Archive of feed items published on the 5th of January 2010
Opinion: Rescuing our kids, not popping pills into them from Science Alert
Lawmakers Grill Doctor for His Views on Concussions from NY Times Health
EA Still Planning Tiger Woods Online Game from CBSNews - Science
Feature: Hot on the "Achilles' heel" of cancer from Science Alert
Natural compounds in pomegranates may prevent growth of hormone-dependent breast cancer from Science Blog
Obesity now poses as great a threat to quality of life as smoking from Science Blog
Celebrex inhibited the burden of skin cancer in high-risk patients from Science Blog
News briefs from the January issue of Chest from Science Blog
Hispanic elderly more likely than whites to live in inferior nursing homes from Science Blog
Common anti-inflammatory drug could help prevent skin cancers, Stanford researcher says from Science Blog
State board accuses octuplets doctor of negligence from LA Times - Science
Kenya holds 'rhino poaching gang' from BBC News: Science & Nature
NZ, Australia to research whales from BBC News: Science & Nature
UK launches boiler scrap scheme from BBC News: Science & Nature
Ancient Egyptian necropolis yields its biggest tomb from BBC News: Science & Nature
Overview of 2010 ESA Communication activities relevant to the media from European Space Agency
Poverty's researcher from MIT Research
3 Questions: Making unemployment work from MIT Research
Demand soars for vitamin D from CBC: Health
Crisis of belief from BBC News: Science & Nature
Racing drag from BBC News: Science & Nature
Google Expected to Unveil Smart Phone from CBSNews - Science
Freescale promises bargain-price tablet this year from Physorg
Electronic Arts standing behind Tiger Woods from Physorg
Natural compounds in pomegranates may prevent growth of hormone-dependent breast cancer from Physorg
Smart wind turbines can predict the wind from Physorg
New 'strawberry' crab species found off Taiwan from AP Science
Celebrex inhibited the burden of skin cancer in high-risk patients from Physorg
Hispanic elderly more likely than whites to live in inferior nursing homes from Physorg
Eavesdropping on bacterial conversations may improve chronic wound healing
Celebrex inhibited the burden of skin cancer in high-risk patients
New SBI and ACR recommendations suggest breast cancer screening should begin at age 40
Reducing some water flow rates may bring environmental gains
Researchers pin down long-elusive protein that's essential to 'life as we know it'
Obesity now poses as great a threat to quality of life as smoking from Physorg
Biodegradable particles can bypass mucus, release drugs over time
How to build bone: Separate bone formation from bone destruction
Changes needed to ensure quality of new orthopaedic surgeons
A trip to the candy store might help ward off rare, but deadly infections
New finding may help baby boomers get buff
Closing the loop for ALMA
Running shoes may cause damage to knees, hips and ankles
Australian lakes may hold clues to life on Mars from Physorg
Common anti-inflammatory drug could help prevent skin cancers, researcher says from Physorg
New 'strawberry' crab species found off Taiwan from Physorg
Just 5 Missions Left for NASA's Space Shuttles from
Quantum computers get closer from Science Alert
Women's bodies and minds agree less than men's on what's sexy
Giant intergalactic gas stream longer than thought
Childhood metabolic measurements may predict diabetes development years later
Metabolic risks remain largely unmonitored in Medicaid patients taking antipsychotics
Nurse home visitation program reduces girls' potential criminality later in life
New ALS drug slips through telling 'phase II' clinical trials
Chemists crack complex compound from News @ Nature
India's nuclear future from News @ Nature
Google poised to take wraps off new mobile phone from Physorg
From arc to park from Physorg
Quantum age edges closer from Physorg
HIV-infected postmenopausal women at high risk for bone fractures from Physorg
Roundworm Repository Contributes to Agricultural Wellbeing from Physorg
New Sky-mapping Observatory Sheds Lens Cap to Soak in Starlight from
3 Questions: Making unemployment work from Physorg
Study takes a look at social networking sites from Physorg
Networkers chase varied goals from Science Alert
