Archive of feed items published on the 16th of June 2008
Hunger hormone increases during stress, may have antidepressant effect from Science Blog
'Grey's Anatomy' concrete tale: Looking for the cracks from LA Times - Science
Study: Americans use Net to look beyond sound bite from Physorg
NY health official: Higher tax helps smokers quit from Physorg
Canada, India launch joint technology, science initiatives from Physorg
US group Boeing to bid for Galileo navigation contracts: report from Physorg
Phoenix takes close look Mars soil from BBC News: Science & Nature
Honda starts producing next-generation fuel cell car from Physorg
Veil Lifts on Titan's Great Secrets from
2007 Satellite Industry Revenue Grows 16% from
Bees Outnumber Birds and Mammals from Live Science
New hope for mystery cancers from Science Alert
Adults have best social lives from Science Alert
Astronomers find batch of "super-Earths" from Reuters:Science
Drink And Drugs Fuel Scottish Suicide And Homicide Rates, Report Suggests from Science Daily
Anti-booze drug helps pathological gamblers from Science Blog
Deadly frog disease under watch from Science Alert
Cloak of silence created with metamaterials from Science Blog
Mothers return to worse jobs from Science Alert
Opinion: Collaborations can excel without a centre from Science Alert
Feature: Perth firm fuels bid for cleaner truck engines from Science Alert
Smugglers had design for high-tech nuclear weapon: UN draft report from CBC: Technology & Science
Molecule Created That Nudges Nerve Stem Cells To Mature from Science Daily
When It Comes To Nitrogen, The 'Fix' Is In from Science Daily
Expectant Moms Should Wait Out Due Date For Deliveries, Experts Urge from Science Daily
Protecting The Wild Cousin Of Llama, The Guanacos, In Chile from Science Daily
Humor Shown To Be Fundamental To Our Success As A Species from Science Daily
Trio Of Super-Earths: Harvest Of Low-mass Exoplanets Discovered With HARPS from Science Daily
Honda Unveils Zero-Emission Automobile from CBSNews - Science
How the Steam Engine Changed the World from Live Science
Some patients may not need insulin for long-term control of type 2 diabetes from Science Blog
Canada, India team on $17M in science research from CBC: Technology & Science
Research finds aging is satisfying from Physorg
Same-day pregnancy test provides valuable guidance to pre-surgery patients from Physorg
Three Super-Earths Found Orbiting One Star from Live Science
Jules Verne ATV reveals unexpected capabilities from European Space Agency
Green agenda still key - Cameron from BBC News: Science & Nature
Natural Plant Materials To Regulate Starch Digestion from Science Daily
Lake Sediments Help Scientists Trace 7,000 Years Of Mining, Metal Use In China from Science Daily
Coffee's Aroma Kick-starts Genes In The Brain from Science Daily
Coats Of Cellulose From Bacteria Yield Greener, Stronger Natural Composites from Science Daily
Coffee's aroma kick-starts genes in the brain from Physorg
Drink and drugs fuel Scottish suicide and homicide rates from Physorg
UCSF and YouTube create novel channel to drive medical research from Physorg
Three Super-Earths Found Orbiting One Star from
Honda makes first hydrogen cars from BBC News: Science & Nature
Bernanke: Improving health care is critical challenge from AP Health
Endangered Parrot's New Fight: Cancer from CBSNews - Science
Britain to update first aid regulations from UPI
World's Largest Quantum Bell Test Spans Three Swiss Towns from Physorg
Lake sediments help scientists trace 7,000 years of mining, metal use in China from Physorg
What does gay look like? Science keeps trying to figure that out from LA Times - Science
Mending Ozone Hole May Benefit Climate Change [News] from Scientific American
Emergency workers carry out mock rescues in P.E.I. park from CBC: Health
Forest fires' impact on climate studied from UPI
The future is wireless, Rogers tells telecom summit from CBC: Technology & Science
The APCs of nerve cell function from Physorg
Fair Trade: Lanthanum chloride catalyzes hydrogen -chlorine exchange between chlorinated hydrocarbons from Physorg
Novel evolutionary tools for studying human populations using the X chromosome from Physorg
Gulf of Mexico water quality studied from UPI
Trio of 'super-Earths' discovered orbiting one star from CBC: Technology & Science
Queen's marine biologist investigates aliens beneath the waves from Physorg
Possible link between different forms of epilepsy found from Physorg
Mini subs to probe odd structures in BC lake from Physorg
A trio of super-Earths from Physorg
