Archive of feed items published on the 12th of June 2009
New Victims of Swine Flu Include 11-Year-Old from NY Times Health
Senate Votes to Allow F.D.A. to Regulate Tobacco from NY Times Health
Poultry Is No. 1 Source of Outbreaks, According to C.D.C. Report from NY Times Health
As Wind Power Grows, a Push to Tear Down Dams from NY Times Science
Venice Journal: City Known for Its Water Turns to Tap to Lessen Trash from NY Times Science
Departments to Toughen Standards for Mining from NY Times Science
‘Designer molecules` being developed to fight disease from Physorg
Bright Light Over Phoenix Is a Giant Balloon from Live Science
Fingerprints do not improve grip friction from Physorg
A red-wine polyphenol demonstrates significant health benefits from Physorg
Bed bug weapon uses insect's own juice from MSNBC: Science
Superheavy element joining periodic table from MSNBC: Science
Secret found to flight of ‘helicopter seeds’ from MSNBC: Science
China changes its mind on rare golden monkeys from MSNBC: Science
Presented By: from MSNBC: Science
Photo sparks push for new cloud type from MSNBC: Science
Is cancer the price for our big brains? from MSNBC: Science
Pink moth discovered in Arizona from MSNBC: Science
Climate change? Big mammals may be flexible from MSNBC: Science
Museum: Vote for greatest science invention from MSNBC: Science
Bone bed reveals 15-million-year-old disaster from MSNBC: Science
Chimp chomps Berlin zoo director's finger from MSNBC: Science
The ‘one millionth’ English word is ... from MSNBC: Science
'Lost city of the Incas' was not a true city from MSNBC: Science
Report: Bush admin's gas leases too close to parks from Physorg
US video game sales slide 23 pct in May from Physorg
Publisher warms to Scribd store from Physorg
Microsoft to sell Windows minus browser in Europe from Physorg
Gene therapy technique thwarts cancer by cutting off tumor blood supply from Physorg
Iowa woman's photo sparks push for new cloud type from Physorg
WHO declares flu pandemic from Physorg
Zebra mussels hang on while quagga mussels take over from Science Blog
Study reveals publics' ignorance of anatomy from Physorg
EPA chemical database rules a political hazard, critics say from LA Times - Science
More porn HIV cases disclosed from LA Times - Science
Emil L. Smith dies at 98; biochemist advanced protein research from LA Times - Science
Swine flu pandemic declared by World Health Organization from LA Times - Science
Obama promotes healthcare overhaul in Green Bay, Wis. from LA Times - Health
Some oil- and gas-drilling leases may be reinstated from LA Times - Science
No golden monkeys coming to L.A. Zoo from LA Times - Science
Zebra mussels hang on while quagga mussels take over from Physorg
Novartis says produces first batch of H1N1 vaccine from AP Health
Hawaiian Islands named habitat for endangered seal from AP Science
Research team creates simple chemical system that mimics DNA from Physorg
Newly discovered snow roots are 'evolutionary phenomenon' from Physorg
‘Electronic glue’ makes nanocrystals connect from Chemistry World
Enzyme-free assembly of DNA-like molecules from Chemistry World
Dow Corning emphasises innovation from Chemistry World
Instant insight: Harnessing nano power from Chemistry World
101 uses for guar gum from Chemistry World
Rule may allow officials to play role of scientists in toxic chemical regulation from Physorg
Officials say swine flu vaccine may not be ready by fall from Physorg
Basic anatomy 'baffles Britons' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Scientists 'disprove' fingerprints friction theory from BBC News: Science & Nature
Laptops Linked to Male Infertility from Physorg
Net injury 'disables' minke whale from BBC News: Science & Nature
Research finds single gene controls growth of some cancers from Physorg
Moles, not magic, makes worm 'grunting' work from AP Science
Manatees can probably hear which directions boats approach from from Physorg
AOL buys two Web startups from Physorg
Researchers uncover how nanoparticles may damage lungs from Reuters:Science
