Archive of feed items published on the 7th of October 2009
NASA Telescope Spots Ring around Saturn from CBSNews - Science
Israeli woman potential Nobel chemistry winner from AP Science
Bell's palsy: Study calls for rethink of cause and treatment
Could antioxidants make us more, not less, prone to diabetes? Study says yes
Milk protein supplement may help prevent sepsis in very low birth-weight infants
Oropharyngeal cancer patients experience post-surgery sleep apnea
Chinese herbal medicines for preventing diabetes in high risk people
Stress urinary incontinence: Minimally invasive operations as effective as open surgery
BUSM researchers identify better laser for treating facial spider veins
New coastland map could help strengthen sea defences
Potential leap forward in electron microscopy
New drug aims to 'seek and destroy' many types of cancer
Eating liquorice in pregnancy may affect a child's IQ and behaviour
Communicating person to person through the power of thought alone
High-sensitivity bone marrow aspiration technology enhances leukaemia cell detection
Ancient China's sand dunes reveal unexpected dryness during heavy monsoon rains
Exercise programs recommended as standard for rheumatoid arthritis
For safer emergencies, give your power generator some space
Come on in: Nuclear barrier less restrictive than expected in new cells
Drivers of convertibles may be at risk for noise-induced hearing loss
New biologic drug is effective against rheumatoid arthritis
Area-wide traffic calming improves safety - but will it work in low- and middle-income countries?
Wildlife as a source for livestock infections
Preventing allergies
GTRI is developing protocols for testing effects of RFID systems on medical devices
Major discovery opens door to leishmania treatment
Going green on hold: Man-made activities can affect 'blue haze,' world's weather
Prion study reveals first direct information about the protein's molecular structure
Fewer hikers means less support for conservation, study says
New study finds high rates of childhood exposure to violence and abuse in US
Models begin to unravel how single DNA strands combine
Novel polymer delivers genetic medicine, allows tracking
Ethnic background may be associated with diabetes risk
Climate change triggered dwarfism in soil-dwelling creatures of the past
Draft NIST report on Cowboys facility collapse released for comment
New computer security guide can help safeguard your small business
MicroRNA drives cells' adaptation to low-oxygen living
Study examines use of clinical and cost-effectiveness data for drug coverage decisions
Genetic mutation a strong indicator of age-related hearing loss risk
Biologics for rheumatoid arthritis work, but which is best?
Health in low-income countries: Outsourcing and cash incentives may help
TENS for osteoarthritis: Not enough evidence to recommend
Giant ring detected around Saturn from BBC News: Science & Nature
Albatross cam for bird's eye view from BBC News: Science & Nature
JoAnne Stubbe to receive top science honor today from MIT Research
3 Questions: Robert Solow on the struggle ahead from MIT Research
Global warming may worsen locust swarms from News @ Nature
Nobel Prize in Physics awarded to light pioneers from News @ Nature
Fewer hikers means less support for conservation, study says from Physorg
Amazon cuts Kindle price, adds global version from Physorg
Warning over River Trent cyanide from BBC News: Science & Nature
Thrust to dust from BBC News: Science & Nature
New study finds high rates of childhood exposure to violence and abuse in US from Physorg
Study: Endangered AK beluga whale group declining from Physorg
Israeli woman potential Nobel chemistry winner from Physorg
Study: 2 million babies and mothers die at birth from Physorg
Energy saving day on Isles of Scilly comes up short from BBC News: Science & Nature
Rare British butterfly wends its way north from BBC News: Science & Nature
TENS for osteoarthritis: Not enough evidence to recommend from Physorg