Computer reads human faces from Science Alert
New research suggests fat mass helps build bone mass in girls from Science Blog
HIV-infected postmenopausal women at high risk for bone fractures from Science Blog
Relic of Antarctica's first plane found on ice-edge from Reuters:Science
Radiofrequency ablation safe and effective for reducing pain from bone metastases
New research findings may help stop age-related macular degeneration at the molecular level
Researchers develop 'nano cocktail' to target and kill tumours
Protein central to being male plays key role in wound healing
A silly pat on the head helps seniors remember daily med, study suggests
Pain management failing as fears of prescription drug abuse rise
MyoD helps stem cells proliferate in response to muscle injury
New research suggests fat mass helps build bone mass in girls from Physorg
New discovery by Harvard scientists aims to correct cellular defects leading to diabetes
New year, new vitamin C discovery: It 'cures' mice with accelerated ageing disease
Obesity now poses as great a threat to quality of life as smoking
CSHL team determines how precursors of gene-regulating small RNAs are sorted by cellular machinery
Hispanic elderly more likely than whites to live in inferior nursing homes
Natural compounds in pomegranates may prevent growth of hormone-dependent breast cancer
Mystery of World's Biggest Beasts Possibly Solved from Live Science
What You Should Really Remember About Ginkgo from Live Science
Monster tuna sells for £109,000 at Tokyo market from BBC News: Science & Nature
Vanderbilt University's Massive DNA Databank, BioVU, Opens Doors to Researchers from Newswise - Scinews
Australian Lakes May Hold Clues to Life on Mars from Newswise - Scinews
TMT Releases Public Database of its Site Testing Campaign from Newswise - Scinews
Obesity Squashes Quality of Life from Live Science
Natural compound blocks hepatitis C infection from Science Blog
New Health Rule: Quit Worrying About Your Health from NY Times Health
New Health Rule: Quit Worrying About Your Health from NY Times Science
Few Americans with major depression receive adequate treatment
More US patients receive multiple psychotropic medications
Refusing chickenpox vaccine associated with increased risk of disease
Smoking cessation may actually increase risk of developing type 2 diabetes
Depleting breast cancer-initiating cells by targeting the protein CXCR1
Gladstone scientists identify target that may inhibit HIV infectivity
Spectacular Mars images reveal evidence of ancient lakes
25,000 join anti-prorogation Facebook group from CBC: Technology & Science
Two killer whale types identified from BBC News: Science & Nature
Earth Watch from BBC News: Science & Nature
Tinnitus Sufferers Find Healing Power in Their Favorite Songs from PopSci
Blocking inflammation receptor kills breast cancer stem cells
Insect cells provide the key to alternative swine flu vaccination
Thai hill farmers help preserve genetic diversity of rice
Sexual responses differ for women and men, new Queen's study shows
Targeting cancerous vessels
Common anti-inflammatory drug could help prevent skin cancers
St. John's wort not helpful treatment for irritable bowel syndrome
Sexual function does not continuously decline after radiation therapy treatments for prostate cancer from Physorg
Sharing a hospital room increases risk of 'super bugs' from Physorg
New ‘strawberry’ crab species found off Taiwan from MSNBC: Science
NASA's Kepler Space Telescope Discovers Five Exoplanets from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Study shows serious emotional disturbances among children after Katrina from Physorg
Caffeine consumption associated with less severe liver fibrosis from Physorg
Before or after birth, gene linked to mental health has different effects from Science Blog
Scientists create early-warning system to defend rare Jersey cows from continental disease from Science Blog
Restaurant and packaged foods can have more calories than nutrition labeling indicates from Science Blog
Caffeine consumption associated with less severe liver fibrosis from Science Blog
Liver stiffness measurements identify patients with rapid or slow fibrosis from Science Blog
Sexual function does not continuously decline after radiation therapy treatments for prostate cancer from Science Blog