Yahoo picks a new CFO likely to shake things up from Physorg
Jumping genes discovery 'challenges current assumptions' from Physorg
Low-fat diet helps genetically predisposed animals avoid liver cancer from Physorg
Facebook unplugs "I Hate Muslims in Oz" group from Physorg
Male flies: Not the world's most sensitive lovers from Physorg
Novartis produces first batch of swine flu vaccine from Physorg
ESA pavilion 'L’Europe de l’Espace, Space for Earth' at the 48th Paris Air Show from European Space Agency
Watch on Euronews: Space, Defence and Security from European Space Agency
Computing in the quantum dimension from Physorg
New York to Gas Geese Near Airports from Live Science
Swine flu vaccine could be ready by fall from CBC: Health
McMaster starts producing medical isotopes from CBC: Health
Old carpet to fuel Shaw plant from Physorg
Fair Trade: What We Know That Chimps Don't from Live Science
New Hope for Ending Pointless Traffic Jams from Live Science
Scientist Prospects for Bio-Gold at Yellowstone from Live Science
Radioactive Wasp Nests Hamper Site Cleanup from CBSNews - Science
New Video - Meet the STS-127 Astronauts from
Boy Hit by Meteorite from
Environmentally compatible chemical processes
Economic downturn will have severe, far-reaching effects on global health from Physorg
The New Old Age: Preventing Dementia from NY Times Health
Hidden genitalia in female water striders makes males 'sing'
Cancer screening fear is fuelled by lack of information
Researchers say moderately reducing carbohydrates may help weight loss
Factors linked to failure of corneal transplants
Australia's climate: Drought and flooding in annual rings of tropical trees
Global warming increasing the dispersal of flora in Northern forests
Chemicals sector key contributor to US toxic pollution from Chemistry World
Microtubes Follow Directions from C&EN
Future Factory Takes Flight from C&EN
Zare Is 2010 Priestley Medalist from C&EN
63 Percent Of Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Suffer Psychiatric Disorders, With Depressive Spectrum Conditions Most Likely from Science Daily
Rainforest Rehabilitation In Every Sense from Science Daily
Zebra Mussels Hang On While Quagga Mussels Take Over from Science Daily
Manatees Can Probably Hear Which Directions Boats Approach From from Science Daily
Urban Myth Disproved: Fingerprints Do Not Improve Grip Friction from Science Daily
Boy Hit by Meteorite from Live Science
First Hi-Res Picture of a Virus's Shell from PopSci
McMaster starts producing medical isotopes from CBC: Technology & Science
Promising device snags young inventors coveted spot at IShow from Science Blog
USC researchers identify DNA mutation that occurs at beginning point of T-cell lymphoma from Science Blog
Majority won't have access to antivirals in pandemic but generic drugs could help prevent deaths from Science Blog
Efficiency is poor at Spanish airports from Science Blog
Hawaiian Islands named habitat for endangered seal from Physorg
A breakthrough in gastric carcinogenesis
A case of caecal volvulus
What are the risk factors of sporadic colorectal cancer?
A real-life example of humans' dual vision system
The dark side of animation
The microbial hydrocarbon diet
Change in the Wind - Power From Thin Air? from Live Science
New "Wave" E-Mailing from CBSNews - Science
Baby Stars Found in Galactic Center from
L.A. zoo needs new simians after monkey snub from MSNBC: Science
Ancient mass grave found on U.K. Olympics site from MSNBC: Science
Plasma Waves Studied for New Electronics from Live Science
Isotope shortage delays cancer tests: Ottawa hospital from CBC: Health
Gene therapy technique thwarts cancer by cutting off tumour blood supply
A natural hormone may protect muscle from atrophy
Blocking a myostatin protects against obesity and atherosclerosis
Exenatide promotes weight loss when added to diet and exercise
Worldwide decline in caribou and reindeer numbers
Simulation helps students learn dental implant procedures
Are angiotensins involved in the haemodynamic changes of cirrhosis patients?
