Archive of feed items published on the 3rd of July 2012
Best evidence yet found for "God particle:" U.S. physicists from Reuters:Science
Former astronaut Poindexter dies in watercraft accident from Reuters:Science
Hunt continues for mountain lion that mauled sleeping hiker from LA Times - Science
Pictures We Love: Best of June from National Geographic
Mass. health law may bode well for federal law from AP Health
SPIN METER: Meet the health care tax from AP Health
This US summer is 'what global warming looks like' from AP Science
Goldberg: Live free -- and uninsured from LA Times - Health
GlaxoSmithKline settles drug-marketing case for $3 billion from LA Times - Health
More Women Seek Over-the-Counter Sexual Remedies from NY Times Health
Premature Birth May Raise Risk for Mental Illness, Study Reports from NY Times Health
Global Update: Quad Once-a-Day Pill Tests Better Than Other Regimens from NY Times Health
Vital Signs: Fear Makes Labor Longer, Study Finds from NY Times Health
Vital Signs: High-Protein Diet Is Linked to Heart Risks from NY Times Health
Vital Signs: Women May Benefit Less From Statins from NY Times Health
Vital Statistics: Pregnancy Rates Sank Over Last 20 Years from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Steamed Cod With Favas and Aioli — Recipes for Health from NY Times Health
Essay: Health Care Mandate Puts a Cranky Uncle in Every Exam Room from NY Times Health
Republican Governor of Florida Says State Won’t Expand Medicaid from NY Times Health
Really?: The Claim: Drinking Coffee Lowers Colon Cancer Risk from NY Times Health
The New Old Age Blog: MDconnectME Provides Surgical Status Updates from NY Times Health
This US summer is 'what global warming looks like': scientists from Physorg
Book details a new model for sharing water from MIT Research
Kodak wins OK to auction digital patents from Physorg
Peru's ambitious laptop program gets mixed grades from Physorg
Shrews ‘warm up’ before cold dives from BBC News: Science & Nature
US online-deals firm eyes road less traveled from Physorg
Battle is joined for Japan's e-book market from Physorg
Rare orchid blooms in woodland from BBC News: Science & Nature
Genetically modified cotton gets high marks in India from News @ Nature
Three-city patent court gets nod from EU leaders from Physorg
Fireworks over Mars: The spirit of 76 pyrotechnics from Physorg
The 'flame' burns bright in new WISE image from Physorg
ESA astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti set for Space Station in 2014 from European Space Agency
Scientists discover bees can 'turn back time,' reverse brain aging from Physorg
Survey of Liverpool's Black teachers reveals culture of prejudice from Physorg
Physics puts new lens on major eye disease from Physorg
Not all animal traps are equal from Physorg
Researchers propose gold and DNA based dark matter detector from Physorg
What a drag, Israeli firm grows "highless" marijuana from Reuters:Science
Pakistan unveils sustainable development strategy from SciDev
The data detective from News @ Nature
Gaia checks out of antenna testing from Physorg
Book details a new model for sharing water from Physorg
Scientists probe yeast's ability to protect tree nuts from Physorg
Calcium carbonate templates for drug delivery from Physorg
VIDEO: Why slugs are taking hold of UK gardens from BBC News: Science & Nature
Study shows vast majority of cells close to death after toxin exposure can survive and thrive from Physorg
Full Moon Rises Tonight on Eve of Fourth of July from
Could We Build 'Star Trek's' Starship Enterprise? from
Glimmer of Hope for Fungus-Stricken Bats from Science NOW
Green Blog: Nuclear Industry and Venting, Round 2 from NY Times Science
Roberts riles the right inside and outside the Supreme Court from LA Times - Health
Drone makers pledge to respect privacy from CBSNews - Science
Heat wave persists, as do power outages from LA Times - Science
Green roof design may help control urban runoff from Physorg