Test of bacteria toxin delivery system could pave way for new antibiotic drugs from Physorg
A promising step towards more effective hydrogen storage from Physorg
NASA finds new type of comet dust mineral from UPI
NYC: No trans fats in restaurants as of July 1 from AP Health
Human cost of Brazil's biofuels boom from LA Times - Science
Prescription drug precautions, narrowly written from LA Times - Science
Climate change threatens fish from Science Alert
Bees outnumber birds and mammals from MSNBC: Science
Kazakhstan's sole space satellite breaks down from Reuters:Science
Quake reconstruction efforts 'need careful evaluation' from SciDev
Nepal planning 12-fold increase in science budget from SciDev
NASA Plans To Visit The Sun from Science Daily
Fever May Trigger Heart Failure In Patients With The Genetic Disease LQT-2 from Science Daily
Nanoparticles Have Negative Impact On Mussels from Science Daily
Pharmaceutical Study: Less Hemorrhaging After Stroke, But Not Fewer Deaths from Science Daily
Untapped Energy From Oil Flare-offs Can Be Used To Release Water Locked In Gypsum from Science Daily
Teen Drivers Often Ignore Bans On Using Cellphones And Texting from Science Daily
Precision Blood Pressure Measurement To Improve Heart Health from Science Daily
Head Injuries Increase Dramatically After Motorcycle Helmet Law Repeal from Science Daily
New Treatment For Rheumatoid Arthritis Leaves 50 Percent Of Recent Onset Patients Symptom-free Within 36 Weeks from Science Daily
Chemists Investigate Lost Reds In Homer Painting from Science Daily
New corneal inflammation therapy created from UPI
New molecular imaging techniques may lead to advances in disease treatment from Physorg
When the powerless rise up from Physorg
Developing unique brain maps to assist surgery and research from Physorg
Abortion drug's off-label use may have led to deaths from Physorg
Natural plant materials to regulate starch digestion from Physorg
Trio of 'super-Earths' discovered from BBC News: Science & Nature
Stars test the waters with hydrogen cars from LA Times - Science
VIDEO: Child Labor in Mexico, Beyond from National Geographic
NASA teaches teachers about space tests from UPI
Society's attitudes have little impact on choice of sexual partner from Physorg
Racial disparities reduced in injury related mortality from Physorg
First semiconductor-based PET scanner demonstrates potential to aid in early diagnosis of disease from Physorg
Red wine's resveratrol may help battle obesity from Physorg
Paul Thomson, 91; botanist was first to plant many exotic fruits in U.S. from LA Times - Science
Rare dinosaur mummy's arm and tail unveiled from MSNBC: Science
A-maizing: Asia's drought-resistant maize varieties from SciDev
Heightened sense of taste can promote weight loss from Science Blog
Mini subs to probe odd structures in Canadian lake from Science Blog
Children learn smart behaviors without knowing what they know from Physorg
Surgeon general meeting aims to lower preterm birth from AP Health
Mental health and the military mind-set from LA Times - Science
The beasts within from LA Times - Science
New software finds symmetries faster from UPI
NASA tests lunar robots on sand dunes from UPI
Engineer invents a 'flying saucer' from UPI
Jules Verne ATV reveals unexpected capabilities from Physorg
Project succeeding to relocate Caspian terns from Physorg
Adult stem cells improve fracture healing from Physorg
PET imaging detects early, 'silent heart' stage of disease in asymptomatic diabetic patients from Physorg
Astronauts Return Home to Houston After 'Amazing, Exciting' Flight from
NYC: No trans fats in restaurants as of July 1 from Physorg
Social Web browser Flock out with new test version from Physorg
Homosexual brain resembles that of opposite sex: study from Physorg
Complex Changes in the Brain's Vascular System Occur after Menopause from Physorg
NASA Tests Lunar Robots and Spacesuits on Earthly Moonscape from Physorg
Gay men, straight women share brain detail: report from Reuters:Science
Solstice Moon Illusion from Science @ NASA
2 more Winnipeg doctors resign in dispute over elderly man's treatment from CBC: Health
Salamander crossing to provide squish-free passage from CBC: Technology & Science
60% of employees make personal use of office printer, survey finds from CBC: Technology & Science
Tree leaves control their own temperature from UPI
Pluto officially becomes a plutoid from UPI
Over-the-counter chelation agents are unproven, risky from LA Times - Science
Contaminated food, dry drowning: Getting a grip on summer hazards from LA Times - Science
