Archive of feed items published on the 19th of April 2010
Shuttle Discovery heads for Earth from UPI
Doctors Hear Many Questions About Health Law from NY Times Health
Obama Health Team Turns to Carrying Out New Law from NY Times Health
Camel Orbs May Lure Young Users, Study Warns from NY Times Health
Ash Seen Posing Little Health Danger from NY Times Health
Pediatrician Charged With Rape Was Once Cleared by Hospital from NY Times Health
James F. Masterson, Narcissism Expert, Dies at 84 from NY Times Health
Study finds treatment-resistant ringworm prevalent among children in metro elementary schools from Science Blog
Day care dilemma: When 'sick' children are unnecessarily sent home from Science Blog
Tobacco company's new, dissolvable nicotine products could lead to accidental poisoning from Science Blog
Arctic Tipping Points - #4: The Broken Bridges Of Nares
The many ways to share bad news from LA Times - Health
A Closer Look: FDA is reviewing the use of antibacterial products containing triclosan from LA Times - Health
Letters: Ways to control tinnitus from LA Times - Health
The Unreal World: Probing trauma procedures on ‘Miami Medical’ from LA Times - Health
Mortimer Sackler dies at 93; arts patron was co-owner of Purdue Pharma from LA Times - Science
My iPad Second Impressions from CBSNews - Science
Routine breast cancer biopsy might predict lymph node cancer spread
Microbial mat the size of Greece found on oxygen-starved South American seafloor
Study reveals a mechanism for mate selection
First images of spotted leopard captured in Malaysia from Physorg
Robotic therapy helps stroke patients regain function from MIT Research
An altered state from MIT Research
Scientists teach Australian marsupial to aid in its own survival from Physorg
Scientists, farmers begin trials of self-pollinating almond trees in California from Physorg
Vitamin and calcium supplements may reduce breast cancer risk
Brain connections for stress - lessons from the worm
Day care dilemma: When 'sick' children are unnecessarily sent home
Tobacco company's new, dissolvable nicotine products could lead to accidental poisoning
Advocates and researchers educate community about cancer in game show format
A brain-recording device that melts into place
You had me at hello: Frisky yeast know who to 'shmoo' after 2 minutes
Research hopes to shed light on link between space travel, sickness from Physorg
My iPad Second Impressions from CBSNews - Science
Counting sea life, sometimes little things are big from AP Science
Large Hadron Collider could reveal our origins from Physorg
In pictures: Oceans' tiniest life from BBC News: Science & Nature
My iPad Second Impressions from CBSNews - Science
Video: Volcano Ash Changes Behavior from CBSNews - Science
Facebook To Target Ads Based On Users' Trail from CBSNews - Science
Tweet This: Get Me Home from CBSNews - Science
Rain threatens to delay space shuttle's return from Physorg
Shuttle Discovery Landing may be Rain Delayed from CBSNews - Science
Dusty experiments aim to solve interstellar water mystery from Science Daily
Seabed biodiversity in oxygen minimum zones from Science Daily
Mother-infant psychoanalysis may create a beneficial circle in the event of poor bonding from Science Daily
Pigeon 'backpacks' track flock voting from Science Daily
Scientists find new genes for cancer, other diseases in plants, yeast and worms from Science Daily
Greater access to cell phones than toilets in India from Science Daily
Statins may slow progression of multiple sclerosis, new study suggests from Science Daily
First detailed look at young dusty discs around aging stars from Science Daily
Lack of omega-3 fatty acid linked to male infertility, study suggests from Science Daily
Random, but not by chance: A quantum random-number generator for encryption, security from Science Daily
Additional genes associated with age-related macular degeneration identified from Science Daily
Brief meditative exercise helps cognition from Science Daily
Novel strategy for generating induced pluripotent stem cells for clinical use is safe and efficient, study finds from Science Daily
Early treatment associated with benefits for some children with retinopathy of prematurity from Science Daily
Negative mass and high speed: How electrons go their own ways from Science Daily
New treatment helps control involuntary crying and laughing -- common in MS, ALS patients from Science Daily
First clinical evidence of anti-cancer drug triggering viral infection from Science Daily
Environmental pollution: A different kind of mine disaster from Science Daily
Charge breeder breaks world record for efficiency from Science Daily
