Archive of feed items published on the 20th of October 2010
Sales Decline, but Earnings Rise for Johnson & Johnson from NY Times Health
DeLorean: Back to the Future from CBSNews - Science
On-line course to reduce obesity in Colombia from SciDev
In the open from MIT Research
Can fluid dynamics offer insights into quantum mechanics? from MIT Research
Hylas-1 satellite readied for launch from Europe’s Spaceport from European Space Agency
On how the leopard got its spots from BBC News: Science & Nature
Starbucks hopes free songs, e-books lure customers from Physorg
Penguins flirt with homosexuality from BBC News: Science & Nature
Low testosterone linked to heightened risk of early death from Physorg
How batteries grow old: Researchers build facility to put hybrid car batteries to the test from Physorg
Chill before serving from BBC News: Science & Nature
Can fluid dynamics offer insights into quantum mechanics? from Physorg
Disease in rural China linked to polluted coal from Physorg
Long-term couples know less about each other from Physorg
Nanotube thermopower: Efforts to store energy in carbon nanotubes described from Physorg
Australia police serve court order via Facebook from Physorg
New surface may kill antibiotic-resistant staph bacteria with fluorescent light from Physorg
Why the leopard got its spots from Physorg
Devastating impact of spinal osteoporotic fractures revealed on World Osteoporosis Day from Physorg
Photovoltaic medicine: Miniature solar cells might make chemotherapy less toxic from Physorg
Dreaming of weight loss works from Science Alert
Students aim for DNA record from Science Alert
Fishy evidence on oil benefits from Science Alert
Eating disorder anorexia nervosa causes potentially serious eye damage from Physorg
function ww(){mywindow =' from European Space Agency
Swiss archaeologists find 5,000-year-old door from AP Science
Conch project tops green awards from BBC News: Science & Nature
The good oil on an ancient crop from Science Alert
Promotions influence doctors from Science Alert
US inquiry into China rare earths from BBC News: Science & Nature
Promotions influence doctors from Science Alert
Fast bleat predicts lamb survival from Science Alert
Accurate Avogadro constant may help redefine the kilogram from Physorg
The 20-Potato-a-Day Crash Diet from Live Science
P.E.I. apartments go smoke free from CBC: Health
A silver bullet for DNA separation from Chemistry World
In nature, number one dominates from Physics World
Neutron Stars Are Doomed if Vacuum Energy Goes Wild from
International disaster charter celebrates 10th anniversary from European Space Agency
N.L. expands flu shot program from CBC: Health
Fake blasts put US houses to test from BBC News: Science & Nature
Dot Earth: New Weapon Against Invading Fish: The Pan from NY Times Science
Balsillie fires back at Apple's Jobs from CBC: Technology & Science
Jellyfish Swarms: Menacing or Misunderstood? from Live Science
Quango bonfire kindles advice fears from News @ Nature
Scientists vs engineers: this time it's financial from News @ Nature
UK science funds in limbo from News @ Nature
Using PEAT to capture, share and analyze protein experimental data from Science Daily
Forensic metal fingerprinting: Simple, handheld device which can measure corrosion on machine parts from Science Daily
New theory links depression to chronic brain inflammation from Science Blog
Mounting research shows increased health risks from volcanic air pollution from Science Blog
Elusive protein may lead the fight against inflammatory disease from Science Blog
Worst coral death strikes at SE Asia from Science Blog
Devastating impact of spinal osteoporotic fractures revealed on World Osteoporosis Day from Science Blog
New ratings of American hospitals released with quality study by HealthGrades from Science Blog
TEEB report puts world’s natural assets on the global political radar from Science Blog
New industrial application for revolutionary forensic metal fingerprinting technique from Science Blog
Jet fuel ban illegal, Iran says from UPI
TMS 2011 Will Feature Second Annual Materials Science & Engineering Video Contest from Newswise - Scinews
Giant Science Party from Newswise - Scinews
Columbus State Announces $1.6 Million Grant to Create Games, Education, Modeling, and Simulation Institute from Newswise - Scinews
UA College Finds New Way to Encourage Quick Responses from Newswise - Scinews
New industrial application for revolutionary forensic metal fingerprinting technique from Physorg