Not Guilty Plea In Cyber-Bully Suicide from CBSNews - Science
Toyota hybrid battery outpaced by demand from Physorg
Perot launches Web site about government spending from Physorg
NASA close to nailing down launch pad repairs from Physorg
Ex-CEO of Broadcom pleads not guilty on 21 charges from Physorg
Age at puberty linked to mother's prenatal diet from Physorg
New intrusion tolerance software fortifies server secrurity from Physorg
Scientists model molecular switch from Physorg
Study underway to find an alternative cure for Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis from Physorg
Team discovers new inhibitors of estrogen-dependent breast cancer cells from Physorg
AMD Stream Processor First to Break 1 Teraflop Barrier from Physorg
Source of drug tolerant TB is discovered from UPI
Fruit flies have internal thermosensors from UPI
Coffee Aroma Alone Combats Sleep Deprivation from PopSci
Blood Samples From Living Syringes from PopSci
New drug regimen may help reverse MS from UPI
Michigan Tech Scientist Models Molecular Switch from Newswise - Scinews
AMA issues first report card on health insurers from AP Health
Transistors tested for radiation damage from UPI
The Intersection Of PC And TV from CBSNews - Science
Are we more moral than cavemen? from Science Blog
Lower Midwest braces for flood onslaught from Physorg
FDA wants warnings on antipsychotic drugs from UPI
Midwest Floods, Tornadoes Due to Colliding Air Masses from National Geographic
Phoenix Digs Deeper Trench from Physorg
Immune molecule that plays a powerful role in avoiding organ rejection identified from Physorg
FDA: Older psych drugs have fatal risks in seniors from AP Health
Perfecting a solar cell by adding imperfections from Science Blog
Cheap PC dongle for phone calls wins customers from Physorg
Adobe Q208 earnings jump 41 percent from Physorg
Fluorescent-Probe in Worm Creates Real-Time 'View' of Cellular Stress from Physorg
Study examines normal hair loss in men without evidence of baldness from Physorg
Gene variation may be why some don't respond to cholesterol-lowering drugs from Physorg
Type and severity of combat wounds in Iraq war have changed over time from Physorg
Inflammatory disease causes blindness from Physorg
Pyrite deposits across the state may be tied to an Eocene meteor from Physorg
NVIDIA Announced New Geforce GTX 200 GPUs from Physorg
Robot Finds Mars Dry So Far from
Coffee drinking not harmful and may help against heart disease: study from CBC: Health
Like us, chimps calm each other with hugs, kisses from AP Science
Medicines derived from cannabis: a review of adverse events from Physorg
Researchers discover new cellular mechanism that will significantly advance vaccine development from Physorg
Lou Gehrig's protein found throughout brain, suggesting effects beyond motor neurons from Physorg
Diabetes drug slows early-onset puberty in girls from Physorg
US mom pleads not guilty in MySpace suicide case from Physorg
NBC, WCSN to create new Olympic sports network from Physorg
AMA issues first report card on health insurers from Physorg
Intel creates spin-off solar company for Hillsboro from Physorg
Perfecting a solar cell by adding imperfections from Physorg
Blood pressure levels in childhood track into adulthood from Physorg
Olfactory bulb size may change as sense of smell changes from Physorg
MySpace wins another verdict against alleged spammer from Physorg
Hunt for source of salmonella-tainted tomatoes continues from LA Times - Health
Aquatic Insect 'Family Trees' Provide Clues About Sensitivity to Pollution from Newswise - Scinews
Web Site Shows Daily Tornadoes Across the Country from Newswise - Scinews
Media Registration Opens for Acs National Meeting in Philadelphia, Aug. 17-21 from Newswise - Scinews
Like us, chimps need hugs and kisses from MSNBC: Science
Face it, we're all different from News @ Nature
Rot offers fresh sound for violin makers from News @ Nature
Japan's monitoring system beaten by shallow quake from News @ Nature
Team finds key mechanism of DDT resistance in malarial mosquitoes from Physorg
Researchers witness assembly of molecules critical to protein function from Physorg
Aquatic insect 'family trees' provide clues about sensitivity to pollution from Physorg
Novel compound may treat acute diarrhea from Physorg
Hearing loss is common in people with diabetes from Physorg
A single VSOP can do a 'proton' magic! from Physorg
Hot flashes underreported and linked to forgetfulness from Physorg
Nanotechnology, biomolecules and light unite to 'cook' cancer cells from Physorg
HIV screening found cost-effective in older adults from Physorg