Zooming in on single cells from Physorg
Engineers convert a natural plant protein into drug-delivery vehicles from Physorg
When the world ended in ice from Physorg
5 or more cups of coffee a day cuts IVF success inhalf from Science Blog
Say goodbye to foot and mouth disease? from Science Blog
Computing grid built for physics benefits a wide range of science from Physorg
More heat, more light: A step toward better solar energy systems from Physorg
Google offers compromise on European antitrust probe from CBC: Technology & Science
Searching for an ancient syphilis DNA in newborns from Science Blog
Snuggling may doom bats to fungal disease from Science Blog
Explosive Anger More Common in Teens Than Once Thought from Live Science
Researchers uncover Yak genes responsible for their altitude tolerance from Physorg
Samsung samples industry's first 16-gigabyte server modules based on DDR4 memory technology from Physorg
Running on empty from European Space Agency
SMOS satellite measurements improve as ground radars switch off from European Space Agency
Sockeye salmon adult populations in widespread decline from CBC: Technology & Science
CEO says 'nothing wrong' with RIM from CBC: Technology & Science
Organic tomatoes contain higher levels of antioxidants than conventional tomatoes, study suggests from Science Daily
Stereoscopic 3D for professional training of soccer referees from Science Daily
Rare map related to America‘s 'birth certificate' discovered in Munich University Library from Science Daily
Artificial cerebellum than enables robotic human-like object handling developed from Science Daily
Moving 4,000 tons using only the strength of humans and animals: Historians accompany the castle construction in Friesach from Science Daily
Space History Photo: Preparing Nimbus E on Delta Vehicle from
TB cases increasing in Nunavik community from CBC: Health
Cooking fuel transition in China from Physorg
Researchers explore bioenergy utilization in China from Physorg
New vaccine for 1 of the 7 strains of the dreaded foot-and mouth disease from Physorg
Researchers develop an artificial cerebellum than enables robotic human-like object handling from Physorg
The big sleep from Physorg
Social bats pay a price with new fungal disease from Physorg
Fish learn to cope in a high CO2 world from Physorg
Amniotic fluid yields alternatives to embryonic stem cells from Physorg
Searching for an ancient syphilis DNA in newborns from Physorg
FEATURE: Explainer: radio astronomy from Science Alert
Searching for an ancient syphilis DNA in newborns from Biology News Net
Amniotic fluid yields alternatives to embryonic stem cells from Biology News Net
A world free of 1 of the most virulent animal diseases? from Biology News Net
One step closer to robotic refueling demonstrations on space station from Science Daily
Hidden portals in Earth's magnetic field from Science Daily
NASA unveils Orion capsule during ceremony from Science Daily
The 'Flame' burns bright in new WISE image from Science Daily
Fireworks over Mars: The Spirit of 76 pyrotechnics from Science Daily
Fish learn to cope in a high carbon dioxide world, new study suggests from Science Daily
Feathered saurians: Downy dinosaur discovered from Science Daily
Rising plasma offers clues to sun storms from Science Daily
Amniotic fluid yields alternatives to embryonic stem cells from Science Daily
Searching for an ancient syphilis DNA in newborns from Science Daily
Academics protest shrinking funds in Pakistan from News @ Nature
Toddler Star Throws Dual Tantrums Daily | Video from
NASA Mourns Tragic Death of Retired Astronaut Alan Poindexter from
Predatory Dinosaurs May All Have Had Feathers from Live Science
UAVForge reveals challenge of developing perch-and-stare UAV from Physorg
West coast experiencing decreasing trends in salmon spawning from Physorg
A geyser of hot gas flowing from a star from Physorg
SMOS satellite measurements improve as ground radars switch off from Physorg
US arrests head of online poker site from Physorg
