Archive of feed items published on the 3rd of May 2010
Reducing fossil energy use on the farm from Science Blog
Return home from war not always peaceful for young vets from Science Blog
No simple explanation for why adolescents take risks from Science Blog
Parental involvement key to preventing child bullying from Science Blog
Home medication errors common among children with chronic conditions from Science Blog
Young assault victims often involved in subsequent violence from Science Blog
Study shows for first time decrease in mortality associated with physician order entry system from Science Blog
Large amounts of nitrogen stored beneath selected agricultural areas from Science Blog
Reducing Fossil Energy Use on the Farm from Newswise - Scinews
Large Amounts of Nitrogen Stored Beneath Selected Agricultural Areas from Newswise - Scinews
American Contributions to Chinese Soil Science from Newswise - Scinews
Protecting Genetic Resources from Newswise - Scinews
Brain Hears Just by Seeing from Science Blog
In Ads, Plea for Asians to Get Tests for Hepatitis from NY Times Health
News Analysis: Losing Trust in Tylenol in the Wake of a Recall from NY Times Health
Advertising: Pregnancy Test Maker Finds Opportunity in Personal Stories from NY Times Health
Tomio Tada, Influential Immunologist And Playwright, Dies at 76 from NY Times Health
Radar images near-Earth asteroid: No impact for next 100 years from Science Daily
Olive oil could guard against developing ulcerative colitis from Science Daily
Ocean bacteria can harvest energy from sunlight for survival from Science Daily
NASA study sheds light on ozone hole chemistry from Science Daily
How nerve cells distinguish odors from Science Daily
Cassini and amateurs chase storm on Saturn from Science Daily
Hypertensive rat genome sequence expected to uncover genetic basis of human hypertension from Science Daily
New research offers security for virtualization, cloud computing from Science Daily
Cassini returning Enceladus gravity data from Science Daily
Vitamin E provides new hope for patients with 'silent' liver disease from Science Daily
Scientists uncover alternative pathway of microRNA generation from Science Daily
Letters: The fears and facts of VBACs from LA Times - Health
Nutrition Lab: Milk, soft drinks and bone strength from LA Times - Health
This nurse and patient prefers the VA to private hospitals from LA Times - Health
Despite tests, high blood pressure hard to recognise in children
Older women with diabetes face higher risk for colon cancer
Scripps Research team provides groundbreaking new understanding of stem cells
Study shows for first time decrease in mortality associated with physician order entry system
'Junk DNA' drives cancer growth
Pitt pharmacologists go on a molecular fishing trip and hook prize catch
Online labs from MIT Research
University of Arkansas to Host International Floodplain Lake Workshop from Newswise - Scinews
Transplant drug 2-year study outcomes show superior kidney function
Henry Ford Hospital study: Less prep needed for colonoscopy
New government pay-for-performance policies punish doctors who care for obese patients
Study shows liver transplant centre impacts patient outcomes
New Stanford tool enables wider analyses of genome 'deep sequencing'
Gene find offers hope of screening test for bone disease
Being obese can attract bullies
MicroRNA network study implicates rewired interactions in cancer
Extended hepatitis C treatment after liver transplant may benefit patients
Parental involvement key to preventing child bullying from Physorg
Young Latino children show strong classroom skills, despite many growing up in poverty from Physorg
Google TV may be on the way from Physorg
Return home from war not always peaceful for young vets from Physorg
Study shows for first time decrease in mortality associated with physician order entry system from Physorg
Large amounts of nitrogen stored beneath selected agricultural areas from Physorg
No simple explanation for why adolescents take risks from Physorg
Young assault victims often involved in subsequent violence from Physorg
Despite tests, high blood pressure hard to recognize in children from Physorg
Ash ban 'might have ended sooner' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Study shows liver transplant center impacts patient outcomes from Physorg
Home medication errors common among children with chronic conditions from Physorg
Reducing fossil energy use on the farm from Physorg
Transplant drug two-year study outcomes show superior kidney function from Physorg
Earnings Jump In First Quarter from C&EN
Creating Fuel From Water from C&EN
Rosalynn Carter pens new book about mental health from AP Health
Food staples lack nutrients from Science Alert
Mammoth blood super cool from Science Alert
Bear shot in N.W.T. was grizzly-polar hybrid from CBC: Technology & Science
