Archive of feed items published on the 2nd of July 2012
Santa Monica police consider wildlife response policy changes from LA Times - Science
Alzheimer's patient Dr. Arthur Rivin won't give in to the disease from LA Times - Science
Microparticles Deliver Oxygen from C&EN
Genomics Of White Rot Fungi Yields New Enzymes, Explains End Of Major Coal Formation from C&EN
Green-Building Standards Update Draws Fire from C&EN
Stem Cells Morph Into Blood-Brain Barrier from C&EN
New Index Tracks Chemicals Sector from C&EN
More Coffee Linked To Lower Risk Of Skin Cancer
Higgs boson may soon be found from Science Alert
Fish learn to cope with high CO2 from Science Alert
Online therapy has big impact from Science Alert
Herpes Pictures & Symptoms of Herpes Simplex from Live Science
Study: education affects weight from Science Alert
FEATURE: Should we try to rescue Nature's 'low-lifes'? from Science Alert
Plants help treat diabetes from Science Alert
OPINION: Monday’s medical myth: chocolate causes acne from Science Alert
Ants farm root aphid clones in subterranean rooms from Physorg
Physics confirms sprinters are performing better than ever before from Physorg
China court: Apple pays $60M to settle iPad case from Physorg
A new approach to water desalination from MIT Research
FEATURE: The Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings begin from Science Alert
Diving seabirds: Working hard and living long from Physorg
Olympus loses case against pre-scandal whistleblower from Physorg
Cool reception for Australia's climate tax: poll from Physorg
Hospital food clichés ring true from CBC: Health
ScienceShot: The World's Tiniest Fly from Science NOW
China: Apple pays $60M to settle iPad case from CBSNews - Science
Arctic birds still fit when fat from BBC News: Science & Nature
Weight-loss drug wins US approval from News @ Nature
Correction algorithms extend the reach of genome sequencing from News @ Nature
Ancient Mars Water Existed Deep Underground from
Researcher helps to unlock the value of Chinese Indonesians from Physorg
Researchers discover how 'zombie worms' bore into skeletons from Physorg
U.S. Task Force's Recommendations Stoke Debate over Calcium and Vitamin D Supplements from Scientific American
Former NASA Astronaut Alan Poindexter, 50, Dies in Jet Ski Accident from
Twitter sees new record during Euro 2012 final from Physorg
Google urges governments to share disaster data from Physorg
New technique controls graphite to graphene transition from Physorg
Hubble sees a vapor of stars from Physorg
A Significant Higgs Signal From The Tevatron !
Do the world's smallest flies decapitate tiny ants? from Physorg
Are brown widows displacing black widow spiders around southern California homes? from Physorg
Cell research: enzyme questions important principle of evolution from Physorg
Green Blog: The Tricky Business of Counting Rain from NY Times Science
Long, hot summer: Wildfires thrive on drought, heat and wind from LA Times - Science
Mixed Signals: Smart Phone Sensors Recruited to Deliver Indoor GPS from Scientific American
FACT CHECK: On keeping your current health plan from AP Health
Scientists on verge of "God particle" discovery from CBSNews - Science
Space station crew lands back on Earth from UPI
Quantum levitation could prevent nano systems from crashing together from Physorg
New light shed on explosive solar activity from Science Blog
Chronic inflammation in the brain leads the way to Alzheimer’s disease from Science Blog
Ants farm root aphid clones in subterranean rooms from Science Blog
Why cancer rate increases with age (it’s not what you think) from Science Blog
Coffee consumption inversely associated with risk of most common form of skin cancer from Science Blog
Are brown widows displacing black widow spiders around southern California homes? from Science Blog
Childless women with fertility problems at higher risk of hospitalization for psychiatric disorders from Science Blog
Viewing terrorist attacks on TV increases pain intensity from Science Blog
Colo. Governor Bans Private Fireworks from Live Science
Research in Motion's rise and fall from CBC: Technology & Science
Space History Photo: Saturn V, S-II Stage is Lifted into Test Stand from
A 2.5 Sigma Higgs Signal From The Tevatron !
