Latest science news in Mathematics & Economics

Cosmic Log: Genome prices slashed!

14 years ago from MSNBC: Science

Science editor Alan Boyle's Weblog: How much does it cost to decode your genome? Last year, the going rate was $1 million. Now prices are plunging, and hopes are rising...

NWF Welcomes Obama Energy and Environment Team

14 years ago from Newswise - Scinews

President-elect Barack Obama introduced his energy and environment team, naming Carol Browner to lead a new council on climate, environment and energy issues; Steven Chu as energy secretary; Lisa Jackson...

Obama, occasional smoker, inspires anti-smoking groups

14 years ago from CBC: Health

Anti-smoking advocates are hoping U.S. president-elect Barack Obama will become a role model for their campaigns.

California Adopts a Plan on Emissions

14 years ago from NY Times Science

California regulators on Thursday adopted the country’s first comprehensive plan for curbing emissions of heat-trapping gases.

New Technology Helps Protect US Troops From Infectious Diseases

14 years ago from Science Daily

An enhanced computerized system has been designed to assess environmental and health concerns for deployed US forces. The Global Situational Awareness Tool, developed and operated by the Air Force Special...

San Diego Supercomputer Center director offers tips on data preservation in the information age

14 years ago from Physorg

The world has gone digital in just about everything we do. Almost every iota of information we access these days is stored in some kind of digital form and accessed...

Study shows major pain research funding decline at NIH

14 years ago from

Federal funding for pain research is declining sharply, more than 9 percent a year since 2003, according to a new study published in The Journal of Pain. Pain research, as...

Irish government offers aid for pork industry after tainted meat scare

14 years ago from CBC: Health

The Irish government pledged $292 million and the European Union coughed up $24 million more Thursday to help Ireland's pork industry, a day after the European Union's food experts ruled...

BCE purchase declared dead

14 years ago from CBC: Technology & Science

The $52-billion proposed takeover of Canada's largest telecommunications company, BCE Inc., was officially declared dead early Thursday by the deal's would-be largest investor, the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan.

Credit crunch hits cash-strapped homeowners

14 years ago from

Homeowners have drawn on their biggest asset, the roof over their heads, not to fund 'champagne moments' but to get through hard times; that's the finding of a preliminary study...

New mobile telephony services

14 years ago from

ESI-Tecnalia is part of the LOMS project together with fourteen other European members. The principal objective was to overcome the difficulties between network operators and providers of local services, with...

Car key jams teen drivers' cell phones and texting

14 years ago from

University of Utah researchers have developed an automobile ignition key that prevents teenagers from talking on cell phones or sending text messages while driving. The university has obtained provisional patents...

Educational opportunities for low-income youth

14 years ago from

A five-year California-wide research study aiming to more completely understand the job-market and college-access problems of low-income youth will be led by education professors at UC San Diego and UCLA,...

Yahoo curbs severance pay in event of a takeover

14 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- In a move that could make it easier to negotiate a sale, Yahoo Inc. has overhauled a severance program that could have saddled potential buyers with a...

Dreams may no longer be secret with Japan computer screen

14 years ago from Physorg

A Japanese research team has revealed it had created a technology that could eventually display on a computer screen what people have on their minds, such as dreams.

Mouse hunting and group cards among Facebook rising stars

14 years ago from Physorg

Facebook on Wednesday threw its weight behind virtual mouse hunting and communal card crafting applications touted as rising stars at the hot social networking website.

New routes to gram-scale graphene

14 years ago from Chemistry World

Researchers produce graphene from sodium and ethanol, raising hopes of real-world applications

Merck Restructuring Puts a Focus on Generic Drugs

14 years ago from NY Times Health

A drug maker tries to reassure investors that new strategies like diversifying research through partnerships will help the company rebound.

For Biotech, a Tax Break Spells Hope

14 years ago from NY Times Health

In its pitch to Congress, the biotech industry will portray itself as a model of innovation.

Canada adopts melamine standards set by WHO

14 years ago from CBC: Health

Canada is the first country to lower its melamine standards in order to match those set recently by the World Health Organization, Canadian Health Minister Leona Aglukkaq announced Wednesday.

Tim Dowling: The bright side

14 years ago from The Guardian - Science

Retail Sales Still Falling. House Prices Still Falling. Pound Still Falling. UK Manufacturing Output Still Falling. Hey, Mr Headline Writer - tell us something we don't know. There's a recession...

Canadians opting to search rather than bookmark

14 years ago from CBC: Technology & Science

Google looks to be replacing bookmarks, as four of its top 10 Canadian search terms for the year referred to specific websites, with Facebook leading the pack.

Bell, Telus release BlackBerry Storm to take on iPhone

14 years ago from CBC: Technology & Science

Bell Canada Inc. and Telus Corp. are moving to counter the iPhone's stunning momentum in Canada with the release of their own touch-screen smartphone, the long-awaited BlackBerry Storm.

Get your TV tuned in to the digital age

14 years ago from Physorg

Perhaps you have heard about the change coming in the new year. And no, it's not just about having a new president. If you watch television, you probably have heard...

AOL re-invents its Bebo social networking website

14 years ago from Physorg

America Online on Wednesday rolled out a new version of its social-networking website Bebo in a bid to make it a central gathering point for people's online lives.

Mobile home owners have many ways to increase energy efficiency

14 years ago from Physorg

Of the 413,000 housing units in Montana in 2000, about 59,000 were mobile homes. However, almost half of existing mobile homes were manufactured before 1976, when a federal housing code...

Study: PC infections plague wire-transfer shops

14 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- For immigrants who send money to their home countries, wire-transfer shops are backbones of their neighborhoods. On some blocks in San Francisco's Mission District, every third or...

CFO Survey: Historic Recession to Last Another Year

14 years ago from Physorg

( -- Chief financial officers in the United States and around the world are more pessimistic than at any time in the history of the Duke University/CFO Magazine Global Business...