Albatross camera reveals fascinating feeding interaction with killer whale from Physorg
Health in low-income countries: Outsourcing and cash incentives may help from Physorg
Largest Ring Around Saturn Discovered from Physorg
Chemistry Nobel prize announced from BBC News: Science & Nature
Google widens lead over Bing and Yahoo!: Hitwise from Physorg
The Nobel Prize in chemistry is going to Ramakrishnan, Steitz, Yonath
2 Americans, Israeli Win Chemistry Nobel from CBSNews - Science
2 Americans, Israeli win Nobel chemistry prize from MSNBC: Science
Albatross cam for bird's eye view from BBC News: Science & Nature
Chinese herbal medicines for preventing diabetes in high risk people from Physorg
Three share Nobel Prize in chemistry from LA Times - Science
Two Americans, Israeli win 2009 chemistry Nobel from Reuters:Science
Nobel chemistry prize awarded to trio from CBC: Technology & Science
Area-wide traffic calming improves safety -- but will it work in low- and middle-income countries? from Physorg
Satellite data instrumental in combating desertification from European Space Agency
Super-thin flexible OLED from Sony from Physorg
Huge 'ghost' ring discovered around Saturn from News @ Nature
Global warming may worsen locust swarms from News @ Nature
Nobel Prize Recognizes the Study of Ribosomes from NY Times Science
Mobile phones ring in growth in emerging markets from Physorg
Web tool helps advise when flu needs a doctor from AP Health
Unraveling the Ribosome: Chemistry Nobel Awarded to Modelers of Living Cells' Protein-Maker from Scientific American
Biologics for rheumatoid arthritis work, but which is best? from Physorg
'Huge' dino footprints unearthed from BBC News: Science & Nature
Stress urinary incontinence: Minimally invasive operations as effective as open surgery from Physorg
Kindle Gets Price Cut, Amazon Announces from CBSNews - Science
Targeting the Moon: Observatories Gear Up for Friday Lunar Crash from
Sebelius: Americans must get swine flu vaccination from AP Health
N.B. radiology concerns mishandled: mayor from CBC: Health
Wheat toxin review worries farmers from CBC: Health
Orbital Debris Cleanup Takes Center Stage from
New giant ring discovered around Saturn from UPI
Astronomers Discover Solar System's Largest Planetary Ring Yet around Saturn from Scientific American
Nobel Prize In Chemistry: What Ribosomes Look Like And How They Functions At Atomic Level from Science Daily
Loyal Alligators Display Mating Habits Of Birds from Science Daily
Protecting Humans And Animals From Diseases In Wildlife from Science Daily
Satellite Data Instrumental In Combating Desertification from Science Daily
Eco-friendly Defence Against Erosion In Arctic Regions from Science Daily
Cooperative Design Shaves Chip-making Costs from Science Daily
Human Brain, Like Google Maps, Creates Multiple Independent Maps While Finding The Way In Physical World from Science Daily
Computer Simulations Validate Treatment Targets For Lung Cancer from Science Daily
Kindle's international version won't come to Canada from CBC: Technology & Science
Ciena bids $521M for Nortel unit from CBC: Technology & Science
Enormous New Ring Found Distantly Orbiting Saturn from
Big dino prints found in Jurassic park in France from AP Science
EU sets out new science plan from AP Science
Enormous New Ring Found Distantly Orbiting Saturn from Live Science
Does Taste Decrease with Age? from Live Science
Underground City Envisioned in Nevada from Live Science
Landing birds seek edges from Science Alert
River Trent cyanide spill investigated from UPI
Physicist shares Nobel Prize for Chemistry from Physics World
Propelling bacteria ease liquid flow from Physics World
Huge new ring spotted around Saturn from Reuters:Science
Trackway analysis shows how dinosaurs coped with slippery slopes
UW's newly named 'Lamborghini Lab' brings composite parts to sports-car arena
Physical activity in adolescence associated with decreased risk of brain cancer in adulthood