Moonstruck: Tagalong Probe to Blast Moon in Search for Water from Scientific American
Astronauts set for big gathering from BBC News: Science & Nature
Science policy scrutiny 'at risk' from BBC News: Science & Nature
INFORMS Management Insight contrasts online highbrow and lowbrow movie rentals from Science Blog
Appetite-stimulating hormone is first potential medical treatment for frailty in older women from Science Blog
Li-Huei Tsai to direct Picower Institute from MIT Research
Thailand returns 7 ancient treasures to Cambodia from MSNBC: Science
Study finds segregation decreases access to surgical care for minorities
USC researchers identify DNA mutation that occurs at beginning point of T-cell lymphoma
New calculator determines colorectal surgery risk
Childhood obesity increases early signs of cardiovascular disease
Nicotine induces prediabetes, contributes to high prevalence of heart disease in smokers
Symptoms of depression in obese children linked to elevated cortisol
FAQ: Cyclotrons from CBC: Technology & Science
Launching Saturday: Shuttle Endeavour Headed for Space Station from
Nations say they are ready for swine flu pandemic from Physorg
Dig to begin on China's terra cotta army from UPI
Living together can make you fat from UPI
Is A New Cloud Category On The Horizon? from CBSNews - Science
Moderately Reduced Carbohydrate Diet Keeps People Feeling Full Longer from Science Daily
Tantalizing clues to the chemical origins of life from News @ Nature
‘Unanimous Go’ for a Shuttle Liftoff Saturday from NY Times Science
Q&A: Tadataka Yamada and wild science ideas from SciDev
Lap band weight loss surgery reduces teens' risk factors for heart disease, diabetes
Obese women with PCOS can lose weight with a doctor's help
Successful weight loss with dieting is linked to vitamin D levels
Low-fat diet helps genetically predisposed animals avoid liver cancer
Zebra mussels hang on while quagga mussels take over
Adults, especially women, have calorie-burning 'brown fat'
Moderately reduced carbohydrate diet keeps people feeling full longer
Rosiglitazone does not harm bone healing if combined with metformin in rats
Widely used body fat measurements overestimate fatness in blacks
Historic mission taking Canadian Payette to space station gets NASA go-ahead from CBC: Technology & Science
AP Interview: Ex-NASA head critical of Obama move from AP Science
Flexible solar strips light up campus bus shelter from Science Blog
RNA snippet suppresses spread of breast cancer from MIT Research
Curse Word on Roof Spotted from Space from Live Science
First Hybrid Solar/Natural Gas Power Station Goes Online in Israel from PopSci
Patient Money: Your Medical Problems Could Include Identity Theft from NY Times Health
Swine flu science update: 12 June 2009 from SciDev
MicroRNA replacement therapy may stop cancer in its tracks
Study reveals publics' ignorance of anatomy
Manatees can probably hear which directions boats approach from
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona researchers first to clone mice in Spain
US dogs to sniff out Cambodian tigers
Stress makes your hair go grey
Majority won't have access to antivirals in pandemic but generic drugs could help
Newly discovered snow roots are 'evolutionary phenomenon'
Study finds air traffic control tracking method reduces errors in trauma management
Isolated forest patches lose species, diversity
Jumping genes discovery 'challenges current assumptions'
Nude, Mona Lisa-like painting surfaces from MSNBC: Science
Dairy Bulls Gain No Benefit From Protein Supplement from Science Daily
Heme Proteins: Ubiquitous And Essential For Every Organism from Science Daily
Non-invasive Method For Early, Serological Diagnosis Of Parkinson’s Disease Developed from Science Daily
Vaccines From The Bioreactor: Bioprocess Increases Vaccine Yield from Science Daily
Computing In The Quantum Dimension from Science Daily
Vast Majority Won’t Have Access To Antivirals In Pandemic, But Generic Drugs Could Help Prevent Deaths from Science Daily