NTU researchers develop world's smallest on-chip low-pass filter from Physorg
Scientists use gold to discover breakthrough for creating biorenewable chemicals from Physorg
Measuring sea-level rise in the Falklands from Physorg
New equation could advance research in solar cell materials from Physorg
Biodegradable foam plastic substitute made from milk protein and clay from Physorg
Elusive protein may lead the fight against inflammatory disease from Physorg
Mounting research shows increased health risks from volcanic air pollution from Physorg
New theory links depression to chronic brain inflammation from Physorg
Scientists capture first direct images of theoretically predicted magnetic monopoles from Physorg
Just a Flesh Wound? U.K. Science Budget Spared Deep Cuts from Science NOW
Hormone therapy raises breast cancer deaths: study from Reuters:Science
Canada's marine ecosystems face threat: report from CBC: Technology & Science
San Bruno families sue PG&E from UPI
Poland to get more gas from Gazprom from UPI
Eni posts find in Angola's deep waters from UPI
Google Ordered to Reveal Bullies' Names from CBSNews - Science
UN: World's natural assets vital to policymaking from Physorg
Preventing HIV transmission during breastfeeding from Physorg
Verizon to sell Samsung's iPad rival for $600 from Physorg
Short-range scattering in quantum dots from Physorg
Small is beautiful in hydroelectric power plant design, and good for the environment from Physorg
Eating mostly whole grains, few refined grains linked to lower body fat from Physorg
Black rice bran may help fight disease-related inflammation from Physorg
Europe's spaceport awaiting Hylas-1 satellite launch from Physorg
NASA ER-2 checks out new airborne multiangle polarizing imager from Science Daily
The (Long) Weekend Warrior: Nine Moons, 62 Hours from Science Daily
Fire-Breathing Storm Systems from Science Daily
Sea levels rising around South Atlantic's Falkland Islands, 19th-century benchmarks reveal from Science Daily
World's smallest on-chip low-pass filter developed from Science Daily
Psychologists at the forefront of weight management: Health care providers can play a key role in the fight against weight problems in young people from Science Daily
Everything evaporates, but how? from Science Daily
NTU researchers develop world’s smallest on-chip low-pass filter from Science Blog
Measuring sea-level rise in the Falklands from Science Blog
Eating mostly whole grains, few refined grains linked to lower body fat from Science Blog
Small is beautiful in hydroelectric power plant design, and good for the environment from Science Blog
New equation could advance research in solar cell materials from Science Blog
Philippines may have more unique bird species: CCNY biologist from Science Blog
BP ties pay bonuses to safety from UPI
Ban presses EU for climate leadership from UPI
Ankara may boycott Greek energy summit from UPI
Baku preps for Russia and Iran gas exports from UPI
Surgery checklist reduces deaths from CBC: Health
Consultant hiring still improper: Ont. auditor from CBC: Health
New Equation Could Advance Research in Solar Cell Materials from Newswise - Scinews
Swiss Archaeologists Unearth 5,000-Year-Old Door from CBSNews - Science
Haiti could build, modify earthquake-prone structures with new system from Physorg
Swiss archaeologists find 5,000-year-old door from Physorg
New airborne multiangle polarizing imager checked out by NASA ER-2 from Physorg
Nine moons, 62 Hours for (long) weekend warrior from Physorg
Detecting breast cancer recurrence from Physorg
India's Micromax hopes to hit market soon with IPO from Physorg
Philippines may have more unique bird species: biologist from Physorg
Work begins in world's largest wind farm from UPI
EU bans cloned animals for food from UPI
Here to Hereafter: Can Psychics Really Talk to the Dead? from Live Science
Air Power: The Making of a Modern Wind Turbine and Wind Farm [Slide Show] from Scientific American
New mobile phone app 'Popcode' adds virtual reality to real world objects (w/ Video) from Physorg
Wealthfront lets regular folks invest like the rich from Physorg
'Reaper' protein strikes at mitochondria to kill cells from Physorg
Hidden communities revealed by new DNA sequencing from Physorg
Wake-up call: Researchers find sleepy fibroblasts are quite lively from Physorg
Understanding how cell semaphorins and plexins interact from Physorg
Green: Meeting on Tiger Rescue from NY Times Science
CERN scientists eye parallel universe breakthrough from Reuters:Science