New Taiwanese centre to probe origins of universe from Physorg
Tablets to overtake notebook PCs by 2016: study from Physorg
Indian tribunal split on 3G roaming case from Physorg
Climate change no longer tops US environment worries from Physorg
New technology reduces data center energy consumption by more than 20 percent from Physorg
A young star flaunts its X-ray spots in McNeil's Nebula from Physorg
Strength in Numbers: Physicists Identify New Quantum State Allowing Three -- but Not Two -- Atoms to Stick Together from Newswise - Scinews
NASA's Hubble Views a Cosmic Skyrocket from Newswise - Scinews
University of Chicago Particle Physicists Available to Comment on Search for Higgs Boson. from Newswise - Scinews
Stony Brook University, Centre ValBio Inaugurate New Building in Madagascar from Newswise - Scinews
Images from long ago or far away from Harvard Science
Summer 2012: Glimpse of climate change effects from CBSNews - Science
Doggerland, northern Europe's own lost city of Atlantis, discovered off Scotland from CBSNews - Science
Wildfire early warning possible with space sensors from CBSNews - Science
Doggerland discovered in the depths from CBSNews - Science
Fish learn to cope in a high CO2 world from Science Blog
Delivering drugs via skin moisturizers from Science Blog
Downy dinosaur discovered from Science Blog
Parents less likely to develop colds from Science Blog
Childhood adversity increases risk for depression and chronic inflammation from Science Blog
Oh, Baby! A Young Star Flaunts its X-ray Spots in McNeil’s Nebula from Science Blog
Mass extinctions reset the long-term pace of evolution from Science Blog
Private Foundation Seeks to Save Aquarius Underwater Lab | Video from
Extreme Weather Facts: Quiz Yourself from Live Science
Bugs inspire better X-rays: Nanostructures modeled like moth eyes may boost medical imaging from Physorg
Global warming favors proliferation of toxic cyanobacteria from Physorg
Some crash-avoidance systems may work better than others from Physorg
Green Blog: On Our Radar: The Duke and Progress Merger from NY Times Science
Search for Amelia Earhart plane wreckage begins from CBC: Technology & Science
Mermaids aren't real, U.S. agency affirms from CBC: Technology & Science
Bark beetles may add to intensity of wildfires from CBSNews - Science
Black widow spiders meet their match from MSNBC: Science
Health law worries hospitals from News @ Nature
ISS and the Docked Space Shuttle Endeavour from
NASA's Hubble Views a Cosmic Skyrocket from
Anti-aging elixir for solar cells from Physorg
Olympic experts confident over cyber attacks from Physorg
Genetic 911: Study examines how cells exploit gene sequences to cope with toxic stress from Physorg
How do you turn 10 minutes of power into 200? Efficiency, efficiency, efficiency from Physorg
Motion sensors detect horse lameness earlier than veterinarians, study finds from Physorg
Stereoscopic 3-D for professional training of football referees from Physorg
Giraffes are living proof that cells' pressure matters from Physorg
Strength in numbers: Physicists identify new quantum state allowing three -- but not two -- atoms to stick together from Physorg
Two species fused to give rise to plant pest from Physorg
New Study Finds Increase in Track-Related Injuries Among Youth in the United States from Newswise - Scinews
Higgs Boson Announcement Advisory from Newswise - Scinews
Quantum computing, no cooling required from Harvard Science
Young rapidly spinning star flaunts its X-ray spots in McNeil's Nebula from Science Daily
Global warming favors proliferation of toxic cyanobacteria from Science Daily
Strength in numbers: Physicists identify new quantum state allowing three -- but not two -- atoms to stick together from Science Daily
Cosmic skyrocket: Geyser of hot gas flowing from a newborn star from Science Daily
Warmer Baltic Sea may promote harmful algal blooms from Science Daily
Study: all predatory dinosaurs may have had feathers from CBSNews - Science