UK sends warships to rescue stranded Britons from Physorg
Americans Turn to Al-Jazeera for Raw Images of War, Study FInds from Physorg
Atlantic Lotto tightens online bet rules from CBC: Technology & Science
Cell division orchestrated by multiple oscillating proteins, new research finds from Physorg
3D printer could build moon bases from Physorg
NASA Satellite Eyes Iceland Volcano Cauldron from Physorg
Traverse causes quad crashes from Science Alert
Big Kenny: Crossing genres important to musicians from AP Health
Police: Boxer Valero suspected of killing wife from AP Health
Mutations directly identifiable in active genes from Science Daily
Scientists put proteins right where they want them from Science Daily
US needs better-trained math teachers to compete globally, study finds from Science Daily
New cell measurement system from Science Daily
'No tolerance' from BBC News: Science & Nature
NASA Skips First Space Shuttle Landing Attempt Today from
Circling Saturn: Carolyn Porco on her Celestial Trip from Physorg
China factories break labor rules from Physorg
Recycling nanoparticles from Physorg
An altered state from Physorg
Space shuttle Discovery's return delayed from CBC: Technology & Science
Russian sun probe lost: official from Physorg
To build a cooperative society, is it better to punish or reward? from Physorg
Psychologist explores effective treatment options for children with autism disorders (w/ Video) from Physorg
Robotic therapy helps stroke patients regain function from Physorg
Bad Weather Delays Shuttle Landing from NY Times Science
Velociraptor Frozen in Time Scavenging a Larger Dinosaur from Live Science
N.B. bird observatory tries radar from CBC: Technology & Science
Bolivia hosts Mother Earth talks from BBC News: Science & Nature
Fading future from BBC News: Science & Nature
Researchers find four biomarkers important in colerectal cancer treatment prognosis from Physorg
MiRNA-21 linked to tumor suppressor loss, herceptin resistance from Physorg
Weight gain during pregnancy associated with long-term obesity for mothers from Physorg
Swept Away: New Modeling Buoys Raft Theory for Origin of Madagascar's Mammals from Science Blog
Discovery's first landing waved off from UPI
Heavy mothers gain weight later from Science Alert
Toxic ash threatens Iceland herds from BBC News: Science & Nature
Flush to hob from BBC News: Science & Nature
Shuttle Discovery Landing Delayed from CBSNews - Science
The Dark Side of Adoptions: Why Parents and Kids Don't Bond from Live Science
Cloudy Skies, Rain Delay Shuttle Discovery's Return to Earth from
UAB researchers find 4 biomarkers important in colerectal cancer treatment prognosis from Science Blog
Better mixing helps mining yield from Science Alert
Cloudy skies delay space shuttle's homecoming from Reuters:Science
Iceland volcano sends new tremors, lower ash cloud from Reuters:Science
7 Ordinary Things Turned Hi-Tech from Live Science
Tiny sea life counts for a lot from CBC: Technology & Science
Tories undermining digital levy: MP from CBC: Technology & Science
Mysterious New Object Discovered in Space from
Broken Promises from Science Blog
What is the memory capacity of the human brain? Is there a physical limit to the amount of information it can store? from Science Blog
MiRNA-21 linked to tumor suppressor loss, herceptin resistance from Science Blog
No landings Monday for Discovery from UPI
Study: Most Parents Don't Spank Kids from Live Science
Researchers warn new, dissolvable nicotine products could lead to accidental poisoning in children and youths from Harvard Science
Adaptive camera senses trouble from Science Alert
Bioinspired Material Debuts from C&EN
Boron-Oxygen Triple Play from C&EN
Have Modern Scientists Made any Advancements in Alchemy? from PopSci
Virtual reality added to soldiers' rehab from CBC: Health
Near-Death Experiences Linked to Oxygen Deprivation from Live Science
Four biomarkers important in colerectal cancer treatment prognosis discovered from Science Daily
MiRNA-21 linked to tumor suppressor loss, herceptin resistance from Science Daily
Tobacco company's new, dissolvable nicotine products could lead to accidental poisoning from Science Daily
Day care dilemma: When 'sick' children are unnecessarily sent home from Science Daily
How do older people use e-mail? from Science Blog
Scientists find chicken antibodies may help prevent H5N1 pandemic from Science Blog
Cardiff takes a step towards quantum computing from Science Blog
Some Asian meat products recalled from UPI
Virtual reality added to soldiers' rehab from CBC: Technology & Science
New satellite image of ash spewing from Iceland’s volcano from European Space Agency