Response To Alcohol Changes With Dopamine D2
New theory links depression to chronic brain inflammation from Science Daily
Mounting research shows increased health risks from volcanic air pollution from Science Daily
Devastating impact of spinal osteoporotic fractures revealed on World Osteoporosis Day from Science Daily
Alcohol increases reaction time and errors during decision making from Science Daily
Philippines may have more unique bird species than thought, biologist says from Science Daily
New equation could advance research in solar cell materials from Science Daily
Small is beautiful in hydroelectric power plant design: Invention could enable renewable power generation at thousands of unused sites from Science Daily
Eating mostly whole grains, few refined grains linked to lower body fat from Science Daily
Census mourned on World Statistics Day from CBC: Technology & Science
Effect of Captured and Stored Carbon Dioxide on Minerals from Newswise - Scinews
The real 'mommy brain': New mothers grew from Physorg
New regulator of circadian clock identified from Physorg
A fifth of a second: Falling in love is more scientific than you think from Physorg
EU wants ban on killer drug suspect 'meow meow' from Physorg
Sanofi-Aventis says gets US approval for Genzyme bid from Physorg
Model describes Web page popularity from Physorg
Psychologists at the forefront of weight management from Physorg
Projected global loss of biodiversity could be halved due to structural changes from Physorg
Adapt now to keep farming`s water flowing from Physorg
Detecting drivers in microsleep with infrared LED from Physorg
Typhoon Megi's heavy rainfall witnessed by NASA as it moves into the South China Sea from Physorg
Argonne launches new tool to help auto industry reduce costs from Physorg
Seven days: 15–21 October 2010 from News @ Nature
Quango bonfire kindles advice fears from News @ Nature
Nanotube Thermopower - The Energy Of Batteries, The Power Of Capacitors
CYP2E1 Gene And Alcoholism Linked
Kipling And Leopard Spots: "Just-So" Story Or Good Biology?
Alarms over radiation from thyroid cancer patients from AP Health
Abbott 3Q profit falls on Solvay, Meridia costs from AP Health
VIDEO: Robot surgery pair make history from CBC: Health
AIDS: A 'Winnable' Public Health Battle? from Live Science
Dogs Reduce Stress in Kids with Autism from Live Science
Researchers analyze student grief online after campus shootings from Physorg
Microbes may consume far more oil-spill waste than earlier thought from Physorg
Measuring the electrical properties of nano-crystals from Physorg
Dot Earth: How the Gulf Spill Was Good for America from NY Times Science
ScienceShot: Black-and-White Butterflies Show Their True Colors from Science NOW
New regulator of circadian clock identified: Dopamine study may have impact on activity and sleep rhythms in Parkinson's disease from Science Daily
New mothers grow bigger brains within months of giving birth: Warmer feelings toward babies linked to bigger mid-brains from Science Daily
Measuring changes in rock: Research looks at effect of captured and stored carbon dioxide on minerals from Science Daily
VIDEO: Robot surgery pair make history from CBC: Technology & Science
Plumbing the Depths of Gulf Oil Spill for Coral Killers from Live Science
Gay Penguins Flirt With Each Other from Live Science
India and Brazil lead green race from BBC News: Science & Nature
Fox, Cablevision dispute stretches into 5th day from Physorg
Neurogenetics research sheds light on the causes of neurological disease from Physorg
Rare but deadly virus reveals potential weakness in new study from Physorg
Girls with ovarian germ-cell tumors can safely skip chemotherapy unless disease recurs from Physorg
HP launches webOS 2.0 for the Palm and new Pre2 smartphone from Physorg
Enzymes – a new ingredient for marine paint? from Chemistry World
Tumour detection takes an ultrasonic leap from Chemistry World
Science budget frozen in spending review from Chemistry World
At Harvard, the Kitchen as Lab from NY Times Science
Green: Putting a Value on Biodiversity from NY Times Science
Political action is needed to harness value of biodiversity from SciDev
TWAS hears calls for more science collaborations from SciDev
Link between 2 forms of ALS suggests drug target from Science Blog
Study identifies barriers to successful treatment of children with sarcoma in low-income countries from Science Blog