For future superconductors, a little bit of lithium may do hydrogen a lot of good
Large-scale cousin of elusive 'magnetic monopoles' found at NIST
Electrosurgical devices, lasers cited as most common igniters of operating room fires
Promising results for rapid viral diagnosis tests in emergency rooms
Spray slows mind menopause from Science Alert
High Rates Of Childhood Exposure To Violence And Abuse In United States, New Study Finds from Science Daily
Surgeons' Unanimous Consensus: Needle Biopsy Is Gold Standard For Breast Cancer Diagnosis from Science Daily
Electrostatic Surface Cleaning from Science Daily
Google Street View goes live in Canadian cites from CBC: Technology & Science
Police befriend Facebook, Twitter users from CBC: Technology & Science
Electron Microscopes Powered by Quantum Mechanics Could See Through Living Cells from PopSci
Albatross Snags Scraps from Killer Whale from Live Science
Many recover from back pain from Science Alert
2 Americans, Israeli share Nobel Prize in chemistry from LA Times - Science
X-ray free-electron lasers fire up from News @ Nature
Huge 'ghost' ring discovered around Saturn from News @ Nature
Research ensures 50 million vaccinated against deadly brain infection
Stereotactic radiosurgery preferred method of treating cancer patients with brain metastases
New findings about brain proteins suggest possible way to fight Alzheimer's
Future diabetes treatment may use resveratrol to target the brain
Homebound termites answer 150-year-old evolution question
Genetic variation of enzyme linked with outcomes for women receiving tamoxifen
Heart disease: B-vitamin pills have no effect
Albatross camera reveals fascinating feeding interaction with killer whale
Researchers fine-tune diffuse optical tomography for breast cancer screening
Michigan hospital launches gene therapy study for Parkinson's disease
New chemo cocktail blocks breast cancer like a strong fence
Arctic sea ice recovers slightly in 2009, remains on downward trend
SPACE PHOTOS THIS WEEK: Mercury Mystery, Eruption, More from National Geographic
Hellish Exoplanet Rains Hot Pebbles, Has Lava Oceans from National Geographic
New Giant Lizard: Komodo Cousin "A Nasty Piece of Work" from National Geographic
Past Nobel Superstars from National Geographic
Communicating person to person through the power of thought alone from Biology News Net
Major discovery opens door to leishmania treatment from Biology News Net
Homebound termites answer 150-year-old evolution question from Biology News Net
Albatross camera reveals fascinating feeding interaction with killer whale from Biology News Net
MicroRNA drives cells' adaptation to low-oxygen living from Biology News Net
New Shroud of Turin Evidence: A Closer Look from Live Science
Exercise lowers stroke risk from Science Alert
Ultrasound pioneer Dr. John Wild dead from UPI
New NIST method reveals all you need to know about 'waveforms' from Science Blog
Surgeons' unanimous consensus: Needle biopsy is gold standard for breast cancer diagnosis from Science Blog
Strong link between obesity and depression from Science Blog
Monash research cautions against use of antioxidants from Science Blog
4 national groups of surgeons respond to the Institute of Medicine's recommendation from Science Blog
Banking on outlier detection from Science Blog
Loyal alligators display the mating habits of birds from Science Blog
Heartburn drugs deemed safe for fetuses according to Ben-Gurion University researchers from Science Blog
Nobel Prize in chemistry awarded for ribosome research from
Reform tsar struggles to take Russia into nanoworld from Reuters:Science
Dirty stars make good solar system hosts
New analysers to unlock mineral value
Genome sequence published for important biofuels yeast
Study shows how to lower costs, waiting times for colonoscopies
U of A researcher has rare evidence of dinosaur cannibalism
Can Herbal Medicines Reduce Risk Of Diabetes?
