Archive of feed items published on the 9th of July 2009
Link between migraines and reduced breast cancer risk confirmed in follow-up study from Science Blog
Opinion: Livestock in a resource-scarce world from Science Alert
Opinion: Livestock in a resource-scarce world from Science Alert
Happy Days: Living in the Moment from NY Times Health
Genome project leader is selected to head NIH from LA Times - Science
For Jani Schofield, some progress -- and major setbacks from LA Times - Science
Baucus and Grassley team up on bipartisan healthcare compromises from LA Times - Health
Genome project leader is selected to head NIH from LA Times - Health
Healthcare reform gets boost from hospital groups from LA Times - Health
Scientists hope tiny insect can help save soybeans from AP Science
Dangers grow on Web from attacks from Physorg
North Korea Waging Cyber Warfare? from CBSNews - Science
Livestream: First press conference for ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst from European Space Agency
Jellyfish swarms flourish in heat from BBC News: Science & Nature
Crew start cutting St Kilda wreck from BBC News: Science & Nature
Fastest-Growing Economies Join G-8 Summit from CBSNews - Science
Tests raise life extension hopes from BBC News: Science & Nature
'Invisible hand' guides evolution of cooperative turn-taking, research shows from Physorg
No psychological risk in children next-born after stillbirth from Physorg
Key climate meeting looms at G8 from BBC News: Science & Nature
Just hot air? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Experts disagree on seriousness of attacks on government Web sites from Physorg
Link between migraines and reduced breast cancer risk confirmed in follow-up study from Physorg
Scientists hope tiny insect can help save soybeans from Physorg
Universal teams with TuneCore to discover talent from Physorg
Two reproductive factors are important predictors of death from ovarian cancer from Physorg
WHO approves cervical cancer vaccine Cervarix from AP Health
Better tools needed to detect ovarian cancer, report concludes from Physorg
Internet service providers not keeping up with user trends from Physorg
Growth industry from BBC News: Science & Nature
Cardia resection for perforated gastrooesophageal cancer
Pluronic L-81 is a potential anti-diabetic drug?
Drug trials point the way to understanding aviation and climate change
Poaching crisis as rhino horn demand booms in Asia
Looking at leisure to promote mental illness recovery
A glimpse of ancient dying stars from BBC News: Science & Nature
'10,000-year-old' seeds debunked from BBC News: Science & Nature
Evolution Guides Cooperative Turn-taking, Game Theory-based Computer Simulations Show from Science Daily
Hitting Cell Hot Spot Could Help Thwart Parkinson's Disease from Science Daily
2000-year-old Statue Of An Athlete Sheds Light On Corrosion And Other Modern Challenges from Science Daily
Give Children Iron Supplements: They Don't Increase Malaria Risk, Study Suggests from Science Daily
Antimatter Positrons Explain Gamma Ray Mystery In Milky Way Galaxy from Science Daily
Plastics Chemical, Bisphenol A, Retards Growth, Function Of Adult Reproductive Cells from Science Daily
First Evidence That Weed Killers Improve Nutritional Value Of A Key Food Crop from Science Daily
Critical Link Between Obesity And Diabetes Discovered from Science Daily
Photography: Blur's Noise And Distortion Reversed from Science Daily
Do Bilingual Persons Have Distinct Language Areas In The Brain? from Science Daily
New Bluetooth Application Will Let Sport Fans Share Experiences In Real Time from Science Daily
Withdrawal Syndrome After Consumption Of Designer Drug 'Spice Gold' from Science Daily
Molecules Discovered With A Higher Selective Ability To Exterminate Cancer Cells from Science Daily
New research decodes the secret language of the sea from Physorg
WHO approves cervical cancer vaccine Cervarix from Physorg
Mothers of children with autism have higher parental stress, psychological distress
Adding simehicone to sodium phosphate bowel preparation benefits colonscopy?
Is molecular adsorbent recirculating system effective for all the liver failure patients?