Progress toward treating infections by silencing microbes’ ‘smart phones’ from Science Blog
Girls with ovarian germ-cell tumors can safely skip chemotherapy unless disease recurs from Science Blog
Biodegradable foam plastic substitute made from milk protein and clay from Science Blog
Black rice bran may help fight disease-related inflammation from Science Blog
Traveling by car increases global temperatures more than by plane, but only in long term from Science Blog
Women fight the effects of chemotherapy long after treatment ends from Science Blog
Behind-the-scenes advances underpin new super-strong plastics from Science Blog
‘Reaper’ protein strikes at mitochondria to kill cells from Science Blog
China denies cuts in rare earth exports from UPI
Iraq signs deals to open up gas fields from UPI
Progress toward treating infections by silencing microbes' 'smart phones' from Physorg
Alarms over radiation from thyroid cancer patients from Physorg
Study identifies barriers to successful treatment of children with sarcoma in low-income countries from Physorg
Measuring changes in rock: Research looks at effect of stored carbon dioxide on minerals from Physorg
Behind-the-scenes advances underpin new super-strong plastics from Physorg
Women fight the effects of chemotherapy long after treatment ends from Physorg
Abbott 3Q profit falls on Solvay, Meridia costs from Physorg
Gabrielse wins Lilienfeld Prize from Harvard Science
That Demon In Space Is A Little Farther Out - UDFy-38135539 Is Most Distant Galaxy Ever Measured
Apocalypse 1958: The Tide Went Out
New Record! Ancient Galaxy is Most Distant Thing in Space from
Massive X-ray-Belching Black Hole Finally Fits Cosmic Theory from
Weird Glow from Earth's Auroras Explained from
Universe's Most Distant Object Spotted from National Geographic
Women fight the effects of chemotherapy long after treatment ends from Science Daily
Black rice bran may help fight disease-related inflammation from Science Daily
Biodegradable foam plastic substitute made from milk protein and clay from Science Daily
Girls with ovarian germ-cell tumors can safely skip chemotherapy unless disease recurs, researchers find from Science Daily
Progress toward treating infections by silencing microbes' 'smart phones' from Science Daily
Study identifies barriers to successful treatment of children with sarcoma in low-income countries from Science Daily
Study casts doubt on prenatal fish oil from LA Times - Health
Lucentis to be funded by N.S. from CBC: Health
Astronomers say they've found oldest galaxy so far from AP Science
Volatile Organic Compounds May Worsen Allergies and Asthma from Scientific American
Atom Smasher Ramps Up Chase for 'God Particle' from Live Science
Clearing the cosmic fog: The most distant galaxy ever measured (w/ Video) from Physorg
New space research settles years of scientific debate from Physorg
Scientists show TAp63 suppresses cancer metastasis from Physorg
Harm reduction cigarettes can be more harmful than conventional brands, researchers report from Physorg
Frontal lobe of the brain is key to automatic responses to various stimuli, say scientists from Physorg
Energy revolution key to complex life from Physorg
Obsessing over strep throat in kids from Physorg
Paris plans science in the suburbs from News @ Nature
Cities: The urban equation from News @ Nature
Cities: The century of the city from News @ Nature
Environment: Mexico's scientist in chief from News @ Nature
Cities: Building the best cities for science from News @ Nature
Seven days: 15–21 October 2010 from News @ Nature
Splices of time from
Galaxy Is Most Distant Object Ever Seen from Science NOW
Dad's Diet May Give Children Diabetes from Science NOW
Sub-Saharan Africa news in brief: 7–20 October 2010 from SciDev
China extends brain drain campaign to young scientists from SciDev
UDFy-38135539 Is Most Distant Galaxy Ever Measured
Moms' guilty pleas tossed after pathologist errors from CBC: Health
Early Bloomer: Faraway Galaxy Pushes Cosmic View Closer to the Dawn of the Universe from Scientific American
Galaxy is most distant object yet from BBC News: Science & Nature
Star, not so bright: Model explains evolution of unusual binary system, why large star not so luminous from Physorg
Fat fathers affect daughters' health from News @ Nature
UK science saved from deepest cuts from News @ Nature
Most distant galaxy ever found sheds light on infant cosmos from News @ Nature
Paris plans science in the suburbs from News @ Nature
Kipling And Leopard Spots: "Just-So" Story Or Good Biology?