IMPACT results show potential cancer treatment from Physorg
Obesity and weight gain near time of prostate cancer surgery doubles risk of recurrence from Physorg
How do older people use e-mail? from Physorg
Cystic fibrosis and Crohn's disease treated successfully with infliximab from Physorg
A howling success: The fifth howler monkey census on Barro Colorado Island from Physorg
Some StarKist-brand fish fillets recalled from UPI
This Chip Can Sift Martian Soil For Alien DNA from PopSci
Beetles stand out using 'Avatar' tech from Science Daily
Howler monkey census on Barro Colorado Island reveals steady population from Science Daily
Study concludes aerospace industry must evolve new ways to recruit and retain future engineers from Physorg
Researchers seeking better use of aircraft, personnel and fuel from Physorg
From bacteria to electricity: The future of green energy from Physorg
Researchers take a step towards quantum computing from Physorg
Cell transplants may benefit children with cerebral palsy from Physorg
Novel Experiment Prepares to Join Dark Energy Hunt from Scientific American
Second Wind for Hydrogen In the Eco-car Race? from CBSNews - Science
Botulinum toxin provides clinically meaningful benefit: study from Physorg
Probiotic without effect against Salmonella from Physorg
Lionfish invasion continuing to expand from Physorg
ESA's new satellite image of ash spewing from Iceland's volcano from Physorg
Graphene: What projections and humps can be good for from Physorg
Which treatment is effective in maintaining remission in ulcerative colitis: Probiotic or placebo? from Physorg
Patterns of growth changing in Inuit preschoolers from Physorg
BATTLE links potential biomarkers to drugs for lung cancer from Physorg
New technique creates complex structures from UPI
Putin sees new gas developments by 2011 from UPI
Gazprom, New Delhi talk Peace Pipeline from UPI
Stronger defences needed against alien species from SciDev
Briefing for Congressional Staff on Cyber Security and Information Technology, on April 30 from Newswise - Scinews
Foreign media control opposed by most: poll from CBC: Technology & Science
Study: 2 good choices to prevent breast cancer from Physorg
Brand new species of bacterium found in Sweden from Physorg
Plastic chips monitor body functions from Physorg
Electromobility: Fast-tracking innovation from Physorg
Rapid rise in N.Korea mobile phone use: report from Physorg
Early detection of Parkinson's disease by voice analysis from Physorg
Head-ramming dino had ‘rears’ in skull from MSNBC: Science
Brand new species of bacterium found in the Gullmarsfjord north of Gothenburg from Science Blog
BATTLE links potential biomarkers to drugs for lung cancer from Science Blog
From bacteria to electricity: The future of green energy from Science Blog
Researchers seeking better use of aircraft, personnel and fuel from Science Blog
NASA prepares for Atlantis launch. from UPI
BATTLE trial personalizes lung cancer treatment from
New explanation for cardiac arrest from Science Daily
Quantum computing closer: Properties of hybrid light-matter particles discovered from Science Daily
Brewing up identity with Billy Bragg from News @ Nature
It's a microbial world from News @ Nature
India's TCS quarterly profit up 47 percent, beating forecast from Physorg
New bony-skulled dinosaur species discovered in Texas from Physorg
Mass screening for prostate cancer in Europe still not recommended from Physorg
New explanation for cardiac arrest from Physorg
New insight into Parkinson's disease from Physorg
New molecular therapy candidates for pancreatic cancer from Physorg
Scientists find chicken antibodies may help prevent H5N1 pandemic from Physorg
A howling success: The fifth howler monkey census on Barro Colorado Island from Science Blog
Beetles stand out using 'Avatar' tech from Science Blog
Obesity and weight gain near time of prostate cancer surgery doubles risk of recurrence from Science Blog
Malaysia backtracks on Iran oil sales from UPI
Moscow considers gas discount for Kiev from UPI
CNOOC posts new find in Bohai Bay from UPI
GDF Suez expands in Peruvian market from UPI
FDA takes action against animal drug lab from UPI
Dissolvable Nicotine Could Poison Our Innocent Children
Heart risks vary by ethnicity: Ont. study from CBC: Health
Shuttle Discovery Landing Delayed from CBSNews - Science
Second Wind for Hydrogen In the Eco-car Race? from CBSNews - Science
Warm spring brings cankerworms from CBC: Technology & Science
JPL worker sues over intelligent design demotion from AP Science
US needs new national strategy for era of cyber aggression, new paper concludes from Physorg
