Scientists want to build a Noah’s Ark for the human microbiome
Our bodies host a vast ecosystem of bacteria, viruses and fungi. Just as scientists are beginning to understand how this microbiome supports human health, hallmarks of modern life such as antibiotics and processed foods may be pushing many of our microbial residents toward extinction. Now an international team of scientists wants to safeguard humanity’s long-term health by creating a Noah’s Ark for microbes. Taking inspiration from the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, which protects the world’s crop diversity from natural or human-made disasters, the team proposes to create the Microbiota Vault to preserve human microbiome collections that may one day be used to prevent disease. The project is both possible and prudent, a team of independent experts at two Switzerland-based firms, EvalueScience and advocacy. reports June 11. “If we are just at the beginning of really understanding and elucidating what is the role of the microbiota, it is of course precautionary to at least safeguard part of this diversity before it just goes away,”...