Astronomers find oldest galaxy yet from Reuters:Science
Most distant galaxy ever measured: Faint glow from when the universe was only 600 million years old from Science Daily
Harm reduction cigarettes can be more harmful than conventional brands, researchers report from Science Daily
Frontal lobe of the brain is key to automatic responses to various stimuli, say scientists from Science Daily
Obsessing over strep throat in kids: Research links obsessive-compulsive disorder to common childhood illness from Science Daily
'Reaper' protein strikes at mitochondria to kill cells from Science Daily
Scientists show TAp63 suppresses cancer metastasis; Sister gene of tumor-suppressor works by regulating the production of micro RNAs from Science Daily
Gene Therapy That Works in Mice Could Make Humans Happy from Live Science
India to study neutrino particles from BBC News: Science & Nature
A redeeming role for a common virus from Physorg
NASA replacing seals in leaky shuttle fuel line from Physorg
Apple adds FaceTime for Macs, shows off iLife '11 from Physorg
New cosmic distance record-holder from
Gene therapy for depression from
Study points to possible gene therapy for depression from Reuters:Science
Prostate Cancer: PSA Test (Part 3) from Live Science
Halloween candy: Facts and myths from Physorg
Replacing precious metal catalysts with iron, nickel and other earth-abundant metals from Physorg
New findings could sway thought on climate change from Physorg
Political polls changing as cell phones proliferate and land lines disappear from Physorg
Gene therapy helps depressed mice from News @ Nature
Fat fathers affect daughters' health from News @ Nature
3 patients harmed by N.L. drug error from CBC: Health
Cash leads to healthier purchases: study from CBC: Health
Winnipeg health official in conflict of interest: Liberals from CBC: Health
Star, not so bright: Model explains evolution of unusual black hole binary system from Science Daily
Energy revolution key to complex life: Depends on mitochondria, cells' tiny power stations from Science Daily
Astronomers Find Galaxy 13.1 Billion Years Old from CBSNews - Science
UF team's work pays off with unmanned-flight system that captures valuable data from Physorg
Gene therapy may be powerful new treatment for major depression from Physorg
Climate change may create tipping points for populations, not just species from Physorg
Evidence is weak for tropical rainforest 65 million years ago in Africa's low-latitudes from Physorg
New search method tracks down influential ideas from Physorg
'Junk DNA' uncovers the nature of our ancient ancestors from Physorg
Apple moving to tie operating systems from CBC: Technology & Science
Father Of Fractals Benoit Mandelbrot Dies Age 85
ScienceShot: Black Hole vs. Massive Star from Science NOW
Britain defends green spending amid cuts from UPI
Researchers check Gulf oil spill for coral killers from MSNBC: Science
Sponsored By: from MSNBC: Science
Are they good or evil? Jellyfish spark debate from MSNBC: Science
Brains of New Moms Grow, Study Reveals from Live Science
Apple Offers Two New MacBook Air Notebooks from Live Science
GOES-13 sees system 99L organizing tropically from Physorg
Watching nanosheets and molecules transform under pressure could lead to stronger materials from Physorg
Apple debuts iPad-inspired MacBook Air notebooks from Physorg
Estrogen replacement therapy speeds ovarian cancer growth, new study reports from Physorg
3 NASA satellites capture Typhoon Megi strengthening again from Physorg
NASA and DARPA Plan ‘Hundred-Year Starship' To Bring Humans to Other Worlds And Leave Them There Forever from PopSci
New method yields more rice with less water: Oxfam from Reuters:Science
Happy Hagfish Day! from Science NOW
Scientist at Work: Leaving Kolombangara from NY Times Science
Video: Digital Dead Sea Scrolls from CBSNews - Science
Insulin sensitivity may explain link between obesity, memory problems from Science Daily