Chemistry of life wins Nobel from Chemistry World
Instant insight: Self-healing at the nanoscale from Chemistry World
Kurtsystems "Equine Training System" Means Faster Steeds, Fewer Injuries from PopSci
Dirty Stars Make Great Hosts for New Worlds from
Physicists Demonstrate Three-Color Entanglement from Physorg
Fill 'er up -- with algae from Physorg
Loyal alligators display the mating habits of birds from Physorg
One small step for neurons, one giant leap for nerve cell repair from Physorg
Strong link between obesity and depression from Physorg
New scrutiny helps armour from Science Alert
Rare head and neck cancer linked to HPV, study finds from Physorg
Ciena bids $521M for Nortel business units from Physorg
New publication offers security tips for WiMAX networks from Physorg
Astronomers capture spectacular meteor footage and images (w/ Video) from Physorg
Albatross snags scraps from killer whale from MSNBC: Science
Sponsored By: from MSNBC: Science
Needle therapy numbs nerves from Science Alert
From plant to power from News @ Nature
X-ray free-electron lasers fire up from News @ Nature
The Food Issue: Rules to Eat By from NY Times Health
Satellite data instrumental in combating desertification from Physorg
EU prepares to settle Microsoft browser case from Physorg
Judge sets deadline for amended Google book deal from Physorg
Study finds how the body handles histones from UPI
Nobel Prize In Chemistry from C&EN
Poor countries spending more on science from SciDev
Body bag probe found no 'ill will': Aglukkaq from CBC: Health
Study examines ethical dilemmas of medical tourism from Physorg
Surgeons' unanimous consensus: Needle biopsy is gold standard for breast cancer diagnosis from Physorg
Huge dinosaur prints found in France from UPI
Vaccines have not curbed rate of ear infection complications from Science Blog
Air quality improvements over the last decade may be a factor in fewer ear infections from Science Blog
Specialty hospitals cherry-pick patients, exaggerate success, says INFORMS meeting paper from Science Blog
Injury and hazards in home health care nursing are a growing concern from Science Blog
Western astronomers capture spectacular meteor footage and images from Science Blog
Major improvements made in engineering heart repair patches from stem cells from Science Blog
Giant Dinosaur Prints Found in France from CBSNews - Science
Air quality improvements over the last decade may be a factor in fewer ear infections from Physorg
Web tool helps advise when flu needs a doctor from Physorg
Researcher solves mystery about proteins that package the genome from Physorg
NASA announces new video space game from UPI
The New Old Age: Nursing Home Fights from NY Times Health
Arab women scientists launch initiatives from SciDev
There Oughta Be A Law. And, Actually, There Is One
Inuit sexual health conference underway in Iqaluit from CBC: Health
Researchers create smaller and more efficient nuclear battery from Physorg
Vaccines have not curbed rate of ear infection complications from Physorg
Major improvements made in engineering heart repair patches from stem cells (w/ Video) from Physorg
Researchers identify genes associated with onset age of Parkinson's disease from Physorg
EU sets out new science plan from Physorg
Study uses sophisticated genetic engineering to improve insulin-producing beta cells from Physorg
2 Americans, 1 Israeli win Nobel chemistry prize from Physorg
Indianapolis Prize 2010 nominees announced from UPI
Trent polluters face prosecution from BBC News: Science & Nature
Louvre 'open' on Egyptian archaeological return from BBC News: Science & Nature
Beaver receiver from BBC News: Science & Nature
NASA Telescope Discovers Giant Ring Around Saturn from NY Times Science
Prizes Aside, the P-NP Puzzler Has Consequences from NY Times Science
The Wild Side: 'Leopard Behind You!' from NY Times Science
Sub-Saharan Africa news in brief: 24 September–7 October 2009 from SciDev
Flu shot campaign on track: Aglukkaq from CBC: Health
Protecting humans and animals from diseases in wildlife from Physorg
Jumping genes, gene loss and genome dark matter from Physorg
Genes signal late-stage laryngeal cancer, poorer outcome from Physorg
Genome-wide study of autism published in Nature from Physorg