Study shows serious emotional disturbances among children after Katrina from Science Blog
Kepler discovers its first five exoplanets
Turning Rapid Mutation Against Viruses from PopSci
Florida cold snap threatens iguanas from UPI
Wrong Spoon Size Can Cause Medicine Mistakes from Live Science
Researchers identify autism clusters in California from Physorg
Powermat broadens lineup for wireless charging from Physorg
Natural compound blocks hepatitis C infection from Physorg
Before or after birth, gene linked to mental health has different effects from Physorg
Liver stiffness measurements identify patients with rapid or slow fibrosis from Physorg
Strength training, self-management improve outcomes for knee osteoarthritis from Physorg
Report suggests similar effectiveness among options for managing low-risk prostate cancer from Physorg
Scientists and Spies Team Up On Global Warming from PopSci
Thailand nanotech plan moves ahead from SciDev
Cameroon puts brain drain into reverse from SciDev
Dana Gas makes new gas discovery in Egypt from UPI
Ashgabat awaits Ahmadinejad for pipeline from UPI
Skype Heads For The Living Room from CBSNews - Science
ESPN Announces Launch of 3D Network from CBSNews - Science
Hubble reaches 'undiscovered country' of most distant primeval galaxies from Science Daily
Blocking inflammation receptor kills breast cancer stem cells, study finds from Science Daily
Toxicants detected in Asian monkey hair may warn of environmental threats to people and wildlife from Science Daily
St. John's wort not helpful treatment for irritable bowel syndrome, researchers say from Science Daily
Space technology helps mitigate climate change from European Space Agency
Sweet corn study provides large-scale picture of better fields from Physorg
'Junk DNA' could spotlight breast and bowel cancer from Physorg
Researchers developing techniques to strengthen the security of information systems from Physorg
Scientists create early-warning system to defend rare Jersey cows from continental disease from Physorg
Hubble Reaches the 'Undiscovered Country' of Primeval Galaxies from Physorg
Tidal tremors may predict giant quakes from MSNBC: Science
Hubble Reaches the "Undiscovered Country" of Primeval Galaxies from Newswise - Scinews
Galaxy History Revealed in this Colorful Hubble View from Newswise - Scinews
Dubai skyscraper deck designed by Quebec firm from CBC: Technology & Science
Drug could slow ALS muscle weakening from UPI
Thai farmers preserve rice diversity from UPI
Europe plans massive green power grid from UPI
AMSC, Dongfang work on 5 MW wind turbine from UPI
Israeli government advisers threaten walkout from News @ Nature
Kepler finds its first planets from News @ Nature
Chemists crack complex compound from News @ Nature
Whole Life Cycle of Stars Revealed in New Image from
Red card for REF from Chemistry World
Use mussels to look younger from Chemistry World
Restaurant and packaged foods can have more calories than nutrition labeling indicates from Physorg
Intermittent androgen deprivation at least as effective as continuous androgen deprivation from Physorg
A global breakthrough in the study of a protein linked to the spread of viruses from Physorg
Arctic Ocean awakening as ice melts from MSNBC: Science
Report suggests similar effectiveness among options for managing low-risk prostate cancer from Science Blog
Scott & White Healthcare researching treatments for rare cancers from Science Blog
Hubble finds most distant primeval galaxies from Science Blog
Sweet corn study provides large-scale picture of better fields from Science Blog
Google to unveil Nexus One phone Tuesday from CBC: Technology & Science
Fast Food Packs More Calories Than Nutrition Labels Suggest
Plains All American snatches U.S. pipeline from UPI
Sentiment mixed on Copenhagen accord from UPI
Tajikistan backs Iran's nuclear ambitions from UPI
Galaxy exposes its dusty inner workings in new Spitzer image from Science Daily
Centuries-old star mystery coming to a close from Science Daily
Microsoft sets prices for forthcoming Office 2010 from Physorg
Worldwide study finds few gender differences in math abilities from Physorg
Technology new gateway into treatment for problem alcohol users: study from Physorg