Language dysfunction in children may be due to epileptic brain activity from Physorg
Electric drive concepts for the cars of the future from Physorg
Conservative surgery not inferior to nephrectomy from Physorg
Ethnic groups show different cardiovascular risk profiles from Physorg
Icelandic eruption, ash column 'diminished markedly': expert from Physorg
Substance in breast milk kills cancer cells from Physorg
New bony-skulled dinosaur species discovered in Texas from Science Blog
New explanation for cardiac arrest from Science Blog
New satellite image of ash spewing from Iceland's volcano from Science Blog
US needs new national strategy for era of cyber aggression, new paper concludes from Science Blog
Substance in breast milk kills cancer cells from Science Blog
Endoxenoturbella Lovénii - New Bacteria Found In Sweden
Developing world's innovations find a way to the West from SciDev
Bolivian alternative climate conference begins from SciDev
Millions spent on malaria but problems remain from AP Health
Official: Kyrgyz president leaves Kazakhstan from AP Health
Arctic leaders: Lancaster Sound plans in conflict from CBC: Technology & Science
New immigrants have higher risk of diabetes than long-term residents from Physorg
Ischemic preconditioning alters hepatic blood supply from Physorg
Flyp, experimental online magazine, to close from Physorg
GEN reports on the promise of DNA vaccines from Physorg
Bionanotechnology has new face, world-class future from Physorg
Texas Curriculum Massacre
Some Purina horse, poultry feed recalled from UPI
U.S. Navy commits to green future from UPI
Riyadh seeking nuclear energy? from UPI
Uganda moves closer to Kenya oil pipeline from UPI
Iran to set up bank for energy sector from UPI
Vancouver smoking ban for parks, beaches debated from CBC: Health
Health charities accused of tax scam from CBC: Health
Mine Slowly Swallowing Peruvian Town from CBSNews - Science
Recipes for Health: Tacos: Health Food With a Kick from NY Times Health
Airlines, scientists split over impact of ash from Reuters:Science
Ugandan government 'was warned' of landslide tragedy from SciDev
Plastic chips monitor body functions, research suggests from Science Daily
Scientists measure atomic nudge from News @ Nature
Brewing up identity with Billy Bragg from News @ Nature
Swaziland poacher murders exposed from BBC News: Science & Nature
Australia plans tough reef laws from BBC News: Science & Nature
Videogame titan Ubisoft going green from Physorg
JPL worker sues over intelligent design demotion from Physorg
Bony-Skulled Texacephale Langstoni Discovered In Texas
Why Can't Planes Fly Through Volcanic Ash? NASA Found Out from PopSci
Geologists Drill into Antarctica and Find Troubling Signs for Ice Sheets' Future from Scientific American
Sea Census Hopes to Find More Weird Fish from CBSNews - Science
Why Are Marathons 26.2 Miles Long? from Live Science
Diclofenac In The Environment from C&EN
Some women storing eggs now for pregnancies later from Physorg
Anemia following surgery for morbid obesity from Physorg
Proteins linked to ovarian cancer outcomes from UPI
Brain implant essentially melts into place from UPI
Geologists Drill into Antarctica and Find Troubling Signs for Ice Sheets' Future from Science Blog
Bionanotechnology has new face, world-class future at Florida State from Science Blog
Really: The Claim: Alcohol Worsens Allergies from NY Times Health
Busting Bug Love: Company Uses Green Technology to Counter Crop Pest from Newswise - Scinews
Bionanotechnology Has New Face, World-Class Future at Florida State from Newswise - Scinews
Older Motorcycle Riders More Likely to Be Injured from Live Science
New bony-skulled dinosaur species discovered in Texas from Science Daily
Substance in breast milk kills cancer cells, study suggests from Science Daily
Language dysfunction in children may be due to epileptic brain activity from Science Daily
Inuit children are heavier but just as tall as US counterparts from Science Daily
Enzyme found to be a predictive marker of survival in head and neck cancer from Physorg
Meat, especially if it's well done, may increase risk of bladder cancer from Physorg
Smoke exposure alters gene expression and estrogen metabolism in the lungs of mice from Physorg
Engineered antibodies directed against a promising therapeutic target on ovarian cancer cells from Physorg
Biomarkers help predict prostate cancer progression from Physorg
A biotherapy strategy for esophageal cancer in the future from Physorg
Millions spent on malaria but problems remain from Physorg
Does a man's estrogen level impact his risk of prostate cancer? from Physorg
Computer program may speed drug discovery from UPI