The 21st century's longest total solar eclipse to be Internet broadcast worldwide
G8 leaders turn towards Copenhagen but road map still missing
Better cotton threading its way towards global markets
No psychological risk in children next-born after stillbirth
Eagle study focuses on the bird's feathers from UPI
New cyber-attacks hit South Korea from CBC: Technology & Science
Fat causes insulin insensitivity from Science Alert
See your photos in 3D on new website from Physorg
Study identifies potential fix for damaged knees from Physorg
Anti-angiogenesis treatment improves hearing in some NF2 patients
Forest fire prevention efforts will lessen carbon sequestration, add to greenhouse warming
Inflammation may trigger Alzheimer's disease
Robot learns to smile and frown
Study finds job programs protect public health during periods of recession
UH team analyses Hurricane Ike's effects on waterways, fish contamination
Research shows that 'invisible hand' guides evolution of cooperative turn-taking
‘15-year high’ for rhino poaching from BBC News: Science & Nature
Potential Fix For Damaged Knees Identified from Science Daily
Motion Analysis Helps Soccer Players Get Their Kicks from Science Daily
Confidence In Scientists On The Decline from Science Daily
How to care for your bones through the ages from Physorg
Researchers stunned by inmates' success raising endangered frogs from Physorg
Motion analysis helps soccer players get their kicks from Physorg
Spread your sperm the smart way from Science Blog
Galileo's notebooks may reveal secrets of new planet from Science Blog
Drug targets cancer cells from Science Alert
UAB study reveals bone coupling factor key to skeletal health
Stem cells' 'suspended' state preserved by key step, scientists report
Do bilingual persons have distinct language areas in the brain?
Plastics chemical retards growth, function of adult reproductive cells
Dartmouth College researchers help set security standards for the Internet
Link between migraines and reduced breast cancer risk confirmed in follow-up study
Health clinic conditions may be to blame for decrease in primary care physicians
HHS: Swine flu shots may begin in October from AP Health
Spontaneous assembly
Post-transplant combo can replace toxic immune-suppressing drugs in monkeys
Blur's noise and distortion reversed
Variants of 'umami' taste receptor contribute to our individualised flavour worlds
Link between obesity and diabetes discovered
New way to make sensors that detect toxic chemicals
N.B. has 1st hospitalized swine flu patient from CBC: Health
Birds Fireproof Their Homes from Live Science
Treasure Mills brownies recalled in Canada from UPI
British tabloid in phone-tapping probe from CBC: Technology & Science
Transform a ball into a rock -- or make it invisible -- using transformation optics from Physorg
DNA sorts carbon nanotubes from Physics World
Worms in Space to Study Microgravity from
Expectant Brooks mothers still can't deliver at local hospital from CBC: Health
Enviromentalists decry clearcutting to produce biomass fuel from CBC: Technology & Science
Spread your sperm the smart way from Physorg
Most neuropsychological tests don't tell Alzheimer's disease from vascular dementia
Potential patient safety risks among methadone maintenance treatment patients
Language skills in your twenties may predict risk of dementia decades later
Clean fuels could reduce deaths from ship smokestacks by 40,000 annually
Faster, more cost-effective DNA test for crime scenes, disease diagnosis
Fruit and vegetable intake in pregnant women reduces risk of upper respiratory tract infection
Genetic factors implicated in survival gap for breast, ovarian or prostate cancer
Caloric restriction extends life in monkeys, study finds from
New Theory: Galileo Discovered Neptune from
NYC Museum's Deep Freeze Lab Will Store Endangered Species' DNA from PopSci
Powerful Ideas: Alcohol Could Run Artificial Muscles from Live Science
Salmonella concerns prompt sprouts recall from UPI
Google Chrome to partner with Acer, Adobe, HP from CBC: Technology & Science
Trapped Atom Makes for Supersensitive Probe and Quantum Link from Scientific American
Systems biology recommended as a clinical approach to cancer from Physorg
Map of your brain may reveal early mental illness from Physorg