UK Tops The List Of 213 Countries At Extreme Risk To The Spread Of Swine Flu from Science Daily
Global Biosphere Images Reveal Changes in Plant Growth from Live Science
Baby Stars Found in Galactic Center from Live Science
Bill to curb tobacco use heads to Obama from CBC: Health
Engraved pigments point to ancient symbolic tradition from
Province issues plea for nurses to work in flu-stricken north from CBC: Health
Africa calls on world's richest to curb brain drain from SciDev
Maple seeds and animals exploit the same trick to fly
Robotic ferret will detect hidden drugs and weapons
Dangerous liaisons: Bacterial 'sex' causes antibiotic resistance
A new computer modelling program can help hospitals prepare for the worst
Waste disposal protein is mechanism behind cancer tumour suppression
Protein that triggers plant cell division revealed by researchers
Male flies: Not the world's most sensitive lovers
Don't stand so close to me: Proximity defines how we think of contagion
Urban myth disproved: Fingerprints do not improve grip friction
Greenland ice sheet larger contributor to sea-level rise
Chemistry In The U.K. Appraised from C&EN
Rainforest rehab in every sense from Physorg
Robotic ferret will detect hidden drugs and weapons from Physorg
Greenland ice sheet larger contributor to sea-level rise from Physorg
Majority won't have access to antivirals in pandemic but generic drugs could help prevent deaths from Physorg
Biochemist Emil L. Smith dead at 97 from UPI
The latest in technology looks into some old bones
Loyola limits blood transfusions to reduce risk to patients, trim costs
Rainforest rehab in every sense
Researchers discover a new way the body fights fungal infection
New images may improve vaccine design for deadly rotavirus
Wii-hab may enhance Parkinson's treatment
Abrupt global warming could shift monsoon patterns, hurt agriculture
Scripps research team creates simple chemical system that mimics DNA
Laptops linked to male infertility
Ontario bails out Ottawa stem cell scientists leading international project from CBC: Technology & Science
Professor Interrupted: Gender Differences in High Level Engineering, Science and Math Institutions from Physorg
Everything looking up for Saturday space launch from Physorg
Rambus settles EU antitrust probe, avoids fines from Physorg
Moles, not magic, make worm 'grunting' work from Physorg
Hear! Hear! Texas wines fight cancer growth from Physorg
Promising device snags young inventors coveted spot at IShow from Physorg
Appetite-stimulating hormone is first potential medical treatment for frailty in older women from Physorg
Researchers identify DNA mutation that occurs at beginning point of T-cell lymphoma from Physorg
Early treatment of systemic onset JIA with anakinra restores the IL-18 response from Physorg
Don't stand so close to me: Proximity defines how we think of contagion from Physorg
3 studies confirm the value of etanercept therapy in treating juvenile idiopathic arthritis from Physorg
Dual role in breast tissue for a protein involved in leukemia from Physorg
Flexible Solar Strips Light Up Campus Bus Shelter from Science Daily
Online Highbrow And Lowbrow Movie Rentals: Predicting How Long Customers Will Rent Films from Science Daily
Don't Stand So Close To Me: Proximity Defines How We Think Of Contagion from Science Daily
Ermine moths invade parts of Britain from UPI
Cosmic Log: Hey, E.T.! The line is open from MSNBC: Science
Researches has found a link between bird songs and habitat change from Physorg
Using nanoparticles to increase the effiiciency of thin film solar cells from Physorg
Human anatomy a mystery to many from UPI
Origins of the swine flu virus from
Ontario bails out Ottawa stem cell scientists leading international project from CBC: Health
Math model may decrease phantom traffic jams from MSNBC: Science
Test at home for baby's gender at 10 weeks of pregnancy from Physorg
63 percent of RA patients suffer psychiatric disorders, with depressive spectrum conditions most likely from Physorg
Anxiety and depression lower quality of life in majority of systemic lupus erythematosus patients from Physorg