Oil spill raises Arctic offshore drilling concerns from CBC: Technology & Science
Envisat monitoring changes in oil spill from European Space Agency
FDA: Avoid Vita Breath dietary supplement from UPI
FDA studies safety of food in transport from UPI
Opinion: Future tense in tomorrow's car? from Science Alert
Feature: Cosmic time machine from Science Alert
Fruit waste yields nutrients from Science Alert
Severe morning sickness could be inherited from Physorg
Two Black Holes Found Hard to Kill from
U.S. oil spill could hit Atlantic tuna from CBC: Technology & Science
Proposed test of weak equivalence principle could be most accurate yet from Physorg
Resurrected mammoth blood very cool (w/ Video) from Physorg
Image: Mars Rover Sees Distant Crater Rims on Horizon from Physorg
Obese Kids More Likely to Get Bullied from Live Science
Sorrow and Salesmanship After the Spill from NY Times Science
FDA Approves Chagas disease screening test from UPI
Cassini Returning Enceladus Gravity Data from Physorg
Google buys Canadian 3-D desktop startup from CBC: Technology & Science
Video game to include Q-league teams from CBC: Technology & Science
Indian science needs irreverence from SciDev
Developing nations to push intellectual property agenda from SciDev
Mathematics For Amphibians
Asteroid no threat for at least 100 years from UPI
IPad sales in U.S. hit 1 million: Apple from CBC: Technology & Science
New Early Warning Signs for Heart Attack and Stroke from Newswise - Scinews
Resurrected Mammoth Blood Very Cool from Newswise - Scinews
High-dose vitamin D in pregnancy safe: study from CBC: Health
One Million iPads Sold, Apple Announces from Live Science
A New Approach that Saves Eyesight and Lives in the Developing World from Newswise - Scinews
Rare Flower (Titan Arum) Blooms at Western Illinois University Greenhouse from Newswise - Scinews
Recovery efforts after Gulf Coast oil spill could be as damaging as its cause, says IU expert from Newswise - Scinews
IFT Media UpdateApril 2010 from Newswise - Scinews
Danger in Gulf 'Unfathomable,' says Cornell Ornithologist from Newswise - Scinews
Some HIV mortality rates are decreasing from UPI
Immigration a hot topic in Whitman and Poizner's last debate from LA Times - Science
After 'Compton Cookout' scandal, UCSD forges a more positive association with the city from LA Times - Science
Uncertainty grows with oil slick's size from LA Times - Science
Surviving Mumbai attacker convicted of murder from LA Times - Science
United and Continental join forces in $3-billion merger from LA Times - Science
UN: No comprehensive climate deal this year from CBC: Technology & Science
Germany wants 1 million electric cars by 2020 from CBC: Technology & Science
Apple sells 1 million iPads, outdoing first iPhone from Physorg
Rosalynn Carter pens new book about mental health from Physorg
China targets 'foreign forces' in Web crackdown from Physorg
1 Million iPads Sold since Launch, Apple Says from CBSNews - Science
Foiling Solar Bandits from NY Times Science
U.S. tech innovation competition announced from UPI
North Korean leader in China seeking cash, clout from LA Times - Science
A stress-response system in the ear protects against hearing loss from Physorg
Bird flu kills Indonesian girl: hospital from Physorg
Uganda's highest ice cap splits from BBC News: Science & Nature
Dim Chance Seen for Climate Deal This Year from CBSNews - Science
Fly your Thesis! 2011 call for proposals from European Space Agency
Review of U.N. Climate Panel Begins from NY Times Science
Chlamydia-induced arthritis therapy found from UPI
Shorter work shifts for doctors aid in detection of colon polyps, study suggests from Science Daily
Being obese can attract bullies from Science Daily
Saving Fuel on the Farm by Making Hay from National Geographic
405 Freeway reopened after fatal accident involving Sheriff's Department vehicle from LA Times - Science
Study: Darwin was right to worry that marriage to his cousin affected his offspring from Physorg
Those who exercise when young have stronger bones when they grow old from Physorg
Dietary habits of teenagers could be better from Physorg
1 Million iPads Sold since Launch, Apple Says from CBSNews - Science
Dim Chance Seen for Climate Deal This Year from CBSNews - Science
12 Experts to Review U.N. Climate Panel's Work from NY Times Science
Study Confirms Darwin's Concerns About Inbreeding
Oil spill restricts fishing in U.S. Gulf from UPI
Can a new prison save a town? from LA Times - Science
BP accepts responsibility for oil cleanup from LA Times - Science
Actress Lynn Redgrave has died at age 67 from LA Times - Science
Ontario begins health-care system overhaul from CBC: Health
Parents key to beating bullying: study from CBC: Health
Large caps this spring's must-have for water fleas from Physorg
Are poor workspace ergonomics causing radiologists pain? from Physorg
Tags on, tags off: Scientists identify new regulatory protein complex with unexpected behavior from Physorg