Study: Restoring lost privileges an overlooked key to discipline from Physorg
Astrophysicists solve mystery in Milky Way galaxy from Physorg
Withdrawal syndrome after consumption of 'Spice Gold' from Physorg
Reduced diet thwarts aging, disease in monkeys from Physorg
New Bluetooth application will let sport fans share experiences in real time from Physorg
Landmark project to map genomics of complex ant systems (w/ Video) from Physorg
Arctic climate under greenhouse conditions in the Late Cretaceous from Physorg
Galileo's notebooks may reveal secrets of new planet from Physorg
Toward an explanation for Crohn's disease? from Physorg
Map of your brain may reveal early mental illness
Spread your sperm the smart way
Astrophysicists solve mystery in Milky Way galaxy
Galileo's notebooks may reveal secrets of new planet
Two reproductive factors are important predictors of death from ovarian cancer
2000-year-old statue of an athlete sheds light on corrosion and other modern challenges
First evidence that weed killers improve nutritional value of a key food crop
Weather Still Iffy for Saturday Shuttle Launch from
CAVEman 3-D Virtual Patient Is a Holodeck For the Human Body from PopSci
Study: Restoring lost privileges an overlooked key to discipline from Science Blog
Attractive Males Release Fewer Sperm from Science Daily
Toward An Explanation For Crohn's Disease? from Science Daily
Galileo's Notebooks May Reveal Secrets Of New Planet from Science Daily
Arctic Climate Under Greenhouse Conditions In The Late Cretaceous from Science Daily
Material World: Graphene's Versatility Promises New Applications from Science Daily
Global warming impacting Greenlanders' daily lives from Physorg
Cardiac CT is more cost effective when managing low-risk patients with chest pain from Physorg
Low-calorie diet slows aging in monkeys from Reuters:Science
Strange Plant Waters Itself from Live Science
Francis Collins named as NIH chief from News @ Nature
US hopes to lead climate debate from BBC News: Science & Nature
Underwater exploration seeks evidence of early Americans from Physorg
Graphene's versatility promises new applications from Physorg
Ozone, nitrogen change the way rising CO2 affects Earth's water from Physorg
Survey Shows Gap Between Scientists and the Public from NY Times Science
Antibiotic Delayed Aging in Experiments With Mice from NY Times Science
Pick to Lead Health Agency Draws Praise and Some Concern from NY Times Science
Nepal must consider environment in development plans from SciDev
Novel genetic finding offers new avenue for future Crohn's disease treatment from Science Blog
Underwater exploration seeks evidence of early Americans from Science Blog
Caltech chemists say antibody surrogates are just a 'click' away from Science Blog
UBC Hospital patient awarded $5M compensation from CBC: Health
Nunavut reports swine flu death from CBC: Health
Swine flu hits Canadian Forces Tattoo performers from CBC: Health
Unraveling the Molecular Mechanisms of Friedreich's Ataxia from Newswise - Scinews
NASA: Spirit still stuck in martian sand from UPI
Cardiac CT Is More Cost Effective When Managing Low-risk Patients With Chest Pain from Science Daily
Restoring Lost Privileges An Overlooked Key To Discipline from Science Daily
Systems Biology Recommended As A Clinical Approach To Cancer from Science Daily
Unleashing The Power In Beer from Science Daily
Partner Violence Continues After Break-up from Science Daily
Sprint Nextel signs networking deal with Ericsson from Physorg
Novel genetic finding offers new avenue for future Crohn's disease treatment from Physorg
Chemists say antibody surrogates are just a 'click' away from Physorg
Scientific achievements less prominent than a decade ago from Physorg
One secret to how TB sticks with you from Physorg
Dry mouth linked to prescription and over the counter drugs from Physorg
Obama Faces Difficulty in G8 Climate Talks from CBSNews - Science
French Senate passes revamped anti-piracy bill from CBC: Technology & Science
Herd of U.S. scientists may soon thin from UPI
Of yeast and men: Unraveling the molecular mechanisms of Friedreich's ataxia from Physorg
British police probe tabloid phone-hacking claims from Physorg
Calorie-Counting Monkeys Live Longer from Science NOW
Quit Smoking: Pre-cessation Patch Doubles Quit Success Rate from Science Daily