Wisconsin Becomes First State to Name State Microbe, Honoring Cheese-Producing Bacterium from PopSci
Tracing Listeria monocytogenes in a Commercial Chicken Cooking Plant from Newswise - Scinews
Under Threat, Women Bond, Men Withdraw from Scientific American
Mine Slowly Swallowing Peruvian Town from CBSNews - Science
Sea Census Hopes to Find More Weird Fish from CBSNews - Science
Second Wind for Hydrogen In the Eco-car Race? from CBSNews - Science
Lunar Poles May Be Electrified, Study Finds
Vital Signs: Metal Shavings From Swings a Danger to Children With Autism from NY Times Science
Vital Signs: Aging: Diet May Be Linked to Lower Alzheimer’s Risk in Older People from NY Times Science
Vital Signs: Few Young Men Counseled on Sexual Health, Study Finds from NY Times Science
Monday Puzzle: Thank You, John from NY Times Science
Really: The Claim: Alcohol Worsens Allergies from NY Times Science
Americans turn to Al-Jazeera for raw images of war, UA study finds from Science Blog
New species of human malaria recognized from Science Blog
Deadly Bat Fungus Detected in Smoky Mountains from CBSNews - Science
Is 3-D TV Dangerous? from Live Science
How to Reduce Risk of Heart Failure in Seniors from Live Science
For ancient hominids, thumbs up on precision grip from
Severe weather has favorite spots from
Massive B.C. dam project approved from CBC: Technology & Science
Microbes galore in seas; "spaghetti" mats Pacific from Reuters:Science
Key brain regions talk directly with each other, scientists say from Physorg
Magnetic fields drive drug-loaded nanoparticles to reduce blood vessel blockages in an animal study from Physorg
Scientists discover gene that ties stress to obesity and diabetes from Physorg
Chinese pigs 'direct descendants' of first domesticated breeds from Physorg
Goodbye Constellation, Hello ... Baracket?
Eradicating Disease A Waste Of Time?
Calgarians pay to be scarred, left hanging from CBC: Health
Deadly Bat Fungus Detected in Smoky Mountains from CBSNews - Science
Scavenging velociraptor frozen in time from MSNBC: Science
Sponsored By: from MSNBC: Science
Lyrid Meteor Shower to Peak on Earth Day from National Geographic
Volcano Spews Less Ash as Lava Boils Up from CBSNews - Science
Video: Copy Machines: Risky Business? from CBSNews - Science
iPhone 4G Discovered on Bar Floor? from CBSNews - Science
It Slices, It Dices from NY Times Science
World Bank report: East Asia energy shift from UPI
Gene test shows who could benefit from statins to reduce colon cancer risk from Physorg
First-in-class drug BBI608 tested in patients with advanced cancer from Physorg
Therapy can help even very distressed married couples, largest study finds from Science Blog
Shampoo Forms Harmful Substance in Waste Water from Science Blog
Under Threat, Women Bond, Men Withdraw from Science Blog
Hobbit debate goes out on some limbs from
Congress to Address Helium-3 Shortage Hurting Scientific Research and Nuclear Security from PopSci
Leaf Sensor: Plants "call you" when they are thirsty from Live Science
Volcano Spews Less Ash as Lava Boils Up from CBSNews - Science
Video: Copy Machines: Risky Business? from CBSNews - Science
iPhone 4G Discovered on Bar Floor? from CBSNews - Science
Cuban scientist wins 'green Nobel' from CBC: Technology & Science
The Squeeze on the Middle Class from NY Times Health
Q & A: Acrobatic Ants from NY Times Science
Slideshow: 'Dirty Thunderstom': Lightning in a volcano from MSNBC: Science
Photos show ash impact on engines from MSNBC: Science
Commodities figure high in Mercosur-Egypt deal from UPI
England may face more severe winters from UPI
Better autistic brain image obtained from UPI
Microsoft program fixes personal computers from Physorg
Sensor gives valuable data for neurological diseases and treatments from Physorg
Study: Secondhand smoke linked to common nasal and sinus condition from Physorg
Taped consultations help patients understand heart surgery from Physorg
Airway obstructions uncommon but deadly in children from Physorg
Patients with acne may get electronic follow-up care from Physorg
Statins do not protect patients against risk of colorectal adenoma from Physorg
Teaching hospital status associated with death rate after colon surgery from Physorg
Gene variant may protect memory and thinking skills in older people from Physorg
Study suggests indoor tanning may be an addictive behavior from Physorg
Children with cochlear implants appear to achieve similar educational and employment levels as peers from Physorg
Gadget blog says it obtained next-generation iPhone from Physorg
Court takes up public employees' privacy case from Physorg
Could Printers Produce Human Tissue? from Physorg