CDC: Methadone deaths may have peaked from AP Health
Hubble Telescope Sees Celestial Fireworks for Fourth of July from
Jehovah's Witness heart patients do well without blood transfusions from CBC: Health
3D-Printed Sugar Technique Makes Artificial Blood Vessels from Live Science
5 Million Babies Born from IVF, Other Reproductive Technologies from Live Science
Feel-good glass for windows from Physorg
Earth is not enough: First fringes between effelsberg and RadioAstron using the DiFX correlator from Physorg
Life-saver 'eCall' system for new cars urged by MEPs from Physorg
Sailing with nerves of glass from Physorg
Harvard in the War of 1812 from Harvard Science
Virtual science libraries to be launched in central Asia from SciDev
U.S. summer a global warming preview, scientists say from CBC: Technology & Science
Two species fused to give rise to plant pest a few hundred years ago from Science Daily
Did all predatory dinosaurs have feathers? from MSNBC: Science
As Deadly White-Nose Syndrome Ravages Bat Population, Bats Change Social Strategy to Survive from PopSci
Cleaning with sunlight from Physorg
Pakistan's national mammal makes a comeback from Physorg
Keeping electric vehicle batteries cool from Physorg
Study Results: Adult Stem Cells From Bone Marrow from Newswise - Scinews
Pakistan's National Mammal Makes Comeback from Newswise - Scinews
Green Blog: Counting the Power Failures from NY Times Science
Green Blog: Taking Shark Fin's Soup Off the Menu from NY Times Science
Virtual reality reveals details of Haiti quake from MSNBC: Science
Star Trek's Warp Drive: Are We There Yet? | Video from
Whales, gas and climate: A gray tale from BBC News: Science & Nature
Smart Headlights' Beams Avoid Raindrops from Live Science
Bizarre 'Zombie' Worms Use Acid to Eat Whale Bones from Live Science
Smoke from Western Wildfires Reaches Atlantic Ocean from Live Science
Cotton T-Shirt May One Day Charge Your Cellphone from Live Science
Making the Nagoya Protocol work at the community level from SciDev
NIH to Expand Undiagnosed Diseases Program from Science NOW
Fraud-Detection Tool Could Shake Up Psychology from Science NOW
Dot Earth Blog: Oil's Long Goodbye and a Species' Quest for Self Control from NY Times Science
Video: Flipping ship turns 50 from CBSNews - Science
Hubble spies celestial fireworks for July 4th from CBSNews - Science
Hubble Telescope Sees Celestial Fireworks for Fourth of July from Live Science
Four New Patent Offices to Open Across U.S. from Live Science
Solar Flare's Red Glare: Sun Unleashes Early Fourth of July Fireworks from Live Science
Report slams new coal power station in India from Physorg
Conduct code for unmanned aircraft is unveiled from Physorg
Activision brings online 'Call of Duty' to China from Physorg
EU court OKs resale of software licenses from Physorg
Sandia SolarTrak technology helps arrays worldwide follow the sun from Physorg
Johns Hopkins Expert Available to Discuss Higgs Boson News from Newswise - Scinews
Peru drops promise to set up a science ministry from SciDev
Social Intervention And Prx6 Protein Helps Bees Reverse Brain Aging
Social bats pay a price: Fungal disease, white-nose syndrome ... extinction? from Science Daily
Exposure to violence has long-term stress effects among adolescents from Science Daily
Adult stem cells from bone marrow: Cell replacement/tissue repair potential in adult bone marrow stem cells in animal model from Science Daily
Bugs inspire better X-rays: Nanostructures modeled like moth eyes may boost medical imaging from Science Daily
Motion sensors detect horse lameness earlier than veterinarians from Science Daily
New class of unconventional superconductors from Science Daily
New insights into power-generating windows from Science Daily
Giraffes are living proof that cells' pressure matters from Science Daily
Social bats pay a price with new fungal disease: Study determines which bats are headed for extinction from Science Daily
Higgs Boson explained by cartoon from CBSNews - Science