Galaxy Exposes Its Dusty Inner Workings in New Spitzer Image from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Centuries-Old Star Mystery Coming to a Close from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Taking Science To The Movies
Daily Dose Of Caffeine May Ease The Effects Of Liver Fibrosis
Hubble photo shows galaxies from toddler universe from AP Science
Signature eyes Texas oil and gas fields from UPI
Satellite moved into new orbit from UPI
Tehran presses on IPI from UPI
ESPN to introduce 3-D sports channel from Physorg
Software bug hits millions of German bank cards from Physorg
Mayo researchers find obesity key from Physorg
Leptin-controlled gene can reverse diabetes from Physorg
Few breast cancer surgeons follow quality of care standards, study finds from Physorg
Electric car Think to be assembled in US in 2011: report from Physorg
Ancient fossil may solve baleen whale mystery from MSNBC: Science
It's Not Only the Gene That Counts, But How You Use It from Newswise - Scinews
Astronomers detect earliest galaxies from Science Blog
Few breast cancer surgeons follow quality of care standards, U-M study finds from Science Blog
Ultrasounds during pregnancy soar from CBC: Health
Astronomers Uncover 13 Billion-Year-Old Ultra-Blue Galaxies
FDA cancels meeting to review Lilly's Cymbalta from AP Health
FDA drug approvals mostly flat in 2009 from AP Health
Iran to build power plants in Georgia from UPI
Does Europe need South Stream? from UPI
Kepler Telescope Spots Hotter, Weirder Bodies Than Ever Before Seen (In The Sky, That Is) from PopSci
Study Pinpoints Autism Clusters in Calif. from CBSNews - Science
'Grow your own' strategy unveiled from BBC News: Science & Nature
Pandas headed to Shanghai for 2010 Expo from MSNBC: Science
Worm's eye view: Molecular worm algorithm navigates inside chemical labyrinth from Physorg
Miscanthus, a biofuels crop, can host western corn rootworm from Physorg
FDA drug approvals mostly flat in 2009 from Physorg
Apple buying mobile ad company Quattro Wireless from Physorg
The Stereotype Is Wrong; Girls Are Great At Math
Buck Institute to build stem cell center from UPI
Live Blog: Google's Android Phone Debut from CBSNews - Science
Researchers study microbes in cattle to unlock metabolic disease mysteries from Physorg
Google confirms plans to sell own mobile phone from Physorg
AgriLife researcher studies chemical control of potato psyllid from Physorg
Kepler unveils its first five exoplanets from Physics World
Gamblers Take Odds on the Next Violent Volcanic Eruption from PopSci
Frogs' secret disposal system revealed from News @ Nature
Israeli government advisers threaten walkout from News @ Nature
'Junk' DNA Could Help Diagnose Cancer
Tombs to lift lid on Egypt's ancient middle class from Reuters:Science
Researchers revisit pulmonary arterial hypertension survival from Physorg
Apple App Store downloads top three billion from Physorg
Two sides of the same coin: Speech and gesture mutually interact to enhance comprehension from Physorg
Few gender differences in math abilities, worldwide study finds from Science Daily
Sharing a hospital room increases risk of 'super bugs' from Science Daily
Worm's eye view: Molecular worm algorithm navigates inside chemical labyrinth from Science Daily
A solution to obesity? Muscles that act as an energy drain from Science Daily
'Junk DNA' could spotlight breast and bowel cancer from Science Daily
Impact of unsettled summer weather on UK marine life from Science Daily
Before or after birth, gene linked to mental health has different effects from Science Daily
Ancient Mars Lakes Revealed in New Images from
FORUM: Are Unknown Planets Hiding at Solar System's Edge? from
Elite dating website expels 'festive fatties' from CBC: Technology & Science
3rd White House crasher is local event planner from AP Science
Speech And Gesture Work Together To Enhance Communication
Multi-paddock grazing provides efficiency and profits for ranchers from Science Blog
Worm's eye view from Science Blog
AgriLife researcher studies chemical control of potato psyllid from Science Blog
Researchers study microbes in cattle to unlock metabolic disease mysteries from Science Blog
Study provides insight into pathway linked to obesity from Science Blog
