Development of world's highest-density optical fiber cable from Physorg
Meet patients to get your motivation back from News @ Nature
VIDEO: Delight over forest sale U-turn from BBC News: Science & Nature
LHC: Surprise and elation as signal crosses line from BBC News: Science & Nature
'Googling' through unique audio material: towards a better search result from Physorg
'South Asian monsoon variations hard to fathom' from SciDev
The Nobel Committee’s Dilemma: Who wins for the Higgs? from Science Blog
Seven days: 29 June–5 July 2012 from News @ Nature
Melting ice the greatest factor in rising sea levels from Physorg
No show stoppers for concentrating solar power from Physorg
A good reason to wake up at dawn from Physorg
Development of antibiotic resistance more predictable than expected from Physorg
Tears not ties as 'Higgs-like' particle found from Physorg
Hawking says he lost $100 bet over Higgs discovery from Physorg
African biosafety 'still neglected' from SciDev
Global water estimates 'uncertain' from SciDev
Neurodevelopment: Unlocking the brain from News @ Nature
A closer look at the Higgs boson from AP Science
VIDEO: Ping-pong balls explain Higgs boson from BBC News: Science & Nature
EU launches new app for passengers' rights from Physorg
When skin cancer cells resist drug treatment from Harvard Science
Physicists discover 'Higgs-like' particle from UPI
Space History Photo: Apollo 11 Launch from
The Case Of The Missing Planet-Forming Debris | Animation from
Scrumpers scupper peach project from BBC News: Science & Nature
On the merits of science literacy from BBC News: Science & Nature
New study sheds new light on planet formation from Physorg
A closer look at the Higgs boson from Physorg
Poof! Dust disk that might have made planets disappears from Reuters:Science
From a vial of mom's blood, a fetus's entire genome from Reuters:Science
Twitter helps reunite Irish woman with lost dog from CBSNews - Science
A closer look at the Higgs Boson from CBSNews - Science
Puerto Rico sees sharp spike in dengue cases from AP Health
How cooperation can trump competition in monkeys from Science Blog
Diving shrews — heat before they leap from Science Blog
Cystic fibrosis makes airways more acidic, reduces bacterial killing from Science Blog
Vanishing Dust Belt Around Star Baffles Scientists from
Giant Dark Matter Bridge Between Galaxy Clusters Discovered from
Mars, 2099? from Live Science
Low pH Reduces Bacterial Killing in Cystic Fibrosis from Newswise - Scinews
Physics world celebrates Higgs boson discovery from CBSNews - Science
Earth is farthest from the sun this week from CBSNews - Science
Video: CERN scientists announce observation of Higgs boson particle from CBSNews - Science
Macular degeneration study fuels drug therapy debate from CBC: Health
Newfoundlander battles back from Afghanistan amputation, carries Olympic torch from CBC: Health
For Marshall Islanders, Hopes and Troubles in Arkansas from NY Times Health
6 reasons why the 'God particle' matters from CBC: Technology & Science
Dark matter’s tendrils revealed from News @ Nature
Sun fires off Fourth of July solar flares from CBSNews - Science
Printable, electrically conductive gel with unprecedented electrical performance synthesized from Science Daily
Sequencing of fetal genomes using only maternal blood sample from Science Daily
Freezing all embryos in IVF with transfer in a later non-stimulated cycle may improve outcome from Science Daily
Fertility preservation with cryopreservation of ovarian tissue: From experimental to mainstream from Science Daily
Single embryo transfer reduces the risk of perinatal mortality in IVF from Science Daily
Development of antibiotic resistance more predictable than expected from Science Daily
Humidity increases odor perception in terrestrial hermit crabs from Science Daily
Toward an alternative for antibiotics to fight bacterial infections? from Science Daily
Calcium carbonate templates for drug delivery from Science Daily
Molecule changes magnetism and conductance from Science Daily
No show stoppers for concentrating solar power from Science Daily
How cooperation can trump competition in monkeys from Science Daily
New drug prospect offers hope against hookworm infections from Science Daily
Brazil has laws that protect against 'Big Food' and 'Big Snack' from Science Daily
B.C. ends 8-year privacy battle over IBM contract from CBC: Technology & Science
Largest Canadian scientific ship's replacement delayed from CBC: Technology & Science
The Declaration of Internet Freedom brings tech heavyweights together from CBC: Technology & Science
Email snooper cleared after reading through coleague's inbox from CBC: Technology & Science
Axed eagle's nest rebuilt by B.C. residents from CBC: Technology & Science
Single embryo transfer reduces the risk of perinatal mortality in IVF from Biology News Net
Science in three dimensions: The print revolution from News @ Nature
Video: Invasive species taking over Canadian habitats from CBSNews - Science
The Tinker Bell Triplet from
See 4 Planets on Fourth of July! Jupiter, Venus, Mars and Saturn Shine from Live Science
South Korea moots 'scientific' whaling from BBC News: Science & Nature
Extreme weather conditions cost EU’s transport system at least €15 billion annually from Science Daily
Rate of community-onset MRSA infections appears to be on the decline from Science Daily
Potential food crisis with global warming, UK scientists warn from Science Daily
Earth Is Farthest From the Sun This Week from Live Science
Video: Exclusive social network puts your neighborhood online from CBSNews - Science
Vanishing Dust Belt Around Star Baffles Scientists from Live Science
Sun Fires Off Fourth of July Solar Flares from Live Science
Leaders tackle Caricom issues at St. Lucia summit from AP Science
Theorist Peter Higgs lives to see his boson from MSNBC: Science
Giant Dark Matter Bridge Between Galaxy Clusters Discovered from Live Science
Japan Diet to publish Fukushima disaster probe from Physorg
Microsoft engineer eyeballs Android botnet from Physorg
Researchers switch magnetic state and electric resistance of a single molecule on and off from Physorg
Hormones dictate when youngsters fly the nest: research from Physorg
Cost of human-animal disease greatest for world's poor from News @ Nature
Neighbouring cells help cancers dodge drugs from News @ Nature
Video: Researchers may have found the "God particle" from CBSNews - Science
Video: Utility companies struggle to restore power after freak storm from CBSNews - Science
Silver Found as Alternative Material in Transparent Conductors from Live Science
Plastic in Bird’s Stomachs Reveals Ocean’s Garbage Problem from Live Science
Dark matter filament found, scientists say from LA Times - Science
Medical marijuana growers uninspected by Health Canada from CBC: Health
Bees Do It: Brain Aging Reversed from Live Science
Muons, gluons and the poetry of particles from BBC News: Science & Nature
What happened to Britain's volcanoes? from BBC News: Science & Nature
God particle: Physicists celebrate Higgs boson 'triumph' from LA Times - Science
With Higgs boson research, Large Hadron Collider is a big hit from LA Times - Science
Study finds white abalone on the brink of extinction from LA Times - Science
CEOs: Global ecomony, socia media risks from UPI
Physicists discover 'Higgs-like' particle from UPI
South Korea proposes "scientific" whaling at Panama meeting from Reuters:Science
CEOs: Global ecomony, socia media risks from UPI
Japanese inventor hopes "ro-butt" can develop communication from Reuters:Science
The Animal Lifeboat: Matchmaking at Zoos Is Rising for Threatened Species from NY Times Science
Budding Environmental Movement Finds Resonance Across China from NY Times Science