Of Yeast And Men: Unraveling The Molecular Mechanisms Of Friedreich's Ataxia from Science Daily
One Secret To How TB Sticks With You from Science Daily
Dry Mouth Linked To Prescription And Over The Counter Drugs from Science Daily
Ozone, Nitrogen Change The Way Rising Carbon Dioxide Affects Earth's Water from Science Daily
Cancer, non-cancer cells have similarities from UPI
Pre-cessation patch doubles quit success rate: Researchers call for labeling changes from Physorg
Swine flu summit: Gov't checks on state readiness from Physorg
China gaining ground in top international journals from SciDev
Flu vaccines pushed for developing countries from SciDev
Spread your sperm the smart way from Biology News Net
Unleashing the power in beer from Biology News Net
Landmark project to map genomics of complex ant systems from Biology News Net
Reduced diet thwarts aging, disease in monkeys from Biology News Net
Desert dust alters plant ecology from UPI
Guiding Stem Cell Research from C&EN
J&J Bets With Elan from C&EN
Armadillo-like Crocodile Fossil Found in Brazil from National Geographic
Sperm Prefer Attractive Females from Live Science
Security of health information like 'Fort Knox': doctor from CBC: Health
Coating improves medical implants from UPI
Genes that change flowers' color are ID'd from UPI
Rhino poaching may reach 15-year high from UPI
Methanol could power artificial muscles from MSNBC: Science
Oral/body inflammatory connection explained from Physorg
New study ranks 'hotspots' of human impact on coastal areas from Physorg
Doctor and Patient: When Doctors Make Mistakes from NY Times Health
Ebola found in Philippine pigs for first time from AP Health
First Stars Might Have Had Twins from
Nominee for NASA Chief Says Space Agency Needs Revival from
Newborn brain cells show the way
Research may hold key to maintaining embryonic stem cells in lab
Four from Harvard win Presidential Early Career Awards in Science and Engineering from Harvard Science
Most Comprehensive Poll to Date Finds Americans Actually Love Scientists, Science from PopSci
New Theory: Galileo Discovered Neptune from Live Science
Worms in Space to Study Microgravity from Live Science
First Stars Might Have Had Twins from Live Science
Security of health information like 'Fort Knox': doctor from CBC: Technology & Science
Miniaturized Lasers Can Emit Quantum Light from Science Daily
Climate Events Let Ice Age Mammoths Pass Far Below The 40°N Latitude from Science Daily
Chemists Say Antibody Surrogates Are Just A 'Click' Away from Science Daily
Americans favor science, but less than before from MSNBC: Science
Physicists take first step towards super-fast search algorithms for quantum computers from Physorg
Experts call for local and regional control of sites for radioactive waste from Physorg
Research may hold key to maintaining embryonic stem cells in lab from Physorg
Methane-eating microbes can use iron and manganese oxides to 'breathe' from Physorg
Newborn brain cells show the way from Physorg
Capturing cell 'fingerprints' to advance cancer screening from Physorg
'El Nino' arrives in Pacific for a months-long stay from Physorg
Ebola found in Philippine pigs for first time from Physorg
Obama Warns of Swine Flu Resurgence in Fall from NY Times Health
Methane-eating microbes can use iron and manganese oxides to 'breathe' from Science Blog
Tremors on southern San Andreas Fault may mean increased earthquake risk from Science Blog
Experts Call for Local and Regional Control of Sites for Radioactive Waste from Newswise - Scinews
Research May Hold Key to Maintaining Embryonic Stem Cells in Lab from Newswise - Scinews
Newborn Brain Cells Show the Way from Newswise - Scinews
Language skills may help predict Alzheimer's risk from CBC: Health
Ebola found in Philippine pigs for first time from AP Science
Mysterious tremors detected on San Andreas Fault from AP Science
World powers accept warming limit from BBC News: Science & Nature
Antacid drugs may lead to dependency from UPI
New research to reduce drug side-effects from Physorg
New Geyser Erupts from National Geographic
Study: Mangrove animals risk extinction from UPI
Self-learning security system for computer networks from Physorg
Pairing off in the early universe from
Psychiatry Via a Laser Beam To the Brain from PopSci