Researchers revisit pulmonary arterial hypertension survival from Science Blog
Sharing hospital room raises infection risk from CBC: Health
Energy Inefficiency: The Key To Overcoming Obesity
Electric field propels worms to test new drugs from Science Blog
Protein linked to leukemia 'bookmarks' highly active genes during cell division from Science Blog
Fermi large area telescope points the way to new millisecond pulsars from Science Blog
Star had mass 200 times that of the sun from UPI
Hubble Captures Earliest Photo of Universe from CBSNews - Science
Talking about Spiders (and Millipede Sex) from CBSNews - Science
Few Americans with major depression receive adequate treatment from Science Daily
Childhood metabolic measurements may predict diabetes development years later from Science Daily
Thai hill farmers help preserve genetic diversity of rice from Science Daily
How to build bone: Separate bone formation from bone destruction from Science Daily
P2P comes to the aid of audiovisual search from Science Daily
Depressed women can lose weight as successfully as others do from Science Daily
Giant intergalactic gas stream longer than thought from Science Daily
Protein central to being male plays key role in wound healing from Science Daily
Female birds -- acting just like the guys -- become sexual show-offs in cooperative breeding species from Science Daily
Low mortality risk following knee and hip replacement from Science Daily
'Nano cocktail' to target and kill tumors from Science Daily
Leptin-controlled gene can reverse diabetes from Science Daily
Autism clusters identified in California; associated with areas of greater parental education from Science Daily
Tactile input affects what we hear from Science Daily
Research unlocks secrets of protein linked to spread of viruses from Science Daily
Electric field propels worms to test new drugs from Physorg
Multi-paddock grazing provides efficiency and profits for ranchers from Physorg
Pulsars as Gravitational-Wave Detectors from Science Blog
Best New Astronomy Books?
Researchers Produce H1N1 Vaccine With Insect Cells
Felice Frankel receives highest award granted by Photographic Society of America from Harvard Science
How Google's Nexus One Phone Compares from Live Science
Astronomers get new tools for gravitational-wave detection from Physorg
Protein linked to leukemia 'bookmarks' highly active genes during cell division from Physorg
Fermi large area telescope points the way to new millisecond pulsars from Physorg
Virtual clay software developed in UB lab 'jumpstarts' design process from Physorg
An Even Stranger Gas
Hubble telescope shows earliest photo of universe from CBC: Technology & Science
Angels broadcaster Rory Markas dies at 54 from AP Health
Using Your Smartphone Safely from CBSNews - Science
Two-step nano cocktail targets tumors from UPI
Epigenetics: Protein linked to leukemia 'bookmarks' highly active genes during cell division from Science Daily
Hubble Spies Most Distant, Early Galaxies Yet from
Strange Spinning Stars Could Help Prove Einstein Prediction from
Accelerator Fund boon to research from Harvard Science
New panchromatic capabilities of Hubble reveal an unprecedented view of the universe from Science Blog
In All The Galaxy, Just 15 Percent Of Solar Systems Are Like Ours from Physorg
Targeted For Regulation from C&EN
In All the Galaxy, Just 15 Percent of Solar Systems Are Like Ours from Newswise - Scinews
'Ferropaper' is new technology for small motors, robots from Physorg
Galaxy Exposes Its Dusty Inner Workings in New Spitzer Image from Physorg
Benefit of antidepressant medications appears to vary with severity of depression symptoms from Physorg
Centuries-Old Star Mystery Coming to a Close from Physorg
'Octomom's' doctor could lose licence from CBC: Health
Study turns up 10 autism clusters in California from Reuters:Science
Shell fails to honor solar warranties from UPI
Millisecond Pulsars Could Make 'Galactic GPS' Possible
Musical illusion fools audiences and performers, says researcher from Physorg
Glaucoma can cause blindness with little warning from Physorg
Study links vitamin D, race and cardiac deaths from Physorg
Rise in ultrasounds for low-risk pregnancy needs review from Physorg
Netbooks popularity expected to continue in 2010 from Physorg