Unomedical recalls some resuscitators from UPI
New anti-cancer drug undergoing testing from UPI
Two Men Plus Two Cell Membrane Channels Plus Two Synchrotrons: One Nobel Prize
Genome-wide study of autism published in Nature from Newswise - Scinews
Ribosome clinches the chemistry Nobel from News @ Nature
The butterfly effect gets entangled from News @ Nature
Correction from News @ Nature
Human genetics: Hit or miss? from News @ Nature
Environment: The disappearing nutrient from News @ Nature
Plasmonics: Surfing the wave from News @ Nature
News briefing: 8 October 2009 from News @ Nature
Fossil rewrites early human evolution from News @ Nature
From plant to power from News @ Nature
Mutations show cancer tumour evolved: B.C team from CBC: Health
Mutations show cancer tumour evolved: B.C team from CBC: Technology & Science
A tree's response to environmental changes: What can we expect over the next 100 years? from Physorg
Heartburn drugs deemed safe for fetuses: research from Physorg
Huelva is swallowing up coastal lagoons in Donana from Physorg
Buying green can be license for bad behavior, study finds from Physorg
Autism Gets A Genome-wide Study
Giant Ring Discovered Around Saturn from Science @ NASA
Depression a common consequence of chronic rhinosinusitis from Science Blog
Unnatural selection: Birth control pills may alter choice of partners from Science Blog
Genes signal late-stage laryngeal cancer, poorer outcome from Science Blog
Researchers create smaller and more efficient nuclear battery from Science Blog
Researcher solves mystery about proteins that package the genome from Science Blog
CHEO RI study uses sophisticated genetic engineering to improve insulin-producing beta cells from Science Blog
Huelva is swallowing up coastal lagoons in Doñana from Science Blog
Researchers identify genes associated with onset age of Parkinson's disease from Science Blog
New Saturn Ring Is Largest Known; May Solve Moon Puzzle from National Geographic
Presented By: from National Geographic
Singularity Summit 2009: Ten Unanswered Questions For Our Future Robot Overlords from PopSci
Bacterium helps formation of gold from Physorg
Climate: What's to become of the Kyoto Protocol? from Physorg
Scientists discover quantum fingerprints of chaos from Physorg
New method reveals all you need to know about 'waveforms' from Physorg
Unnatural selection: Birth control pills may alter choice of partners from Physorg
Atomic Wire with Protective Sheath: Stable Metal Nanowires One Atom Wide Inside Carbon Nanotubes from Physorg
Banking on outlier detection: Simple computer model could act as early warning system for failing banks from Physorg
Electrostatic surface cleaning from Physorg
New NIST database on gas hydrates to aid energy and climate research from Physorg
Lack of some proteins can lead to cancer from UPI
New bone-growing therapy developed from UPI
Nerve Cells Live Double Lives from Science Daily
A Simple Way For Older Adults To Assess Arterial Stiffness: Reach For The Toes from Science Daily
The High Cost Of Treating Alcohol-impaired Drivers from Science Daily
Novel Polymer Delivers Genetic Medicine, Allows Tracking from Science Daily
Genetic Mutation A Strong Indicator Of Age-related Hearing Loss Risk from Science Daily
Los Angeles Fast-food Restaurant Ban Unlikely To Cut Obesity, Study Finds from Science Daily
Autism Associated With Single-letter Change In Genetic Code from Science Daily
France ready to hand back Egyptian murals from Reuters:Science
Chip measures breast estrogen with just a poke from AP Health
AP Poll: Third of parents oppose swine flu vaccine from AP Health
More Than a Storm Chaser from Live Science
NASA Refines Asteroid Apophis' Path Toward Earth from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
NASA Space Telescope Discovers Largest Ring Around Saturn from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Depression a common consequence of chronic rhinosinusitis from Physorg
New approach for growing bone from Physorg
Researcher studies monkeys in Africa to better understand virus evolution from Physorg
Exercise programs recommended as standard for rheumatoid arthritis from Physorg
Chilean eruption highlights risk from 'rhyolitic' volcanoes from Physorg