HIV-positive women are less likely to find work than men affected by the virus from Physorg
Study finds shorter work shifts aid in detection of colon polyps from Physorg
New publication focuses on molecular imaging and cardiovascular conditions from Physorg
LSU group develops maps charting demographics of the oil-spill region from Physorg
'My kid wouldn't do that' -- study shows parents' difficulty with teen sexuality from Physorg
What Do Co-Workers Really Think of You? from CBSNews - Science
When Will the 'Doughnut Hole' Close? from NY Times Health
Details on the Class Act, Pt. 2 from NY Times Health
Natfogaz-Gazprom link opposed from UPI
EIB funds Hungarian power sector from UPI
Russia invites China to explore Arctic from UPI
Iran boasts of gas export increase from UPI
Ukraine gas export duty reset from UPI
Nigeria sends police to protect pipelines from UPI
Iran issues bonds for South Pars gas field from UPI
A shrunken giant: Island dino Magyarosaurus was a dwarf, after all from Science Daily
Earlier, later puberty may trigger aggression in boys, researchers find from Science Daily
Inbreeding may have caused Darwin family ills, study suggests from Science Daily
Resurrection Researchers Recreate Woolly Mammoth Protein in Living Cell from PopSci
Iraqi election recount begins and criticism quickly follows from LA Times - Science
Opioid misuse sparks guideline for doctors from CBC: Health
BP vows to clean up US oil slick from BBC News: Science & Nature
New emergency preparedness information available for dental offices from Physorg
The bivalve effect from Physorg
What Do Co-Workers Really Think of You? from CBSNews - Science
Foul-smelling 'Corpse Flower' Blooms from Live Science
Magyarosaurus Dacus - A Sauropod Dwarf, Study Finds
Effects of Oil Spills on Environment - Expert Available from Newswise - Scinews
The Bivalve Effect : New Understanding of Marine Ecology Will Enable Better Management of Resources from Newswise - Scinews
Warmer January Temperatures May Favor Expansion of Cryptococcus gattii in Northwest North America from Newswise - Scinews
Sensitive Persons' Perception Moderates Responses Based On Culture from Newswise - Scinews
Researchers Create New Weathering Index to Measure Rainfall in Ancient Ecosystems from Newswise - Scinews
Argonne photon source lab to be upgraded from UPI
Prostate cancer drugs under safety review from UPI
Current could push oil spill up East Coast from MSNBC: Science
Oil Spill Hinders Space Shuttle Fuel Tank Delivery from
Earlier, later puberty may trigger aggression in boys from Physorg
Novel genes associated with risk for oral cleft malformation identified from Physorg
China Web Crackdown Against "Foreign Forces" from CBSNews - Science
Pope Nearly Endorses the Shroud of Turin, But Is It Real? from Live Science
Parents Don't Think Their Own Teens Are Having Sex from Live Science
Obesity Linked to Low Testosterone in Men from Live Science
Gas Cloud BYF73 May Help Explain Star Formation
Making clouds with lasers from
Vital Signs: Nutrition: Added Sugars Appear to Affect Cholesterol from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Substantial Smoothies from NY Times Health
Really?: The Claim: Green Tea Can Help Lower Blood Pressure from NY Times Health
NASA says 'Inspire' enrollment is open from UPI
BHP Billiton opposes mining tax from UPI
BP races to save face amid oil response from UPI
New device zaps airways to help asthmatics breathe from Physorg
Nintendo launches dark Wii, expanded bundle in US from Physorg
Male obesity linked to low testosterone levels, study shows from Physorg
A new approach that saves eyesight and lives in the developing world from Physorg
Upgrade to advanced photon source announced by DOE from Physorg
New device zaps airways to help asthmatics breathe from AP Health
Study: MicroRNA involved in lung fibrosis from UPI
Relief drilling to take time to stop oil gush from MSNBC: Science
Sponsored By: from MSNBC: Science
Out-of-Control Satellite Threatens Other Nearby Spacecraft from
Cheap New Metal Catalyst Can Split Hydrogen Gas From Water at a Fraction of the Cost from PopSci
Researchers pinpoint osteoporosis genes from Physorg
Ku70 shown to be critical regulator of DNA damage in Huntington's disease from Physorg
Fuel-producing Geobacter receives support from new research grant from Physorg
Revolution with a salad spinner (w/ Video) from Physorg
T cell protein boosts learning from Physorg
Google buys Canadian 3D desktop software startup from Physorg
IBM buys cloud computing firm Cast Iron Systems from Physorg
Revolution with a salad spinner from Science Blog
Improving UAVs using holographic adaptive optics from Science Blog
Ben-Gurion U researchers isolate microalgal strain that could reduce cholesterol from Science Blog
Purple is the new green from Science Blog
Adolescent smokers don't recognize early signs of nicotine dependence from Science Blog