Disease in rural China linked to polluted coal from Science Daily
Docs not immune to drug marketing, study finds from Science Daily
New sensor derived from frogs may help fight bacteria and save wildlife; Sensor uses frog peptides to test for drug and medical device contamination from Science Daily
Proton therapy safe, effective for early-stage lung cancer patients, study finds from Science Daily
Would you sleep on a chunk of ice? Building your 'experience resume' from Science Daily
Malarial mosquitoes are evolving into new species, say researchers from Science Daily
Anorexia nervosa may cause potentially serious eye damage, study suggests from Science Daily
Children's best friend: Dogs help autistic children adapt, study shows from Science Daily
Alberta diabetes cases could spike by 67% from CBC: Health
Census mourned on World Statistics Day from CBC: Health
Apple Announces FaceTime for the Mac from Live Science
Apple Brings iPad Features to the Mac with Lion OS from Live Science
Study: Medical cost of obesity soars from Physorg
Magic tricks reveal surprising results about autism from Physorg
A Good Year For The 'A' Word: Fido Report, 2010
Canadian supplement use varies by income from CBC: Health
Archaeologists uncover early Neolithic activity on Cyprus from Physorg
Burn injuries rapidly deplete vitamin E from Physorg
Estrogen replacement therapy speeds ovarian cancer growth, new study reports from Science Blog
Climate change may create tipping points for populations, not just species from Science Blog
3 NASA satellites capture Typhoon Megi strengthening again from Science Blog
GOES-13 sees system 99L organizing tropically from Science Blog
New search method tracks down influential ideas from Science Blog
Magic tricks reveal surprising results about autism from Science Blog
Exploring Africa’s success stories from Science Blog
Burn injuries rapidly deplete vitamin E from Science Blog
NASA Fixing Fuel Leak on Space Shuttle Discovery from
Six Months After The Leak, We Survey The Deepwater Horizon Disaster Up Close from PopSci
Research Avoids U.K. Budget Bloodbath from Science NOW
A river runs through it from Harvard Science
Field goals from Harvard Science
Two from HBS win award for article from Harvard Science
Bear attacks on the rise in Japan from UPI
Cosmic Log: The best cities for science from MSNBC: Science
Surgical aortic valve replacement should remain the standard treatment for aortic stenosis from Physorg
Dopamine model could play role in treating schizophrenia and drug addiction from Physorg
EBay 3Q profit rises 22 percent from Physorg
Coral algae (symbiodinium) discovered in black corals at never seen before depths from Physorg
Scientists simulate hurricane-force winds in the lab (w/ Video) from Physorg
Aging "In Utero"
Astronomers Say They've Found Oldest Galaxy So Far from NY Times Science
Add warnings to prostate cancer hormones: FDA from CBC: Health
Latest Apple iLife Makes Killer Movie Trailers from Live Science
A Forest of Nanorods -- Amazing Nanostructures Created by Glancing-Angle Deposition from Newswise - Scinews
Researchers find potential therapeutic target across a range of cancer types from Physorg
A forest of nanorods: Amazing nanostructures created by glancing-angle deposition from Physorg
New tumor proteins may identify a range of cancers early from Physorg
Space Photos This Week: Cosmic Spiral, Eclipsed Sun, More from National Geographic
When ‘watch and wait’ works best from Harvard Science
New MacBook Airs, iLife Software from Apple from CBSNews - Science
Study: Fire-driven storms huge polluters from UPI
Cassini dances with nine Saturn moons from UPI
Malaria mosquitoes evolving into 2 species from UPI
Massive X-ray-Belching Black Hole Finally Fits Cosmic Theory from Live Science
Teen Pregnancy: A 'Winnable' Public Health Battle? from Live Science
Pictures: Dead Sea Scrolls Being Digitized for Web from National Geographic