New mathematical model aids Big Bang supercomputer research from Physorg
Anti-inflammatory drugs cut skin cancer risk: study from CBC: Health
Combination therapy better than leading drug for bipolar disorder, study suggests from Science Daily
Virus may chauffeur useful 'packages' into plants from Science Daily
Medication offers little help to patients with mild, moderate depression from LA Times - Science
Only 10 Percent Of Solar Systems Are Like Ours
No evidence to support psychological debriefing in schools from Science Blog
'Ferropaper' is new technology for small motors, robots from Science Blog
New mathematical model aids Big Bang supercomputer research from Science Blog
Nature's most precise clocks may make 'galactic GPS' possible from Science Blog
Sun glints seen from space signal oceans and lakes from Science Blog
Prenatal ultrasonography has increased 55 percent for pregnant women, even in low-risk pregnancies from Science Blog
Goddard scientist's breakthrough given ticket to Mars from Science Blog
URMC study links vitamin D, race and cardiac deaths from Science Blog
Women With Partner, Baby Gain More Weight Than Single Women from Physorg
Sagittarius A*: Peering Into The Heart of Darkness from Physorg
Goddard scientist's breakthrough given ticket to Mars from Physorg
STAR TRAK for January from Physorg
UF research improves production of sea oats essential to beach survival from Physorg
Wood-Based Synthetic Bone is Just Like the Real Thing from PopSci
Online intervention can help problem drinkers: study from CBC: Health
Five New Planets Found; Hotter Than Molten Lava from National Geographic
Giant Carbon "Vault" Proposed Near New York City from National Geographic
Stuck Mars Rover About to Die? from National Geographic
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
Medication offers little help to patients with mild, moderate depression from LA Times - Health
Finally, Palau'amine from C&EN
Researcher devises new solar pond distillation system from Physorg
Will high-density PICs be the next big thing? from Physorg
Sun Glints Seen from Space Signal Oceans and Lakes (w/ Video) from Physorg
Celebrex combats skin cancer in vulnerable group from
Sharing Hopsital Rooms Increases Spread Of 'Super Bugs'
North America's Cooling Due to Natural Causes in 2008? from National Geographic
Presented By: from National Geographic
Yearlong Star Eclipse May Help Solve Space Mystery from National Geographic
The Weird Science Awards from MSNBC: Science
Scientists develop quick and cheap test for hospital bug from Physorg
No evidence to support psychological debriefing in schools from Physorg
Ongoing evolution among modern humans from Physorg
Why nature`s way of avoiding detection is smarter than first appears from Physorg
Hubble goes deep and wide for new view of galaxies from
French Fries Are The New Cigarettes: Obesity Poses Greater Health Risk Than Smoking
The Future of Human Space Flight and Greenhouse Gasses from Science NOW
Hubble Spots Oldest Galaxies Yet from Science NOW
Story Tips From the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory January 2010 from Newswise - Scinews
Most High School Students Are Sleep Deprived from Physorg
University of Nevada, Reno researcher devises new solar pond distillation system from Science Blog
Eat Pomegranates To Prevent Breast Cancer
Calls of the Wild: Scientists Find Common Features in Animal Calls from Newswise - Scinews
From crickets to whales, animal calls have something in common from Science Blog
Skype to offer HD video calling on some new TVs from Physorg
From crickets to whales, animal calls have something in common from Physorg
New eating device retrains dietary habits and helps children lose weight from Physorg
Hubble's Panchromatic Capabilities Reveal Unprecedented View Of The Universe
Birds Fight Alien Parasites from Newswise - Scinews
Inflatable toad gives small guys the slip from Physorg
Plenty of Solar Systems Like Ours Expected from
Seaweeds take over reefs from Science Alert
Hottest decade ever for NZ, Aus from Science Alert
Earth-Like Planet May be Volcanic Wasteland from Newswise - Scinews
Natural Compound Blocks Hepatitis C Infection from Newswise - Scinews
Cosmic Log: Rabbit (penises) redux from MSNBC: Science
Three-Fourths Of U.S. Adults Use Internet from CBSNews - Science