A&A special feature: Science with AKARI from Science Blog
Study evaluates importance of timeliness of care in breast cancer diagnosis and treatment from Science Blog
Novel genes associated with risk for oral cleft malformation identified from Science Blog
Researchers Recover 43,000-Year-Old Mammoth Blood
Nanoscience may help cancer researchers from UPI
Resurrected mammoth blood very cool from Science Daily
Groundbreaking new understanding of stem cells: Findings may improve ability to manipulate cell fate and promote healing from Science Daily
Testosterone directly amplifies but does not program male behaviors from Science Daily
Stress-response system in the ear protects against hearing loss from Science Daily
AKARI produces two new infrared all-sky catalogues from Science Daily
Treating battlefield injuries with light-activated technology from Science Daily
Canadian health challenge helps poor countries from CBC: Health
12 Ontario cows take to Twitter from CBC: Technology & Science
Guenter Wendt, 85, 'Pad Leader' for NASA's Moon Missions, Dies from
An optical traffic cop for rapid communication from Physorg
Purple is the new green: Researcher examines light harvesting properties of purple bacteria from Physorg
Environmentally safe fuel cells may emerge from new research from Physorg
Broccoli component limits breast cancer stem cells from Physorg
Women want answers, but what questions should be asked? from Physorg
Improper use of opioids sparks a new Canadian practice guideline from Physorg
China Web Crackdown Against "Foreign Forces" from CBSNews - Science
Exercise in Youth Makes Bones Strong in Old Age from Live Science
Rober I. Grossman, MD, Dean and CEO of NYU Langone Medical Center Lauded at Home and Abroad for His Achievements from Newswise - Scinews
Re-Using Enzymes Key to South Dakota State University Research from Newswise - Scinews
Hearing Highlights Impasse Between Postdoc Union and UC from Science NOW
Arctic oil spill response training planned from CBC: Technology & Science
Gulf oil spill fuels West Coast tanker fears from CBC: Technology & Science
Automakers see sales jump in April from LA Times - Science
Purple periwinkles battle inflammatory diseases from Physorg
Bald eagle diet shift enhances conservation from Physorg
Improving UAVs using holographic adaptive optics from Physorg
Researchers isolate microalgal strain that could reduce cholesterol from Physorg
Low-maintenance strawberry may be good crop to grow in space from Physorg
Copycat behavior in children is universal and may help promote human culture from Physorg
UN: No comprehensive climate deal this year from Physorg
Reveal-all scanner for works of art from Physorg
Asthma rates in Inuit below national average from Physorg
Diagnosing heart attacks may be a lick and a click away from Physorg
How Woolly Mammoths Survived Arctic Cold from Live Science
Watching TV at Age 2 Linked to a Host of Problems at 10 from Live Science
Copycat Seen as Universal Behavior in Human Children Only from Live Science
UCSF transgenic mouse mimics Parkinson's earliest symptoms from Science Blog
Disease caused by insect bites can be transmitted to children at birth from Science Blog
Charles Darwin's family tree tangled with inbreeding, early death from Science Blog
Growing Strawberries In Space?
On The Psychology Of Identity
FOR KIDS: Planning for Mars from
FOR KIDS: A louse-y start for clothing from
BP Says Crews Make Progress Stemming Oil Leaks from NY Times Science
Teaching New Doctors the Cost of Those Tests They Order from NY Times Science
Vital Signs: Students Who Are Addicted to Indoor Tanning from NY Times Science
Vital Signs: Children of Suicide Victims Are Vulnerable from NY Times Science
Vital Signs: Nutrition: Added Sugars Appear to Affect Cholesterol from NY Times Science
Numberplay: The Puzzles of Pickover from NY Times Science
On Our Radar: BP's No-Sue Agreements from NY Times Science
A Brighter Cast to Dirty Skies from NY Times Science
Really?: The Claim: Green Tea Can Help Lower Blood Pressure from NY Times Science
E-waste increasing in developing world from UPI
Genes identified in cleft lip and palate from UPI
Animal clean-up after oil spill is lengthy process from MSNBC: Science
Researchers Find First Evidence of DNA Swapping Between Insects and Mammals from PopSci
Man charged after Calif. police booby trap raids from AP Science
Avis to Dollar Thrifty: We will top Hertz bid from AP Science
Indeterminate breast lesions found in high-risk patients should be evaluated aggressively to exclude malignancy from Physorg
Anti-depressant type does not affect suicide rate: study from Physorg
Treating battlefield injuries with light-activated technology from Physorg
Cholesterol drugs may help improve hip replacement outcomes from Physorg
Genetic makeup of Hispanic/Latino Americans influenced by Native American, European and African-American ancestries from Physorg