Researchers develop new lab-on-a-chip technique from Physorg
Injury and hazards in home health care nursing are a growing concern from Physorg
Canadian broadband is world-class: ISP-funded report from CBC: Technology & Science
Feds Net Dozens in Phishing Ring Bust from CBSNews - Science
New Web Tool Gives H1N1 Flu Advice from CBSNews - Science
BrickCon Draws Lego Devotees to Seattle from CBSNews - Science
NASA downgrades threat of large asteroid from AP Science
Astronauts Build Stephen Colbert's Space Treadmill from
New aluminum-water rocket propellant promising for future space missions from Physorg
Southern Arizona Telescopes Will Point at Lunar Impact Early Friday from Physorg
While adolescents may reason as well as adults, their emotional maturity lags, says new research from Physorg
Beneficial Nocturnal Insects Help Combat Pests in Texas from Physorg
NASA: Asteroid not a hazard to Earth from UPI
Fed-funded study to look at sea level rise from UPI
Possible new Alzheimer's therapy studied from UPI
Obese children at significantly greater risk for post-adenotonsillectomy complications from Science Blog
Jumping genes, gene loss and genome dark matter from Science Blog
Strategy for mismatched stem cell transplants triggers protection against graft-vs.-host disease from Science Blog
Genome-wide study of autism published in Nature from Science Blog
New approach for growing bone comes from Duke preclinical research from Science Blog
UA scientists discover quantum fingerprints of chaos from Science Blog
Breast cancer 'lab on a chip' developed from CBC: Technology & Science
Breast cancer 'lab on a chip' developed from CBC: Health
You can watch NASA give the moon a one-two punch from AP Science
Albatross Search for Food from Live Science
Wildlife as a source for livestock infections from Physorg
Promising results for rapid viral diagnosis tests in emergency rooms from Physorg
Church Attendance, Marital Status Can Affect Mood of Older Adults from Physorg
Nobel prize shows need for funding: scientists from Reuters:Science
NASA Catches Two Black Holes Sucking Face from PopSci
Video: Loaded: Facebook panic from CBSNews - Science
Big Asteroid Less Likely to Hit Earth from
Walking back to happiness from Physorg
Google forms PowerMeter partnership from Physorg
Edge detection crucial to eyesight from Physorg
I'm breathing easier about Apophis from Science Blog
Dinosaur footprints found in France from CBC: Technology & Science
Insomnia drugs could lead to sleepwalking from CBC: Health
Alberta hires cheaper nurses to tackle shortage from CBC: Health
An explanation for near-death experience from LA Times - Health
New guidelines for incorporating spirituality in end-of-life care from Physorg
Gap found between patient knowledge and behavior when responding to cardiac symptoms from Physorg
New Cellular Therapy for HIV in World's First Engineered T Cell Receptor Trial from Physorg
When Stress Takes a Toll on Your Teeth from NY Times Health
EHealth scandal a $1B waste: auditor from CBC: Health
World's First All-Electric Locomotive Has Over 1,000 Batteries, Runs 24 Hours On a Single Charge from PopSci
Wildlife may cause livestock infections from UPI
Mobile lab allows researchers to study air quality, health effects from Physorg
Prof Warns of Risks on Social Network Sites from Physorg
2009 Chemistry Nobel Honors Work on Ribosomes from Science NOW
NASA Refines Asteroid Apophis' Path Toward Earth from Physorg
The Fall of the Maya: 'They Did it to Themselves' from Physorg
Calling All Smokers: Cell Phones Could Help You Quit from Physorg
Renovations at the Cognition and Language Laboratory from Science Blog
New aluminum-water rocket propellant promising for future space missions from Science Blog
Insured African-Americans more likely to use emergency room than other insured groups from Science Blog
Falling public support for health-care reform can be turned around from Science Blog
Falling public support for health-care reform can be turned around from Physorg
Strategy for mismatched stem cell transplants triggers protection against graft-vs.-host disease from Physorg
Typhoon Melor and Tropical Storm Parma mean double trouble in the western Pacific from Physorg
Insured African Americans more likely to use emergency room than other insured groups from Physorg