Western wildfire smoke blankets nation from MSNBC: Science
Britain names next chief science adviser from News @ Nature
Single-patent legislation hits another roadblock from News @ Nature
Doctors say Kenney backtracked on refugee health cuts from CBC: Health
Gender equality case nets nurses $150M from CBC: Health
DNA Transforms into Dark Matter Detector from
Mars Close Encounter - NBC Today Show Guest: Dave Brody from
NASA Space Telescope Snaps Its First Black Hole Picture from
Historic Derecho Windstorm Sweeps Across US from Live Science
Double Stars Shine Bright in July Night Sky from Live Science
NASA Space Telescope Snaps Its First Black Hole Picture from Live Science
First photo of shadow of single atom from Physorg
Quantum computing, no cooling required: Room-temperature quantum bits store data for nearly two seconds from Science Daily
Epigenetics alters genes in rheumatoid arthritis from Science Daily
Bees can 'turn back time,' reverse brain aging from Science Daily
Researchers moving towards ending threat of West Nile virus from Science Daily
First photo of shadow of single atom from Science Daily
Controversy clarified: Why two insulators together can transport electricity from Science Daily
Feel-good glass for windows from Science Daily
Increase in track-related injuries found among youth in the United States from Science Daily
Genetic 911: Cells' emergency systems revealed from Science Daily
Thumbs down on fireworks, warns trauma expert from Science Daily
Earth Farthest From Sun on Fourth of July—So Why So Hot? from National Geographic
What does court ruling really mean for uninsured? from AP Health
How the Higgs particle gives things mass from MSNBC: Science
Turkey cracks down on academic freedom from News @ Nature
FDA approves 1st rapid take-home HIV test from CBC: Health
Roadmap leaks show BlackBerry's comeback try from Physorg
Scientists Discover Bees Can "Turn Back Time," Reverse Brain Aging from Newswise - Scinews
UT Professor Works at LHC-Can Talk About God Particle from Newswise - Scinews
Bee Research Sheds Light on Human Sweet Perception, Metabolic Disorders from Newswise - Scinews
A World Free of One of the Most Virulent Animal Diseases? from Newswise - Scinews
12th International Coral Reef Symposium from Newswise - Scinews
Cultivate Early to Improve Weed Control in Organic Peanut Crops from Newswise - Scinews
Derating Off-the-shelf Parts So They Work
Brown widow spiders at home in SoCal from UPI
Poll: Pollution worries top climate change from UPI
Video: What goes into planning a 4th of July fireworks show? from CBSNews - Science
Quantum computing, no cooling required from Science Blog
2 paths forward for uninsured, 1 clouded by ruling from AP Health
Video says Higgs-like particle seen at LHC from MSNBC: Science
Japanese Anesthesiologist Completely Faked 172 Papers from PopSci
Vegetarian diet blamed for Chinese volleyball team woes from CBC: Health
How Your Brain Thinks When You Shop from Live Science
Indigenous whaling bids granted from BBC News: Science & Nature
Diving shrews -- heat before you leap from Physorg
Researchers create room-temperature quantum bits that store data for nearly two seconds from Physorg
Social Authoritarians Can't Cure Obesity In America, But Science Can
Preparations For The Higgs Observation Announcement
Genetic 911: Cells’ emergency systems revealed from MIT Research
Mermaids do not exist, says NOAA from CBSNews - Science
Feel-good glass for windows helps hormone balance from Science Blog
Scientists discover bees can ‘turn back time,’ reverse brain aging from Science Blog
First photo of shadow of single atom from Science Blog
Colorado Wildfires Threaten Water Supplies from National Geographic
Wildfire early warnings possible from MSNBC: Science
Chemistry Finally Delivers Long-Promised Self-Cleaning Lawn Furniture from PopSci
New Mars Rover Torture Tested in Death Valley | Exclusive Video from
Video: Destructive Derecho Windstorm Sweeps Across US from Live Science