Metformin may prevent lung cancer in smokers from Physorg
Probing public policy with a new lens from Science Blog
Are doctors missing depression medication side effects? from Science Blog
Being naughty or nice may boost willpower, physical endurance from Science Blog
Vitamin K may protect against developing non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, say Mayo Clinic researchers from Science Blog
Peruvian Mummies, Seashells Share Historical Climate Insight from Newswise - Scinews
Universities Ban iPads from Live Science
Indoor Tanning Is Addictive, Study Finds from Live Science
Dog-Sized Dinosaur Had Thick, Head-Butting Skull from Live Science
Volcano Spews Less Ash as Lava Boils Up from CBSNews - Science
Video: Copy Machines: Risky Business? from CBSNews - Science
iPhone 4G Discovered on Bar Floor? from CBSNews - Science
Deadly Bat Fungus Detected in Smoky Mountains from CBSNews - Science
Shuttle Discovery Landing Delayed from CBSNews - Science
My iPad Second Impressions from CBSNews - Science
Video: Volcano Ash Changes Behavior from CBSNews - Science
Facebook To Target Ads Based On Users' Trail from CBSNews - Science
Tweet This: Get Me Home from CBSNews - Science
Mine Slowly Swallowing Peruvian Town from CBSNews - Science
Sea Census Hopes to Find More Weird Fish from CBSNews - Science
Second Wind for Hydrogen In the Eco-car Race? from CBSNews - Science
Sensor gives valuable data for neurological diseases and treatments from Science Daily
Therapy can help even very distressed married couples, largest study finds from Science Daily
Vitamin K may protect against developing non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, say Mayo Clinic researchers from Science Daily
Being naughty or nice may boost willpower, physical endurance from Science Daily
Depression medication: Patients report 20 times more side effects than recorded in charts, study finds from Science Daily
Katrina led to onshore petroleum releases from UPI
Tracing Listeria monocytogenes in a commercial chicken cooking plant from Physorg
Researchers identify new gene involved in the development of liver cancer from Physorg
Therapy can help even very distressed married couples, largest study finds from Physorg
Research pinpoints action of protein linked to key molecular switch from Physorg
Breast cancer risk tied to grandmother's diet from Physorg
DARPA announces plans for self-piloted flying car from Physorg
Should a brand like Sony extend into binoculars or scanners? It depends on the competition from Physorg
How do ads depicting mixed emotions persuade abstract thinkers? from Science Blog
New research finds bureaucracy linked to a nation's growth from Science Blog
Why do grotesque fashion ads lure consumers? from Science Blog
Free UAB service to help parents advocate for safer playgrounds, gyms from Science Blog
Buyer beware: Consumers in conflict may become victims to unwanted influence from Science Blog
Consumer remorse: Difficult choices can lead to second-guessing from Science Blog
Research pinpoints action of protein linked to key molecular switch from Science Blog
Consumers: Why do you like what I like, but I don't like what you like? from Science Blog
Those Meant to Benefit From Health Law Still Face Hurdles from NY Times Health
For Same-Sex Couples, Equality in the Hospital from NY Times Health
In Blood, Life's Ebb and Flow from NY Times Health
Essay: With AIDS, Time to Get Beyond Blame from NY Times Health
An Alcoholic’s Savior: Was It God, Belladonna or Both? from NY Times Health
Vital Statistics: Despite Advice, Many Mothers Refrain From Breast-Feeding from NY Times Health
Global Update: Kenya: Pig Farmers Are Focus of Effort to Stop Spread of Parasite That Causes Epilepsy from NY Times Health
Personal Health: Risks for Youths Who Eat What They Watch from NY Times Health
Finding a Way to Give a Saturn Explorer 7 More Years from NY Times Science
A Conversation With Sean Carroll (the Physicist): Sean Carroll Talks School Science and Time Travel from NY Times Science
An Alcoholic’s Savior: Was It God, Belladonna or Both? from NY Times Science
On Ash and the Global Aviation Boom from NY Times Science
Daycares send home kids with mild illness: U.S. study from CBC: Health
Beauty treatments paid by insurance fraud from CBC: Health
Temple University Experts Available for Earth Day from Newswise - Scinews
Another Iceland Volcano Under Watch from Live Science
Lionfish invasion continuing to expand from Biology News Net
A howling success: The fifth howler monkey census on Barro Colorado Island from Biology News Net
New species of human malaria recognized from Biology News Net