Error-eliminating fix overcomes big problem in ’3rd-gen’ genome sequencing from Science Blog
Physics confirms sprinters are performing better than ever before from Science Blog
Could ZNF trump HIV? from Science Blog
Coney Island's Renovation Draws on History for Inspiration from Live Science
10 Apps for Achieving Work-Life Balance from Live Science
NASA Space shuttle trainer lands in Seattle from CBSNews - Science
Tevatron scientists announce their final results on the Higgs particle from Science Daily
Native plant restoration not enough to maintain tropical dry forests in Hawaii from Science Daily
Mass extinctions reset the long-term pace of evolution from Science Daily
Ants farm root aphid clones in subterranean rooms from Science Daily
U.S. cod crisis comes 20 years after Canada's moratorium from CBC: Technology & Science
Vaginal ring may help reduce HIV infections from SciDev
Tevatron scientists announce their final results on the Higgs particle from Physorg
Mass Extinctions Reset the Long-Term Pace of Evolution from Newswise - Scinews
ALERT: Special Webinar "Managing Through the Drought" from Newswise - Scinews
US sees stronger hints of Higgs from BBC News: Science & Nature
Gaia checks out of antenna testing from European Space Agency
Green Blog: On Our Radar: Mid-Atlantic Power Losses from NY Times Science
Strongest evidence yet of Higgs particle, still short of proof from Reuters:Science
Coffee Consumption May Cut Skin Cancer Risk from Live Science
Black Widow Spiders May Have Met Their Match from Live Science
World's Tiniest Fly May Decapitate Ants, Live in Their Heads from Live Science
Spanking May Increase Risk of Mental Disorders from Live Science
Pelican species declared at risk is 'invasive,' anglers say from CBC: Technology & Science
Orion Capsule Atop Delta Rocket - Adapter Needed | Video from
Censoring social media fans flames of social unrest from Physorg
Native plant restoration not enough to maintain tropical dry forests in Hawaii from Physorg
Avon helps lift African women out of poverty from Physorg
Mass extinctions reset the long-term pace of evolution from Physorg
Flu Breathalyzer from C&EN
Orgasm Headaches Reveal Mysterious Phenomenon in Teens from Live Science
Colorado wildfires may stomp out fireworks from CBSNews - Science
Opposites attract: Researcher reports milestone in fuel cell membrane research from Physorg
NASA's 'Webb-Cam' has double vision for MIRI's arrival from Physorg
SUMI rocket to study the Sun's magnetic fields from Physorg
See, feel, hear and control your environment, virtually from Physorg
NICT, Fujitsu develop indoor guidance technology for the blind using ultra wide band positioning, smartphones from Physorg
Leading retailers take a big bite out of the Canadian retail pie from Physorg
Galaxy harbors many star-snacking black holes from Physorg
Underwater jetpacks with Neemo from Physorg
Google touts economic impact in US of ad efforts from Physorg
Supercomputers give unprecedented processing power to business and academics from Physorg
Mosquitoes -- how we smell is why they bite, research shows from Physorg
Micron Technology buying Elpida for about $750M from Physorg
CERN scientists to announce proof of Higgs boson found from Physorg
Dell to buy software maker Quest for $2.4 bn from Physorg
Research paves the way for accurate manufacturing of complex parts for aerospace and car industries from Physorg
Paints and coatings containing bactericidal agent nanoparticles combat marine fouling from Physorg
Denmark can triple its biomass production and improve the environment from Physorg
Innate Immune System Protein Provides a New Target in War Against Bacterial Infections from Newswise - Scinews
Drones Crash and Burn in US Military Contest from Live Science
Freedom of Religion from Live Science
Acid-wielding worms drill through bones at the bottom of the sea from Science Daily
New light shed on explosive solar activity from Science Daily
World's number of IVF and ICSI babies has now reached a calculated total of 5 million from Science Daily
Diving seabirds: Working hard and living long from Science Daily
Abuse during childhood may contribute to obesity in adulthood from Science Daily
Seasonal changes in outpatient antibiotic use significantly alter seasonal patterns of drug resistance from Science Daily
Do the world's smallest flies decapitate tiny ants? from Science Daily
Are brown widows displacing black widow spiders around southern California homes? from Science Daily
Physics confirms sprinters are performing better than ever before from Science Daily
Drinking coffee may reduce risk of most common form of skin cancer from Science Daily
Anchorage mayor to be sworn into office via Skype from CBSNews - Science
