Latest science news in Mathematics & Economics

Opinion: Equity and morality in food and technology - biofuels or food?

14 years ago from Science Alert

Climate change is inevitable, but biofuels replacing food production, and thereby increasing food prices further, is not, writes Professor Lindsay Falvey.

FAA outage reveals odd computing practices

14 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- When a computer glitch at a Federal Aviation Administration center caused widespread airline delays this week, it served as a reminder that the U.S. flight system is...

Even critics give Apple a pass on iPhone 3G woes

14 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- First an iPhone price cut left early buyers feeling foolish, and then came reports that some iPods were spitting sparks. Now the new iPhone 3G has been marred...

Blogger Arrested Over Guns N' Roses Leak

14 years ago from CBSNews - Science

Kevin Cogill was arrested on suspicions he was streaming songs from the unreleased Guns N' Roses album "Chinese Democracy" on his Web site.

Researchers offer new way to avoid bogus Web sites

14 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- Intercepting Internet traffic, and spying on the communication between two computers, is a gold mine for hackers. Now Carnegie Mellon University researchers hope software they've built will...

TiVo has 2Q profit on reduced costs

14 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- TiVo Inc. posted a quarterly profit for only the third time in its 11-year history Wednesday as the pioneer in digital video recorders boosted margins on hardware...

Microsoft's newest browser may block ads

14 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- The next version of Microsoft Corp.'s Web browser makes it easier for people to surf the Internet without leaving a trace. Companies that sell advertisements online -...

Printer maker offers to help people print less

14 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- A leading printer maker wants to help you do less printing. Printing an article off the Web often produces several pages of waste, including ads, links and...

Bell moves to disconnect small ISP for non-payment

14 years ago from CBC: Technology & Science

Bell Canada has served a Calgary-based internet service provider with a disconnection notice for failing to pay for rented access to its network.

Mortgage crisis: Blame the bank?

14 years ago from Physorg

( -- Banks have played a big role in the mortgage crisis, not only because they issued loans to suspect borrowers, but because many originated and sold bad loans to...

Food safety agency allowing producers to police themselves: ex-inspector

14 years ago from CBC: Health

Federal inspectors are spending less time on the factory floor and relying more on food producers to monitor themselves, the head of the union for federal food safety inspectors said...

Smart-Phones Innovate Without Imitating

14 years ago from CBSNews - Science

A lot has been written about how Apple added support for Microsoft Exchange to help the iPhone better compete with BlackBerry and Windows Mobile in corporate environments. But the reverse...

Protecting Yourself Against ID Theft

14 years ago from CBSNews - Science

After the Justice Department indicted 11 people for hacking into retail networks and stealing 40 million credit and debit card numbers, CBS News technology analyst Larry Magid offers tips on...

Google Launches Music Service In China

14 years ago from CBSNews - Science

Google's free music search service in China allows users to access music legally online.

McCain Rewards Online Commenters

14 years ago from CBSNews - Science

Spread John McCain's official talking points around the Web -- and you could win valuable prizes! The Washington Post reports.

A History Of Internet Fads And Trends

14 years ago from CBSNews - Science

Timeline creator Dipity has finally been put to a completely awesome use: a user called "tatercakes" has created a timeline of fads and memes that have surfaced on the Internet...

Decoding The Latest Business Buzzwords

14 years ago from CBSNews - Science

Buzzwords have always been a part of the business lexicon. But just like street slang, the language of business changes.

Facebook Users Warned Of Worm Attack

14 years ago from CBSNews - Science

A security software and research firm has warned that social network Facebook is the battleground for a new malware attack targeting members' comment "walls."

U.S. Warns Of Chinese Cyber-Spies

14 years ago from CBSNews - Science

Americans traveling overseas have been warned that personal information sent electronically can be stolen. No devices, from fax machines to cell phones, should be considered safe. Bob Orr reports.

Charting Tech Consumer Confidence

14 years ago from CBSNews - Science

The new CEA-CNET Consumer Sentiment Indexes are an economic index for researchers, academics, the media and the tech industry to use as an indicator of economic climate and outlook.

Protecting Web Sites From Their Members

14 years ago from CBSNews - Science

Technology analyst Larry Magid examines the protection Web sites currently have from lawsuits filed by people whose reputations are trashed on their bandwidth, and contemplates what legal safeguards might be...

How Hackers Likely Blocked Georgian Sites

14 years ago from CBSNews - Science

The Georgian government websites have been under attack, making it difficult or impossible for users to access several sites, including that of the country's president.

Intel PCs Soon To Take Wake-Up Calls

14 years ago from CBSNews - Science

Intel Corp. is unveiling a way to let computers wake up from their power-saving sleep mode when they receive a phone call over the internet.

Web War Waged For The White House

14 years ago from CBSNews - Science

Chances are, you're getting a lot more of your campaign news from e-mail, Web sites and text messages. That means a candidate's online presence - and message - is crucial....

Worst Web Glitches Of 2008 (So Far)

14 years ago from CBSNews - Science

Users' expectations are rising, and Web companies often get themselves into trouble by promising far more than they can deliver.

Bono Blamed For Online U2 Song Leak

14 years ago from CBSNews - Science

The next time U2 manager Paul McGuinness wants to rant about music piracy on the Internet, he may have to add his own boss to his list of targets.

The Value Of A Good "Twitter"

14 years ago from CBSNews - Science

On a tip from a friend, technology analyst Larry Magid has signed onto micro-blog site Twitter. He hopes to gain a following and his very own slice of stardom, but...

Japan Probing iPod Nano Fires

14 years ago from CBSNews - Science

Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry is examining three reports of overheating iPod Nanos sparking fires.