Why Budgets Don't Work from Live Science
Full Moon Rises Tonight on Eve of Fourth of July from Live Science
Following the Genomic Pathways to Stop the Spread of Cancer from Newswise - Scinews
SDSC's CIPRES Science Gateway Clarifies Branches in Evolution's 'Tree of Life' from Newswise - Scinews
Apocalypse, not so fast from
Preparations For The Higgs Seminar At CERN
Scientist at Work Blog: The Holy Grail of Fluorescent Proteins from NY Times Science
New animal model may lead to treatments for common liver disease from Science Daily
Diving shrews: Heat before you leap from Science Daily
Following the genomic pathways to stop the spread of cancer from Science Daily
Getting married or having a child makes you less satisfied at work, new research shows from Science Daily
True nature of staff motivation more complex than surveys reveal from Science Daily
Some diabetes drugs may increase risk of bladder cancer from Science Daily
Pakistan's national mammal makes comeback from Science Daily
Obesity, larger waist size associated with better outcomes in heart failure patients from Science Daily
West coast of North America experiencing decreasing trends in salmon spawning from Science Daily
Molecular clues to link between childhood maltreatment and later suicide from Science Daily
Childhood adversity increases risk for depression and chronic inflammation from Science Daily
Majestic Endangered Goat Making Comeback in Pakistan from Live Science
Private Foundation Seeks to Save Aquarius Underwater Lab | Video from Live Science
Higgs excitement at fever pitch from BBC News: Science & Nature
Biologist offers insight into future of the Amazon from Physorg
CIPRES Science Gateway clarifies branches in evolution's 'tree of life' from Physorg
The EU underpays Madagascar for access to fish: research from Physorg
V1647 Ori - 3 Telescopes Watch The Beating Heart Of A Newborn Star
Archaeologists dig up bog army bones in Denmark from Reuters:Science
CERN Abuzz on the Eve of Presumed Arrival of the Higgs Boson from Science NOW
OraQuick At-Home H.I.V. Test Wins F.D.A. Approval from NY Times Science
National Briefing | Midwest: Michigan: Record Fine Sought for Spill from NY Times Science
Study sheds light on pregnancy complications and overturns common belief from Science Daily
Natural plant protein converted into drug-delivery vehicles from Science Daily
Adventures in microgravity: Students experiment in simulated space-flight conditions from Science Daily
Why current strategies for fighting obesity are not working from Science Daily
How cellular pathways converge to regulate food intake and body weight from Science Daily
US Healthcare: ACA young adult mandate had big impact on extending health-care coverage, experts say from Science Daily
Parents less likely to develop colds from Science Daily
Researchers closer to understanding how proteins regulate immune system from Science Daily
Novel vaccine for strain of foot-and-mouth disease from Science Daily
Ibuprofen improves bone repair after surgery or a fracture, study suggests from Science Daily
Five or more cups of coffee a day reduce the chance of IVF success by around 50 percent from Science Daily
Why smoking is 'BAD' for the Fallopian tube, and increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy from Science Daily
A high intake of certain dietary fats associated with lower live birth rates in IVF from Science Daily
The big sleep: How do you anesthetize a hippopotamus? from Science Daily
A PopSci Fourth of July: Blowing Things Up in Extreme Slow Motion from PopSci
How Does Fire Behave In Space? | Video from
Western Wildfire Smoke Plume Reaches Atlantic Ocean from
Is it Higgs? Leaked Video Suggests New Particle Found at LHC from Live Science
NASA space suits inspire temperature-regulating dress shirts (w/ video) from Physorg
A Good Reason to Wake Up at Dawn from Science @ NASA
Dinosaur feathers revise image as lizards from UPI
New star looks like cosmic skyrocket from UPI