Next: the pill bottle cap with a cell phone from Physorg
VItal Signs: Babies Born to Childhood Cancer Survivors Do Well from NY Times Health
Vital Signs: Mastectomy Rates Vary for Women With or Without Cancer from NY Times Health
Study shows arctic sea ice still melting from UPI
Study: Some stock repurchase plans just empty promises from Physorg
Gadgets: Kodak Zi8 takes great video for under $200 from Physorg
Henri born in Eastern Atlantic... could be short-lived from Physorg
Hunters: Don?t let buck fever be a heart hazard from Physorg
Prostate Tumors Can Change the Function of Immune Cells in Mice from Physorg
Penn State Advanced Vehicle Team unveils its new set of wheels from Physorg
Peering under the ice of a collapsing polar coast from Physorg
Third quarter engineering unemployment data show mixed trends from Physorg
FCC chairman warns of 'looming spectrum crisis' from Physorg
New link found between osteoporosis and coeliac disease from Physorg
AT&T rolls out 3G MicroCell device in Charlotte from Physorg
Scientists seek to manage dopamine's good and bad sides from Physorg
You can watch NASA give the moon a one-two punch from Physorg
Archaeologists unearth Nero's revolving banquet hall from Physorg
Report: Dell to make Android phone for AT&T from Physorg
Renovations at the Cognition and Language Laboratory from Science Blog
New aluminum-water rocket propellant promising for future space missions from Science Blog
Insured African-Americans more likely to use emergency room than other insured groups from Science Blog
Falling public support for health-care reform can be turned around from Science Blog
I'm breathing easier about Apophis from Science Blog
Obese children at significantly greater risk for post-adenotonsillectomy complications from Science Blog
Jumping genes, gene loss and genome dark matter from Science Blog
Strategy for mismatched stem cell transplants triggers protection against graft-vs.-host disease from Science Blog
Riverbed Model Works Like the Real Thing from Science NOW
Baby Bats Imitate Dad's Songs from Science NOW
Is Life Expectancy Reduced by a Traumatic Childhood? from Scientific American
Researchers Develop a Penny-Sized Nuclear Battery from PopSci
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
Nitrogen deposition limits climate change impacts on carbon sequestration from Physorg
YouTube pacts heighten copyright vigilance from Physorg
Review: Wireless charging lets you cut the cords from Physorg
Singing During Pregnancy May Be Harder Due To Hormones from Physorg
African American lung cancer patients may have different response to new cancer-fighting drugs from Physorg
New link found between osteoporosis and coeliac disease from Science Blog
Genetic effects of radiation from Science Blog
New mobile lab allows MSU researchers to study air quality, health effects from Science Blog
Typhoon Melor and Tropical Storm Parma mean double trouble in the western Pacific from Science Blog
Henri born in Eastern Atlantic... could be short-lived from Science Blog
African American lung cancer patients may have different response to new cancer-fighting drugs from Science Blog
Autism Speaks' genetic resource exchange, tissue program support findings published in Nature from Science Blog
To The Moon, ALICE - And Maybe Make Fuel On Mars, Too
Saint John blood centre moving to N.S. from CBC: Health
Family says smoking tenant forcing them to move from CBC: Health
Bing search gets vocal on new Samsung mobile phone from Physorg
Microwaving Water from Moondust from Science @ NASA
NASA Conducts Airborne Science Aboard Zeppelin Airship from Physorg
FBI smashes US-Egypt cyber 'phishing' ring from Physorg
Is Wall Street warming to Yahoo's Microsoft pact? from Physorg
Cuba gives green light for countrywide Internet access from SciDev
Obese children at significantly greater risk for post-adenotonsillectomy complications from Physorg
Twitter to offer business accounts with expanded features -- and fees from Physorg
Dell closing US plant, cutting 900 jobs from Physorg
The Church is still popular from Physorg
E.On delays new coal-fired plant from BBC News: Science & Nature
Understanding Cancer Part 2 – Telomerase, the Road to Immortality, and the Nobel Prize from Science Blog
