Latest science news in Physics & Chemistry
Scientists propose a novel method for controlling fusion reactions
Researchers have developed a pulsed method for stabilizing magnetic islands that can cause disruptions in fusion plasmas.
Scientists propose a novel method for controlling fusion reactions
Scientists have found a novel way to prevent pesky magnetic bubbles in plasma from interfering with fusion reactions—delivering a potential way to improve the performance of fusion energy devices. And...
Ultrafast lasers probe elusive chemistry at the liquid-liquid interface
Real-time measurements captured by researchers at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory provide missing insight into chemical separations to recover cobalt, a critical raw material used to make...
Pentagon makes case for sea-launched nuclear cruise missile
The Pentagon is making a public case for the adoption of a sea-launched nuclear cruise missile, which it says would more effectively deter Russia in the Baltic region.
Artificial organelles created to control cellular behavior
Biomedical engineers have demonstrated a method for controlling the phase separation of an emerging class of proteins to create artificial membrane-less organelles within human cells. The advance, similar to controlling...
Recovering data: Neural network model finds small objects in dense images
In efforts to automatically capture important data from scientific papers, computer scientists have developed a method that can accurately detect small, geometric objects such as triangles within dense, low-quality plots...
Developing new smart soft materials: Synthesis of a pH-responsive dendronized poly(substituted methylene)s
C1 polymerization is a useful technique for preparing polymers with a carbon-carbon main chain. This technique constructs a polymer backbone from 'one carbon unit,' in contrast to conventional vinyl polymerization,...
Machine learning methods provide new insights into organic-inorganic interfaces
Oliver Hofmann and his research group at the Institute of Solid State Physics at TU Graz are working on the optimization of modern electronics. A key role in their research...
Methanol synthesis: Insights into the structure of an enigmatic catalyst
Methanol is one of the most important basic chemicals used, for example, to produce plastics or building materials. To render the production process even more efficient, it would be helpful...
Scientists tap novel technologies to see water as never before
From the creation of a single droplet to the flow of a river and the world's hydrological cycle—how water binds together, and to different surfaces, has far-reaching consequences. Examining water...
Researchers describe nanoparticles behavior in vivo
Nanoparticles are actively employed in medicine as contrast agents as well as for diagnosis and therapy of various diseases. However, the development of novel multifunctional nanoagents is impeded by the...
Professor's milestone in nuclear physics seeks to understand the universe itself
A nuclear physics professor from Florida International University was among a team of researchers that proposed something so out of this world, colleagues first hesitated to accept it was possible.
Methanol synthesis: Insights into the structure of an enigmatic catalyst
To render the production process more efficient, it would be helpful to know more about the copper/zinc oxide/aluminium oxide catalyst deployed in methanol production. To date, however, it hasn't been...
New study shows how infrared lasers destroy harmful protein aggregates in Alzheimer's
The agglomeration of proteins into structures called amyloid plaques is a common feature of many neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's. Now, scientists reveal, through experiments and simulations, how resonance with an...
Implantable transmitter provides wireless option for biomedical devices
Engineers have developed a fully implantable radio-frequency transmitter chip for wireless sensor nodes and biomedical devices.
First laser detection of space debris in daylight
Lasers on Earth are used to measure the position of space debris high above, providing crucial information on how to avoid in-space collisions. Until now, this much relied-upon technique has...
Hydrogel paves way for biomedical breakthrough
Dubbed the 'invisibility cloak', engineers have developed a hydrogel that allows implants and transplants to better and more safely interact with surrounding tissue.
Look: Rachael Leigh Cook stars in new rom-com 'Love, Guaranteed'
"Love, Guaranteed," a new film starring Rachael Leigh Cook, Damon Wayans, Jr., and Heather Graham, will premiere Sept. 3 on Netflix.
Sulfur-containing polymer generates high refractive index and transparency
Researchers reported a novel technology enhancing the high transparency of refractive polymer film via a one-step vapor deposition process. The sulfur-containing polymer (SCP) film produced by Professor Sung Gap Im's...
Why microwaving liquids is different from other heating techniques, and how this issue can be resolved
Tea drinkers have been saying it for years. Water heated in a microwave just isn't the same.
Nanostructures modeled on moth eyes effective for anti-icing
Researchers have been working for decades on improving the anti-icing performance of functional surfaces. Ice accumulation on aircraft wings, for instance, can reduce lifting force, block moving parts and cause...
Casimir force used to control and manipulate objects
A collaboration between researchers from the University of Western Australia and the University of California Merced has provided a new way to measure tiny forces and use them to control...
Using viscous metals in micro fibers
EPFL scientists have developed the first micro-structured fibers with a viscous metal inside—a perfect example of what cross-disciplinary teamwork can achieve.
SLAC's new X-ray beamline aids COVID-19 research
There's a new bright spot at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource: Beam Line 12-1, an experimental station devoted to determining the structures of biological macromolecules with high brilliance X-rays. Researchers...
Researchers create artificial organelles to control cellular behavior
Biomedical engineers at Duke University have demonstrated a method for controlling the phase separation of an emerging class of proteins to create artificial membrane-less organelles within human cells. The advance,...
CERN experiments announce first indications of a rare Higgs boson process
At the 40th ICHEP conference, the ATLAS and CMS experiments announced new results which show that the Higgs boson decays into two muons. The muon is a heavier copy of...
Affordable bedsheets to keep you warm all night long
Bundle up. (Christopher Farrugia via Unsplash /)Whether it’s the middle of winter, your family loves to keep the air conditioning on overdrive, or you just tend to run cold, it’s important to...
Finding toxic carcinogenic metals faster in foods and water
Researchers at the University Johannesburg have developed an efficient and more sensitive method to test for dangerous levels of heavy metals like arsenic, cadmium and chromium in vegetables and water....