Latest science news in Mathematics & Economics

Spain Files Suit for $500 Million Shipwreck Treasure

15 years ago from National Geographic

Spain says it has proof that the treasure—retrieved by a Florida salvage company from a secret location last year—is from a warship that sank in 1804.

Computed Radiography System Helps Uncover Secrets From The Past

15 years ago from Science Daily

Digital medical imaging and information technology is helping The Field Museum discover and analyze secrets hidden within its world-class collections. A computed radiography system enables the museum -- for the...

Study debunks myth of job testing as race barrier

15 years ago from Physorg

Conventional wisdom holds that the standardized tests some employers require of job applicants serve as a barrier to equal employment. But a pioneering study shows just the opposite: Screening increases...

Canada blocks sale of top space company to US firm: minister

15 years ago from Physorg

Canada's industry minister confirmed Friday he is blocking the sale of leading space firm MacDonald Dettwiler and Associates to a US defense contractor, saying it provided no net benefit to...

Computer Game's High Score Could Earn The Nobel Prize In Medicine

15 years ago from Science Daily

Gamers have devoted countless years of collective brainpower to idle pursuits. This week researchers will try to harness those finely honed skills to make medical discoveries through a competitive protein-folding...

Wanted: Britons to represent Europe in space

15 years ago from The Guardian - Science

Officials from the European Space Agency arrive in Britain on a recruitment drive for new blood

UN to probe Canada over lack of greenhouse-gas reporting

15 years ago from CBC: Technology & Science

The UN says it will investigate Canada for failing to meet a Kyoto Protocol deadline on greenhouse-gas reporting and could bar it from an international carbon-trading scheme if the probe...

Is the car from 'Speed Racer' within reach?

15 years ago from MSNBC: Science

The technology for the individual features already exists, including military drones to send for help. But engineering, testing and producing all the car's special features would cost millions of dollars,...

Mimicking nature could help business survive the credit crunch

15 years ago from Physorg

As credits crunch, recession bites, and business struggle to stay primed, researchers in Spain suggest that a more surgical approach to management and business practice is needed if a company...

Newest GREET Model Updates Environmental Impacts of Latest Transportation Fuels, Vehicle Technologies

15 years ago from Newswise - Scinews

The newest version of the Greenhouse gases, Regulated Emissions and Energy use in Transportation (GREET) model from the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory will provide researchers with...

Robo-Surgeons Get a New Set of Eyes

15 years ago from PopSci

Duke University engineers think they've made an important step towards developing robotic surgeons that operate independently. The robot they used in their experiments—which were just feasibility studies, and were not...

Papa John's surpasses $1 billion in online pizza sales

15 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- Sometimes during peak hours, the phones are silent in Andy Freitas' pizza restaurants, yet the cooks are busy keeping pace with hungry customers. That's because orders are...

Hackers' posts on epilepsy forum cause migraines, seizures

15 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- Computer attacks typically don't inflict physical pain on their victims. But in a rare example of an attack apparently motivated by malice rather than money, hackers recently...

N.B. government to host uranium information sessions

15 years ago from CBC: Health

The Natural Resources Department will be hosting a series of public information sessions on uranium exploration in the province following public outcry for a moratorium on such mining.

Opinion: Platypus genome should have been Australia's triumph

15 years ago from Science Alert

The release of the internationally awaited platypus genome could have been a triumph of Australian science, but Professor Jenny Graves and Dr Sue Forrest question whether the country can really...

WiMAX promises to transform wireless Internet world

15 years ago from Physorg

As US technology giants including Google place a multi-billion dollar bet on WiMAX, backers of the wireless data-streaming format say it will radically change mobile Internet use.

Hybrid Cars Deserve A Second Look

15 years ago from CBSNews - Science

Thought about buying a hybrid but have yet to take the plunge? Now may be the time to reconsider. With gas prices high, a hybrid could save you money.

States Look to Rein In Private Medicare Plans

15 years ago from NY Times Health

State officials say they are still receiving complaints of high-pressure sales tactics that have led some beneficiaries to sign up for unsuitable policies.

Citywide: The Lost Supermarket: A Breed in Need of Replenishment

15 years ago from NY Times Health

Millions of New Yorkers are having trouble finding fresh and affordable food within walking distance of their homes, according to a recent city study.

VIDEO: China's Masterpiece Factories

15 years ago from National Geographic

Armies of Chinese art-school graduates are hand-painting copies of famous artworks so companies can cash in on demand for reproductions.

Brazil, India's Citizens Are Greenest, Survey Finds

15 years ago from National Geographic

A new "Greendex" survey tracking consumer spending habits also found that the residents of the U.S. and other industrialized nations are the most wasteful.

Mexican biotech business asks government for transparency

15 years ago from SciDev

The agricultural biotechnology industry has asked the Mexican government to avoid using discretionary measures to deliver permissions for sowing maize.

Studios win $111 million judgment against

15 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- The six major Hollywood studios have won a $111 million judgment for copyright infringement against the shut-down file-sharing Web site

Review: Mint shows me the money, and that's half the battle

15 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- Confession: I've never balanced a checkbook or devised a realistic budget. I'm too impatient to follow through with manual record-keeping when all the transactions are digital.

Google looking golden again after challenging stretch

15 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- It's hard to believe Google Inc. actually looked vulnerable just two months ago. The Internet search leader's stock had plummeted 45 percent from its peak. And its...

Research firm cuts into Sony claims for super-thin TV

15 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- A Sony TV with novel display technology that has drawn rave reviews for image quality may actually last little more than half as long as the company...

EU delays ruling on GM products

15 years ago from Physorg

The European Commission on Wednesday ordered more tests on whether several genetically modified products should be allowed in Europe, putting back a decision on whether to give approval.

Are markets predicting Clinton's crash?

15 years ago from MSNBC: Science

Science editor Alan Boyle's Weblog: Political prediction markets are punishing Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton in the wake of this week's primaries.