From bacteria to electricity: The future of green energy from Biology News Net
Ash not expected to blow toward North America from AP Science
Obesity gene, carried by more than a third of the US population, leads to brain tissue loss from Science Daily
Two NASA Satellites Capture Eyjafjallajokull's Ash Plume from Science Daily
Campus green space more important for undergrads from Science Daily
Volcanic ash research shows how plumes end up in the jet stream from Science Daily
Gene variant may protect memory and thinking skills in older people from Science Daily
Morality Controls Physical Endurance, Psychologists Suggest
Diabetes Drug Could Help Smokers Avoid Lung Cancer
Solar energy: Enormous Ontario potential from UPI
'Project BudBurst' looks at climate change from UPI
NASA extends Hubble operations contract from UPI
Why do grotesque fashion ads lure consumers? from Physorg
Consumer remorse: Difficult choices can lead to second-guessing from Physorg
Urban wildlife: Some birds crave cement, not trees from Physorg
NASA's Swift catches 500th gamma-ray burst from Physorg
2 NASA Satellites Capture Last 3 Days of Eyjafjallajokull's Ash Plume from Physorg
Free UAB service to help parents advocate for safer playgrounds, gyms from Physorg
Educational historian looks at origins of the culture wars from Physorg
New research finds bureaucracy linked to a nation's growth from Physorg
IBM's earnings indicate tech spending picking up from Physorg
Exercise therapy for low back pain from Physorg
Probing public policy with a new lens from Physorg
How do ads depicting mixed emotions persuade abstract thinkers? from Physorg
NASA's Swift catches 500th gamma-ray burst from Science Blog
Researchers identify new gene involved in the development of liver cancer from Science Blog
Obesity gene, carried by more than a third of the US population, leads to brain tissue loss from Science Blog
Volcanic ash research shows how plumes end up in the jet stream from Science Blog
Blood test identifies people at risk for heart attack that other tests miss from Science Blog
Black or blue? Mulch color affects okra growth, yield from Science Blog
Campus green space more important for undergrads from Science Blog
NRL researchers study galaxy mergers from Science Blog
In Deep Sea, Waves With a Familiar Curl from NY Times Science
Those Meant to Benefit From Health Law Still Face Hurdles from NY Times Science
Global Update: Kenya: Pig Farmers Are Focus of Effort to Stop Spread of Parasite That Causes Epilepsy from NY Times Science
Vital Statistics: Despite Advice, Many Mothers Refrain From Breast-Feeding from NY Times Science
Observatory: For Some Birds, It’s Not Always the Same Old song from NY Times Science
Observatory: Calculating Water Use, Direct and Indirect from NY Times Science
For Same-Sex Couples, Equality in the Hospital from NY Times Science
Essay: With AIDS, Time to Get Beyond Blame from NY Times Science
Personal Health: Risks for Youths Who Eat What They Watch from NY Times Science
Government unveils device for storing CO2 from CBC: Technology & Science
Indoor tanning may be addictive from LA Times - Science
Internet advertisements can be easily re-sized for iPhone, iPad and custom applications with new technology from Science Daily
NASA's Swift catches 500th gamma-ray burst from Science Daily
Galaxy merger dilemma solved from Science Daily
Source of Night Sky's Mysterious Zodiacal Glow Explained from
Volcanic Ash Data Sought from C&EN
Americans Turn To Foreign Media For War News
EU climate chief calls for energy tax from UPI
New technology will mean shift for Internet advertising from Physorg
Researchers study galaxy mergers from Physorg
Ash not expected to blow toward North America from Physorg
New species of human malaria recognized from Physorg
Obesity gene, carried by more than a third of the US population, leads to brain tissue loss from Physorg
Blood test identifies people at risk for heart attack that other tests miss from Physorg
Online conferencing takes off as volcano grounds planes from Physorg
Food vs. fuel: Scientists say growing grain for food is more energy efficient from Physorg
Black or blue? Mulch color affects okra growth, yield from Physorg
Facebook profiles to play up brand and band pages from Physorg
Vitamin K may protect against developing non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, say researchers from Physorg
Block by block: A campaign to combat diabetes from Physorg
University of Miami College of Engineering to develop new methods for data analysis from Physorg
Promoting recovery from effects of severe allergic reaction from Physorg
Grandma's High-Fat Diet Increases Breast Cancer Risk?