Rescue NET for lupus patients from Physorg
Common steroid medications hold promise for tissue repair from Physorg
UCSD researchers outline strategy to limit global warming from Physorg
UCSF transgenic mouse mimics Parkinson's earliest symptoms from Physorg
Scientists alter developing brain to resemble that of another species from Physorg
Rapid analysis of DNA damage now possible from Physorg
Brain changes associated with Fragile X take place before age 2 from Physorg
Scientists create human embryonic stem cells with enhanced pluripotency from Physorg
What a shoddy piece of work is man from News @ Nature
Rain-making lasers could trigger showers on demand from News @ Nature
Teaching New Doctors the Cost of Those Tests They Order from NY Times Health
A Valdez Reporter on Gushing Gulf Oil from NY Times Science
Scientists Alter Developing Brain to Resemble Another from Newswise - Scinews
Genetic Makeup of Hispanic/Latino Americans Influenced by Native American, European and African American Ancestries from Newswise - Scinews
New clues found about Earth's formation from UPI
First lady: Math, science important to nation from MSNBC: Science
Eagles' homecoming may harm fragile ecosystem from CBC: Technology & Science
Mars Rover Spies Next Crater Destination from
Air Force Tests Method for Using Light to Heal Battlefield Injuries from PopSci
Federal judge upholds ban on marijuana dispensaries in 2 Orange County cities from LA Times - Science
Man with 'furtive manner' catches attention of Times Square investigators from LA Times - Science
Wal-Mart to pay $27.6 million to settle California environmental case from LA Times - Science
Making serial parts out of metal powder from Physorg
Envisat monitoring changes in oil spill from Physorg
Are obese adolescents too young for bariatric surgery? from Physorg
Magnetic stimulation scores modest success as antidepressant from Physorg
People with common heart defect also more likely to have brain aneurysms from Physorg
Study evaluates importance of timeliness of care in breast cancer diagnosis and treatment from Physorg
Toddlers and TV: Early exposure has negative and long-term impact from Physorg
Estimated radiation risks associated with abdominal CT scans are greater in younger patients from Physorg
CO2 effects on plants increases global warming from Physorg
Do we want a kind of work that doesn't ruin our lives? from Physorg
Disease caused by insect bites can be transmitted to children at birth from Physorg
A century-old puzzle comes together: Scientists ID potential protein trigger in lung disease sarcoidosis from Physorg
Oil Spill Has Little Impact On Human Health from Live Science
Purple periwinkles battle inflammatory diseases from Science Blog
Most common cancers in the world decreasing in Alberta: Study from Science Blog
CO2 effects on plants increases global warming from Science Blog
Surgeons' pilot prevention program reduces incidence of postoperative pneumonia from Science Blog
May's Cold Spring Harbor Protocols features plant gene expression methods, Xenopus imaging from Science Blog
A century-old puzzle comes together: Scientists ID potential protein trigger in lung disease sarcoidosis from Science Blog
New blood test may help in the fight against lung cancer from Science Blog
Are obese adolescents too young for bariatric surgery? from Science Blog
The Science Of Feeding Soldiers from C&EN
Nanoruthenium Readily Reduces Aromatics from C&EN
Cases: Correcting Flat Feet Proves Complex and Painful from NY Times Health
Should Laws Push for Organ Donation? from NY Times Health
Oregon has lowest rate of childhood obesity from AP Health
Mammograms before 40: Few cancers, many callbacks from AP Health
Scientists Create More Pluripotent Human Embryonic Stem Cells from Newswise - Scinews
Upgraded tsunami buoy system planned from UPI
Study offers recipe for global warming-free industrial materials from Physorg
Food insecurity can lead to greater weight gain and complications during pregnancy from Physorg
Surgeons' pilot prevention program reduces incidence of postoperative pneumonia from Physorg
Quality-of-life testing may predict malignancy and survival in patients with pancreatic disease from Physorg
Discovery prompts new theory on cause of autoimmune diseases from Physorg
Most common cancers in the world decreasing in Alberta: Study from Physorg
Thuricin CD tested as specific antibiotic for Clostridium difficile from Physorg
Adolescent smokers don't recognize early signs of nicotine dependence from Physorg
A shrunken giant: Island dino Magyarosaurus was a dwarf, after all from Physorg
ADA releases updated position paper on nutrition assistance programs for children from Physorg
Rising C02 Keeps Trees From Cooling Earth
For Tire Recyclers, a Holy Grail from NY Times Science
Europe's green firms challenged from Asia from UPI
Mammoth blood revived through bacteria from MSNBC: Science