Sizing up Earth's vulnerability to asteroid strikes from CBSNews - Science
Hidden portals in Earth's magnetic field from Physorg
Orion test flight: A look at SLS hardware, integration from Physorg
Naked mole rat may hold the secret to long life from Physorg
Princeton researchers working at forefront of 'exascale' supercomputing from Physorg
OK, computation from Physorg
RF components: High-performance multilayer band pass filter in 1005 from Physorg
How scent can net bigger reward for ants in hunt for food from Physorg
Empowering a growing minority from Harvard Science
Fuel cell keeps going after hydrogen runs out from Harvard Science
Recipes for Health: Summer Aioli Feasts — Recipes for Health from NY Times Health
Well: Breast Cancer Screenings Decline Among Younger Women from NY Times Health
Europe Inches Closer to a Unified Patent System from Science NOW
Mosquitoes: How we smell is why they bite from Science Daily
'Self-distancing' can help people calm aggressive reactions, study finds from Science Daily
'Trophy molecule' breakthrough may result in cleaner, cooler nuclear energy from Science Daily
Tiny fly may decapitate ant heads, live inside from CBSNews - Science
Smoking ban fines start in Ottawa today from CBC: Health
Best evidence yet of 'God particle' to be revealed by CERN physicists from CBC: Technology & Science
The Drama of Star Formation from
Milky Way's Giant Black Hole to Eat Space Cloud in 2013 from
Strong and Fast Solar Flare Earth-Directed | Video from
Former astronaut Poindexter dies in ski jet accident from Reuters:Science
Physical Activity Needed To Reap Benefits Of Dietary Restriction from Newswise - Scinews
Gestational Diabetes: a Heavy Problem from Newswise - Scinews
Space Station Astronauts Return to Earth Aboard Soyuz Capsule from Live Science
Ancient Mosaic Depicting Fiery Bible Story Discovered from Live Science
Between Night and Day from Live Science
Rodent May Hold the Secret to Long Life from Science Blog
Romanian panel calls prime minister a plagiarist from News @ Nature
Women less likely to endorse independence in gender-unequal societies from Physorg
Naturally adhesive from Physorg
Google says makes proposals to EU on competition concerns from Physorg
Cell biology: new insights into the life of microtubules from Physorg
Traffic in Sri Lanka’s Waters Threatens Blue Whales from NY Times Science
Dot Earth Blog: More Views on the Gas Rush and Hydraulic Fracturing from NY Times Science
US Deep-Sea Submarine Gets Makeover from Live Science
Genes may play role in educational achievement from Science Blog
Tevatron scientists announce their final results on the Higgs particle from Science Blog
Multiple proxy datasets can clarify ancient climate regimes from Physorg
Higher energies for laser-accelerated particles possible from Physorg
Shell, BASF ordered to pay $500 mln in Brazil pollution case from Physorg
Sony to buy game streaming company Gaikai from Physorg
A floating port for docking boats offshore (w/ Video) from Physorg
Today in the Milky Way: Cloudy skies from Physorg
Kudzu vine key to kudzu bug's survival from Physorg
Whaling: From 'bloody' to 'boring'? from BBC News: Science & Nature
UN Protects "Wild Heart" of Central Africa from Newswise - Scinews
Iowa State Engineering's Wind Energy Initiative Builds Research, Education Programs from Newswise - Scinews
Researchers Block Pathway to Cancer Cell Replication from Newswise - Scinews
Search for Earhart's plane to begin from MSNBC: Science
A New Record for Retractions? from Science NOW
Q & A: Why Does Shingles Cause More Pain Than Chickenpox? from NY Times Science
Ancient Mars Water Existed Deep Underground from Live Science
Alternative Fuel Rocket Roars to Life in Test from Live Science
Mosquitoes — how we smell is why they bite from Science Blog
Angry? Picture yourself from a distance from Science Blog
Why heart attacks cause so much more damage in late pregnancy from Science Daily
Naked mole rat may hold the secret to long life from Science Daily
Researchers block pathway to cancer cell replication from Science Daily
In vitro study identifies potential combination therapy for breast cancer from Science Daily
Hormone discovered that preserves insulin production and beta cell function in diabetes from Science Daily
Cell biology: New insights into the life of microtubules from Science Daily
Surprising culprit behind chemo resistance in rare cancer from Science Daily
Electronic medical record improves physician compliance of reviewing portal images, study suggests from Science Daily
Innate immune system protein provides a new target in war against bacterial infections from Science Daily
Years before diagnosis, quality of life declines for Parkinson's disease patients from Science Daily
