Harnessing Remote Sensing for Ecological Research
An ecological data revolution is underway, giving ecologists unprecedented insights into Earth's systems. This revolution is driven by the integration and harmonization of multiple data sources, including NASA’s remotely sensed data. NASA's Earth Science Data Systems program oversees the life cycle of NASA's Earth science data—from acquisition through processing and distribution. The program's primary goal is to maximize the scientific return from NASA's missions and experiments for research and applied scientists, decision makers and society at large. Over the next few months the Earthdata website will showcase resources to help researchers studying topics like vegetation, species distribution, aquatic ecology, habitat suitability, and human interactions, use NASA's Earth science data in their work. The biological diversity series will feature articles, data toolkits, data pathfinders, and more, providing a variety of ways to find, visualize and use NASA data. You can view the series at the Earthdata website. By Cynthia Hall NASA Earth Science Data Systems Read more Making...