Comet Hartley 2 Makes Closest Pass by Earth in 24 Years from
Protein implicated in many cancers from
Malaria in India May Be 13 Times Worse Than Feared from Science NOW
Alcohol sensitivity tied to gene from CBC: Health
Investor group seeking to buy Boston Globe from Times Co from Physorg
The Medical Minute: There's no trick to a safe Halloween from Physorg
Retailers to push tablets at holidays, but drawbacks remain from Physorg
"Lubricin" Molecule Discovered to Reduce Cartilage Wear from Newswise - Scinews
UK science spared from budget cuts from Physics World
Most distance object in universe confirmed from UPI
Desert tortoises could delay solar project from UPI
Spring Has Sprung ... On Titan from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
'Runaway' evolution spreading toads from UPI
3 environmental groups sue BP over gulf oil spill from LA Times - Science
LeBron James Invites "Haters" to Tweet from CBSNews - Science
Ants in action takes photo award from BBC News: Science & Nature
Animal snaps from BBC News: Science & Nature
Far-off galaxy is found from LA Times - Science
Meteors From Halley's Comet Rain Down on Earth from
China said to be blocking vital exports from UPI
India to build neutrino observatory from UPI
Highest teen birthrates are in the South from LA Times - Science
Desperate female spiders fight by different rules from Science Daily
Study: Wild cats are marked for camouflage from UPI
Colombia wins biodiversity award from UPI
Green: Tidal Power: The Next Wave? from NY Times Science
Home improvement products in toxic tests from UPI
Space weather mystery solved: Link found between electrons trapped in space and upper atmosphere's diffuse aurora from Science Daily
Gene therapy may be powerful new treatment for major depression from Science Daily
The world is not flat: Exploring cells and tissues in three dimensions from Science Daily
Burn injuries rapidly deplete vitamin E, study finds from Science Daily
How batteries grow old: Researchers build facility to put hybrid car batteries to the test from Science Daily
Magic tricks reveal surprising results about autism from Science Daily
Microbes may consume far more oil-spill waste than earlier thought from Science Daily
New tumor proteins may identify a range of cancers early from Science Daily
New search method tracks down influential ideas: Computer scientists have developed a new way of tracing the origins and spread of ideas from Science Daily
How parasites react to the mouse immune system may help to shape their control from Science Daily
Professional athletes should drink more water, Spanish research finds from Science Daily
Potential therapeutic target across a range of cancer types discovered from Science Daily
Elusive protein may lead the fight against inflammatory disease from Science Daily
A forest of nanorods: Amazing nanostructures created by glancing-angle deposition from Science Daily
Attention processing and perception may be involved in fetal alcohol-related learning difficulties from Science Daily
Worst coral death strikes at Southeast Asia from Science Daily
Mechanism that controls expression of protein involved in numerous cancers discovered from Science Daily
Newborn hearing screening linked with improved developmental outcomes for hearing impaired children from Science Daily
Climate change tipping points for populations, not just species: Survival, reproduction of thousands of arctic and alpine plants measured from Science Daily
Researchers analyze student grief online after campus shootings from Science Daily
U.N.: Marine life faces growing risks from UPI
'Reaper' protein strikes at mitochondria to kill cells from Biology News Net
A redeeming role for a common virus from Biology News Net
Still good to be green? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Canada 'research integrity' council recommended from CBC: Technology & Science