Giant Solar-Powered Artificial Waterfall Could Power Rio's Olympic Village from PopSci
Crist got push from Schwarzenegger before leaving GOP from LA Times - Science
Ahmadinejad call U.S. a bully at nuclear conference from LA Times - Science
Final day of free clinic, more than 6,200 patients seen so far from LA Times - Science
Man linked to slayings of 3 family members in Hollywood pleads not guilty from LA Times - Science
Metrolink's crash-resistant cars are unveiled from LA Times - Science
Better weather spurs hope over oil spill from Physorg
Densest dice packing and computing with molecules from Physorg
Researchers find chronic injury in kidneys of healthy adults from Physorg
Sunlight with cooling factor from Physorg
Breast cancer staging should include breast MRI, study suggests from Physorg
Study documents geographic variation in childhood obesity: Oregon has lowest rate from Physorg
iPad Will Force Netbook, E-reader Makers to Evolve or Die from Live Science
When the Ties That Bind Unravel from NY Times Health
Parsing the New Law on Long-Term Care from NY Times Health
Global Update: Maternal Health: A New Study Challenges Benefits of Vitamin a for Women and Babies from NY Times Health
Personal Health: For Short Children, a Plus Side of Human Growth Hormone from NY Times Health
Too Much TV Makes Kids Fat And Stupid
Study: Growth hormone can aid athletic performance from AP Health
Basics: Of Compost, Molecules and Insects, Art Is Born from NY Times Science
When the Ties That Bind Unravel from NY Times Science
Parsing the New Law on Long-Term Care from NY Times Science
Global Update: Maternal Health: A New Study Challenges Benefits of Vitamin a for Women and Babies from NY Times Science
Group Think from NY Times Science
Burning the Oil Off? Weather Is the Hitch from NY Times Science
Anxiety Over Seafood from NY Times Science
Cases: Correcting Flat Feet Proves Complex and Painful from NY Times Science
Personal Health: For Short Children, a Plus Side of Human Growth Hormone from NY Times Science
Bald Eagle Comeback Could Come at Expense of Other Species from Science NOW
Texas Tech Professors to Release Second Textbook on Wildlife Toxicology from Newswise - Scinews
Survey reports latest honey bee losses from Science Daily
Elusive masses of up, down and strange quarks pinned down from Science Daily
Carbon dioxide's effects on plants increase global warming, study finds from Science Daily
Imaging study discovers brain development differences in kids with fragile X syndrome from Science Daily
Oral therapy for Gaucher disease: Study yields positive results from Science Daily
Nutrition assistance programs for children from Science Daily
Recipe for global warming-free industrial materials from Science Daily
Scientists ID potential protein trigger in lung disease sarcoidosis from Science Daily
The effect of dietary supplements, acids and animal protein on gastrointestinal disorders from Science Daily
New treatments, diagnoses for women and children with gastrointestinal disorders from Science Daily
Pancreatic cancer: Minimally invasive treatments and possible links to GI diseases from Science Daily
Bolivia power sector nationalization signals distrust of elite from UPI
Secrets of Saturn Moon's Interior Probed by Cassini Spacecraft from
Birds May Use Quantum Mechanics To Migrate South from PopSci
Woman arrested after four stabbed in a West Hollywood Target store from LA Times - Science
Mosquitoes inherit DEET resistance from News @ Nature
What a shoddy piece of work is man from News @ Nature
Phase II study of an oral therapy for Gaucher disease yields positive results from Physorg
Algorithms provide a model of railway efficiency from Physorg
Mood and anxiety disorders affect many older adults from Physorg
Aboriginal hunting and burning increase Australia's desert biodiversity, researchers find from Physorg
Vitamin D deficiency in pregnant Arab women requires urgent attention from Physorg
African-American infants at increased risk from tobacco smoke exposure from Physorg
How Do Fertilizer Bombs Work? from Live Science
Darwin Dynasty Cursed By Inbreeding from Live Science
Vitamin D deficiency in pregnant Arab women requires urgent attention from Science Blog
African-American infants at increased risk from tobacco smoke exposure from Science Blog
Aboriginal hunting and burning increase Australia's desert biodiversity, Stanford researchers find from Science Blog
Research helps end guesswork in prescribing ADHD drug from Science Blog
NIH awards $10 million to Rush University Medical Center to address health disparities from Science Blog
SUNY Doctor Proposes Alternative Drug Therapy Protocol For Long Term Care Facilities from Science Blog
Announcing The Winners Of Our Writing Competition
Rising CO2 Keeps Trees From Cooling Earth
Cancer cells show rewired, fragmented microRNA networks from Biology News Net