Tremors On Southern San Andreas Fault May Mean Increased Earthquake Risk from Science Daily
Key To Maintaining Embryonic Stem Cells In Lab from Science Daily
Link Between Oral Infections And Cardiovascular Disease Morbidity Explained from Science Daily
'Hotspots' Of Human Impact On Coastal Areas Ranked from Science Daily
Methane-eating Microbes Can Use Iron And Manganese Oxides To 'Breathe' from Science Daily
Tremors on southern San Andreas Fault may mean increased earthquake risk from Physorg
Steppe change: Mammoths roamed southern Spain from Physorg
Sick? Stay home! from Physorg
A Galaxy Collision in Action from Physorg
Tailoring surgical glues for specific applications from MIT Research
Monkeys live longer on low-cal diet; would humans? from AP Health
Tests reveal some pet supplements skimp on meds from AP Health
Low-Calorie Diet May Extend Life in Primates from NY Times Health
Obama Warns of Swine Flu Resurgence in Fall from NY Times Science
Oldest supernovae found from CBC: Technology & Science
If Swine Flu Wasn't Enough, Now There's Swine Ebola from Scientific American
Americans favor science, but less than before from AP Science
Cell 'fingerprint' test for cancer created from UPI
Plant doesn't worry about rain — it waters itself from MSNBC: Science
Apple's iLife takes home photo albums to a new level from Physorg
Raptor: An Electric Car Nearly Anyone Would Want to Drive from Physorg
Study: Digging in beach sand increases risk of gastrointestinal illness from Physorg
Understanding Cancer - Part 1 from Science Blog
Cancer-insulin link probed by Health Canada from CBC: Health
Endeavour launch could be delayed by foul weather from CBC: Technology & Science
New microscale tool aids biofilm research from UPI
IBM Researchers Develop Shield to Mask Sensitive On-Screen Information from Physorg
Synthetic Tree Captures Carbon 1,000 Faster Than Real Trees from Physorg
Finnish study identifies factors that increase death in stroke patients ages 15 to 49 from Physorg
Heat-Transfer Material Could Allow More Powerful Radar Electronics from Physorg
New Role Discovered for Molecule Important in Development of Endocrine System from Physorg
Diets bad for teeth are also bad for the body from Physorg
Low-Calorie Diet May Extend Life in Primates from NY Times Health
Low-Calorie Diet May Extend Life in Primates from NY Times Science
Turtles make sense after all from
New Moon Map Reveals Shrouded Craters from
Rensselaer Researchers To Participate in Seismic Test of Seven-Story Building from Newswise - Scinews
Simulations Illuminate Universe's First Twin Stars (w/ Video) from Physorg
Massive earthquake simulation could lead to stronger, safer wooden buildings from Physorg
Perkin Medal Goes To Richard Silverman from C&EN
Turtles Have Shells Due to Embryo "Origami" from National Geographic
Controversial minister loses health portfolio in N.L. cabinet shuffle from CBC: Health
Helping Europe's molecular biologists from News @ Nature
Frozen carbon a climate change threat from UPI
Google, Microsoft chairmen share laugh together from Physorg
Ethicists: Include pregnant women in national childrens' study from Physorg
Nanopillars Promise Cheap, Efficient, Flexible Solar Cells from Physorg
Beetle, fungus deliver one-two punch to black walnut trees from Physorg
Thousands of plant species likely to go extinct in Amazon from Physorg
Why Chrome Is Windows' Toughest Challenger from CBSNews - Science
Competition could clear internet congestion: small ISPs from CBC: Technology & Science
Cancer portal connects Canadians from CBC: Health
G8 leaders fail to agree on carbon cuts before 2050 from News @ Nature
Scientists link elevated insulin to increased breast cancer risk from Physorg
Living fossils hold record of 'supermassive' kick from Physorg
Annual costs of stroke in US children at least $42 million from Physorg
NASA sails through countdown, weather outlook poor from Physorg
Getting mosquitoes to kill their own from Physorg
NY official: Tagged site stole identities from Physorg
Handle with care: Telomeres resemble DNA fragile sites from The Rockefeller University
Dialysis safe for kidney patients' heart health from Science Blog
Living fossils hold record of 'supermassive' kick from Science Blog
Simulations illuminate universe's first twin stars from Science Blog