The Medical Minute: New treatment of brain aneurysms from Physorg
Pigs use mirrors from
Cancer Care Ontario broke rules: audit from CBC: Health
There's no perfect way to back up your hard drive from Physorg
Understanding Cancer Part 2 – Telomerase, the Road to Immortality, and the Nobel Prize from Science Blog
New link found between osteoporosis and coeliac disease from Science Blog
Genetic effects of radiation from Science Blog
New mobile lab allows MSU researchers to study air quality, health effects from Science Blog
Typhoon Melor and Tropical Storm Parma mean double trouble in the western Pacific from Science Blog
Henri born in Eastern Atlantic... could be short-lived from Science Blog
African American lung cancer patients may have different response to new cancer-fighting drugs from Science Blog
Autism Speaks' genetic resource exchange, tissue program support findings published in Nature from Science Blog
Peak Oil - It's Still Coming, It May Be Delayed Though
Feds give sea otters habitat protection in Alaska from AP Science
2036 asteroid strike on Earth 'all but ruled out' from LA Times - Science
Obama puts scientists, engineers in spotlight from MSNBC: Science
Chaos spotted in quantum 'kicked top' from Physics World
Deep-sea communication with neutrinos from Physics World
Tech tinkers with daily routines from Physorg
Morgellons Blood is Tainted!! from Science Blog
Feature: Climate change: impacts on agriculture and the costs of adaptation from Science Alert
Warning over global oil 'decline' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Israel Gelfand, Math Giant, Dies at 96 from NY Times Science
Experience Guides Mexico as Swine Flu Cases Surge from NY Times Health
Companies Strike Deal on Testing for E. Coli from NY Times Health
Health Care Bill Gets Green Light in Cost Analysis from NY Times Health
Theater Review: Woman of 1,000 Faces Considers the Body from NY Times Health
Florida Nurse Could Face Charges from NY Times Health
Eco-products to 'shift shopping' from Science Alert
More attention, better treatment for concussions from AP Health
'Treason' By Immune System Cells Aids Growth Of Multiple Myeloma from Science Daily
New Aluminum-water Rocket Propellant Promising For Future Space Missions from Science Daily
New Target For Treating Leukemia Identified from Science Daily
'Significant Risk' Of Oil Production Peaking In Ten Years, Report Finds from Science Daily
While Adolescents May Reason As Well As Adults, Their Emotional Maturity Lags, Says New Research from Science Daily
Stem Cells Which 'Fool Immune System' May Provide Vaccination For Cancer from Science Daily
New Coastland Map Could Help Strengthen Sea Defenses from Science Daily
Genetic Effects Of Radiation: Study Will Help Understand Radiation Exposure In Cancer Survivors And Their Children from Science Daily
For Future Superconductors, A Little Bit Of Lithium May Do Hydrogen A Lot Of Good from Science Daily
Unnatural Selection: Birth Control Pills May Alter Choice Of Partners from Science Daily
NASA Refines Asteroid Apophis' Path Toward Earth from Science Daily
New Link Found Between Osteoporosis And Celiac Disease from Science Daily
Jumping Genes, Gene Loss And Genome Dark Matter from Science Daily
Milk Protein Supplement May Help Prevent Sepsis In Very Low Birth-weight Infants from Science Daily
Good Results For New Vaccine Against Horse Strangle Disease from Science Daily
Specialty Hospitals Cherry-pick Patients, Exaggerate Success, Experts Say from Science Daily
Large-Scale Cousin Of Elusive 'Magnetic Monopoles' Found At NIST from Science Daily
New Approach For Growing Bone To Fight Osteoporosis And Other Diseases from Science Daily
Peering Under The Ice Of Collapsing Polar Coast from Science Daily
Genes Signal Late-stage Laryngeal Cancer, Poorer Outcome from Science Daily
Electrosurgical Devices, Lasers Cited As Most Common Igniters Of Operating Room Fires from Science Daily
Injury And Hazards In Home Health Care Nursing Are A Growing Concern from Science Daily
Sophisticated Genetic Engineering Improves Insulin-producing Beta Cells from Science Daily
UK Incidence Of Children Living With Substance-misusing Parents Considerably Underestimated from Science Daily