Iceland Volcano Pictures: Lightning Adds Flash to Ash from National Geographic
'Candy-like' nicotine pellets a poison risk to children from CBC: Health
Conquering conker canker from Physorg
Google releases satellite images of China quake damage from Physorg
Being naughty or nice may boost willpower, physical endurance from Physorg
Scientists reveal how genetic mutations may cause type 1 diabetes from Physorg
Scripps Research scientists reveal how genetic mutations may cause type 1 diabetes from Science Blog
Observatory: Finding a Way to Stop Ricin in Its Deadly Path from NY Times Science
Where Will the Next Volcanic Disruption Hit? from Scientific American
Digital Photocopiers Loaded With Secrets from CBSNews - Science
Blood test for inflammation may be sign of colon cancer from Physorg
Florida to try a RADical new idea to protect endangered panthers from Science Blog
Eyjafjallajokull Volcano's Ash Moves Into Germany
Findings: Earth Day Challenge: 7 New Rules for the Environment from NY Times Science
Books on Science: Embracing Silence in a Noisy World from NY Times Science
In Blood, Life's Ebb and Flow from NY Times Science
Are doctors missing depression medication side effects? from Physorg
Genetic basis for health benefits of the 'Mediterranean diet' from Physorg
Campus green space more important for undergrads from Physorg
Updates to the Science Shelf plus a new review from Science Blog
Video: Copy Machines, a Security Risk? from CBSNews - Science
Video: The Real 4G or Just an iPhoney? from CBSNews - Science
More Proof of Outer Membrane Cytochrome Role in Electron Transfer from Physorg
Where Will the Next Volcanic Disruption Hit? from Science Blog
Letters: The High Cost of Medicine (1 Letter) from NY Times Health
Letters: The Patient’s Perspective (1 Letter) from NY Times Health
Letters: Vaccines and Caregivers (1 Letter) from NY Times Health
Books on Science: ‘Anthill: A Novel’ from NY Times Science
Letters: Motivating Scientists (1 Letter) from NY Times Science
Letters: The High Cost of Medicine (1 Letter) from NY Times Science
Letters: The Patient’s Perspective (1 Letter) from NY Times Science
Letters: Vaccines and Caregivers (1 Letter) from NY Times Science
Tamoxifen, raloxifene cut breast cancer risk in half from LA Times - Science
Study identifies small molecules mimicking key brain growth factor from Physorg
Updates to the Science Shelf plus a new review - edited with addition from Science Blog
Physicists find a particle accelerator in the sky from Physics World
Earth Day Celebration - NASA Village Ribbon Cutting_flickr from Science @ NASA
U of C may expel anti-abortion protesters from CBC: Health
NASA Continues to Track Persistent Iceland Volcano from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Video: Copy Machines, a Security Risk? from CBSNews - Science
Video: The Real 4G or Just an iPhoney? from CBSNews - Science
Digital Photocopiers Loaded With Secrets from CBSNews - Science
Volcano Spews Less Ash as Lava Boils Up from CBSNews - Science
Video: Copy Machines: Risky Business? from CBSNews - Science
iPhone 4G Discovered on Bar Floor? from CBSNews - Science
Deadly Bat Fungus Detected in Smoky Mountains from CBSNews - Science
Mine Slowly Swallowing Peruvian Town from CBSNews - Science
Sea Census Hopes to Find More Weird Fish from CBSNews - Science
Mock Moon Buggies From Germany, Puerto Rico Win NASA Race from
Consumers: Why do you like what I like, but I don't like what you like? from Physorg
"Ten Most Wanted" Plants Inspected for Clues to Climate Change from Newswise - Scinews
Obesity Gene, Carried by More than a Third of the U.S. Population, Leads to Brain Tissue Loss from Newswise - Scinews
Air Force Delays Launch of Mystery X-37B Space Plane from
Genetic basis for health benefits of the 'Mediterranean diet' from Science Daily
How genetic mutations may cause type 1 diabetes: Findings point to new drug target from Science Daily
The taming of pigs: DNA sheds light on farming from LA Times - Science
School District Took 56,000 Webcam Photos from CBSNews - Science
One in ten drinkers plan on consuming more than 40 units of alcohol in a single evening from Science Daily
Secondhand smoke exposure associated with chronic sinus disease from Science Daily
Robert Pound, Physicist Whose Work Advanced Medicine, Is Dead at 90 from NY Times Science
Iceland Volcano Has "Quieted Down"—Ash Crisis to End? from National Geographic
Too much insulin a bad thing for the heart? from Science Daily