After outcry, disgraced sexual harasser removed from astronomy manuscript
Sunday, May 21, 2023 - 14:33
in Astronomy & Space
Within 2 weeks after a preprint was posted to arXiv on 31 March, outrage erupted on Twitter and multiple co-authors requested their names be removed. The issue wasn’t the science, which focused on the detection of exoplanets , but its authorship. To the dismay of many astronomers, Geoff Marcy was listed as the third of 16 authors. Marcy was once a prominent astronomer at the University of California (UC), Berkeley, known for leading efforts to search for planets in other solar systems, and he was key to the formation of a multi-investigator project called the Kepler Giant Planet Search (KGPS) that gathered the data behind the recent preprint. In 2015, BuzzFeed News published a...