First farmers made 'lucky beads' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Climate book is judges' hot pick from BBC News: Science & Nature
Life Cooked Up in Outer Space? from Science NOW
The Importance of Being Frightened from Science NOW
Nanotech to Regrow Cartilage and Soothe Aching Knees [News] from Scientific American
Hot news: Barren star has super-Earth triplets from AP Science
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
Study: Chimps calm each other with hugs, kisses from Physorg
New study: Coffee drinkers have slightly lower death rates than people who do not drink coffee from Physorg
Protein linked to Alzheimer's disease also has role in HIV progression from Physorg
NASA Mission Poised to Help Us Gauge Our Rising Seas from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Gay Men, Straight Women Have Similar Brains from National Geographic
VIDEO: China Pandas' Bamboo Dwindling from National Geographic
Inside the Gorilla Wars: Rangers on Risking It All from National Geographic
VIDEO: Cheaper Solar? Just Add Steam from National Geographic
Age At Puberty Linked To Mother's Prenatal Diet from Science Daily
Complete 'Family Tree' Of All British Birds Gives Clues About Which Species Might Be Endangered Next from Science Daily
Physicists Model Single Molecular Switch, Computing's Elusive Holy Grail from Science Daily
Lower Midwest U.S. Braces For Floods from Science Daily
Diabetes Drug Slows Early-onset Puberty In Girls, Study Shows from Science Daily
Perfect Vision But Blind To Light from Science Daily
'Saucy' Software Update Finds Symmetries Dramatically Faster from Science Daily
Aging Is Satisfying, New Research Shows from Science Daily
Gene Therapy Improves Survival And Quality Of Life Of Dogs With Cancer: Could It Also Help Humans? from Science Daily
Global Impact Of Urbanization Threatening World's Biodiversity And Natural Resources from Science Daily
New Target To Enhance Anti-cancer Drug Sensitivity Found In Translation from Science Daily
Phantom Parent Molecule Of Important Class Of Chemical Compounds Isolated For First Time from Science Daily
Society's Attitudes Have Little Impact On Choice Of Sexual Partner from Science Daily
... from Live Science
Group seeks emergency protection for 32 species from AP Science
Queen's marine biologist investigates aliens beneath the waves from Biology News Net
Mini subs to probe odd structures in BC lake from Biology News Net
Novel compound may treat acute diarrhea from Biology News Net
Researchers witness assembly of molecules critical to protein function from Biology News Net
Lou Gehrig's protein found throughout brain, suggesting effects beyond motor neurons from Biology News Net
Immune molecule that plays a powerful role in avoiding organ rejection identified from Biology News Net
Team discovers new inhibitors of estrogen-dependent breast cancer cells from Biology News Net
LIAI researchers discover new cellular mechanism that will significantly advance vaccine development from Biology News Net
Adult stem cells improve fracture healing from Biology News Net
Ability to track stem cells in tumors could advance cancer treatments from Biology News Net
Cosmic Log: Doomsday under debate from MSNBC: Science
Lakes across Canada to be turned into mine dump sites from CBC: Technology & Science
Were Meteorites the Origin of Life on Earth? [News] from Scientific American
Students Chosen as a Cassini Scientists for a Day from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Brains of gay men show similarities to those of heterosexual women, study reports from LA Times - Science
Scientists reverse vasectomy on endangered horse from AP Science
Study Says Brains of Gay Men and Women Are Similar [News] from Scientific American
Group: Northern white rhinos near extinction from AP Science
Phoenix Probes Martian Soil--No Ice Yet but Lots of Resolution [News] from Scientific American
NASA Phoenix Lander Bakes Sample, Arm Digs Deeper from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
No signs of water yet from Mars lander from LA Times - Science
Petroleum meeting greeted by protesters from CBC: Technology & Science
Three-of-a-kind planets found from News @ Nature
California challenges genetic testing firms' claims from LA Times - Health
California challenges genetic testing firms' claims from LA Times - Science
PHOTO IN THE NEWS: Ice Shelf Collapses -- in Winter from National Geographic
Nanotechnology, biomolecules and light unite to 'cook' cancer cells from Science Blog
DNA research pioneer Gunther Stent dies from UPI