Resurrected mammoth blood very cool from Biology News Net
Cold-blooded mothers: Magpie parents seem to induce mortality of 'unwanted' chicks from Biology News Net
Findings: Chimpanzees Use Tools to Help Their Sex Lives from NY Times Science
Naftogaz-Gazprom link opposed from UPI
How Much Junk is in Space? from
Deep Space as Seen by the Chandra X-Ray Observatory from CBSNews - Science
Gulf oil spill: Schwarzenegger no longer supports plan to expand drilling off California's coast from LA Times - Science
Cold-blooded mothers: Magpie parents seem to induce mortality of 'unwanted' chicks from Physorg
Plumage-color traits more extreme over time from Physorg
Study: Growth hormone can aid athletic performance from Physorg
Scientists Explain Why Computers Crash But We Don't from Physorg
Masses of common quarks are revealed from Physorg
Brain Study: Sensitive Persons' Perception Moderates Responses Based On Culture from Physorg
Screening mammograms in younger women have low accuracy and detect few cancers from Physorg
Purdue analysis cuts ethanol greenhouse gas emission estimates from Physorg
Research helps end guesswork in prescribing ADHD drug from Physorg
Image filters improve image quality and lower patient radiation dose associated with CT scans from Physorg
Weird, ultra-small microbes turn up in acidic mine drainage from Physorg
As Oil becomes 'Mousse' Then 'Tar-Balls' Chemistry Could Determine Coast's Fate from Science NOW
How cooperation is maintained in human societies: Punishment, study suggests from Science Daily
European innovation tackles power cuts from Science Daily
Rural to urban migration associated with increased obesity and diabetes risk in India from Science Daily
Astronomers spot mega-star cradle from Science Daily
Birth defect risk from insect bites received by mother during pregnancy from Science Daily
Purple periwinkles battle inflammatory diseases, study suggests from Science Daily
Cancer cells show rewired, fragmented microRNA networks from Science Daily
Bald Eagles May Have to Eat Toxic Seals, Study Says from National Geographic
How to stop the oil leak from MSNBC: Science
Study to test lead levels in St. John's kids from CBC: Health
Alberta pays for private clinic's receiver from CBC: Health
Offshore spill won't happen to Canada: PM from CBC: Technology & Science
1st grey whale in 100 years spotted in Howe Sound from CBC: Technology & Science
Nova Scotia to ban pesticides from CBC: Technology & Science
NASA Chief of Staff Stepping Down from
Survivors of childhood cancers 4 times more likely to develop post-traumatic stress disorder from Physorg
TiVo Is Not Kryptonite for Advertising After All from Physorg
Engineers Demo Smallest Room Temperature Laser from Physorg
The Pill Started More Than a Sexual Revolution from NY Times Science
Genetic changes show up in people with PTSD from
As Oil Becomes 'Mousse' Then 'Tarballs,' Chemistry Could Determine Coast's Fate from Science NOW
Suicide rates similar for different antidepressants from CBC: Health
Complex software systems -- heal thyself from Physorg
Breast MRI could reduce local breast cancer recurrence rates, study suggests from Physorg
Scientists uncover transfer of genetic material between blood-sucking insect and mammals from Physorg
In Darwin Family, Evidence of Inbreeding’s Ill Effects from NY Times Science
Mammoth Hemoglobin Offers More Clues to Its Arctic Evolution from NY Times Science
The Buzz Is All About BP at Oil Drillers' Conference from NY Times Science
Video: Oil Spill = Ecological Chaos from CBSNews - Science
Late Equals Large? A New Look At Brain Evolution
Particle Detector Shows Promise, if Nothing Else from NY Times Science
Abusive priests' personnel files remain under wraps from LA Times - Science
'The pill': 50 years after from LA Times - Science
Video: Oil Spill = Ecological Chaos from CBSNews - Science
Deep Space as Seen by the Chandra X-Ray Observatory from CBSNews - Science
1 Million iPads Sold since Launch, Apple Says from CBSNews - Science
Dim Chance Seen for Climate Deal This Year from CBSNews - Science
What Do Co-Workers Really Think of You? from CBSNews - Science
China Web Crackdown Against "Foreign Forces" from CBSNews - Science
Ecologists brace for oil spill damage from News @ Nature
Mosquitoes inherit DEET resistance from News @ Nature
Users believe electronic cigarettes can help you quit from Physorg
Rackspace 1Q profit rises from Physorg
Google expands VC staff to do more deals this year from Physorg
How the immune system's T cells seem to improve learning from Science Blog
Copycat Behavior Universal Among Children, Study Finds
Actress Lynn Redgrave dies of cancer at 67 from LA Times - Science
Observatory: Like Carrots, Pea Aphid Found to Produce Carotenoids from NY Times Science
Observatory: A Quandary in Restoring Bald Eagle Populations from NY Times Science
Observatory: Toxin Tied to Illness Is Found in Baltic Sea from NY Times Science
