Latest science news in Psychology & Sociology

Maine Weighs Cell Phone Cancer Warning

14 years ago from CBSNews - Science

But Still No Scientific Consensus Whether Mobile Phones Can Cause Brain Cancer

Alcohol, Marijuana Abuse Explained By Same Genetic Factors

14 years ago from

According to an upcoming study in the March Issue of Alcoholism: Clinical&Experimental Research, alcohol and marijuana use may be explained by the same genetic factors, lending support to the notion...

Alcohol outlets lead to specific problems among youth and young adults

14 years ago from Science Daily

Alcohol research has clearly demonstrated a connection between alcohol outlets and alcohol-related problems. A new study focuses on the effects of alcohol outlets on underage youth and young adults. Findings...

A new twist in healthcare billing: the 'facility fee'

14 years ago from LA Times - Health

That will be $75, or more, for just walking through the door. Possibly coming soon to a doctor's office near you: a little something extra on your bill, not covered by insurance...

The 'choking game' can be a deadly one

14 years ago from LA Times - Health

Some physicians don't even know the activity exists, but, due in part to YouTube videos, more and more children are playing it. ...

What is to blame for child obesity?

14 years ago from LA Times - Health

Social service and legal authorities are grappling with the issue of when to intervene. ...

Conflict Over War Deaths: Researchers attack British Medical Journal review process

14 years ago from Science Daily

Researchers from Canada, the UK and Sweden have slammed the influential British Medical Journal for publishing an error-filled study on global war deaths, refusing an equivalent rebuttal article and having...

Video: Techno-Claus Gift Rhyme

14 years ago from CBSNews - Science

'Tis The Season for electronic gift-giving. For those who fear you might give someone a high-tech lemon, David Pogue of The New York Times gives us some suggestions, in verse.

Copenhagen climate change conference in pictures: Protests and results

14 years ago from The Guardian - Science

As protestors make their views known, delegates struggle through the night and an agreement is reached in the early hours.

Disordered eating may affect 10 to 15 percent of women

14 years ago from

Several maladaptive eating behaviours, beyond anorexia, can affect women. Indeed, some 10 to 15 percent of women have maladaptive eating behaviours and attitudes according to new study from the Universite...

U.N. Climate Talks ‘Take Note’ of Accord Backed by U.S.

14 years ago from NY Times Science

The agreement left open the question of whether the accord would gain the full support of the countries involved in the talks on limiting the risks of climate change.

Forty Years' War: Cancer Center Ads Appeal to Emotions at a Fragile Time

14 years ago from NY Times Health

Advertisements for cancer centers can get away with statements that would be off-limits to drug makers.

Brodeur passes Roy for most games played

14 years ago from AP Health

NEWARK, N.J. (AP) -- Martin Brodeur broke Patrick Roy's record for regular-season appearances by a goaltender when he started his 1,030th game for the New Jersey...

Doctor, doctor: Needle phobia and handwriting problems

14 years ago from The Guardian - Science

How can I overcome my lifelong fear of needles? And is my declining handwriting a warning sign? Dr Tom Smith answers your medical questionsSince my teens, I have had severe needle phobia...

Boys Explore Cell Phone Features More Than Girls

14 years ago from Live Science

Young boys are more likely to use the advanced features on their mobile than girls.

'Punch drunk' brain condition found in ex-NHLer

14 years ago from CBC: Health

A now deceased NHL player had a brain condition resulting from concussions - the first time a professional hockey player has been diagnosed with the disease.

Video game watchdog shuts down, victim of economy

14 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- David Walsh said when he was assembling his first report card on video game violence 13 years ago, children were attacking on-screen monsters or aliens with imaginary...

Sociologist: Tiger Woods' Example Neither Reflects Nor Threatens the Image of Marriage

14 years ago from Physorg

( -- University at Buffalo sociologist Sampson Blair says Tiger Woods' alleged rampant infidelities don't affect the status of marriage and the family because his lifestyle and wealth are regarded...

Alzheimer's detection: What's his name again? How celebrity monikers can help us remember

14 years ago from Science Daily

Famous mugs do more than prompt us into buying magazines, according to new research. Scientists explain how the ability to name famous faces or access biographical knowledge about celebrities holds...

Rate of autism disorders climbs to 1 percent among 8-year-olds

14 years ago from Science Daily

One in 110 American 8-year-olds is classified as having an autism spectrum disorder, a 57 percent increase in ASD cases compared to four years earlier. Significant findings include a broader...

National Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments Continues Growth

14 years ago from Newswise - Scinews

Only a year old, this national alliance for nurses who study and teach about the connection between the environment and health is making a major impact.

New study explores role of sexual, social behaviors in seniors' well-being

14 years ago from Physorg

Researchers and the general public have a new resource for information on the health and intimate relationships of older people, thanks to a new supplemental issue of The Journals of...

Adolescent boys seeking 'the norm' may take risks with their appearances

14 years ago from Science Daily

Teen-aged boys are more likely to use tanning booths, take diet pills and have their bodies waxed -- even if they think those activities are unhealthy -- if they are...

Wii Fit May Not Help Families Get Fit

14 years ago from Science Daily

The Nintendo Wii Fit many people are considering as Christmas gifts may be great entertainment, but a new study indicates the console has little effect on family fitness.

Survey of young adults finds wide majority support health reform

14 years ago from Physorg

An overwhelming majority -- 88 percent -- of young adults across the political spectrum think it is important for Congress and the President to pass health reform legislation that would...

ScienceBlog was right! Cognitive dissonance is safe.

14 years ago from Science Blog

In April of last year, you discussed John Tierney's coverage of Keith Chen's argument against our work on choice-based preferences in children and monkeys:

How three wise men and a tube helped us find our place in the universe

14 years ago from The Guardian - Science

As the International Year of Astronomy draws to a close, Tim Radford nominates Seeing and Believing by Richard Panek as the definitive guide to the revolution wrought by the telescopeThe telescope changed our...

Sex cannibals lack taste for males

14 years ago from BBC News: Science & Nature

Among spiders, male partners do not make a tasty meal for female sexual cannibals, scientists discover.