Cutaneous human papillomavirus infection a risk factor for skin cancer from Science Daily
Measuring the uncertainties of pandemic influenza from Science Daily
Premature infants do feel pain from procedures: Physiological markers for neonate pain identified from Science Daily
Achieve Olympic feet with barefoot running from Science Daily
Mapping research with WikiMaps from Science Daily
3-D movies linked to increased vision symptoms from Science Daily
Potential treatment target identified in an animal model of pancreatic cancer from Science Daily
Tevatron offers Higgs boson data from UPI
Solar plane to take off for Spain on Tuesday from Physorg
Virtual plant planning, retrofitting and maintenance from Physorg
UN protects 'wild heart' of Central Africa from Physorg
New way to grow, isolate cancer cells may add weapon against disease from Physorg
'Leap second' wreaks Internet havoc from Physorg
NASA's Next Big Space Telescope Gets 1st Delivery from
Wildfire Early Warning Possible With Space Sensors from
Fireworks Over Mars: The Spirit of 76 Pyrotechnics from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Fly decapitates ants, lives in their heads from MSNBC: Science
Sponsored By: from MSNBC: Science
Physicists Get Closer Than Ever to Higgs Particle from Live Science
Milky Way's Giant Black Hole to Eat Space Cloud in 2013 from Live Science
Violent 'Derecho' Storms Leave 700 Miles of Destruction Across US from Live Science
Higher energies for laser-accelerated particles possible from Science Daily
Rare leukemia-causing protein discovered from Science Daily
Naturally adhesive: New glues from renewable raw materials from Science Daily
Genes may play role in educational achievement from Science Daily
Physical activity needed to reap benefits of dietary restriction from Science Daily
Censoring social media fans flames of social unrest from Science Daily
Natural intestinal flora strengthen immune system from Science Daily
You can't keep a good cell down: Vast majority of cells close to death after toxin exposure can survive and thrive from Science Daily
Brain researchers start mapping the human 'connectome' from Science Daily
Got kids? Then you're less likely to catch a cold from Science Daily
Chronic inflammation in the brain leads the way to Alzheimer's disease from Science Daily
Why cancer rate increases with age (it's not what you think) from Science Daily
Viewing media coverage of terrorist attacks causes an increase in chronic pain intensity from Science Daily
Single protein promotes resistance to widely used anti-estrogen drugs from Science Daily
German wind farms kill bats from near and far from Science Daily
Invest in public health now for healthier future, experts urge from Science Daily
War-related climate change would reduce substantially reduce crop yields from Physorg
Court can get some of NYC protester's tweets from Physorg
J&J seeks OK for first drug against resistant TB from AP Health
Wordplay Blog: Numberplay: Fat Coin from NY Times Science
Five fantastic fireworks facts from MSNBC: Science
Record-Breaking Heat Wave Continues in Southeast, Midwest from Live Science
The race between science and new doping techniques from Science Blog
Scientists study how water condenses to form clouds from Physorg
Melon genome sequenced from Physorg
Weight-Loss Drug Wins U.S. Approval from Scientific American
War-Related Climate Change Would Reduce Substantially Reduce Crop Yields from Newswise - Scinews
All dinosaurs may have had feathers from
The History of Extreme Weather on Fourth of July from Live Science
A Topically Applied Skin Lotion That Modifies Your Genes from PopSci
Ancient mosaic depicts Bible hero Samson from MSNBC: Science
New NASA spaceship arrives in Florida for test flight from Reuters:Science
Green Blog: The Garden Party Redefined from NY Times Science
High School Chemistry Teachers Shine from C&EN
Western Wildfires Send Smoke Far and Wide | Video from Live Science
New GPS Rival Is Hack-Proof from Live Science
Day dreaming good for you? Reflection is critical for development and well-being from Science Daily
New way to grow, isolate cancer cells may add weapon against disease from Science Daily
War-related climate change would reduce substantially reduce crop yields from Science Daily
Activity of rare genetic variant in glioma validated from Science Daily
Childless women with fertility problems at higher risk of hospitalization for psychiatric disorders from Science Daily
Inspired by nature: Paints and coatings containing bactericidal agent nanoparticles combat marine fouling from Science Daily
Cell research: Enzyme questions important principle of evolution from Science Daily