Q & A: Why So Blue? from NY Times Science
Video: Oil Spill = Ecological Chaos from CBSNews - Science
Deep Space as Seen by the Chandra X-Ray Observatory from CBSNews - Science
1 Million iPads Sold since Launch, Apple Says from CBSNews - Science
Dim Chance Seen for Climate Deal This Year from CBSNews - Science
What Do Co-Workers Really Think of You? from CBSNews - Science
China Web Crackdown Against "Foreign Forces" from CBSNews - Science
Video: The Driverless Car from CBSNews - Science
Video: Gulf Devastation Cleanup from CBSNews - Science
Video: Oil Spill Threatens Coastline from CBSNews - Science
Video: An Ecological Disaster from CBSNews - Science
On the Road with a Driverless Car from CBSNews - Science
Apple Shutting Lala; 'Cloud' Music On Horizon? from CBSNews - Science
New EPA Rules Target Harmful Mercury Emissions from CBSNews - Science
New Nuke Plants Face Skilled Labor Shortage from CBSNews - Science
Germany, Mexico Pushing Climate Talks Ahead from CBSNews - Science
Endangered Turtles Dying Along Texas Gulf Coast from CBSNews - Science
Video: Oil Spill Environmental Issue from CBSNews - Science
Video: Oil Spill Cleanup Action from CBSNews - Science
Video: Gulf Coast Crisis Deepens from CBSNews - Science
Oprah's "No Phone Zone" Crusade from CBSNews - Science
Teens Learn Dangers of Texting-while-Driving from CBSNews - Science
How's This For Motivation: $47.2 Million from CBSNews - Science
Predicting Your Health: It's in the Genome from CBSNews - Science
Video: Provenge Gets FDA Approval from CBSNews - Science
Video: Oil Spill Creeping Toward U.S. Coast from CBSNews - Science
The Pill Started More Than a Sexual Revolution from NY Times Health
Observatory: Toxin Tied to Illness Is Found in Baltic Sea from NY Times Health
Letters: Surviving Cancer (2 Letters) from NY Times Health
Letters: Cool Down, Then Exercise? (1 Letter) from NY Times Health
Letters: Hospitals and Emergencies (2 Letters) from NY Times Health
Letters: Hospitals and Emergencies (2 Letters) from NY Times Science
Letters: Surviving Cancer (2 Letters) from NY Times Science
Letters: Cool Down, Then Exercise? (1 Letter) from NY Times Science
Schwarzenegger vetoes beach smoking ban from LA Times - Science
Parents want Alberta to pay for insulin pump from CBC: Health
Not even Bruckheimer movies can escape budget cuts from LA Times - Science
Google Readies its Tech Shopping List from CBSNews - Science
New Volcano Plume - New Partial Flight Ban
Researchers develop computer-based system to automatically track radiation dose exposure from CT scans from Physorg
Study shows growth hormone boosts sprint speed from LA Times - Science
Court says family can't sue federal doctors over detainee's death from LA Times - Science
Scientists alter developing brain to resemble that of another species from Science Daily
Transgenic mouse mimics Parkinson's earliest symptoms from Science Daily
Scientists solve protein structure revealing secrets of cell membranes from Science Daily
Magnetic stimulation scores modest success as antidepressant from Science Daily
Human growth hormone significantly increases sprint capacity in healthy recreational athletes from Science Daily
New HIV model suggests killer T cell for vaccine from Science Daily
Risk of suicide, suicide attempt similar across types of antidepressant medication, study finds from Science Daily
Chronic injury found in kidneys of healthy adults from Science Daily
Rapid analysis of DNA damage now possible: Technology offers new way to test potential cancer drugs, see effects of environmental toxins from Science Daily
Mood and anxiety disorders affect many older adults from Science Daily
People with common heart defect also more likely to have brain aneurysms from Science Daily
Hormone mimic reduces liver damage caused by common genetic kidney disease from Science Daily
Are obese adolescents too young for bariatric surgery? from Science Daily
Purifying positronium could help develop gamma ray lasers and produce fusion power from Science Daily
Bald eagle diet shift enhances conservation, study finds from Science Daily
Cancer risk the same for kidney transplant recipients, no matter the drug, study finds from Science Daily
Users believe electronic cigarettes can help you quit from Science Daily
T cell protein boosts learning from Science Daily
'My kid wouldn't do that:' Study shows parents' difficulty with teen sexuality from Science Daily
Improving UAVs using holographic adaptive optics from Science Daily
Probiotics help extremely premature infants gain weight from Science Daily
Limiting global warming: Variety of efforts needed ranging from 'Herculean' to the readily actionable, scientists say from Science Daily
Envisat monitoring changes in oil spill from Science Daily
'Different forms of flowers' continues to fascinate: Darwin's influential study inspires research on breeding system called heterostyly from Science Daily