Swine flu cases in Manitoba spike to 119 with 42 reported Friday from CBC: Health
Officials commend UH's leadership in creation of ship channel security district from Science Blog
Making waves: LSU's WAVCIS increases modeling capabilities from Science Blog
New study reveals structure of the HIV protein shell from Science Blog
Hear! Hear! Texas wines fight cancer growth from Science Blog
AMS June science highlights from Science Blog
Dual role in breast tissue for a protein involved in leukemia from Science Blog
Appetite-stimulating Hormone Is First Potential Medical Treatment For Frailty In Older Women from Science Daily
Arthritis Treatment: IFX Anti-TNF Therapy Associated With Clinical Benefit Over Five Years In Patients With Active Ankylosing Spondylitis from Science Daily
Robotic Ferret Will Detect Hidden Drugs And Weapons from Science Daily
Over Half Of People With Rheumatoid Arthritis Have Periodontitis from Science Daily
Mice Cloned In Spain from Science Daily
Three Studies Confirm Value Of Etanercept Therapy In Treating Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis from Science Daily
Early Treatment Of Systemic Onset JIA With Anakinra Restores The IL-18 Response from Science Daily
Winter- And Spring-onset Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Have Worse 6 Month Outcomes Than Those With Summer Onset from Science Daily
German teen struck by meteorite from UPI
Drugmakers rush to produce a swine flu vaccine from AP Health
Greying Finns drink more alcohol than before: study from Physorg
Physics for the musical masses from Harvard Science
Watering Down the Fishery Gene Pool from Scientific American
Caribou herds dwindling worldwide: Alberta study from CBC: Technology & Science
Scientists find how nanoparticle causes lung damage from CBC: Technology & Science
Planck Chills Out from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Individuals who apply pesticides are found to have double the risk of blood disorder from Physorg
Scientists find how nanoparticle causes lung damage from CBC: Health
Zebra mussels lose ground to cousin from UPI
Frans Spaepen named interim director of Center for Nanoscale Systems from Harvard Science
Perimeter Institute's "Quantum to Cosmos" Festival from Newswise - Scinews
Intensive Program in Biorenewables Shows Students the Action from Newswise - Scinews
New study reveals structure of the HIV protein shell from Physorg
Shy animals skew population estimates from News @ Nature
All-Night Care for Dementia’s Restless Minds from NY Times Health
Solar Activity to Have Lowest High in 90 Years? from National Geographic
Yangtze River dams in question in China from UPI
Caribou, reindeer numbers down worldwide from UPI
FDA flags psychiatric risks of asthma drugs from AP Health
Mind-Reading Tech May Not Be Far Off from PopSci
Sonic Distruptions Create Artificial Black Hole from PopSci
Youth Baseball Injuries: Good and Bad News from Live Science
Cocaine And Heroin Harm Placenta from Science Daily
Staying Sharp: New Study Uncovers How People Maintain Cognitive Function In Old Age from Science Daily
Successful Weight Loss With Dieting Is Linked To Vitamin D Levels from Science Daily
Long And Short Sleep Durations Are Associated With Increased Risk For Diabetes from Science Daily
Boys With Intermittent Eye Deviation Appear More Likely To Develop Mental Illness from Science Daily
Structure Of HIV Protein Shell Revealed from Science Daily
Hurricanes: Increased Technology Offers Better Ways For Officials And Public To See The Storm Ahead from Science Daily
Individuals Who Apply Pesticides Are Found To Have Double The Risk Of Blood Disorder from Science Daily
Dual Role In Breast Tissue For Protein Involved In Leukemia from Science Daily
Protein Linked To Change In Tissue That Surround And Support Breast Tumors from Science Daily
RA individuals from lower GDP countries keep working despite worse symptoms than richer countries from Physorg
Tech in Training: The Search for an Online Coach from PopSci