Novel mechanism and potential link responsible for Huntington's disease from Science Daily
GlaxoSmithKline settles drug fraud case for $3B US, guilty plea from CBC: Health
Sony to buy cloud-based Gakkai gaming from UPI
NASA's Orion spacecraft arrives in Florida from UPI
Physicists find new particle, but is it the Higgs? from News @ Nature
Rise of the feathered dinosaurs from News @ Nature
Physicists Get Closer Than Ever to God Particle from
Carl Hagen, Co-Discoverer of the Higgs Mechanism, Available to Comment on CERN's Higgs Announcement from Newswise - Scinews
Rensselaer Scientists Unlock Some Key Secrets of Photosynthesis from Newswise - Scinews
In the news from The Rockefeller University
Wood Takes a Thrilling Turn in Roller Coaster Design from NY Times Science
Essay: Health Care Mandate Puts a Cranky Uncle in Every Exam Room from NY Times Science
Global Update: Quad Once-a-Day Pill Tests Better Than Other Regimens from NY Times Science
Vital Statistics: Pregnancy Rates Sank Over Last 20 Years from NY Times Science
Personal Health: The Optimistic Life from NY Times Science
Really?: The Claim: Drinking Coffee Lowers Colon Cancer Risk from NY Times Science
Birthplace of Jesus Listed by UN as World Heritage Site from Live Science
Cat Parasite Linked to Suicide Attempts in Humans from Live Science
Teens Irked by Sexting, Do It Anyway from Live Science
Despite Hardships, Black Men in Urban Communities Are Resilient from Science Blog
Rest Is Not Idleness: Reflection Is Critical for Development and Well-Being from Science Blog
DNA Sequenced for Parrots’ Ability to Parrot from Science Blog
Tapping into genetic reservoir of heat-loving bacteria from Science Daily
Success reported in treating autism spectrum disorder in mice from Science Daily
New brain receptor for drug 'fantasy' identified from Science Daily
Pinpointing history of droughts through exploration of tree rings: Unexpected complexity in U. S. West's patterns of drought from Science Daily
How clouds are formed: Rate of condensation much slower than thought from Science Daily
Scientists Unlock Some Key Secrets of Photosynthesis from Science Daily
Poll shows Americans want battles over healthcare law to stop from LA Times - Health
California patients struggle to transition to managed care system from LA Times - Health
Lithium mining rules outdated: study from CBC: Technology & Science
NASA's Rascal with Camera Mount Under 'Blue' Moon from
Western Wildfires Send Smoke Far and Wide | Video from
Naked Mole Rat Offers Clue to Long Life from Live Science
What are Canker Canker Sores? from Live Science
Virtual Reality Reveals Details of Haiti Quake from Live Science
Twitter ordered to forfeit Occupy activist's tweets from CBC: Technology & Science
Noisy union members gather outside NY utility HQ from AP Health
Eagle Nebula (M16): Hubble Images & Pillars of Creation from
NASA Unveils Orion Space Capsule for 2014 Test Launch from
BESC Researchers Tap Into Genetic Reservoir of Heat-Loving Bacteria from Newswise - Scinews
What's Behind The Record Heat? from Live Science
Researchers tap into genetic reservoir of heat-loving bacteria from Physorg
Geographers chart the 'next-generation digital Earth' from Physorg
TRMM sees post-season South Pacific Tropical Cyclone 21P from Physorg
Researchers see dramatic decline of endangered white abalone from Physorg
The advantages of being first from Physorg
Newly discovered dinosaur implies greater prevalence of feathers from Physorg
Bonobos get tech-savvy with touchscreens from MSNBC: Science
Whale sanctuary bid falls short from BBC News: Science & Nature
Physicists bet they're homing in on Higgs from
More Women Seek Over-the-Counter Sexual Remedies from NY Times Science
Premature Birth May Raise Risk for Mental Illness, Study Reports from NY Times Science
Phys Ed: What Runners Can Learn From Cheetahs from NY Times Science
Vital Signs: High-Protein Diet Is Linked to Heart Risks from NY Times Science
Vital Signs: Women May Benefit Less From Statins from NY Times Science
Green Blog: Do Bears Sense That Hunters Are Afoot? from NY Times Science
The Search for the Higgs Boson from
Scientists create 'rubber-band electronics' from Science Daily
NASA to launch SUMI sun mission from UPI
U.S moves massive wind farm plan forward from UPI
Android, Apple extend gains in smartphone market from Physorg
Japan online retailer Rakuten to launch e-reader from Physorg
Beats headphone maker buys MOG music service from Physorg
Review: Google's Nexus 7 guns for the Kindle from Physorg
Microsoft to take $6.2B charge for online ad biz from Physorg
Despite hardships, black men in urban communities are resilient, researcher says from Physorg
Researchers create 'rubber-band electronics' from Physorg