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
Analysis shows scorpion venom composition from UPI
Theory provides more precise estimates of large-area biodiversity from Physorg
Moonship Photographed by Backyard Astronomers from Science @ NASA
New Kind Of Astronomical Object Around Black Hole: Living Fossil Records 'Supermassive' Kick from Science Daily
Scientific Achievements Less Prominent Than A Decade Ago from Science Daily
Nanopillars Promise Cheap, Efficient, Flexible Solar Cells from Science Daily
Straighten Up And Fly Right: Moths Benefit More From Flexible Wings Than Rigid from Science Daily
Scientists Solve Mystery About Why HIV Patients Are More Susceptible To TB Infection from Science Daily
Prairie Dogs: Influencing The Accumulation Of Metals In Plants? from Science Daily
Reduced Diet Thwarts Aging, Disease In Monkeys from Science Daily
Obsidian 'Trail' Provides Clues To How Humans Settled, Interacted In Kuril Islands from Science Daily
Single Thawed Embryo Transfer After PGD Does Not Affect Pregnancy Rates from Science Daily
Treating Lazy Eyes With A Joystick from Science Daily
Severity Of Mental Disease Can Be Predicted By Family History, Study Suggests from Science Daily
Oxygen Test Has Potential To Detect Some Critical Congenital Heart Defects In Newborns from Science Daily
Risk Of Breast Cancer And A Single-nucleotide Polymorphism from Science Daily
Simulations Illuminate Universe's First Twin Stars from Science Daily
New Discovery To Aid In Diagnosis And Treatment Of Kidney Disease from Science Daily
Bone Coupling Factor Key To Skeletal Health from Science Daily
No Psychological Risk In Children Next-Born After Stillbirth, Study Suggests from Science Daily
Genetic Key To Breast Cancer's Ability To Survive And Spread Identified from Science Daily
NuTeV Anomaly Helps Shed Light On Physics Of The Nucleus from Science Daily
NASA scientists study carbonate rocks from UPI
Dialysis safe for kidney patients' heart health from Physorg
Humans may give swine flu to pigs in new twist to pandemic from Science Blog
Cosmic Log: Bridging the science gap from MSNBC: Science
When good computers go bad from Physorg
PProblem Child El Niño Has Returned from Science NOW
The Turtle's Shell: from Science NOW
Ever Wonder What Those Science Symbols Really Mean? from PopSci
Machines That Heal from PopSci
San Andreas fault giving off mysterious tremors from MSNBC: Science
Humans may give swine flu to pigs in new twist to pandemic from Physorg
Pigs at risk from people as new flu spreads from Reuters:Science
PHOTOS: Fog Catchers Harvest Air's Water in Arid Places from National Geographic
Fog Catchers Bring Water to Parched Villages from National Geographic
WEEK IN PHOTOS: Bull Run, China Riots, Beet Cake, More from National Geographic
"Space Internet" to Link Worlds by 2011 from National Geographic
Toxic Substance Allows Birds to "See" Magnetic Field from National Geographic
San Francisco targets non-native kelp from UPI
Study: 1 in 3 breast cancer patients overtreated from AP Health
Study debunks 'trial marriage' theory from UPI
U.S. government to pay for flu vaccine campaign from Reuters:Science
- Founder to Join Space Camp Hall of Fame from
Two Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Scientists Receive Presidential Early Career Award from Newswise - Scinews
Francis Collins Nomination: Expert Sources from Newswise - Scinews
Americans value science, but not all of it: survey from Reuters:Science
Fewer calories slows aging in monkeys, a clue for humans from LA Times - Science
Chrome OS for the Clueless from CBSNews - Science
Video: Baby Skates Sensation from CBSNews - Science
The Story Behind the Skating Babies from CBSNews - Science
Breast Cancer Treated Too Often from Live Science
Scientists Rock! Just Not as Much as Before from Live Science
Swine Flu Might Hop Back to Pigs from Live Science
Ultracold atom takes a quantum walk from Physics World
Google's Chrome OS a direct shot across Microsoft's bow from Physorg
Researchers identify technique that improves ACL surgery from Physorg
FDA: Dough's E. coli strain differs from illness from AP Health
Volcano Might Create Its Own Clouds from Live Science
Can't Sleep? Log On from Live Science
Study shows athletes and weekend warriors can keep playing after shoulder joint replacement from Science Blog