Over half of people with rheumatoid arthritis have periodontitis from Physorg
Kenya gets undersea broadband fibre optic cable from Physorg
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
Warp-Speed Raindrops from Science NOW
How Is a Maple Seed Like a Moth? from Science NOW
DNA-like Molecule Replicates Without Helpe from Science NOW
Gray Hair Signals Battered DNA from Science NOW
A New Twist on Prion Disease from Science NOW
JPL Invites Public to Annual Open House from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
'Miracle' baby's heart cured, doctor says from CBC: Health
Astronomers lose access to military data from News @ Nature
Caltech scientists predict greater longevity for planets with life from Science Blog
Team effort needed to report on science, U of Alberta study says from Science Blog
Perimeter Institute's "Quantum to Cosmos" Festival from Science Blog
Intensive Program in Biorenewables Shows Students the Action from Science Blog
Alaska's Rat Island rat-free after 229 years from Reuters:Science
Worm ‘grunting’ is all in a day's work from MSNBC: Science
The Big Switch From Analog To Digital TV from CBSNews - Science
Workout in the water from LA Times - Health
Innovations in beach equipment from LA Times - Health
Cellphone shields and brain cancer from LA Times - Health
Diabetes doctors debate the best diagnostic tests from LA Times - Health
Yoga pose stretches thighs, hips and calves from LA Times - Health
Swimming through healing waters from LA Times - Health
Clindamycin can trigger dangerous diarrhea from LA Times - Health
'Mental' staff strikes back at lightning injury from LA Times - Health
Two sides as to why patients lie to their doctors from LA Times - Health
Better sleep, better living from LA Times - Health
A reminder: See the patient, not just the problem from LA Times - Health
Life May Extend Planet's 'Life': Billion-year Life Extension For Earth Also Doubles Odds Of Finding Life On Other Planets from Science Daily
Latest In Technology Looks Into Some Old Bones from Science Daily
Laptops Linked To Male Infertility from Science Daily
Boosting Newborns’ Immune Responses from Science Daily
Axions could shed light on solar mysteries from Physics World
Science Briefing from LA Times - Science
NASA fuels space shuttle Endeavour for launch from Reuters:Science
Zebra mussels hang on while quagga mussels take over from Biology News Net
New study reveals structure of the HIV protein shell from Biology News Net
LSU researcher first to demonstrate link between bird songs and habitat change from Biology News Net
Doctors may take N.B. government to court over wage freeze from CBC: Health
'Designer Molecules' Being Developed To Fight Disease from Science Daily
US Navy Culture And Workplace Leads To Heavy Drinking, Study Suggests from Science Daily
Greenland Ice Sheet Melting Faster Than Expected; Larger Contributor To Sea-level Rise Than Thought from Science Daily
New Way The Body Fights Fungal Infection Discovered from Science Daily
Surgery In Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis Is Often 'Too Little, Too Late' from Science Daily
Log On To Beat Depression: Internet-based Therapy Found Effective from Science Daily
NASA's mission: Can we live on the moon? from LA Times - Science
Discovering the age of the universe from LA Times - Science
Australians demand climate action from BBC News: Science & Nature
Bing Modified To Enable Porn Filtering from CBSNews - Science
The ‘Disease of Kings’ Extends Its Pain to the Middle Class from NY Times Health
Congress Passes Measure on Tobacco Regulation from NY Times Health
H.I.V. Found in 22 Actors in Sex Films Since 2004 from NY Times Health
Medtronic Paid Surgeon While He Was in the Army from NY Times Health
Business Briefing | Company News: F.D.A. Calls for a Caution on Label of Merck Drug from NY Times Health
Climate Change Treaty, to Go Beyond the Kyoto Protocol, Is Expected by the Year’s End from NY Times Science
Nasa cancels space shuttle launch from BBC News: Science & Nature
Gas Leak Thwarts Space Shuttle Launch from