Higgs boson video leaks to Cern website from CBSNews - Science
Warrior bones dating to time of Christ dug up from MSNBC: Science
Io: Facts about Jupiter’s Volcanic Moon from
Why Bottle Rockets Put Your Peepers in Peril from Live Science
New method knocks out stubborn electron problem from Physorg
Update: Revised North Carolina Sea Level Rise Bill Goes to Governor from Science NOW
Dot Earth Blog: Shark Fin Soup Off Menu at China's Official Banquets from NY Times Science
Seabirds studied for clues to human aging from UPI
No mouth, but zombie worm eats whale bones from MSNBC: Science
Sponsored By: from MSNBC: Science
No Fourth of July Fireworks in Space for American Astronaut from
Electricity in the air from Physorg
New Method Knocks Out Stubborn Electron Problem from Newswise - Scinews
Markhor makes a comeback in Pakistan from UPI
Seabirds studied for clues to human aging from UPI
Dinosaur feathers revise image as lizards from UPI
New star looks like cosmic skyrocket from UPI
Brown widow spiders at home in SoCal from UPI
Poll: Pollution worries top climate change from UPI
Canadian experts eagerly await 'God particle' announcement from CBC: Technology & Science
Higgs Boson Found? Without "God Particle," No Galaxies—And No Life from National Geographic
Galapagos' new star tortoise a prolific dad from AP Science
US qualifier Baker loses in 4th round at Wimbledon from AP Science
Business Highlights from AP Science
Scientists to unveil milestone in Higgs boson hunt from Reuters:Science
Poof! Planet-Forming Disk Vanishes Into Thin Air from Science NOW
OraQuick At-Home H.I.V. Test Wins F.D.A. Approval from NY Times Health
Well: The Bristle Brush as Barbecue Hazard from NY Times Health
Well: Running My First Marathon. Finally. from NY Times Health
Setting off fireworks? Protect those eyes from MSNBC: Science
Tweeting your debit card? New account aims to shame you from Physorg
Augmented reality makes shopping more personal from Physorg
Consumers won't face copyright levy on memory cards from CBC: Technology & Science
Why the Higgs boson is such a big deal from MSNBC: Science
What's cooking? The UK's potential food crisis from Physorg
Pre-industrial emissions still causing temperatures to rise: study from Physorg
Toshiba fined in US antitrust case from Physorg
Climate change linked to shrinking leaves from News @ Nature
Scientists capture shadow cast by a single atom from MSNBC: Science
Really? Mermaids don't exist, NOAA website notes from MSNBC: Science
Tricky Cuttlefish Put on Gender-Bending Disguise from Live Science
9% of Today's Warming Caused By Preindustrial People from Live Science
Mermaids Don't Exist, NOAA Website Notes from Live Science
Shrinking leaves point to climate change from Physorg
Two-Faced Fish Tricks Competitors from Science NOW
Markhor makes a comeback in Pakistan from UPI
Elusive Killer Ants Explained; Bop Insects on Heads from National Geographic
Advisers to publish forest review from BBC News: Science & Nature
Shrinking Leaves Point to Climate Change from Newswise - Scinews
Rising sea levels threaten islanders with displacement from SciDev
Video: Scientists find evidence of Higgs Boson particle from CBSNews - Science
Tricky cuttlefish put on gender-bending disguise from MSNBC: Science
How cooperation can trump competition in monkeys from Physorg
Space–time crystals on the horizon from Physics World
The growing movement to improve hospital food from CBC: Health
See 4 Planets on Fourth of July! Jupiter, Venus, Mars and Saturn Shine from
Search for Amelia Earhart's Plane Begins from Live Science
FDA approves new home-use HIV test from LA Times - Science
Free Thought Blogs Closet Sexism Trips Feminista Greg Laden
Bright Lights in Summer Sky: Venus and Jupiter Sky Show | Video from
Best Buy sues culprits in Samsung phone leak from CBC: Technology & Science
Higgs Boson, Where Is The Queue ?
New England Fishing Rules Aim to Protect Herring from NY Times Science
Higgs Live Blogging 2 - Observation Versus Discovery: Myths And Truths