Scientists unlock some key secrets of photosynthesis from Physorg
Solar Flare's Red Glare: Sun Unleashes Early Fourth of July Fireworks from
Double Stars Shine Bright in July Night Sky from
US deep-sea submarine gets makeover from MSNBC: Science
VIDEO: A look inside the vertical ship from BBC News: Science & Nature
VIDEO: Watch an infection take hold inside the body from BBC News: Science & Nature
Sciurumimus Albersdoerferi Dinosaur- A Feathered Theropod But Not Related To Birds
A Conversation With Mildred Dresselhaus: Carbon Catalyst for Half a Century from NY Times Science
Death of Lonesome George the Tortoise Gives Extinction a Face from NY Times Science
Grandchildren Arrive. A Medusa’s Head of Wires Soon Follows. from NY Times Science
Green Blog: U.S. Seeks Record Civil Fine in Kalamazoo Spill from NY Times Science
Charting autism's neural circuitry: Deleting single gene results in autism-like behavior and immunosuppressant drug prevents symptoms from Science Daily
DNA sequenced for parrot's ability to parrot from Science Daily
Newly discovered dinosaur implies greater prevalence of feathers; Megalosaur fossil represents first feathered dinosaur not closely related to birds from Science Daily
NASA to launch SUMI sun mission from UPI
U.S moves massive wind farm plan forward from UPI
Sony to buy cloud-based Gakkai gaming from UPI
NASA's Orion spacecraft arrives in Florida from UPI
Tevatron offers Higgs boson data from UPI
AndyVision retail robot takes stock and more (w/ Video) from Physorg
The 'Flame' Burns Bright in New WISE Image from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Climate Change: Different Tree Ring And Oxygen Isotope Data Are A Good Thing
Twitter says government requests rising in 2012 from Physorg
So why do some chimps attack? from MSNBC: Science
Physicists Inch Closer to Proof That Higgs Boson Particle Exists from NY Times Science
Vital Signs: Fear Makes Labor Longer, Study Finds from NY Times Science
Observatory: Namibian ‘Fairy Circles,’ From Start to Finish from NY Times Science
Observatory: Hardly a Speck of a Fly, But Able to Decapitate Ants from NY Times Science
"Beautiful" Squirrel-Tail Dinosaur Fossil Upends Feather Theory from National Geographic
Oort Cloud: The Outer Solar System's Icy Shell from
Letters: The Aging Journey (1 Letter) from NY Times Science
Letters: Diagnosis: A.D.H.D. (1 Letter) from NY Times Science
Letters: Whose Choice Is It? (1 Letter) from NY Times Science
Letters: When Acid Rises (2 Letters) from NY Times Science
Aerosols And Climate: How To Know More About A Known Unknown
Video: Freak storm leaves extensive damage in the East from CBSNews - Science
The advantages of being first from Science Daily
Autism, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder may share common underlying factors, family histories suggest from Science Daily
Women infected with common parasite have increased risk of attempting suicide, study finds from Science Daily
Uncontrollable anger prevalent among US youth: Almost two-thirds have history of anger attacks from Science Daily
Botulinum toxin a shot in the arm for preventing multiple sclerosis tremor from Science Daily
GlaxoSmithKline to pay $3B for health fraud from AP Health
Has the Higgs boson been found? Almost from MSNBC: Science
Two Cameras Offer View of Webb Telescope in Clean Room from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Tiny pressure sensor takes off from Physics World
Video: Powerless in the midst of a heat wave from CBSNews - Science
Sounding rocket mission to observe magnetic fields on the sun from Science Daily
'Next-generation digital Earth' charted from Science Daily
Fast food intake increases risk of diabetes and heart disease in Singapore from Science Daily
Breaking the skin barrier: Drugs topically deliver gene therapy via commercial moisturizers for skin disease treatment from Science Daily
Animal colour through animal eyes from BBC News: Science & Nature
Giant Crocodile Breaks Size Record—Suspected in Fatal Attacks from National Geographic
Soap screen is 'world's thinnest' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Teen sexting prevalent: Nearly 30 percent send nude pictures despite being 'bothered' by requests from Science Daily
Lonnie Thompson, Climate Scientist from NY Times Science
VIDEO: 40 years of guillemots from BBC News: Science & Nature
VIDEO: Can you tell real laughs from fake? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Six natural wonders declared World Heritage Sites from Science Daily
Malaysian: Worldview of the Batek tribe from Science Daily
See, feel, hear and control your environment, virtually from Science Daily
Kids with behavior problems, disabilities bullied more, more likely to bully others from Science Daily